# 2. Функции ## pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__ **Functions:** | `OSCMD`(inCMDStr[, inRunAsyncBool, …]) | Execute CMD on the Agent daemonic process | | `OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrAppend`(…[, …]) | Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition) | | `OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate`(…[, …]) | Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition) | | `OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrReceive`(inFilePathStr) | Read binary file and encode in base64 to transmit (safe for JSON transmition) | | `OSFileMTimeGet`(inFilePathStr) | Read file modification time timestamp format (float) | | `OSFileTextDataStrCreate`(inFilePathStr, …) | Create text file in the agent GUI session | | `OSFileTextDataStrReceive`(inFilePathStr[, …]) | Read text file in the agent GUI session | | `ProcessWOExeUpperUserListGet`() | Return the process list only for the current user (where Agent is running) without .EXE in upper case. | ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSCMD(inCMDStr, inRunAsyncBool=True, inGSettings=None, inSendOutputToOrchestratorLogsBool=True, inCMDEncodingStr='cp1251', inCaptureBool=True) Execute CMD on the Agent daemonic process * **Параметры** * **inCMDStr** – command to execute on the Agent session * **inRunAsyncBool** – True - Agent processor don’t wait execution; False - Agent processor wait cmd execution * **inGSettings** – Agent global settings dict * **inSendOutputToOrchestratorLogsBool** – True - catch cmd execution output and send it to the Orchestrator logs; Flase - else case; Default True * **inCMDEncodingStr** – Set the encoding of the DOS window on the Agent server session. Windows is beautiful :) . Default is «cp1251» early was «cp866» - need test * **inCaptureBool** – !ATTENTION! If you need to start absolutely encapsulated app - set this flag as False. If you set True - the app output will come to Agent * **Результат** ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrAppend(inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str, inGSettings=None) Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition) ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileDataBase64Str, inGSettings=None) Create binary file by the base64 string (safe for JSON transmition) ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSFileBinaryDataBase64StrReceive(inFilePathStr, inGSettings=None) Read binary file and encode in base64 to transmit (safe for JSON transmition) * **Параметры** * **inFilePathStr** – File path to read * **inGSettings** – global settings of the Agent (singleton) * **Результат** File content in string base64 format (use base64.b64decode to decode data). Return None if file is not exist ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSFileMTimeGet(inFilePathStr: str) Read file modification time timestamp format (float) * **Параметры** **inFilePathStr** – File path to read * **Результат** timestamp (float) Return None if file is not exist ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSFileTextDataStrCreate(inFilePathStr, inFileDataStr, inEncodingStr='utf-8', inGSettings=None) Create text file in the agent GUI session * **Параметры** * **inFilePathStr** – File abs path * **inFileDataStr** – File data text content * **inEncodingStr** – Write file encoding * **inGSettings** – global settings of the Agent (singleton) * **Результат** ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.OSFileTextDataStrReceive(inFilePathStr, inEncodingStr='utf-8', inGSettings=None) Read text file in the agent GUI session * **Параметры** * **inFilePathStr** – File abs path * **inEncodingStr** – Read file encoding. Default utf-8 * **inGSettings** – global settings of the Agent (singleton) * **Результат** File text content in string format (use base64.b64decode to decode data). Return None if file is not exist ### pyOpenRPA.Agent.__Agent__.ProcessWOExeUpperUserListGet() Return the process list only for the current user (where Agent is running) without .EXE in upper case. Can use in ActivityItem from Orchestrator to Agent * **Параметры** **inProcessNameWOExeList** – * **Результат** list of the agent user process in upper case without .EXE. Example [«NOTEPAD»,»…»], .. v1.2.14 replace:: v1.2.14