Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: jupyterlab-pygments Version: 0.2.2 Summary: Pygments theme using JupyterLab CSS variables Home-page: Author: Jupyter Development Team Author-email: License: BSD Keywords: jupyter,jupyterlab,JupyterLab3,pygments Platform: UNKNOWN Requires-Python: >=3.7 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown License-File: LICENSE # JupyterLab Pygments Theme This package contains a syntax coloring theme for [pygments]( making use of the JupyterLab CSS variables. The goal is to enable the use of JupyterLab's themes with pygments-generated HTML. ## Screencast In the following screencast, we demonstrate how Pygments-highlighted code can make use of the JupyterLab theme. ![pygments screencast](pygments.gif) ## Installation `jupyterlab_pygments` can be installed with the conda package manager ``` conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab_pygments ``` or from pypi ``` pip install jupyterlab_pygments ``` ## Dependencies - `jupyterlab_pygments` requires [pygments]( version `2.4.1`. - The CSS variables used by the theme correspond to the CodeMirror syntex coloring theme defined in the NPM package [@jupyterlab/codemirror]( Supported versions for `@jupyterlab/codemirror`'s CSS include `0.19.1`, `^1.0`, and, `^2.0`. ## Limitations Pygments-generated HTML and CSS classes are not granular enough to reproduce all of the details of codemirror (the JavaScript text editor used by JupyterLab). This includes the ability to differentiate properties from general names. ## License `jupyterlab_pygments` uses a shared copyright model that enables all contributors to maintain the copyright on their contributions. All code is licensed under the terms of the revised [BSD license](LICENSE).