import csv import email.message import json import logging import pathlib import re import zipfile from typing import ( IO, TYPE_CHECKING, Collection, Container, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union, ) from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement from pip._vendor.packaging.specifiers import InvalidSpecifier, SpecifierSet from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import NormalizedName from pip._vendor.packaging.version import LegacyVersion, Version from pip._internal.exceptions import NoneMetadataError from pip._internal.locations import site_packages, user_site from pip._internal.models.direct_url import ( DIRECT_URL_METADATA_NAME, DirectUrl, DirectUrlValidationError, ) from pip._internal.utils.compat import stdlib_pkgs # TODO: Move definition here. from pip._internal.utils.egg_link import ( egg_link_path_from_location, egg_link_path_from_sys_path, ) from pip._internal.utils.misc import is_local, normalize_path from pip._internal.utils.urls import url_to_path if TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Protocol else: Protocol = object DistributionVersion = Union[LegacyVersion, Version] InfoPath = Union[str, pathlib.PurePosixPath] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseEntryPoint(Protocol): @property def name(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @property def value(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() @property def group(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() def _convert_installed_files_path( entry: Tuple[str, ...], info: Tuple[str, ...], ) -> str: """Convert a legacy installed-files.txt path into modern RECORD path. The legacy format stores paths relative to the info directory, while the modern format stores paths relative to the package root, e.g. the site-packages directory. :param entry: Path parts of the installed-files.txt entry. :param info: Path parts of the egg-info directory relative to package root. :returns: The converted entry. For best compatibility with symlinks, this does not use ``abspath()`` or ``Path.resolve()``, but tries to work with path parts: 1. While ``entry`` starts with ``..``, remove the equal amounts of parts from ``info``; if ``info`` is empty, start appending ``..`` instead. 2. Join the two directly. """ while entry and entry[0] == "..": if not info or info[-1] == "..": info += ("..",) else: info = info[:-1] entry = entry[1:] return str(pathlib.Path(*info, *entry)) class BaseDistribution(Protocol): def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"{self.raw_name} {self.version} ({self.location})" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.raw_name} {self.version}" @property def location(self) -> Optional[str]: """Where the distribution is loaded from. A string value is not necessarily a filesystem path, since distributions can be loaded from other sources, e.g. arbitrary zip archives. ``None`` means the distribution is created in-memory. Do not canonicalize this value with e.g. ``pathlib.Path.resolve()``. If this is a symbolic link, we want to preserve the relative path between it and files in the distribution. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def editable_project_location(self) -> Optional[str]: """The project location for editable distributions. This is the directory where pyproject.toml or is located. None if the distribution is not installed in editable mode. """ # TODO: this property is relatively costly to compute, memoize it ? direct_url = self.direct_url if direct_url: if direct_url.is_local_editable(): return url_to_path(direct_url.url) else: # Search for an .egg-link file by walking sys.path, as it was # done before by dist_is_editable(). egg_link_path = egg_link_path_from_sys_path(self.raw_name) if egg_link_path: # TODO: get project location from second line of egg_link file # ( return self.location return None @property def installed_location(self) -> Optional[str]: """The distribution's "installed" location. This should generally be a ``site-packages`` directory. This is usually ``dist.location``, except for legacy develop-installed packages, where ``dist.location`` is the source code location, and this is where the ``.egg-link`` file is. The returned location is normalized (in particular, with symlinks removed). """ egg_link = egg_link_path_from_location(self.raw_name) if egg_link: location = egg_link elif self.location: location = self.location else: return None return normalize_path(location) @property def info_location(self) -> Optional[str]: """Location of the .[egg|dist]-info directory or file. Similarly to ``location``, a string value is not necessarily a filesystem path. ``None`` means the distribution is created in-memory. For a modern .dist-info installation on disk, this should be something like ``{location}/{raw_name}-{version}.dist-info``. Do not canonicalize this value with e.g. ``pathlib.Path.resolve()``. If this is a symbolic link, we want to preserve the relative path between it and other files in the distribution. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def installed_by_distutils(self) -> bool: """Whether this distribution is installed with legacy distutils format. A distribution installed with "raw" distutils not patched by setuptools uses one single file at ``info_location`` to store metadata. We need to treat this specially on uninstallation. """ info_location = self.info_location if not info_location: return False return pathlib.Path(info_location).is_file() @property def installed_as_egg(self) -> bool: """Whether this distribution is installed as an egg. This usually indicates the distribution was installed by (older versions of) easy_install. """ location = self.location if not location: return False return location.endswith(".egg") @property def installed_with_setuptools_egg_info(self) -> bool: """Whether this distribution is installed with the ``.egg-info`` format. This usually indicates the distribution was installed with setuptools with an old pip version or with ``single-version-externally-managed``. Note that this ensure the metadata store is a directory. distutils can also installs an ``.egg-info``, but as a file, not a directory. This property is *False* for that case. Also see ``installed_by_distutils``. """ info_location = self.info_location if not info_location: return False if not info_location.endswith(".egg-info"): return False return pathlib.Path(info_location).is_dir() @property def installed_with_dist_info(self) -> bool: """Whether this distribution is installed with the "modern format". This indicates a "modern" installation, e.g. storing metadata in the ``.dist-info`` directory. This applies to installations made by setuptools (but through pip, not directly), or anything using the standardized build backend interface (PEP 517). """ info_location = self.info_location if not info_location: return False if not info_location.endswith(".dist-info"): return False return pathlib.Path(info_location).is_dir() @property def canonical_name(self) -> NormalizedName: raise NotImplementedError() @property def version(self) -> DistributionVersion: raise NotImplementedError() @property def setuptools_filename(self) -> str: """Convert a project name to its setuptools-compatible filename. This is a copy of ``pkg_resources.to_filename()`` for compatibility. """ return self.raw_name.replace("-", "_") @property def direct_url(self) -> Optional[DirectUrl]: """Obtain a DirectUrl from this distribution. Returns None if the distribution has no `direct_url.json` metadata, or if `direct_url.json` is invalid. """ try: content = self.read_text(DIRECT_URL_METADATA_NAME) except FileNotFoundError: return None try: return DirectUrl.from_json(content) except ( UnicodeDecodeError, json.JSONDecodeError, DirectUrlValidationError, ) as e: logger.warning( "Error parsing %s for %s: %s", DIRECT_URL_METADATA_NAME, self.canonical_name, e, ) return None @property def installer(self) -> str: try: installer_text = self.read_text("INSTALLER") except (OSError, ValueError, NoneMetadataError): return "" # Fail silently if the installer file cannot be read. for line in installer_text.splitlines(): cleaned_line = line.strip() if cleaned_line: return cleaned_line return "" @property def editable(self) -> bool: return bool(self.editable_project_location) @property def local(self) -> bool: """If distribution is installed in the current virtual environment. Always True if we're not in a virtualenv. """ if self.installed_location is None: return False return is_local(self.installed_location) @property def in_usersite(self) -> bool: if self.installed_location is None or user_site is None: return False return self.installed_location.startswith(normalize_path(user_site)) @property def in_site_packages(self) -> bool: if self.installed_location is None or site_packages is None: return False return self.installed_location.startswith(normalize_path(site_packages)) def is_file(self, path: InfoPath) -> bool: """Check whether an entry in the info directory is a file.""" raise NotImplementedError() def iterdir(self, path: InfoPath) -> Iterator[pathlib.PurePosixPath]: """Iterate through a directory in the info directory. Each item yielded would be a path relative to the info directory. :raise FileNotFoundError: If ``name`` does not exist in the directory. :raise NotADirectoryError: If ``name`` does not point to a directory. """ raise NotImplementedError() def read_text(self, path: InfoPath) -> str: """Read a file in the info directory. :raise FileNotFoundError: If ``name`` does not exist in the directory. :raise NoneMetadataError: If ``name`` exists in the info directory, but cannot be read. """ raise NotImplementedError() def iter_entry_points(self) -> Iterable[BaseEntryPoint]: raise NotImplementedError() @property def metadata(self) -> email.message.Message: """Metadata of distribution parsed from e.g. METADATA or PKG-INFO. This should return an empty message if the metadata file is unavailable. :raises NoneMetadataError: If the metadata file is available, but does not contain valid metadata. """ raise NotImplementedError() @property def metadata_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Value of "Metadata-Version:" in distribution metadata, if available.""" return self.metadata.get("Metadata-Version") @property def raw_name(self) -> str: """Value of "Name:" in distribution metadata.""" # The metadata should NEVER be missing the Name: key, but if it somehow # does, fall back to the known canonical name. return self.metadata.get("Name", self.canonical_name) @property def requires_python(self) -> SpecifierSet: """Value of "Requires-Python:" in distribution metadata. If the key does not exist or contains an invalid value, an empty SpecifierSet should be returned. """ value = self.metadata.get("Requires-Python") if value is None: return SpecifierSet() try: # Convert to str to satisfy the type checker; this can be a Header object. spec = SpecifierSet(str(value)) except InvalidSpecifier as e: message = "Package %r has an invalid Requires-Python: %s" logger.warning(message, self.raw_name, e) return SpecifierSet() return spec def iter_dependencies(self, extras: Collection[str] = ()) -> Iterable[Requirement]: """Dependencies of this distribution. For modern .dist-info distributions, this is the collection of "Requires-Dist:" entries in distribution metadata. """ raise NotImplementedError() def iter_provided_extras(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Extras provided by this distribution. For modern .dist-info distributions, this is the collection of "Provides-Extra:" entries in distribution metadata. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _iter_declared_entries_from_record(self) -> Optional[Iterator[str]]: try: text = self.read_text("RECORD") except FileNotFoundError: return None # This extra Path-str cast normalizes entries. return (str(pathlib.Path(row[0])) for row in csv.reader(text.splitlines())) def _iter_declared_entries_from_legacy(self) -> Optional[Iterator[str]]: try: text = self.read_text("installed-files.txt") except FileNotFoundError: return None paths = (p for p in text.splitlines(keepends=False) if p) root = self.location info = self.info_location if root is None or info is None: return paths try: info_rel = pathlib.Path(info).relative_to(root) except ValueError: # info is not relative to root. return paths if not # info *is* root. return paths return ( _convert_installed_files_path(pathlib.Path(p).parts, for p in paths ) def iter_declared_entries(self) -> Optional[Iterator[str]]: """Iterate through file entires declared in this distribution. For modern .dist-info distributions, this is the files listed in the ``RECORD`` metadata file. For legacy setuptools distributions, this comes from ``installed-files.txt``, with entries normalized to be compatible with the format used by ``RECORD``. :return: An iterator for listed entries, or None if the distribution contains neither ``RECORD`` nor ``installed-files.txt``. """ return ( self._iter_declared_entries_from_record() or self._iter_declared_entries_from_legacy() ) class BaseEnvironment: """An environment containing distributions to introspect.""" @classmethod def default(cls) -> "BaseEnvironment": raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def from_paths(cls, paths: Optional[List[str]]) -> "BaseEnvironment": raise NotImplementedError() def get_distribution(self, name: str) -> Optional["BaseDistribution"]: """Given a requirement name, return the installed distributions. The name may not be normalized. The implementation must canonicalize it for lookup. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _iter_distributions(self) -> Iterator["BaseDistribution"]: """Iterate through installed distributions. This function should be implemented by subclass, but never called directly. Use the public ``iter_distribution()`` instead, which implements additional logic to make sure the distributions are valid. """ raise NotImplementedError() def iter_distributions(self) -> Iterator["BaseDistribution"]: """Iterate through installed distributions.""" for dist in self._iter_distributions(): # Make sure the distribution actually comes from a valid Python # packaging distribution. Pip's AdjacentTempDirectory leaves folders # e.g. ``~atplotlib.dist-info`` if cleanup was interrupted. The # valid project name pattern is taken from PEP 508. project_name_valid = re.match( r"^([A-Z0-9]|[A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9._-]*[A-Z0-9])$", dist.canonical_name, flags=re.IGNORECASE, ) if not project_name_valid: logger.warning( "Ignoring invalid distribution %s (%s)", dist.canonical_name, dist.location, ) continue yield dist def iter_installed_distributions( self, local_only: bool = True, skip: Container[str] = stdlib_pkgs, include_editables: bool = True, editables_only: bool = False, user_only: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[BaseDistribution]: """Return a list of installed distributions. :param local_only: If True (default), only return installations local to the current virtualenv, if in a virtualenv. :param skip: An iterable of canonicalized project names to ignore; defaults to ``stdlib_pkgs``. :param include_editables: If False, don't report editables. :param editables_only: If True, only report editables. :param user_only: If True, only report installations in the user site directory. """ it = self.iter_distributions() if local_only: it = (d for d in it if d.local) if not include_editables: it = (d for d in it if not d.editable) if editables_only: it = (d for d in it if d.editable) if user_only: it = (d for d in it if d.in_usersite) return (d for d in it if d.canonical_name not in skip) class Wheel(Protocol): location: str def as_zipfile(self) -> zipfile.ZipFile: raise NotImplementedError() class FilesystemWheel(Wheel): def __init__(self, location: str) -> None: self.location = location def as_zipfile(self) -> zipfile.ZipFile: return zipfile.ZipFile(self.location, allowZip64=True) class MemoryWheel(Wheel): def __init__(self, location: str, stream: IO[bytes]) -> None: self.location = location = stream def as_zipfile(self) -> zipfile.ZipFile: return zipfile.ZipFile(, allowZip64=True)