# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # GUI Application automation and testing library # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Mark Mc Mahon and Contributors # https://github.com/pywinauto/pywinauto/graphs/contributors # http://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/credits.html # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of pywinauto nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Keyboard input emulation module Automate typing keys or individual key actions (viz. press and hold, release) to an active window by calling ``send_keys`` method. You can use any Unicode characters (on Windows) and some special keys listed below. The module is also available on Linux. **Available key codes:** :: {SCROLLLOCK}, {VK_SPACE}, {VK_LSHIFT}, {VK_PAUSE}, {VK_MODECHANGE}, {BACK}, {VK_HOME}, {F23}, {F22}, {F21}, {F20}, {VK_HANGEUL}, {VK_KANJI}, {VK_RIGHT}, {BS}, {HOME}, {VK_F4}, {VK_ACCEPT}, {VK_F18}, {VK_SNAPSHOT}, {VK_PA1}, {VK_NONAME}, {VK_LCONTROL}, {ZOOM}, {VK_ATTN}, {VK_F10}, {VK_F22}, {VK_F23}, {VK_F20}, {VK_F21}, {VK_SCROLL}, {TAB}, {VK_F11}, {VK_END}, {LEFT}, {VK_UP}, {NUMLOCK}, {VK_APPS}, {PGUP}, {VK_F8}, {VK_CONTROL}, {VK_LEFT}, {PRTSC}, {VK_NUMPAD4}, {CAPSLOCK}, {VK_CONVERT}, {VK_PROCESSKEY}, {ENTER}, {VK_SEPARATOR}, {VK_RWIN}, {VK_LMENU}, {VK_NEXT}, {F1}, {F2}, {F3}, {F4}, {F5}, {F6}, {F7}, {F8}, {F9}, {VK_ADD}, {VK_RCONTROL}, {VK_RETURN}, {BREAK}, {VK_NUMPAD9}, {VK_NUMPAD8}, {RWIN}, {VK_KANA}, {PGDN}, {VK_NUMPAD3}, {DEL}, {VK_NUMPAD1}, {VK_NUMPAD0}, {VK_NUMPAD7}, {VK_NUMPAD6}, {VK_NUMPAD5}, {DELETE}, {VK_PRIOR}, {VK_SUBTRACT}, {HELP}, {VK_PRINT}, {VK_BACK}, {CAP}, {VK_RBUTTON}, {VK_RSHIFT}, {VK_LWIN}, {DOWN}, {VK_HELP}, {VK_NONCONVERT}, {BACKSPACE}, {VK_SELECT}, {VK_TAB}, {VK_HANJA}, {VK_NUMPAD2}, {INSERT}, {VK_F9}, {VK_DECIMAL}, {VK_FINAL}, {VK_EXSEL}, {RMENU}, {VK_F3}, {VK_F2}, {VK_F1}, {VK_F7}, {VK_F6}, {VK_F5}, {VK_CRSEL}, {VK_SHIFT}, {VK_EREOF}, {VK_CANCEL}, {VK_DELETE}, {VK_HANGUL}, {VK_MBUTTON}, {VK_NUMLOCK}, {VK_CLEAR}, {END}, {VK_MENU}, {SPACE}, {BKSP}, {VK_INSERT}, {F18}, {F19}, {ESC}, {VK_MULTIPLY}, {F12}, {F13}, {F10}, {F11}, {F16}, {F17}, {F14}, {F15}, {F24}, {RIGHT}, {VK_F24}, {VK_CAPITAL}, {VK_LBUTTON}, {VK_OEM_CLEAR}, {VK_ESCAPE}, {UP}, {VK_DIVIDE}, {INS}, {VK_JUNJA}, {VK_F19}, {VK_EXECUTE}, {VK_PLAY}, {VK_RMENU}, {VK_F13}, {VK_F12}, {LWIN}, {VK_DOWN}, {VK_F17}, {VK_F16}, {VK_F15}, {VK_F14} **Modifiers:** - ``'+': {VK_SHIFT}`` - ``'^': {VK_CONTROL}`` - ``'%': {VK_MENU}`` a.k.a. Alt key Example how to use modifiers: :: send_keys('^a^c') # select all (Ctrl+A) and copy to clipboard (Ctrl+C) send_keys('+{INS}') # insert from clipboard (Shift+Ins) send_keys('%{F4}') # close an active window with Alt+F4 Repetition count can be specified for special keys. ``{ENTER 2}`` says to press Enter twice. Example which shows how to press and hold or release a key on the keyboard: :: send_keys("{VK_SHIFT down}" "pywinauto" "{VK_SHIFT up}") # to type PYWINAUTO send_keys("{h down}" "{e down}" "{h up}" "{e up}" "llo") # to type hello Use curly brackers to escape modifiers and type reserved symbols as single keys: :: send_keys('{^}a{^}c{%}') # type string "^a^c%" (Ctrl will not be pressed) send_keys('{{}ENTER{}}') # type string "{ENTER}" without pressing Enter key """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import sys from . import deprecated if sys.platform != 'win32': from .linux.keyboard import KeySequenceError, KeyAction, PauseAction from .linux.keyboard import handle_code, parse_keys, send_keys else: import time import ctypes import win32api import six from . import win32structures __all__ = ['KeySequenceError', 'send_keys'] # pylint: disable-msg=R0903 DEBUG = 0 GetMessageExtraInfo = ctypes.windll.user32.GetMessageExtraInfo MapVirtualKey = ctypes.windll.user32.MapVirtualKeyW SendInput = ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput UINT = ctypes.c_uint SendInput.restype = UINT SendInput.argtypes = [UINT, ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.c_int] VkKeyScan = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanW VkKeyScan.restype = ctypes.c_short VkKeyScan.argtypes = [ctypes.c_wchar] INPUT_KEYBOARD = 1 KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY = 1 KEYEVENTF_KEYUP = 2 KEYEVENTF_UNICODE = 4 KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE = 8 VK_SHIFT = 16 VK_CONTROL = 17 VK_MENU = 18 # 'codes' recognized as {CODE( repeat)?} CODES = { 'BACK': 8, 'BACKSPACE': 8, 'BKSP': 8, 'BREAK': 3, 'BS': 8, 'CAP': 20, 'CAPSLOCK': 20, 'DEL': 46, 'DELETE': 46, 'DOWN': 40, 'END': 35, 'ENTER': 13, 'ESC': 27, 'F1': 112, 'F2': 113, 'F3': 114, 'F4': 115, 'F5': 116, 'F6': 117, 'F7': 118, 'F8': 119, 'F9': 120, 'F10': 121, 'F11': 122, 'F12': 123, 'F13': 124, 'F14': 125, 'F15': 126, 'F16': 127, 'F17': 128, 'F18': 129, 'F19': 130, 'F20': 131, 'F21': 132, 'F22': 133, 'F23': 134, 'F24': 135, 'HELP': 47, 'HOME': 36, 'INS': 45, 'INSERT': 45, 'LEFT': 37, 'LWIN': 91, 'NUMLOCK': 144, 'PGDN': 34, 'PGUP': 33, 'PRTSC': 44, 'RIGHT': 39, 'RMENU': 165, 'RWIN': 92, 'SCROLLLOCK': 145, 'SPACE': 32, 'TAB': 9, 'UP': 38, 'VK_ACCEPT': 30, 'VK_ADD': 107, 'VK_APPS': 93, 'VK_ATTN': 246, 'VK_BACK': 8, 'VK_CANCEL': 3, 'VK_CAPITAL': 20, 'VK_CLEAR': 12, 'VK_CONTROL': 17, 'VK_CONVERT': 28, 'VK_CRSEL': 247, 'VK_DECIMAL': 110, 'VK_DELETE': 46, 'VK_DIVIDE': 111, 'VK_DOWN': 40, 'VK_END': 35, 'VK_EREOF': 249, 'VK_ESCAPE': 27, 'VK_EXECUTE': 43, 'VK_EXSEL': 248, 'VK_F1': 112, 'VK_F2': 113, 'VK_F3': 114, 'VK_F4': 115, 'VK_F5': 116, 'VK_F6': 117, 'VK_F7': 118, 'VK_F8': 119, 'VK_F9': 120, 'VK_F10': 121, 'VK_F11': 122, 'VK_F12': 123, 'VK_F13': 124, 'VK_F14': 125, 'VK_F15': 126, 'VK_F16': 127, 'VK_F17': 128, 'VK_F18': 129, 'VK_F19': 130, 'VK_F20': 131, 'VK_F21': 132, 'VK_F22': 133, 'VK_F23': 134, 'VK_F24': 135, 'VK_FINAL': 24, 'VK_HANGEUL': 21, 'VK_HANGUL': 21, 'VK_HANJA': 25, 'VK_HELP': 47, 'VK_HOME': 36, 'VK_INSERT': 45, 'VK_JUNJA': 23, 'VK_KANA': 21, 'VK_KANJI': 25, 'VK_LBUTTON': 1, 'VK_LCONTROL': 162, 'VK_LEFT': 37, 'VK_LMENU': 164, 'VK_LSHIFT': 160, 'VK_LWIN': 91, 'VK_MBUTTON': 4, 'VK_MENU': 18, 'VK_MODECHANGE': 31, 'VK_MULTIPLY': 106, 'VK_NEXT': 34, 'VK_NONAME': 252, 'VK_NONCONVERT': 29, 'VK_NUMLOCK': 144, 'VK_NUMPAD0': 96, 'VK_NUMPAD1': 97, 'VK_NUMPAD2': 98, 'VK_NUMPAD3': 99, 'VK_NUMPAD4': 100, 'VK_NUMPAD5': 101, 'VK_NUMPAD6': 102, 'VK_NUMPAD7': 103, 'VK_NUMPAD8': 104, 'VK_NUMPAD9': 105, 'VK_OEM_CLEAR': 254, 'VK_PA1': 253, 'VK_PAUSE': 19, 'VK_PLAY': 250, 'VK_PRINT': 42, 'VK_PRIOR': 33, 'VK_PROCESSKEY': 229, 'VK_RBUTTON': 2, 'VK_RCONTROL': 163, 'VK_RETURN': 13, 'VK_RIGHT': 39, 'VK_RMENU': 165, 'VK_RSHIFT': 161, 'VK_RWIN': 92, 'VK_SCROLL': 145, 'VK_SELECT': 41, 'VK_SEPARATOR': 108, 'VK_SHIFT': 16, 'VK_SNAPSHOT': 44, 'VK_SPACE': 32, 'VK_SUBTRACT': 109, 'VK_TAB': 9, 'VK_UP': 38, 'ZOOM': 251, } # reverse the CODES dict to make it easy to look up a particular code name CODE_NAMES = dict((entry[1], entry[0]) for entry in CODES.items()) # modifier keys MODIFIERS = { '+': VK_SHIFT, '^': VK_CONTROL, '%': VK_MENU, } class KeySequenceError(Exception): """Exception raised when a key sequence string has a syntax error""" def __str__(self): return ' '.join(self.args) class KeyAction(object): """Class that represents a single keyboard action It represents either a PAUSE action (not really keyboard) or a keyboard action (press or release or both) of a particular key. """ def __init__(self, key, down=True, up=True): self.key = key if isinstance(self.key, six.string_types): self.key = six.text_type(key) self.down = down self.up = up def _get_key_info(self): """Return virtual_key, scan_code, and flags for the action This is one of the methods that will be overridden by sub classes. """ return 0, ord(self.key), KEYEVENTF_UNICODE def get_key_info(self): """Return virtual_key, scan_code, and flags for the action This is one of the methods that will be overridden by sub classes. """ return self._get_key_info() def GetInput(self): """Build the INPUT structure for the action""" actions = 1 # if both up and down if self.up and self.down: actions = 2 inputs = (win32structures.INPUT * actions)() vk, scan, flags = self._get_key_info() for inp in inputs: inp.type = INPUT_KEYBOARD inp.ki.wVk = vk inp.ki.wScan = scan inp.ki.dwFlags |= flags # it seems to return 0 every time but it's required by MSDN specification # so call it just in case inp.ki.dwExtraInfo = GetMessageExtraInfo() # if we are releasing - then let it up if self.up: inputs[-1].ki.dwFlags |= KEYEVENTF_KEYUP return inputs def run(self): """Execute the action""" inputs = self.GetInput() # SendInput() supports all Unicode symbols num_inserted_events = SendInput(len(inputs), ctypes.byref(inputs), ctypes.sizeof(win32structures.INPUT)) if num_inserted_events != len(inputs): raise RuntimeError('SendInput() inserted only ' + str(num_inserted_events) + ' out of ' + str(len(inputs)) + ' keyboard events') def _get_down_up_string(self): """Return a string that will show whether the string is up or down return 'down' if the key is a press only return 'up' if the key is up only return '' if the key is up & down (as default) """ down_up = "" if not (self.down and self.up): if self.down: down_up = "down" elif self.up: down_up = "up" return down_up def key_description(self): """Return a description of the key""" vk, scan, flags = self._get_key_info() desc = '' if vk: if vk in CODE_NAMES: desc = CODE_NAMES[vk] else: desc = "VK {}".format(vk) else: desc = "{}".format(self.key) return desc def __str__(self): parts = [] parts.append(self.key_description()) up_down = self._get_down_up_string() if up_down: parts.append(up_down) return "<{}>".format(" ".join(parts)) __repr__ = __str__ class VirtualKeyAction(KeyAction): """Represents a virtual key action e.g. F9 DOWN, etc Overrides necessary methods of KeyAction """ def _get_key_info(self): """Virtual keys have extended flag set""" # copied more or less verbatim from # http://www.pinvoke.net/default.aspx/user32.sendinput if 33 <= self.key <= 46 or 91 <= self.key <= 93: flags = KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY else: flags = 0 # This works for %{F4} - ALT + F4 # return self.key, 0, 0 # this works for Tic Tac Toe i.e. +{RIGHT} SHIFT + RIGHT return self.key, MapVirtualKey(self.key, 0), flags def run(self): """Execute the action""" # it works more stable for virtual keys than SendInput for inp in self.GetInput(): win32api.keybd_event(inp.ki.wVk, inp.ki.wScan, inp.ki.dwFlags) class EscapedKeyAction(KeyAction): """Represents an escaped key action e.g. F9 DOWN, etc Overrides necessary methods of KeyAction """ def _get_key_info(self): """EscapedKeyAction doesn't send it as Unicode The vk and scan code are generated differently. """ vkey_scan = LoByte(VkKeyScan(self.key)) return (vkey_scan, MapVirtualKey(vkey_scan, 0), 0) def key_description(self): """Return a description of the key""" return "KEsc {}".format(self.key) def run(self): """Execute the action""" # it works more stable for virtual keys than SendInput for inp in self.GetInput(): win32api.keybd_event(inp.ki.wVk, inp.ki.wScan, inp.ki.dwFlags) class PauseAction(KeyAction): """Represents a pause action""" def __init__(self, how_long): self.how_long = how_long def run(self): """Pause for the lenght of time specified""" time.sleep(self.how_long) def __str__(self): return "<PAUSE %1.2f>" % (self.how_long) __repr__ = __str__ def handle_code(code): """Handle a key or sequence of keys in braces""" code_keys = [] # it is a known code (e.g. {DOWN}, {ENTER}, etc) if code in CODES: code_keys.append(VirtualKeyAction(CODES[code])) # it is an escaped modifier e.g. {%}, {^}, {+} elif len(code) == 1: code_keys.append(KeyAction(code)) # it is a repetition or a pause {DOWN 5}, {PAUSE 1.3} elif ' ' in code: to_repeat, count = code.rsplit(None, 1) if to_repeat == "PAUSE": try: pause_time = float(count) except ValueError: raise KeySequenceError('invalid pause time %s'% count) code_keys.append(PauseAction(pause_time)) else: try: count = int(count) except ValueError: raise KeySequenceError( 'invalid repetition count {}'.format(count)) # If the value in to_repeat is a VK e.g. DOWN # we need to add the code repeated if to_repeat in CODES: code_keys.extend( [VirtualKeyAction(CODES[to_repeat])] * count) # otherwise parse the keys and we get back a KeyAction else: to_repeat = parse_keys(to_repeat) if isinstance(to_repeat, list): keys = to_repeat * count else: keys = [to_repeat] * count code_keys.extend(keys) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown code: {}".format(code)) return code_keys def parse_keys(string, with_spaces=False, with_tabs=False, with_newlines=False, modifiers=None): """Return the parsed keys""" keys = [] if not modifiers: modifiers = [] should_escape_next_keys = False index = 0 while index < len(string): c = string[index] index += 1 # check if one of CTRL, SHIFT, ALT has been pressed if c in MODIFIERS.keys(): modifier = MODIFIERS[c] # remember that we are currently modified modifiers.append(modifier) # hold down the modifier key keys.append(VirtualKeyAction(modifier, up=False)) if DEBUG: print("MODS+", modifiers) continue # Apply modifiers over a bunch of characters (not just one!) elif c == "(": # find the end of the bracketed text end_pos = string.find(")", index) if end_pos == -1: raise KeySequenceError('`)` not found') keys.extend( parse_keys(string[index:end_pos], modifiers=modifiers)) index = end_pos + 1 # Escape or named key elif c == "{": # We start searching from index + 1 to account for the case {}} end_pos = string.find("}", index+1) if end_pos == -1: raise KeySequenceError('`}` not found') code = string[index:end_pos] index = end_pos + 1 key_events = [' up', ' down'] current_key_event = None if any(key_event in code.lower() for key_event in key_events): code, current_key_event = code.split(' ') should_escape_next_keys = True current_keys = handle_code(code) if current_key_event is not None: if isinstance(current_keys[0].key, six.string_types): current_keys[0] = EscapedKeyAction(current_keys[0].key) if current_key_event.strip() == 'up': current_keys[0].down = False else: current_keys[0].up = False keys.extend(current_keys) # unmatched ")" elif c == ')': raise KeySequenceError('`)` should be preceeded by `(`') # unmatched "}" elif c == '}': raise KeySequenceError('`}` should be preceeded by `{`') # so it is a normal character else: # don't output white space unless flags to output have been set if (c == ' ' and not with_spaces or \ c == '\t' and not with_tabs or \ c == '\n' and not with_newlines): continue # output newline if c in ('~', '\n'): keys.append(VirtualKeyAction(CODES["ENTER"])) # safest are the virtual keys - so if our key is a virtual key # use a VirtualKeyAction # if ord(c) in CODE_NAMES: # keys.append(VirtualKeyAction(ord(c))) elif modifiers or should_escape_next_keys: keys.append(EscapedKeyAction(c)) else: keys.append(KeyAction(c)) # as we have handled the text - release the modifiers while modifiers: if DEBUG: print("MODS-", modifiers) keys.append(VirtualKeyAction(modifiers.pop(), down=False)) # just in case there were any modifiers left pressed - release them while modifiers: keys.append(VirtualKeyAction(modifiers.pop(), down=False)) return keys def LoByte(val): """Return the low byte of the value""" return val & 0xff def HiByte(val): """Return the high byte of the value""" return (val & 0xff00) >> 8 def send_keys(keys, pause=0.05, with_spaces=False, with_tabs=False, with_newlines=False, turn_off_numlock=True): """Parse the keys and type them""" keys = parse_keys(keys, with_spaces, with_tabs, with_newlines) for k in keys: k.run() time.sleep(pause) SendKeys = deprecated(send_keys)