# ATTENTION! HERE IS NO Relative import because it will be imported dynamically # All function check the flag SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool == True else no cammand is processed # All functions can return None, Bool or Dict { "IsSuccessful": True } from . import CMDStr # Create CMD Strings from . import Connector # RDP API from . import ConnectorExceptions # Exceptions import time # sleep function # ATTENTION gSettings = None # Gsettings will be initialized after the import module # Create new RDPSession in RobotRDPActive def RDPSessionConnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inHostStr, inPortStr, inLoginStr, inPasswordStr): global gSettings lRDPConfigurationItem = { # Init the configuration item "Host": inHostStr, # Host address, example "" "Port": inPortStr, # RDP Port, example "3389" "Login": inLoginStr, # Login, example "test" "Password": inPasswordStr, # Password, example "test" "Screen": { "Width": 1680, # Width of the remote desktop in pixels, example 1680 "Height": 1050, # Height of the remote desktop in pixels, example 1050 # "640x480" or "1680x1050" or "FullScreen". If Resolution not exists set full screen, example "FlagUseAllMonitors": False, # True or False, example False "DepthBit": "32" # "32" or "24" or "16" or "15", example "32" }, "SharedDriveList": ["c"], # List of the Root sesion hard drives, example ["c"] ###### Will updated in program ############ "SessionHex": "77777sdfsdf77777dsfdfsf77777777", # Hex is created when robot runs, example "" "SessionIsWindowExistBool": False, # Flag if the RDP window is exist, old name "FlagSessionIsActive". Check every n seconds , example False "SessionIsWindowResponsibleBool": False, # Flag if RDP window is responsible (recieve commands). Check every nn seconds. If window is Responsible - window is Exist too , example False "SessionIsIgnoredBool": False # Flag to ignore RDP window False - dont ignore, True - ignore, example False } gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] = lRDPConfigurationItem # Add item in RDPList Connector.Session(lRDPConfigurationItem) # Create the RDP session Connector.SystemRDPWarningClickOk() # Click all warning messages return True # Disconnect the RDP session def RDPSessionDisconnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr): global gSettings lSessionHex = gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None) if lSessionHex: gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].pop(inRDPSessionKeyStr,None) Connector.SessionClose(inSessionHexStr=lSessionHex) Connector.SystemRDPWarningClickOk() # Click all warning messages return True # RDP Session reconnect def RDPSessionReconnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr): global gSettings lRDPConfigurationItem = gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] RDPSessionDisconnect(inRDPSessionKeyStr=inRDPSessionKeyStr) # Disconnect the RDP # Add item in RDPList gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] = lRDPConfigurationItem # Create the RDP session Connector.Session(lRDPConfigurationItem) return True # Logoff the RDP session def RDPSessionLogoff(inRDPSessionKeyStr): global gSettings lResult = True lCMDStr = "shutdown -L" # CMD logoff command # Calculate the session Hex lSessionHex = gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None) if lSessionHex: # Run CMD - dont crosscheck because CMD dont return value to the clipboard when logoff Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="RUN", inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]) gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].pop(inRDPSessionKeyStr,None) # Remove item from RDPList return lResult # Check RDP Session responsibility TODO NEED DEV + TEST def RDPSessionResponsibilityCheck(inRDPSessionKeyStr): global gSettings inGlobalDict = gSettings lRDPConfigurationItem = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr] # Get the alias # set the fullscreen # ATTENTION!!! Session hex can be updated!!! Connector.SessionScreenFull(inSessionHex=lRDPConfigurationItem["SessionHex"], inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]) time.sleep(1) # Check RDP responsibility lDoCheckResponsibilityBool = True lDoCheckResponsibilityCountMax = 20 lDoCheckResponsibilityCountCurrent = 0 while lDoCheckResponsibilityBool: # Check if counter is exceed - raise exception if lDoCheckResponsibilityCountCurrent >= lDoCheckResponsibilityCountMax: pass #raise ConnectorExceptions.SessionWindowNotResponsibleError("Error when initialize the RDP session - RDP window is not responding!") # Check responding lDoCheckResponsibilityBool = not Connector.SystemRDPIsResponsible(inSessionHexStr = lRDPConfigurationItem["SessionHex"]) # Wait if is not responding if lDoCheckResponsibilityBool: time.sleep(3) # increase the couter lDoCheckResponsibilityCountCurrent+=1 return True # Start process if it is not running def RDPSessionProcessStartIfNotRunning(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inProcessNameWEXEStr, inFilePathStr, inFlagGetAbsPathBool=True): global gSettings inGlobalDict = gSettings lResult = True lCMDStr = CMDStr.ProcessStartIfNotRunning(inProcessNameWEXEStr, inFilePathStr, inFlagGetAbsPath= inFlagGetAbsPathBool) # Calculate the session Hex lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None) # Run CMD if lSessionHex: Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]) return lResult # Create CMD str to stop process def RDPSessionProcessStop(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inProcessNameWEXEStr, inFlagForceCloseBool): global gSettings inGlobalDict = gSettings lResult = True lCMDStr = f'taskkill /im "{inProcessNameWEXEStr}" /fi "username eq %USERNAME%"' if inFlagForceCloseBool: lCMDStr+= " /F" # Calculate the session Hex lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None) # Run CMD if lSessionHex: Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="CROSSCHECK", inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]) return lResult # Send file from Host to Session RDP using shared drive in RDP def RDPSessionFileStoredSend(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inHostFilePathStr, inRDPFilePathStr): global gSettings inGlobalDict = gSettings lResult = True lCMDStr = CMDStr.FileStoredSend(inHostFilePath = inHostFilePathStr, inRDPFilePath = inRDPFilePathStr) # Calculate the session Hex lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr, {}).get("SessionHex", None) #lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]["SessionHex"] # Run CMD if lSessionHex: Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="LISTEN", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 120, inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]) return lResult # Recieve file from Session RDP to Host using shared drive in RDP def RDPSessionFileStoredRecieve(inRDPSessionKeyStr, inRDPFilePathStr, inHostFilePathStr): global gSettings inGlobalDict = gSettings lResult = True lCMDStr = CMDStr.FileStoredRecieve(inRDPFilePath = inRDPFilePathStr, inHostFilePath = inHostFilePathStr) # Calculate the session Hex lSessionHex = inGlobalDict["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"].get(inRDPSessionKeyStr,{}).get("SessionHex", None) # Run CMD if lSessionHex: Connector.SessionCMDRun(inSessionHex=lSessionHex, inCMDCommandStr=lCMDStr, inModeStr="LISTEN", inClipboardTimeoutSec = 120, inLogger=gSettings["Logger"], inRDPConfigurationItem=gSettings["RobotRDPActive"]["RDPList"][inRDPSessionKeyStr]) return lResult