1. Первый запуск

Are you ready to install the pyOpenRPA solution on your machine?

Ok, we start. Do the following operations:

Installation has been completed :)

How to check installation

  • Run portable python (built in the pyOpenRPA)

    • x32 python (GIT\Resources\WPy32-3720\python-3.7.2\python.exe)

    • x64 python (GIT\Resources\WPy64-3720\python-3.7.2.amd64\python.exe)

The pyOpenRPA has been successfully installed if the portable python 3.7.2 was started without any exceptions (see screenshot).


System requirements

  • OS Windows 7+. Need Windows package KB2999226 if use windows Vista/7/8/8.1/Server 2008/Server 2012 (https://support.microsoft.com/ru-ru/help/2999226)

  • For OpenCV: OS Windows 7/8/8/10 only (no Windows Server)

.. v1.2.12 replace:: v1.2.12 .. |author| replace:: Ivan Maslov <ivan.maslov@unicodelabs.ru>