Metadata-Version: 2.1 Name: PyGetWindow Version: 0.0.9 Summary: A simple, cross-platform module for obtaining GUI information on application's windows. Home-page: Author: Al Sweigart Author-email: License: BSD Keywords: gui window geometry resize minimize maximize close title Platform: UNKNOWN Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta Classifier: Environment :: Win32 (MS Windows) Classifier: Environment :: X11 Applications Classifier: Environment :: MacOS X Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent Classifier: Programming Language :: Python Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7 Description-Content-Type: text/markdown PyGetWindow =========== A simple, cross-platform module for obtaining GUI information on and controlling application's windows. Still under development. Currently only the Windows platform is implemented. If you want to help contribute, please contact! Install ------- pip install pygetwindow Examples -------- (For this example, I'm using Windows and opened the Notepad application, which has a title of "Untitled - Notepad". Most of the effects of these functions can't be seen in text.) PyGetWindow has functions for obtaining ``Window`` objects from a place on the screen, from the window title, or just getting all windows. (``hWnd`` is specific to the Windows platform.) >>> import pygetwindow as gw >>> gw.getAllTitles() ('', 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe - pipenv shell - python', 'C:\\github\\PyGetWindow\\ • - Sublime Text', "asweigart/PyGetWindow: A simple, cross-platform module for obtaining GUI information on application's windows. - Google Chrome", 'Untitled - Notepad', 'C:\\Users\\Al\\Desktop\\ • - Sublime Text', ' - Google Chrome', 'Xlib Programming Manual: XGetWindowAttributes - Google Chrome', 'Generic Ubuntu Box [Running] - Oracle VM VirtualBox', 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Microsoft Edge', '', 'Microsoft Edge', 'Settings', 'Settings', 'Microsoft Store', 'Microsoft Store', '', '', 'Backup and Sync', 'Google Hangouts -', 'Downloads', '', '', 'Program Manager') >>> gw.getAllWindows() (Win32Window(hWnd=131318), Win32Window(hWnd=1050492), Win32Window(hWnd=67206), Win32Window(hWnd=66754), Win32Window(hWnd=264354), Win32Window(hWnd=329210), Win32Window(hWnd=1114374), Win32Window(hWnd=852550), Win32Window(hWnd=328358), Win32Window(hWnd=66998), Win32Window(hWnd=132508), Win32Window(hWnd=66964), Win32Window(hWnd=66882), Win32Window(hWnd=197282), Win32Window(hWnd=393880), Win32Window(hWnd=66810), Win32Window(hWnd=328466), Win32Window(hWnd=132332), Win32Window(hWnd=262904), Win32Window(hWnd=65962), Win32Window(hWnd=65956), Win32Window(hWnd=197522), Win32Window(hWnd=131944), Win32Window(hWnd=329334), Win32Window(hWnd=395034), Win32Window(hWnd=132928), Win32Window(hWnd=65882)) >>> gw.getWindowsWithTitle('Untitled') (Win32Window(hWnd=264354),) >>> gw.getActiveWindow() Win32Window(hWnd=1050492) >>> gw.getActiveWindow().title 'C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\cmd.exe - pipenv shell - python' >>> gw.getWindowsAt(10, 10) (Win32Window(hWnd=67206), Win32Window(hWnd=66754), Win32Window(hWnd=329210), Win32Window(hWnd=1114374), Win32Window(hWnd=852550), Win32Window(hWnd=132508), Win32Window(hWnd=66964), Win32Window(hWnd=66882), Win32Window(hWnd=197282), Win32Window(hWnd=393880), Win32Window(hWnd=66810), Win32Window(hWnd=328466), Win32Window(hWnd=395034), Win32Window(hWnd=132928), Win32Window(hWnd=65882)) ``Window`` objects can be minimized/maximized/restored/activated/resized/moved/closed and also have attributes for their current position, size, and state. >>> notepadWindow = gw.getWindowsWithTitle('Untitled')[0] >>> notepadWindow.isMaximized False >>> notepadWindow.maximize() >>> notepadWindow.isMaximized True >>> notepadWindow.restore() >>> notepadWindow.minimize() >>> notepadWindow.restore() >>> notepadWindow.activate() >>> notepadWindow.resize(10, 10) # increase by 10, 10 >>> notepadWindow.resizeTo(100, 100) # set size to 100x100 >>> notepadWindow.move(10, 10) # move 10 pixels right and 10 down >>> notepadWindow.moveTo(10, 10) # move window to 10, 10 >>> notepadWindow.size (132, 100) >>> notepadWindow.width 132 >>> notepadWindow.height 100 >>> notepadWindow.topleft (10, 10) >>> 10 >>> notepadWindow.left 10 >>> notepadWindow.bottomright (142, 110) >>> notepadWindow.close() >>>