"""Installation utilities for Python ISAPI filters and extensions."""

# this code adapted from "Tomcat JK2 ISAPI redirector", part of Apache
# Created July 2004, Mark Hammond.
import sys, os, imp, shutil, stat
import operator
from win32com.client import GetObject, Dispatch
from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureModule, EnsureDispatch
import win32api
import pythoncom
import winerror
import traceback

_IIS_OBJECT  = "IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC"
_IIS_SERVER  = "IIsWebServer"
_IIS_WEBDIR  = "IIsWebDirectory"
_IIS_FILTERS = "IIsFilters"
_IIS_FILTER  = "IIsFilter"

_DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME = "Default Web Site"
_DEFAULT_HEADERS     = "X-Powered-By: Python"

# Default is for 'execute' only access - ie, only the extension
# can be used.  This can be overridden via your install script.

_extensions = [ext for ext, _, _ in imp.get_suffixes()]
is_debug_build = '_d.pyd' in _extensions

this_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))

class FilterParameters:
    Name = None
    Description = None
    Path = None
    Server = None
    # Params that control if/how AddExtensionFile is called.
    AddExtensionFile = True
    AddExtensionFile_Enabled = True
    AddExtensionFile_GroupID = None # defaults to Name
    AddExtensionFile_CanDelete = True
    AddExtensionFile_Description = None # defaults to Description.

    def __init__(self, **kw):

class VirtualDirParameters:
    Name = None # Must be provided.
    Description = None # defaults to Name
    AppProtection = _DEFAULT_PROTECTION
    Headers       = _DEFAULT_HEADERS
    Path          = None # defaults to WWW root.
    Type          = _IIS_WEBVIRTUALDIR
    AccessExecute  = _DEFAULT_ACCESS_EXECUTE
    AccessRead     = _DEFAULT_ACCESS_READ
    AccessWrite    = _DEFAULT_ACCESS_WRITE
    AccessScript   = _DEFAULT_ACCESS_SCRIPT
    DefaultDoc = None # Only set in IIS if not None
    ScriptMaps = []
    ScriptMapUpdate = "end" # can be 'start', 'end', 'replace'
    Server = None

    def __init__(self, **kw):
    def is_root(self):
        "This virtual directory is a root directory if parent and name are blank"
        parent, name = self.split_path()
        return not parent and not name
    def split_path(self):
        return split_path(self.Name)

class ScriptMapParams:
    Extension = None
    Module = None
    Flags = 5
    Verbs = ""
    # Params that control if/how AddExtensionFile is called.
    AddExtensionFile = True
    AddExtensionFile_Enabled = True
    AddExtensionFile_GroupID = None # defaults to Name
    AddExtensionFile_CanDelete = True
    AddExtensionFile_Description = None # defaults to Description.
    def __init__(self, **kw):

    def __str__(self):
        "Format this parameter suitable for IIS"
        items = [self.Extension, self.Module, self.Flags]
        # IIS gets upset if there is a trailing verb comma, but no verbs
        if self.Verbs:
        items = [str(item) for item in items]
        return ','.join(items)

class ISAPIParameters:
    ServerName     = _DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME
    # Description = None
    Filters = []
    VirtualDirs = []
    def __init__(self, **kw):

verbose = 1 # The level - 0 is quiet.
def log(level, what):
    if verbose >= level:

# Convert an ADSI COM exception to the Win32 error code embedded in it.
def _GetWin32ErrorCode(com_exc):
    hr = com_exc.hresult
    # If we have more details in the 'excepinfo' struct, use it.
    if com_exc.excepinfo:
        hr = com_exc.excepinfo[-1]
    if winerror.HRESULT_FACILITY(hr) != winerror.FACILITY_WIN32:
    return winerror.SCODE_CODE(hr)

class InstallationError(Exception): pass
class ItemNotFound(InstallationError): pass
class ConfigurationError(InstallationError): pass

def FindPath(options, server, name):
    if name.lower().startswith("iis://"):
        return name
        if name and name[0] != "/":
            name = "/"+name
        return FindWebServer(options, server)+"/ROOT"+name

def LocateWebServerPath(description):
    Find an IIS web server whose name or comment matches the provided
    description (case-insensitive).
    >>> LocateWebServerPath('Default Web Site') # doctest: +SKIP
    >>> LocateWebServerPath('1') #doctest: +SKIP
    assert len(description) >= 1, "Server name or comment is required"
    iis = GetObject(_IIS_OBJECT)
    description = description.lower().strip()
    for site in iis:
        # Name is generally a number, but no need to assume that.
        site_attributes = [getattr(site, attr, "").lower().strip()
            for attr in ("Name", "ServerComment")]
        if description in site_attributes:
            return site.AdsPath
    msg = "No web sites match the description '%s'" % description
    raise ItemNotFound(msg)
def GetWebServer(description = None):
    Load the web server instance (COM object) for a given instance
    or description.
    If None is specified, the default website is retrieved (indicated
    by the identifier 1.
    description = description or "1"
    path = LocateWebServerPath(description)
    server = LoadWebServer(path)
    return server

def LoadWebServer(path):
        server = GetObject(path)
    except pythoncom.com_error as details:
        msg = details.strerror
        if exc.excepinfo and exc.excepinfo[2]:
            msg = exc.excepinfo[2]
        msg = "WebServer %s: %s" % (path, msg)
        raise ItemNotFound(msg)
    return server

def FindWebServer(options, server_desc):
    Legacy function to allow options to define a .server property
    to override the other parameter.  Use GetWebServer instead.
    # options takes precedence
    server_desc = options.server or server_desc
    # make sure server_desc is unicode (could be mbcs if passed in
    #  sys.argv).
    if server_desc and not isinstance(server_desc, str):
        server_desc = server_desc.decode('mbcs')
    # get the server (if server_desc is None, the default site is acquired)
    server = GetWebServer(server_desc)
    return server.adsPath

def split_path(path):
    Get the parent path and basename.
    >>> split_path('/')
    ['', '']
    >>> split_path('')
    ['', '']
    >>> split_path('foo')
    ['', 'foo']
    >>> split_path('/foo')
    ['', 'foo']
    >>> split_path('/foo/bar')
    ['/foo', 'bar']
    >>> split_path('foo/bar')
    ['/foo', 'bar']
    if not path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path
    return path.rsplit('/', 1)

def _CreateDirectory(iis_dir, name, params):
    # We used to go to lengths to keep an existing virtual directory
    # in place.  However, in some cases the existing directories got
    # into a bad state, and an update failed to get them working.
    # So we nuke it first.  If this is a problem, we could consider adding
    # a --keep-existing option.
        # Also seen the Class change to a generic IISObject - so nuke
        # *any* existing object, regardless of Class
        assert name.strip("/"), "mustn't delete the root!"
        iis_dir.Delete('', name)
        log(2, "Deleted old directory '%s'" % (name,))
    except pythoncom.com_error:

    newDir = iis_dir.Create(params.Type, name)
    log(2, "Creating new directory '%s' in %s..." % (name,iis_dir.Name))
    friendly = params.Description or params.Name
    newDir.AppFriendlyName = friendly

    # Note that the new directory won't be visible in the IIS UI
    # unless the directory exists on the filesystem.
        path = params.Path or iis_dir.Path
        newDir.Path = path
    except AttributeError:
        # If params.Type is IIS_WEBDIRECTORY, an exception is thrown
    # XXX - note that these Headers only work in IIS6 and earlier.  IIS7
    # only supports them on the w3svc node - not even on individial sites,
    # let alone individual extensions in the site!
    if params.Headers:
        newDir.HttpCustomHeaders = params.Headers

    log(2, "Setting directory options...")
    newDir.AccessExecute  = params.AccessExecute
    newDir.AccessRead     = params.AccessRead
    newDir.AccessWrite    = params.AccessWrite
    newDir.AccessScript   = params.AccessScript
    newDir.ContentIndexed = params.ContentIndexed
    newDir.EnableDirBrowsing = params.EnableDirBrowsing
    newDir.EnableDefaultDoc  = params.EnableDefaultDoc
    if params.DefaultDoc is not None:
        newDir.DefaultDoc = params.DefaultDoc
    return newDir

def CreateDirectory(params, options):
    _CallHook(params, "PreInstall", options)
    if not params.Name:
        raise ConfigurationError("No Name param")
    parent, name = params.split_path()
    target_dir = GetObject(FindPath(options, params.Server, parent))

    if not params.is_root():
        target_dir = _CreateDirectory(target_dir, name, params)

    AssignScriptMaps(params.ScriptMaps, target_dir, params.ScriptMapUpdate)
    _CallHook(params, "PostInstall", options, target_dir)
    log(1, "Configured Virtual Directory: %s" % (params.Name,))
    return target_dir

def AssignScriptMaps(script_maps, target, update='replace'):
    """Updates IIS with the supplied script map information.

    script_maps is a list of ScriptMapParameter objects

    target is an IIS Virtual Directory to assign the script maps to

    update is a string indicating how to update the maps, one of  ('start',
    'end', or 'replace')
    # determine which function to use to assign script maps
    script_map_func = '_AssignScriptMaps' + update.capitalize()
        script_map_func = eval(script_map_func)
    except NameError:
        msg = "Unknown ScriptMapUpdate option '%s'" % update
        raise ConfigurationError(msg)
    # use the str method to format the script maps for IIS
    script_maps = [str(s) for s in script_maps]
    # call the correct function
    script_map_func(target, script_maps)

def get_unique_items(sequence, reference):
    "Return items in sequence that can't be found in reference."
    return tuple([item for item in sequence if item not in reference])

def _AssignScriptMapsReplace(target, script_maps):
    target.ScriptMaps = script_maps
def _AssignScriptMapsEnd(target, script_maps):
    unique_new_maps = get_unique_items(script_maps, target.ScriptMaps)
    target.ScriptMaps = target.ScriptMaps + unique_new_maps

def _AssignScriptMapsStart(target, script_maps):
    unique_new_maps = get_unique_items(script_maps, target.ScriptMaps)
    target.ScriptMaps = unique_new_maps + target.ScriptMaps

def CreateISAPIFilter(filterParams, options):
    server = FindWebServer(options, filterParams.Server)
    _CallHook(filterParams, "PreInstall", options)
        filters = GetObject(server+"/Filters")
    except pythoncom.com_error as exc:
        # Brand new sites don't have the '/Filters' collection - create it.
        # Any errors other than 'not found' we shouldn't ignore.
        if winerror.HRESULT_FACILITY(exc.hresult) != winerror.FACILITY_WIN32 or \
           winerror.HRESULT_CODE(exc.hresult) != winerror.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
        server_ob = GetObject(server)
        filters = server_ob.Create(_IIS_FILTERS, "Filters")
        filters.FilterLoadOrder = ""

    # As for VirtualDir, delete an existing one.
    assert filterParams.Name.strip("/"), "mustn't delete the root!"
        filters.Delete(_IIS_FILTER, filterParams.Name)
        log(2, "Deleted old filter '%s'" % (filterParams.Name,))
    except pythoncom.com_error:
    newFilter = filters.Create(_IIS_FILTER, filterParams.Name)
    log(2, "Created new ISAPI filter...")
    assert os.path.isfile(filterParams.Path)
    newFilter.FilterPath  = filterParams.Path
    newFilter.FilterDescription = filterParams.Description
    load_order = [b.strip() for b in filters.FilterLoadOrder.split(",") if b]
    if filterParams.Name not in load_order:
        filters.FilterLoadOrder = ",".join(load_order)
    _CallHook(filterParams, "PostInstall", options, newFilter)
    log (1, "Configured Filter: %s" % (filterParams.Name,))
    return newFilter

def DeleteISAPIFilter(filterParams, options):
    _CallHook(filterParams, "PreRemove", options)
    server = FindWebServer(options, filterParams.Server)
    ob_path = server+"/Filters"
        filters = GetObject(ob_path)
    except pythoncom.com_error as details:
        # failure to open the filters just means a totally clean IIS install
        # (IIS5 at least has no 'Filters' key when freshly installed).
        log(2, "ISAPI filter path '%s' did not exist." % (ob_path,))
        assert filterParams.Name.strip("/"), "mustn't delete the root!"
        filters.Delete(_IIS_FILTER, filterParams.Name)
        log(2, "Deleted ISAPI filter '%s'" % (filterParams.Name,))
    except pythoncom.com_error as details:
        rc = _GetWin32ErrorCode(details)
        if rc != winerror.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
        log(2, "ISAPI filter '%s' did not exist." % (filterParams.Name,))
    # Remove from the load order
    load_order = [b.strip() for b in filters.FilterLoadOrder.split(",") if b]
    if filterParams.Name in load_order:
        filters.FilterLoadOrder = ",".join(load_order)
    _CallHook(filterParams, "PostRemove", options)
    log (1, "Deleted Filter: %s" % (filterParams.Name,))

def _AddExtensionFile(module, def_groupid, def_desc, params, options):
    group_id = params.AddExtensionFile_GroupID or def_groupid
    desc = params.AddExtensionFile_Description or def_desc
        ob = GetObject(_IIS_OBJECT)
        log(2, "Added extension file '%s' (%s)" % (module, desc))
    except (pythoncom.com_error, AttributeError) as details:
        # IIS5 always fails.  Probably should upgrade this to
        # complain more loudly if IIS6 fails.
        log(2, "Failed to add extension file '%s': %s" % (module, details))

def AddExtensionFiles(params, options):
    """Register the modules used by the filters/extensions as a trusted
    'extension module' - required by the default IIS6 security settings."""
    # Add each module only once.
    added = {}
    for vd in params.VirtualDirs:
        for smp in vd.ScriptMaps:
            if smp.Module not in added and smp.AddExtensionFile:
                _AddExtensionFile(smp.Module, vd.Name, vd.Description, smp,
                added[smp.Module] = True

    for fd in params.Filters:
        if fd.Path not in added and fd.AddExtensionFile:
            _AddExtensionFile(fd.Path, fd.Name, fd.Description, fd, options)
            added[fd.Path] = True

def _DeleteExtensionFileRecord(module, options):
        ob = GetObject(_IIS_OBJECT)
        log(2, "Deleted extension file record for '%s'" % module)
    except (pythoncom.com_error, AttributeError) as details:
        log(2, "Failed to remove extension file '%s': %s" % (module, details))

def DeleteExtensionFileRecords(params, options):
    deleted = {} # only remove each .dll once.
    for vd in params.VirtualDirs:
        for smp in vd.ScriptMaps:
            if smp.Module not in deleted and smp.AddExtensionFile:
                _DeleteExtensionFileRecord(smp.Module, options)
                deleted[smp.Module] = True

    for filter_def in params.Filters:
        if filter_def.Path not in deleted and filter_def.AddExtensionFile:
            _DeleteExtensionFileRecord(filter_def.Path, options)
            deleted[filter_def.Path] = True

def CheckLoaderModule(dll_name):
    suffix = ""
    if is_debug_build: suffix = "_d"
    template = os.path.join(this_dir,
                            "PyISAPI_loader" + suffix + ".dll")
    if not os.path.isfile(template):
        raise ConfigurationError(
              "Template loader '%s' does not exist" % (template,))
    # We can't do a simple "is newer" check, as the DLL is specific to the
    # Python version.  So we check the date-time and size are identical,
    # and skip the copy in that case.
    src_stat = os.stat(template)
        dest_stat = os.stat(dll_name)
    except os.error:
        same = 0
        same = src_stat[stat.ST_SIZE]==dest_stat[stat.ST_SIZE] and \
    if not same:
        log(2, "Updating %s->%s" % (template, dll_name))
        shutil.copyfile(template, dll_name)
        shutil.copystat(template, dll_name)
        log(2, "%s is up to date." % (dll_name,))

def _CallHook(ob, hook_name, options, *extra_args):
    func = getattr(ob, hook_name, None)
    if func is not None:
        args = (ob,options) + extra_args

def Install(params, options):
    _CallHook(params, "PreInstall", options)
    for vd in params.VirtualDirs:
        CreateDirectory(vd, options)
    for filter_def in params.Filters:
        CreateISAPIFilter(filter_def, options)

    AddExtensionFiles(params, options)

    _CallHook(params, "PostInstall", options)

def RemoveDirectory(params, options):
    if params.is_root():
        directory = GetObject(FindPath(options, params.Server, params.Name))
    except pythoncom.com_error as details:
        rc = _GetWin32ErrorCode(details)
        if rc != winerror.ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND:
        log(2, "VirtualDirectory '%s' did not exist" % params.Name)
        directory = None
    if directory is not None:
        # Be robust should IIS get upset about unloading.
            exc_val = sys.exc_info()[1]
            log(2, "AppUnLoad() for %s failed: %s" % (params.Name, exc_val))
        # Continue trying to delete it.
            parent = GetObject(directory.Parent)
            parent.Delete(directory.Class, directory.Name)
            log (1, "Deleted Virtual Directory: %s" % (params.Name,))
            exc_val = sys.exc_info()[1]
            log(1, "Failed to remove directory %s: %s" % (params.Name, exc_val))

def RemoveScriptMaps(vd_params, options):
    "Remove script maps from the already installed virtual directory"
    parent, name = vd_params.split_path()
    target_dir = GetObject(FindPath(options, vd_params.Server, parent))
    installed_maps = list(target_dir.ScriptMaps)
    for _map in map(str, vd_params.ScriptMaps):
        if _map in installed_maps:
    target_dir.ScriptMaps = installed_maps

def Uninstall(params, options):
    _CallHook(params, "PreRemove", options)
    DeleteExtensionFileRecords(params, options)
    for vd in params.VirtualDirs:
        _CallHook(vd, "PreRemove", options)
        RemoveDirectory(vd, options)
        if vd.is_root():
            # if this is installed to the root virtual directory, we can't delete it
            #  so remove the script maps.
            RemoveScriptMaps(vd, options)

        _CallHook(vd, "PostRemove", options)

    for filter_def in params.Filters:
        DeleteISAPIFilter(filter_def, options)
    _CallHook(params, "PostRemove", options)

# Patch up any missing module names in the params, replacing them with
# the DLL name that hosts this extension/filter.
def _PatchParamsModule(params, dll_name, file_must_exist = True):
    if file_must_exist:
        if not os.path.isfile(dll_name):
            raise ConfigurationError("%s does not exist" % (dll_name,))

    # Patch up all references to the DLL.
    for f in params.Filters:
        if f.Path is None: f.Path = dll_name
    for d in params.VirtualDirs:
        for sm in d.ScriptMaps:
            if sm.Module is None: sm.Module = dll_name

def GetLoaderModuleName(mod_name, check_module = None):
    # find the name of the DLL hosting us.
    # By default, this is "_{module_base_name}.dll"
    if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
        # What to do?  The .dll knows its name, but this is likely to be
        # executed via a .exe, which does not know.
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(mod_name)
        path, base = os.path.split(base)
        # handle the common case of 'foo.exe'/'foow.exe'
        if base.endswith('w'):
            base = base[:-1]
        # For py2exe, we have '_foo.dll' as the standard pyisapi loader - but
        # 'foo.dll' is what we use (it just delegates).
        # So no leading '_' on the installed name.
        dll_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, base + ".dll"))
        base, ext = os.path.splitext(mod_name)
        path, base = os.path.split(base)
        dll_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, "_" + base + ".dll"))
    # Check we actually have it.
    if check_module is None: check_module = not hasattr(sys, "frozen")
    if check_module:
    return dll_name

# Note the 'log' params to these 'builtin' args - old versions of pywin32
# didn't log at all in this function (by intent; anyone calling this was
# responsible). So existing code that calls this function with the old
# signature (ie, without a 'log' param) still gets the same behaviour as
# before...

def InstallModule(conf_module_name, params, options, log=lambda *args:None):
    "Install the extension"
    if not hasattr(sys, "frozen"):
        conf_module_name = os.path.abspath(conf_module_name)
        if not os.path.isfile(conf_module_name):
            raise ConfigurationError("%s does not exist" % (conf_module_name,))

    loader_dll = GetLoaderModuleName(conf_module_name)
    _PatchParamsModule(params, loader_dll)
    Install(params, options)
    log(1, "Installation complete.")

def UninstallModule(conf_module_name, params, options, log=lambda *args:None):
    "Remove the extension"
    loader_dll = GetLoaderModuleName(conf_module_name, False)
    _PatchParamsModule(params, loader_dll, False)
    Uninstall(params, options)
    log(1, "Uninstallation complete.")

standard_arguments = {
    "install" : InstallModule,
    "remove"  : UninstallModule,

def build_usage(handler_map):
    docstrings = [handler.__doc__ for handler in handler_map.values()]
    all_args = dict(zip(iter(handler_map.keys()), docstrings))
    arg_names = "|".join(iter(all_args.keys()))
    usage_string = "%prog [options] [" + arg_names + "]\n"
    usage_string += "commands:\n"
    for arg, desc in all_args.items():
        usage_string += " %-10s: %s" % (arg, desc) + "\n"
    return usage_string[:-1]

def MergeStandardOptions(options, params):
    Take an options object generated by the command line and merge
    the values into the IISParameters object.

# We support 2 ways of extending our command-line/install support.
# * Many of the installation items allow you to specify "PreInstall",
#   "PostInstall", "PreRemove" and "PostRemove" hooks
#   All hooks are called with the 'params' object being operated on, and
#   the 'optparser' options for this session (ie, the command-line options)
#   PostInstall for VirtualDirectories and Filters both have an additional
#   param - the ADSI object just created.
# * You can pass your own option parser for us to use, and/or define a map
#   with your own custom arg handlers.  It is a map of 'arg'->function.
#   The function is called with (options, log_fn, arg).  The function's
#   docstring is used in the usage output.
def HandleCommandLine(params, argv=None, conf_module_name = None,
                      default_arg = "install",
                      opt_parser = None, custom_arg_handlers = {}):
    """Perform installation or removal of an ISAPI filter or extension.
    This module handles standard command-line options and configuration
    information, and installs, removes or updates the configuration of an
    ISAPI filter or extension.
    You must pass your configuration information in params - all other
    arguments are optional, and allow you to configure the installation
    global verbose
    from optparse import OptionParser

    argv = argv or sys.argv
    if not conf_module_name:
        conf_module_name = sys.argv[0]
        # convert to a long name so that if we were somehow registered with
        # the "short" version but unregistered with the "long" version we
        # still work (that will depend on exactly how the installer was
        # started)
            conf_module_name = win32api.GetLongPathName(conf_module_name)
        except win32api.error as exc:
            log(2, "Couldn't determine the long name for %r: %s" %
                (conf_module_name, exc))

    if opt_parser is None:
        # Build our own parser.
        parser = OptionParser(usage='')
        # The caller is providing their own filter, presumably with their
        # own options all setup.
        parser = opt_parser

    # build a usage string if we don't have one.
    if not parser.get_usage():
        all_handlers = standard_arguments.copy()
    # allow the user to use uninstall as a synonym for remove if it wasn't
    #  defined by the custom arg handlers.
    all_handlers.setdefault('uninstall', all_handlers['remove'])

    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
                      action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                      help="don't print status messages to stdout")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbosity", action="count",
                      dest="verbose", default=1,
                      help="increase the verbosity of status messages")
    parser.add_option("", "--server", action="store",
                      help="Specifies the IIS server to install/uninstall on." \
                           " Default is '%s/1'" % (_IIS_OBJECT,))

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
    MergeStandardOptions(options, params)
    verbose = options.verbose
    if not args:
        args = [default_arg]
        for arg in args:
            handler = all_handlers[arg]
            handler(conf_module_name, params, options, log)
    except (ItemNotFound, InstallationError) as details:
        if options.verbose > 1:
        print("%s: %s" % (details.__class__.__name__, details))
    except KeyError:
        parser.error("Invalid arg '%s'" % arg)