from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import operator from functools import partial, wraps from itertools import product, repeat from math import factorial, log, ceil import numpy as np from numbers import Integral from toolz import compose, partition_all, get, accumulate, pluck from . import chunk from .core import _concatenate2, Array, handle_out from .blockwise import blockwise from ..blockwise import lol_tuples from .creation import arange from .ufunc import sqrt from .utils import validate_axis from .wrap import zeros, ones from .numpy_compat import ma_divide, divide as np_divide from ..compatibility import getargspec, builtins from ..base import tokenize from ..highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph from ..utils import ignoring, funcname, Dispatch, deepmap from .. import config # Generic functions to support chunks of different types empty_lookup = Dispatch('empty') empty_lookup.register((object, np.ndarray), np.empty) empty_lookup.register(, divide_lookup = Dispatch('divide') divide_lookup.register((object, np.ndarray), np_divide) divide_lookup.register(, ma_divide) def divide(a, b, dtype=None): key = lambda x: getattr(x, '__array_priority__', float('-inf')) f = divide_lookup.dispatch(type(builtins.max(a, b, key=key))) return f(a, b, dtype=dtype) def reduction(x, chunk, aggregate, axis=None, keepdims=False, dtype=None, split_every=None, combine=None, name=None, out=None, concatenate=True, output_size=1): """ General version of reductions Parameters ---------- x: Array Data being reduced along one or more axes chunk: callable(x_chunk, axis, keepdims) First function to be executed when resolving the dask graph. This function is applied in parallel to all original chunks of x. See below for function parameters. combine: callable(x_chunk, axis, keepdims), optional Function used for intermediate recursive aggregation (see split_every below). If omitted, it defaults to aggregate. If the reduction can be performed in less than 3 steps, it will not be invoked at all. aggregate: callable(x_chunk, axis, keepdims) Last function to be executed when resolving the dask graph, producing the final output. It is always invoked, even when the reduced Array counts a single chunk along the reduced axes. axis: int or sequence of ints, optional Axis or axes to aggregate upon. If omitted, aggregate along all axes. keepdims: boolean, optional Whether the reduction function should preserve the reduced axes, leaving them at size ``output_size``, or remove them. dtype: np.dtype, optional Force output dtype. Defaults to x.dtype if omitted. split_every: int >= 2 or dict(axis: int), optional Determines the depth of the recursive aggregation. If set to or more than the number of input chunks, the aggregation will be performed in two steps, one ``chunk`` function per input chunk and a single ``aggregate`` function at the end. If set to less than that, an intermediate ``combine`` function will be used, so that any one ``combine`` or ``aggregate`` function has no more than ``split_every`` inputs. The depth of the aggregation graph will be :math:`log_{split_every}(input chunks along reduced axes)`. Setting to a low value can reduce cache size and network transfers, at the cost of more CPU and a larger dask graph. Omit to let dask heuristically decide a good default. A default can also be set globally with the ``split_every`` key in :mod:`dask.config`. name: str, optional Prefix of the keys of the intermediate and output nodes. If omitted it defaults to the function names. out: Array, optional Another dask array whose contents will be replaced. Omit to create a new one. Note that, unlike in numpy, this setting gives no performance benefits whatsoever, but can still be useful if one needs to preserve the references to a previously existing Array. concatenate: bool, optional If True (the default), the outputs of the ``chunk``/``combine`` functions are concatenated into a single np.array before being passed to the ``combine``/``aggregate`` functions. If False, the input of ``combine`` and ``aggregate`` will be either a list of the raw outputs of the previous step or a single output, and the function will have to concatenate it itself. It can be useful to set this to False if the chunk and/or combine steps do not produce np.arrays. output_size: int >= 1, optional Size of the output of the ``aggregate`` function along the reduced axes. Ignored if keepdims is False. Returns ------- dask array **Function Parameters** x_chunk: numpy.ndarray Individual input chunk. For ``chunk`` functions, it is one of the original chunks of x. For ``combine`` and ``aggregate`` functions, it's the concatenation of the outputs produced by the previous ``chunk`` or ``combine`` functions. If concatenate=False, it's a list of the raw outputs from the previous functions. axis: tuple Normalized list of axes to reduce upon, e.g. ``(0, )`` Scalar, negative, and None axes have been normalized away. Note that some numpy reduction functions cannot reduce along multiple axes at once and strictly require an int in input. Such functions have to be wrapped to cope. keepdims: bool Whether the reduction function should preserve the reduced axes or remove them. """ if axis is None: axis = tuple(range(x.ndim)) if isinstance(axis, Integral): axis = (axis,) axis = validate_axis(axis, x.ndim) if dtype is None: raise ValueError("Must specify dtype") if 'dtype' in getargspec(chunk).args: chunk = partial(chunk, dtype=dtype) if 'dtype' in getargspec(aggregate).args: aggregate = partial(aggregate, dtype=dtype) # Map chunk across all blocks inds = tuple(range(x.ndim)) # The dtype of `tmp` doesn't actually matter, and may be incorrect. tmp = blockwise(chunk, inds, x, inds, axis=axis, keepdims=True, dtype=x.dtype) tmp._chunks = tuple((output_size, ) * len(c) if i in axis else c for i, c in enumerate(tmp.chunks)) result = _tree_reduce(tmp, aggregate, axis, keepdims, dtype, split_every, combine, name=name, concatenate=concatenate) if keepdims and output_size != 1: result._chunks = tuple((output_size, ) if i in axis else c for i, c in enumerate(tmp.chunks)) return handle_out(out, result) def _tree_reduce(x, aggregate, axis, keepdims, dtype, split_every=None, combine=None, name=None, concatenate=True): """ Perform the tree reduction step of a reduction. Lower level, users should use ``reduction`` or ``arg_reduction`` directly. """ # Normalize split_every split_every = split_every or config.get('split_every', 4) if isinstance(split_every, dict): split_every = dict((k, split_every.get(k, 2)) for k in axis) elif isinstance(split_every, Integral): n = builtins.max(int(split_every ** (1 / (len(axis) or 1))), 2) split_every = dict.fromkeys(axis, n) else: raise ValueError("split_every must be a int or a dict") # Reduce across intermediates depth = 1 for i, n in enumerate(x.numblocks): if i in split_every and split_every[i] != 1: depth = int(builtins.max(depth, ceil(log(n, split_every[i])))) func = partial(combine or aggregate, axis=axis, keepdims=True) if concatenate: func = compose(func, partial(_concatenate2, axes=axis)) for i in range(depth - 1): x = partial_reduce(func, x, split_every, True, dtype=dtype, name=(name or funcname(combine or aggregate)) + '-partial') func = partial(aggregate, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) if concatenate: func = compose(func, partial(_concatenate2, axes=axis)) return partial_reduce(func, x, split_every, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dtype, name=(name or funcname(aggregate)) + '-aggregate') def partial_reduce(func, x, split_every, keepdims=False, dtype=None, name=None): """ Partial reduction across multiple axes. Parameters ---------- func : function x : Array split_every : dict Maximum reduction block sizes in each dimension. Examples -------- Reduce across axis 0 and 2, merging a maximum of 1 block in the 0th dimension, and 3 blocks in the 2nd dimension: >>> partial_reduce(np.min, x, {0: 1, 2: 3}) # doctest: +SKIP """ name = (name or funcname(func)) + '-' + tokenize(func, x, split_every, keepdims, dtype) parts = [list(partition_all(split_every.get(i, 1), range(n))) for (i, n) in enumerate(x.numblocks)] keys = product(*map(range, map(len, parts))) out_chunks = [tuple(1 for p in partition_all(split_every[i], c)) if i in split_every else c for (i, c) in enumerate(x.chunks)] if not keepdims: out_axis = [i for i in range(x.ndim) if i not in split_every] getter = lambda k: get(out_axis, k) keys = map(getter, keys) out_chunks = list(getter(out_chunks)) dsk = {} for k, p in zip(keys, product(*parts)): decided = dict((i, j[0]) for (i, j) in enumerate(p) if len(j) == 1) dummy = dict(i for i in enumerate(p) if i[0] not in decided) g = lol_tuples((,), range(x.ndim), decided, dummy) dsk[(name,) + k] = (func, g) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[x]) return Array(graph, name, out_chunks, dtype=dtype) @wraps(chunk.sum) def sum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.empty((1,), dtype=a.dtype).sum(), 'dtype', object) result = reduction(a, chunk.sum, chunk.sum, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, out=out) return result @wraps( def prod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.empty((1,), dtype=a.dtype).prod(), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a,,, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.min) def min(a, axis=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): return reduction(a, chunk.min, chunk.min, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=a.dtype, split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.max) def max(a, axis=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): return reduction(a, chunk.max, chunk.max, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=a.dtype, split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.any) def any(a, axis=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): return reduction(a, chunk.any, chunk.any, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype='bool', split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.all) def all(a, axis=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): return reduction(a, chunk.all, chunk.all, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype='bool', split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.nansum) def nansum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(chunk.nansum(np.empty((1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, chunk.nansum, chunk.sum, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, out=out) with ignoring(AttributeError): @wraps(chunk.nanprod) def nanprod(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(chunk.nansum(np.empty((1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, chunk.nanprod,, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.nancumsum) def nancumsum(x, axis, dtype=None, out=None): return cumreduction(chunk.nancumsum, operator.add, 0, x, axis, dtype, out=out) @wraps(chunk.nancumprod) def nancumprod(x, axis, dtype=None, out=None): return cumreduction(chunk.nancumprod, operator.mul, 1, x, axis, dtype, out=out) @wraps(chunk.nanmin) def nanmin(a, axis=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): return reduction(a, chunk.nanmin, chunk.nanmin, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=a.dtype, split_every=split_every, out=out) @wraps(chunk.nanmax) def nanmax(a, axis=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): return reduction(a, chunk.nanmax, chunk.nanmax, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=a.dtype, split_every=split_every, out=out) def numel(x, **kwargs): """ A reduction to count the number of elements """ return chunk.sum(np.ones_like(x), **kwargs) def nannumel(x, **kwargs): """ A reduction to count the number of elements """ return chunk.sum(~np.isnan(x), **kwargs) def mean_chunk(x, sum=chunk.sum, numel=numel, dtype='f8', **kwargs): n = numel(x, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) total = sum(x, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) return {'n': n, 'total': total} def mean_combine(pairs, sum=chunk.sum, numel=numel, dtype='f8', axis=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(pairs, list): pairs = [pairs] ns = deepmap(lambda pair: pair['n'], pairs) totals = deepmap(lambda pair: pair['total'], pairs) n = _concatenate2(ns, axes=axis).sum(axis=axis, **kwargs) total = _concatenate2(totals, axes=axis).sum(axis=axis, **kwargs) return {'n': n, 'total': total} def mean_agg(pairs, dtype='f8', axis=None, **kwargs): ns = deepmap(lambda pair: pair['n'], pairs) totals = deepmap(lambda pair: pair['total'], pairs) n = _concatenate2(ns, axes=axis).sum(axis=axis, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) total = _concatenate2(totals, axes=axis).sum(axis=axis, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) return divide(total, n, dtype=dtype) @wraps(chunk.mean) def mean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.mean(np.empty(shape=(1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, mean_chunk, mean_agg, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, combine=mean_combine, out=out, concatenate=False) def nanmean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.mean(np.empty(shape=(1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, partial(mean_chunk, sum=chunk.nansum, numel=nannumel), mean_agg, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, out=out, concatenate=False, combine=partial(mean_combine, sum=chunk.nansum, numel=nannumel)) with ignoring(AttributeError): nanmean = wraps(chunk.nanmean)(nanmean) def moment_chunk(A, order=2, sum=chunk.sum, numel=numel, dtype='f8', **kwargs): total = sum(A, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) n = numel(A, **kwargs).astype(np.int64) u = total / n xs = [sum((A - u)**i, dtype=dtype, **kwargs) for i in range(2, order + 1)] M = np.stack(xs, axis=-1) return {'total': total, 'n': n, 'M': M} def _moment_helper(Ms, ns, inner_term, order, sum, axis, kwargs): M = Ms[..., order - 2].sum(axis=axis, **kwargs) + sum(ns * inner_term ** order, axis=axis, **kwargs) for k in range(1, order - 1): coeff = factorial(order) / (factorial(k) * factorial(order - k)) M += coeff * sum(Ms[..., order - k - 2] * inner_term**k, axis=axis, **kwargs) return M def moment_combine(pairs, order=2, ddof=0, dtype='f8', sum=np.sum, axis=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(pairs, list): pairs = [pairs] totals = _concatenate2(deepmap(lambda pair: pair['total'], pairs), axes=axis) ns = _concatenate2(deepmap(lambda pair: pair['n'], pairs), axes=axis) Ms = _concatenate2(deepmap(lambda pair: pair['M'], pairs), axes=axis) kwargs['dtype'] = dtype kwargs['keepdims'] = True total = totals.sum(axis=axis, **kwargs) n = ns.sum(axis=axis, **kwargs) mu = divide(total, n, dtype=dtype) inner_term = divide(totals, ns, dtype=dtype) - mu xs = [_moment_helper(Ms, ns, inner_term, o, sum, axis, kwargs) for o in range(2, order + 1)] M = np.stack(xs, axis=-1) return {'total': total, 'n': n, 'M': M} def moment_agg(pairs, order=2, ddof=0, dtype='f8', sum=np.sum, axis=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(pairs, list): pairs = [pairs] totals = _concatenate2(deepmap(lambda pair: pair['total'], pairs), axes=axis) ns = _concatenate2(deepmap(lambda pair: pair['n'], pairs), axes=axis) Ms = _concatenate2(deepmap(lambda pair: pair['M'], pairs), axes=axis) kwargs['dtype'] = dtype # To properly handle ndarrays, the original dimensions need to be kept for # part of the calculation. keepdim_kw = kwargs.copy() keepdim_kw['keepdims'] = True n = ns.sum(axis=axis, **keepdim_kw) mu = divide(totals.sum(axis=axis, **keepdim_kw), n, dtype=dtype) inner_term = divide(totals, ns, dtype=dtype) - mu M = _moment_helper(Ms, ns, inner_term, order, sum, axis, kwargs) return divide(M, n.sum(axis=axis, **kwargs) - ddof, dtype=dtype) def moment(a, order, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, ddof=0, split_every=None, out=None): if not isinstance(order, Integral) or order < 0: raise ValueError("Order must be an integer >= 0") if order < 2: reduced = a.sum(axis=axis) # get reduced shape and chunks if order == 0: # When order equals 0, the result is 1, by definition. return ones(reduced.shape, chunks=reduced.chunks, dtype='f8') # By definition the first order about the mean is 0. return zeros(reduced.shape, chunks=reduced.chunks, dtype='f8') if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.var(np.ones(shape=(1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, partial(moment_chunk, order=order), partial(moment_agg, order=order, ddof=ddof), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, out=out, concatenate=False, combine=partial(moment_combine, order=order)) @wraps(chunk.var) def var(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, ddof=0, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.var(np.ones(shape=(1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, moment_chunk, partial(moment_agg, ddof=ddof), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, combine=moment_combine, name='var', out=out, concatenate=False) def nanvar(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, ddof=0, split_every=None, out=None): if dtype is not None: dt = dtype else: dt = getattr(np.var(np.ones(shape=(1,), dtype=a.dtype)), 'dtype', object) return reduction(a, partial(moment_chunk, sum=chunk.nansum, numel=nannumel), partial(moment_agg, sum=np.nansum, ddof=ddof), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, dtype=dt, split_every=split_every, combine=partial(moment_combine, sum=np.nansum), out=out, concatenate=False) with ignoring(AttributeError): nanvar = wraps(chunk.nanvar)(nanvar) @wraps(chunk.std) def std(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, ddof=0, split_every=None, out=None): result = sqrt(a.var(axis=axis, dtype=dtype, keepdims=keepdims, ddof=ddof, split_every=split_every, out=out)) if dtype and dtype != result.dtype: result = result.astype(dtype) return result def nanstd(a, axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, ddof=0, split_every=None, out=None): result = sqrt(nanvar(a, axis=axis, dtype=dtype, keepdims=keepdims, ddof=ddof, split_every=split_every, out=out)) if dtype and dtype != result.dtype: result = result.astype(dtype) return result with ignoring(AttributeError): nanstd = wraps(chunk.nanstd)(nanstd) def _arg_combine(data, axis, argfunc, keepdims=False): """ Merge intermediate results from ``arg_*`` functions""" axis = None if len(axis) == data.ndim or data.ndim == 1 else axis[0] vals = data['vals'] arg = data['arg'] if axis is None: local_args = argfunc(vals, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims) vals = vals.ravel()[local_args] arg = arg.ravel()[local_args] else: local_args = argfunc(vals, axis=axis) inds = np.ogrid[tuple(map(slice, local_args.shape))] inds.insert(axis, local_args) inds = tuple(inds) vals = vals[inds] arg = arg[inds] if keepdims: vals = np.expand_dims(vals, axis) arg = np.expand_dims(arg, axis) return arg, vals def arg_chunk(func, argfunc, x, axis, offset_info): arg_axis = None if len(axis) == x.ndim or x.ndim == 1 else axis[0] vals = func(x, axis=arg_axis, keepdims=True) arg = argfunc(x, axis=arg_axis, keepdims=True) if arg_axis is None: offset, total_shape = offset_info ind = np.unravel_index(arg.ravel()[0], x.shape) total_ind = tuple(o + i for (o, i) in zip(offset, ind)) arg[:] = np.ravel_multi_index(total_ind, total_shape) else: arg += offset_info if isinstance(vals, if 'min' in argfunc.__name__: fill_value = else: fill_value = vals =, fill_value) result = np.empty(shape=vals.shape, dtype=[('vals', vals.dtype), ('arg', arg.dtype)]) result['vals'] = vals result['arg'] = arg return result def arg_combine(func, argfunc, data, axis=None, **kwargs): arg, vals = _arg_combine(data, axis, argfunc, keepdims=True) result = np.empty(shape=vals.shape, dtype=[('vals', vals.dtype), ('arg', arg.dtype)]) result['vals'] = vals result['arg'] = arg return result def arg_agg(func, argfunc, data, axis=None, **kwargs): return _arg_combine(data, axis, argfunc, keepdims=False)[0] def nanarg_agg(func, argfunc, data, axis=None, **kwargs): arg, vals = _arg_combine(data, axis, argfunc, keepdims=False) if np.any(np.isnan(vals)): raise ValueError("All NaN slice encountered") return arg def arg_reduction(x, chunk, combine, agg, axis=None, split_every=None, out=None): """ Generic function for argreduction. Parameters ---------- x : Array chunk : callable Partialed ``arg_chunk``. combine : callable Partialed ``arg_combine``. agg : callable Partialed ``arg_agg``. axis : int, optional split_every : int or dict, optional """ if axis is None: axis = tuple(range(x.ndim)) ravel = True elif isinstance(axis, Integral): axis = validate_axis(axis, x.ndim) axis = (axis,) ravel = x.ndim == 1 else: raise TypeError("axis must be either `None` or int, " "got '{0}'".format(axis)) for ax in axis: chunks = x.chunks[ax] if len(chunks) > 1 and np.isnan(chunks).any(): raise ValueError( "Arg-reductions do not work with arrays that have " "unknown chunksizes. At some point in your computation " "this array lost chunking information" ) # Map chunk across all blocks name = 'arg-reduce-{0}'.format(tokenize(axis, x, chunk, combine, split_every)) old = keys = list(product(*map(range, x.numblocks))) offsets = list(product(*(accumulate(operator.add, bd[:-1], 0) for bd in x.chunks))) if ravel: offset_info = zip(offsets, repeat(x.shape)) else: offset_info = pluck(axis[0], offsets) chunks = tuple((1, ) * len(c) if i in axis else c for (i, c) in enumerate(x.chunks)) dsk = dict(((name,) + k, (chunk, (old,) + k, axis, off)) for (k, off) in zip(keys, offset_info)) # The dtype of `tmp` doesn't actually matter, just need to provide something graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[x]) tmp = Array(graph, name, chunks, dtype=x.dtype) dtype = np.argmin([1]).dtype result = _tree_reduce(tmp, agg, axis, False, dtype, split_every, combine) return handle_out(out, result) def make_arg_reduction(func, argfunc, is_nan_func=False): """ Create an argreduction callable Parameters ---------- func : callable The reduction (e.g. ``min``) argfunc : callable The argreduction (e.g. ``argmin``) """ chunk = partial(arg_chunk, func, argfunc) combine = partial(arg_combine, func, argfunc) if is_nan_func: agg = partial(nanarg_agg, func, argfunc) else: agg = partial(arg_agg, func, argfunc) @wraps(argfunc) def _(x, axis=None, split_every=None, out=None): return arg_reduction(x, chunk, combine, agg, axis, split_every=split_every, out=out) return _ def _nanargmin(x, axis, **kwargs): try: return chunk.nanargmin(x, axis, **kwargs) except ValueError: return chunk.nanargmin(np.where(np.isnan(x), np.inf, x), axis, **kwargs) def _nanargmax(x, axis, **kwargs): try: return chunk.nanargmax(x, axis, **kwargs) except ValueError: return chunk.nanargmax(np.where(np.isnan(x), -np.inf, x), axis, **kwargs) argmin = make_arg_reduction(chunk.min, chunk.argmin) argmax = make_arg_reduction(chunk.max, chunk.argmax) nanargmin = make_arg_reduction(chunk.nanmin, _nanargmin, True) nanargmax = make_arg_reduction(chunk.nanmax, _nanargmax, True) def cumreduction(func, binop, ident, x, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): """ Generic function for cumulative reduction Parameters ---------- func: callable Cumulative function like np.cumsum or np.cumprod binop: callable Associated binary operator like ``np.cumsum->add`` or ``np.cumprod->mul`` ident: Number Associated identity like ``np.cumsum->0`` or ``np.cumprod->1`` x: dask Array axis: int dtype: dtype Returns ------- dask array See also -------- cumsum cumprod """ if axis is None: x = x.flatten() axis = 0 if dtype is None: dtype = getattr(func(np.empty((0,), dtype=x.dtype)), 'dtype', object) assert isinstance(axis, Integral) axis = validate_axis(axis, x.ndim) m = x.map_blocks(func, axis=axis, dtype=dtype) name = '{0}-{1}'.format(func.__name__, tokenize(func, axis, binop, ident, x, dtype)) n = x.numblocks[axis] full = slice(None, None, None) slc = (full,) * axis + (slice(-1, None),) + (full,) * (x.ndim - axis - 1) indices = list(product(*[range(nb) if i != axis else [0] for i, nb in enumerate(x.numblocks)])) dsk = dict() for ind in indices: shape = tuple(x.chunks[i][ii] if i != axis else 1 for i, ii in enumerate(ind)) dsk[(name, 'extra') + ind] = (np.full, shape, ident, m.dtype) dsk[(name,) + ind] = (,) + ind for i in range(1, n): last_indices = indices indices = list(product(*[range(nb) if ii != axis else [i] for ii, nb in enumerate(x.numblocks)])) for old, ind in zip(last_indices, indices): this_slice = (name, 'extra') + ind dsk[this_slice] = (binop, (name, 'extra') + old, (operator.getitem, (,) + old, slc)) dsk[(name,) + ind] = (binop, this_slice, (,) + ind) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[m]) result = Array(graph, name, x.chunks, m.dtype) return handle_out(out, result) def _cumsum_merge(a, b): if isinstance(a, or isinstance(b, values = + return, return a + b def _cumprod_merge(a, b): if isinstance(a, or isinstance(b, values = * return, return a * b @wraps(np.cumsum) def cumsum(x, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): return cumreduction(np.cumsum, _cumsum_merge, 0, x, axis, dtype, out=out) @wraps(np.cumprod) def cumprod(x, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): return cumreduction(np.cumprod, _cumprod_merge, 1, x, axis, dtype, out=out) def topk(a, k, axis=-1, split_every=None): """ Extract the k largest elements from a on the given axis, and return them sorted from largest to smallest. If k is negative, extract the -k smallest elements instead, and return them sorted from smallest to largest. This performs best when ``k`` is much smaller than the chunk size. All results will be returned in a single chunk along the given axis. Parameters ---------- x: Array Data being sorted k: int axis: int, optional split_every: int >=2, optional See :func:`reduce`. This parameter becomes very important when k is on the same order of magnitude of the chunk size or more, as it prevents getting the whole or a significant portion of the input array in memory all at once, with a negative impact on network transfer too when running on distributed. Returns ------- Selection of x with size abs(k) along the given axis. Examples -------- >>> import dask.array as da >>> x = np.array([5, 1, 3, 6]) >>> d = da.from_array(x, chunks=2) >>> d.topk(2).compute() array([6, 5]) >>> d.topk(-2).compute() array([1, 3]) """ axis = validate_axis(axis, a.ndim) # chunk and combine steps of the reduction, which recursively invoke # np.partition to pick the top/bottom k elements from the previous step. # The selection is not sorted internally. chunk_combine = partial(chunk.topk, k=k) # aggregate step of the reduction. Internally invokes the chunk/combine # function, then sorts the results internally. aggregate = partial(chunk.topk_aggregate, k=k) return reduction( a, chunk=chunk_combine, combine=chunk_combine, aggregate=aggregate, axis=axis, keepdims=True, dtype=a.dtype, split_every=split_every, output_size=abs(k)) def argtopk(a, k, axis=-1, split_every=None): """ Extract the indices of the k largest elements from a on the given axis, and return them sorted from largest to smallest. If k is negative, extract the indices of the -k smallest elements instead, and return them sorted from smallest to largest. This performs best when ``k`` is much smaller than the chunk size. All results will be returned in a single chunk along the given axis. Parameters ---------- x: Array Data being sorted k: int axis: int, optional split_every: int >=2, optional See :func:`topk`. The performance considerations for topk also apply here. Returns ------- Selection of np.intp indices of x with size abs(k) along the given axis. Examples -------- >>> import dask.array as da >>> x = np.array([5, 1, 3, 6]) >>> d = da.from_array(x, chunks=2) >>> d.argtopk(2).compute() array([3, 0]) >>> d.argtopk(-2).compute() array([1, 2]) """ axis = validate_axis(axis, a.ndim) # Generate nodes where every chunk is a tuple of (a, original index of a) idx = arange(a.shape[axis], chunks=(a.chunks[axis], ), dtype=np.intp) idx = idx[tuple(slice(None) if i == axis else np.newaxis for i in range(a.ndim))] a_plus_idx = a.map_blocks(chunk.argtopk_preprocess, idx, dtype=object) # chunk and combine steps of the reduction. They acquire in input a tuple # of (a, original indices of a) and return another tuple containing the top # k elements of a and the matching original indices. The selection is not # sorted internally, as in np.argpartition. chunk_combine = partial(chunk.argtopk, k=k) # aggregate step of the reduction. Internally invokes the chunk/combine # function, then sorts the results internally, drops a and returns the # index only. aggregate = partial(chunk.argtopk_aggregate, k=k) return reduction( a_plus_idx, chunk=chunk_combine, combine=chunk_combine, aggregate=aggregate, axis=axis, keepdims=True, dtype=np.intp, split_every=split_every, concatenate=False, output_size=abs(k))