# This module contains all the Windows-specific code to create native # message boxes using the winapi. # If you'd like to learn more about calling the winapi functions from # Python, you can check out my other module "nicewin" to see nicely-documented # examples. It is at https://github.com/asweigart/nicewin # The documentation for the MessageBox winapi is at: # https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/winuser/nf-winuser-messagebox import sys, ctypes import pymsgbox MB_OK = 0x0 MB_OKCANCEL = 0x1 MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE = 0x2 MB_YESNOCANCEL = 0x3 MB_YESNO = 0x4 MB_RETRYCANCEL = 0x5 MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE = 0x6 NO_ICON = 0 STOP = MB_ICONHAND = MB_ICONSTOP = MB_ICONERRPR = 0x10 QUESTION = MB_ICONQUESTION = 0x20 WARNING = MB_ICONEXCLAIMATION = 0x30 INFO = MB_ICONASTERISK = MB_ICONINFOMRAITON = 0x40 MB_DEFAULTBUTTON1 = 0x0 MB_DEFAULTBUTTON2 = 0x100 MB_DEFAULTBUTTON3 = 0x200 MB_DEFAULTBUTTON4 = 0x300 MB_SETFOREGROUND = 0x10000 MB_TOPMOST = 0x40000 IDABORT = 0x3 IDCANCEL = 0x2 IDCONTINUE = 0x11 IDIGNORE = 0x5 IDNO = 0x7 IDOK = 0x1 IDRETRY = 0x4 IDTRYAGAIN = 0x10 IDYES = 0x6 runningOnPython2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2 if runningOnPython2: messageBoxFunc = ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxA else: # Python 3 functions. messageBoxFunc = ctypes.windll.user32.MessageBoxW def alert( text="", title="", button=pymsgbox.OK_TEXT, root=None, timeout=None, icon=NO_ICON, _tkinter=False, ): """Displays a simple message box with text and a single OK button. Returns the text of the button clicked on.""" text = str(text) if (_tkinter) or (timeout is not None) or (button != pymsgbox.OK_TEXT): # Timeouts are not supported by Windows message boxes. # Call the original tkinter alert function, not this native one: return pymsgbox._alertTkinter(text, title, button, root, timeout) messageBoxFunc(0, text, title, MB_OK | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_TOPMOST | icon) return button def confirm( text="", title="", buttons=(pymsgbox.OK_TEXT, pymsgbox.CANCEL_TEXT), root=None, timeout=None, icon=QUESTION, _tkinter=False, ): """Displays a message box with OK and Cancel buttons. Number and text of buttons can be customized. Returns the text of the button clicked on.""" text = str(text) buttonFlag = None if len(buttons) == 1: if buttons[0] == pymsgbox.OK_TEXT: buttonFlag = MB_OK elif len(buttons) == 2: if buttons[0] == pymsgbox.OK_TEXT and buttons[1] == pymsgbox.CANCEL_TEXT: buttonFlag = MB_OKCANCEL elif buttons[0] == pymsgbox.YES_TEXT and buttons[1] == pymsgbox.NO_TEXT: buttonFlag = MB_YESNO elif buttons[0] == pymsgbox.RETRY_TEXT and buttons[1] == pymsgbox.CANCEL_TEXT: buttonFlag = MB_RETRYCANCEL elif len(buttons) == 3: if ( buttons[0] == pymsgbox.ABORT_TEXT and buttons[1] == pymsgbox.RETRY_TEXT and buttons[2] == pymsgbox.IGNORE_TEXT ): buttonFlag = MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE elif ( buttons[0] == pymsgbox.CANCEL_TEXT and buttons[1] == pymsgbox.TRY_AGAIN_TEXT and buttons[2] == pymsgbox.CONTINUE_TEXT ): buttonFlag = MB_CANCELTRYCONTINUE elif ( buttons[0] == pymsgbox.YES_TEXT and buttons[1] == pymsgbox.NO_TEXT and buttons[2] == pymsgbox.CANCEL_TEXT ): buttonFlag = MB_YESNOCANCEL if (_tkinter) or (timeout is not None) or (buttonFlag is None): # Call the original tkinter confirm() function, not this native one: return pymsgbox._confirmTkinter(text, title, buttons, root, timeout) retVal = messageBoxFunc( 0, text, title, buttonFlag | MB_SETFOREGROUND | MB_TOPMOST | icon ) if retVal == IDOK or len(buttons) == 1: return pymsgbox.OK_TEXT elif retVal == IDCANCEL: return pymsgbox.CANCEL_TEXT elif retVal == IDYES: return pymsgbox.YES_TEXT elif retVal == IDNO: return pymsgbox.NO_TEXT elif retVal == IDTRYAGAIN: return pymsgbox.TRY_TEXT elif retVal == IDRETRY: return pymsgbox.RETRY_TEXT elif retVal == IDIGNORE: return pymsgbox.IGNORE_TEXT elif retVal == IDCONTINUE: return pymsgbox.CONTINUE_TEXT elif retVal == IDABORT: return pymsgbox.ABORT_TEXT else: assert False, "Unexpected return value from MessageBox: %s" % (retVal) ''' def prompt(text='', title='' , default=''): """Displays a message box with text input, and OK & Cancel buttons. Returns the text entered, or None if Cancel was clicked.""" pass def password(text='', title='', default='', mask='*'): """Displays a message box with text input, and OK & Cancel buttons. Typed characters appear as *. Returns the text entered, or None if Cancel was clicked.""" pass '''