
Backend: win32 or uia


by UnicodeLabs

Select element in the tree to see hierarchy list

Edit GUI selector
[{depth_start: <1+>, depth_end: <1+>, index|ctrl_index: <0+>, title: <str>, title_re: <str re pattern>, rich_text: <str>, rich_text_re: <str re pattern>, class_name: <str>, class_name_re: <str re pattern>, friendly_class_name: <str>, friendly_class_name_re: <str re pattern>, control_type: <str>, control_type_re: <str re pattern>, is_enabled: <bool>, is_visible: <bool>}]
Validate Result
Select action
Set arguments

Other activity
Sleep 3s Show dialog YesNo
Module name
Activity name
Argument list
Argument dict
Code list