from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function from itertools import product import math from numbers import Integral, Number from operator import getitem, itemgetter import warnings import numpy as np from toolz import memoize, merge, pluck, concat from .. import core from ..highlevelgraph import HighLevelGraph from ..base import tokenize, is_dask_collection colon = slice(None, None, None) def _sanitize_index_element(ind): """Sanitize a one-element index.""" if isinstance(ind, Number): ind2 = int(ind) if ind2 != ind: raise IndexError("Bad index. Must be integer-like: %s" % ind) else: return ind2 elif ind is None: return None else: raise TypeError("Invalid index type", type(ind), ind) def sanitize_index(ind): """ Sanitize the elements for indexing along one axis >>> sanitize_index([2, 3, 5]) array([2, 3, 5]) >>> sanitize_index([True, False, True, False]) array([0, 2]) >>> sanitize_index(np.array([1, 2, 3])) array([1, 2, 3]) >>> sanitize_index(np.array([False, True, True])) array([1, 2]) >>> type(sanitize_index(np.int32(0))) >>> sanitize_index(1.0) 1 >>> sanitize_index(0.5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Bad index. Must be integer-like: 0.5 """ if ind is None: return None elif isinstance(ind, slice): return slice(_sanitize_index_element(ind.start), _sanitize_index_element(ind.stop), _sanitize_index_element(ind.step)) elif isinstance(ind, Number): return _sanitize_index_element(ind) elif is_dask_collection(ind): return ind index_array = np.asanyarray(ind) if index_array.dtype == bool: nonzero = np.nonzero(index_array) if len(nonzero) == 1: # If a 1-element tuple, unwrap the element nonzero = nonzero[0] return np.asanyarray(nonzero) elif np.issubdtype(index_array.dtype, np.integer): return index_array elif np.issubdtype(index_array.dtype, np.floating): int_index = index_array.astype(np.intp) if np.allclose(index_array, int_index): return int_index else: check_int = np.isclose(index_array, int_index) first_err = index_array.ravel( )[np.flatnonzero(~check_int)[0]] raise IndexError("Bad index. Must be integer-like: %s" % first_err) else: raise TypeError("Invalid index type", type(ind), ind) def slice_array(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index): """ Master function for array slicing This function makes a new dask that slices blocks along every dimension and aggregates (via cartesian product) each dimension's slices so that the resulting block slices give the same results as the original slice on the original structure Index must be a tuple. It may contain the following types int, slice, list (at most one list), None Parameters ---------- in_name - string This is the dask variable name that will be used as input out_name - string This is the dask variable output name blockshape - iterable of integers index - iterable of integers, slices, lists, or None Returns ------- Dict where the keys are tuples of (out_name, dim_index[, dim_index[, ...]]) and the values are (function, (in_name, dim_index, dim_index, ...), (slice(...), [slice()[,...]]) Also new blockdims with shapes of each block ((10, 10, 10, 10), (20, 20)) Examples -------- >>> dsk, blockdims = slice_array('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20, 20)], ... (slice(10, 35),)) # doctest: +SKIP >>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0), (slice(10, 20),)), ('y', 1): (getitem, ('x', 1), (slice(0, 15),))} >>> blockdims # doctest: +SKIP ((10, 15),) See Also -------- This function works by successively unwrapping cases and passing down through a sequence of functions. slice_with_newaxis - handle None/newaxis case slice_wrap_lists - handle fancy indexing with lists slice_slices_and_integers - handle everything else """ blockdims = tuple(map(tuple, blockdims)) # x[:, :, :] - Punt and return old value if all(isinstance(index, slice) and index == slice(None, None, None) for index in index): suffixes = product(*[range(len(bd)) for bd in blockdims]) dsk = dict(((out_name,) + s, (in_name,) + s) for s in suffixes) return dsk, blockdims # Add in missing colons at the end as needed. x[5] -> x[5, :, :] not_none_count = sum(i is not None for i in index) missing = len(blockdims) - not_none_count index += (slice(None, None, None),) * missing # Pass down to next function dsk_out, bd_out = slice_with_newaxes(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index) bd_out = tuple(map(tuple, bd_out)) return dsk_out, bd_out def slice_with_newaxes(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index): """ Handle indexing with Nones Strips out Nones then hands off to slice_wrap_lists """ # Strip Nones from index index2 = tuple([ind for ind in index if ind is not None]) where_none = [i for i, ind in enumerate(index) if ind is None] where_none_orig = list(where_none) for i, x in enumerate(where_none): n = sum(isinstance(ind, Integral) for ind in index[:x]) if n: where_none[i] -= n # Pass down and do work dsk, blockdims2 = slice_wrap_lists(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index2) if where_none: expand = expander(where_none) expand_orig = expander(where_none_orig) # Insert ",0" into the key: ('x', 2, 3) -> ('x', 0, 2, 0, 3) dsk2 = {(out_name,) + expand(k[1:], 0): (v[:2] + (expand_orig(v[2], None),)) for k, v in dsk.items() if k[0] == out_name} # Add back intermediate parts of the dask that weren't the output dsk3 = merge(dsk2, {k: v for k, v in dsk.items() if k[0] != out_name}) # Insert (1,) into blockdims: ((2, 2), (3, 3)) -> ((2, 2), (1,), (3, 3)) blockdims3 = expand(blockdims2, (1,)) return dsk3, blockdims3 else: return dsk, blockdims2 def slice_wrap_lists(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index): """ Fancy indexing along blocked array dasks Handles index of type list. Calls slice_slices_and_integers for the rest See Also -------- take - handle slicing with lists ("fancy" indexing) slice_slices_and_integers - handle slicing with slices and integers """ assert all(isinstance(i, (slice, list, Integral, np.ndarray)) for i in index) if not len(blockdims) == len(index): raise IndexError("Too many indices for array") # Do we have more than one list in the index? where_list = [i for i, ind in enumerate(index) if isinstance(ind, np.ndarray) and ind.ndim > 0] if len(where_list) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Don't yet support nd fancy indexing") # Is the single list an empty list? In this case just treat it as a zero # length slice if where_list and not index[where_list[0]].size: index = list(index) index[where_list.pop()] = slice(0, 0, 1) index = tuple(index) # No lists, hooray! just use slice_slices_and_integers if not where_list: return slice_slices_and_integers(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index) # Replace all lists with full slices [3, 1, 0] -> slice(None, None, None) index_without_list = tuple(slice(None, None, None) if isinstance(i, np.ndarray) else i for i in index) # lists and full slices. Just use take if all(isinstance(i, np.ndarray) or i == slice(None, None, None) for i in index): axis = where_list[0] blockdims2, dsk3 = take(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index[where_list[0]], axis=axis) # Mixed case. Both slices/integers and lists. slice/integer then take else: # Do first pass without lists tmp = 'slice-' + tokenize((out_name, in_name, blockdims, index)) dsk, blockdims2 = slice_slices_and_integers(tmp, in_name, blockdims, index_without_list) # After collapsing some axes due to int indices, adjust axis parameter axis = where_list[0] axis2 = axis - sum(1 for i, ind in enumerate(index) if i < axis and isinstance(ind, Integral)) # Do work blockdims2, dsk2 = take(out_name, tmp, blockdims2, index[axis], axis=axis2) dsk3 = merge(dsk, dsk2) return dsk3, blockdims2 def slice_slices_and_integers(out_name, in_name, blockdims, index): """ Dask array indexing with slices and integers See Also -------- _slice_1d """ shape = tuple(map(sum, blockdims)) for dim, ind in zip(shape, index): if np.isnan(dim) and ind != slice(None, None, None): raise ValueError("Arrays chunk sizes are unknown: %s", shape) assert all(isinstance(ind, (slice, Integral)) for ind in index) assert len(index) == len(blockdims) # Get a list (for each dimension) of dicts{blocknum: slice()} block_slices = list(map(_slice_1d, shape, blockdims, index)) sorted_block_slices = [sorted(i.items()) for i in block_slices] # (in_name, 1, 1, 2), (in_name, 1, 1, 4), (in_name, 2, 1, 2), ... in_names = list(product([in_name], *[pluck(0, s) for s in sorted_block_slices])) # (out_name, 0, 0, 0), (out_name, 0, 0, 1), (out_name, 0, 1, 0), ... out_names = list(product([out_name], *[range(len(d))[::-1] if i.step and i.step < 0 else range(len(d)) for d, i in zip(block_slices, index) if not isinstance(i, Integral)])) all_slices = list(product(*[pluck(1, s) for s in sorted_block_slices])) dsk_out = {out_name: (getitem, in_name, slices) for out_name, in_name, slices in zip(out_names, in_names, all_slices)} new_blockdims = [new_blockdim(d, db, i) for d, i, db in zip(shape, index, blockdims) if not isinstance(i, Integral)] return dsk_out, new_blockdims def _slice_1d(dim_shape, lengths, index): """Returns a dict of {blocknum: slice} This function figures out where each slice should start in each block for a single dimension. If the slice won't return any elements in the block, that block will not be in the output. Parameters ---------- dim_shape - the number of elements in this dimension. This should be a positive, non-zero integer blocksize - the number of elements per block in this dimension This should be a positive, non-zero integer index - a description of the elements in this dimension that we want This might be an integer, a slice(), or an Ellipsis Returns ------- dictionary where the keys are the integer index of the blocks that should be sliced and the values are the slices Examples -------- Trivial slicing >>> _slice_1d(100, [60, 40], slice(None, None, None)) {0: slice(None, None, None), 1: slice(None, None, None)} 100 length array cut into length 20 pieces, slice 0:35 >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(0, 35)) {0: slice(None, None, None), 1: slice(0, 15, 1)} Support irregular blocks and various slices >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 10, 10, 10, 25, 25], slice(10, 35)) {0: slice(10, 20, 1), 1: slice(None, None, None), 2: slice(0, 5, 1)} Support step sizes >>> _slice_1d(100, [15, 14, 13], slice(10, 41, 3)) {0: slice(10, 15, 3), 1: slice(1, 14, 3), 2: slice(2, 12, 3)} >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(0, 100, 40)) # step > blocksize {0: slice(0, 20, 40), 2: slice(0, 20, 40), 4: slice(0, 20, 40)} Also support indexing single elements >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], 25) {1: 5} And negative slicing >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(100, 0, -3)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {4: slice(-1, -21, -3), 3: slice(-2, -21, -3), 2: slice(-3, -21, -3), 1: slice(-1, -21, -3), 0: slice(-2, -20, -3)} >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(100, 12, -3)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE {4: slice(-1, -21, -3), 3: slice(-2, -21, -3), 2: slice(-3, -21, -3), 1: slice(-1, -21, -3), 0: slice(-2, -8, -3)} >>> _slice_1d(100, [20, 20, 20, 20, 20], slice(100, -12, -3)) {4: slice(-1, -12, -3)} """ chunk_boundaries = np.cumsum(lengths, dtype=np.int64) if isinstance(index, Integral): # use right-side search to be consistent with previous result i = chunk_boundaries.searchsorted(index, side='right') if i > 0: # the very first chunk has no relative shift ind = index - chunk_boundaries[i - 1] else: ind = index return {int(i): int(ind)} assert isinstance(index, slice) if index == colon: return {k: colon for k in range(len(lengths))} step = index.step or 1 if step > 0: start = index.start or 0 stop = index.stop if index.stop is not None else dim_shape else: start = index.start if index.start is not None else dim_shape - 1 start = dim_shape - 1 if start >= dim_shape else start stop = -(dim_shape + 1) if index.stop is None else index.stop # posify start and stop if start < 0: start += dim_shape if stop < 0: stop += dim_shape d = dict() if step > 0: istart = chunk_boundaries.searchsorted(start, side='right') istop = chunk_boundaries.searchsorted(stop, side='left') # the bound is not exactly tight; make it tighter? istop = min(istop + 1, len(lengths)) # jump directly to istart if istart > 0: start = start - chunk_boundaries[istart - 1] stop = stop - chunk_boundaries[istart - 1] for i in range(istart, istop): length = lengths[i] if start < length and stop > 0: d[i] = slice(start, min(stop, length), step) start = (start - length) % step else: start = start - length stop -= length else: rstart = start # running start istart = chunk_boundaries.searchsorted(start, side='left') istop = chunk_boundaries.searchsorted(stop, side='right') # the bound is not exactly tight; make it tighter? istart = min(istart + 1, len(chunk_boundaries) - 1) istop = max(istop - 1, -1) for i in range(istart, istop, -1): chunk_stop = chunk_boundaries[i] # create a chunk start and stop if i == 0: chunk_start = 0 else: chunk_start = chunk_boundaries[i - 1] # if our slice is in this chunk if (chunk_start <= rstart < chunk_stop) and (rstart > stop): d[i] = slice(rstart - chunk_stop, max(chunk_start - chunk_stop - 1, stop - chunk_stop), step) # compute the next running start point, offset = (rstart - (chunk_start - 1)) % step rstart = chunk_start + offset - 1 # replace 0:20:1 with : if appropriate for k, v in d.items(): if v == slice(0, lengths[k], 1): d[k] = slice(None, None, None) if not d: # special case x[:0] d[0] = slice(0, 0, 1) return d def partition_by_size(sizes, seq): """ >>> partition_by_size([10, 20, 10], [1, 5, 9, 12, 29, 35]) [array([1, 5, 9]), array([ 2, 19]), array([5])] """ seq = np.asanyarray(seq) left = np.empty(len(sizes) + 1, dtype=int) left[0] = 0 right = np.cumsum(sizes, out=left[1:]) locations = np.empty(len(sizes) + 1, dtype=int) locations[0] = 0 locations[1:] = np.searchsorted(seq, right) return [(seq[j:k] - l) for j, k, l in zip(locations[:-1], locations[1:], left)] def issorted(seq): """ Is sequence sorted? >>> issorted([1, 2, 3]) True >>> issorted([3, 1, 2]) False """ if len(seq) == 0: return True return np.all(seq[:-1] <= seq[1:]) def slicing_plan(chunks, index): """ Construct a plan to slice chunks with the given index Parameters ---------- chunks : Tuple[int] One dimensions worth of chunking information index : np.ndarray[int] The index passed to slice on that dimension Returns ------- out : List[Tuple[int, np.ndarray]] A list of chunk/sub-index pairs corresponding to each output chunk """ index = np.asanyarray(index) cum_chunks = np.cumsum(chunks) chunk_locations = np.searchsorted(cum_chunks, index, side='right') where = np.where(np.diff(chunk_locations))[0] + 1 where = np.concatenate([[0], where, [len(chunk_locations)]]) out = [] for i in range(len(where) - 1): sub_index = index[where[i]:where[i + 1]] chunk = chunk_locations[where[i]] if chunk > 0: sub_index = sub_index - cum_chunks[chunk - 1] out.append((chunk, sub_index)) return out def take(outname, inname, chunks, index, axis=0): """ Index array with an iterable of index Handles a single index by a single list Mimics ``np.take`` >>> chunks, dsk = take('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20)], [5, 1, 47, 3], axis=0) >>> chunks ((2, 1, 1),) >>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP {('y', 0): (getitem, (np.concatenate, [(getitem, ('x', 0), ([1, 3, 5],)), (getitem, ('x', 2), ([7],))], 0), (2, 0, 4, 1))} When list is sorted we retain original block structure >>> chunks, dsk = take('y', 'x', [(20, 20, 20, 20)], [1, 3, 5, 47], axis=0) >>> chunks ((3, 1),) >>> dsk # doctest: +SKIP {('y', 0): (getitem, ('x', 0), ([1, 3, 5],)), ('y', 2): (getitem, ('x', 2), ([7],))} """ plan = slicing_plan(chunks[axis], index) if len(plan) >= len(chunks[axis]) * 10: factor = math.ceil(len(plan) / len(chunks[axis])) from .core import PerformanceWarning warnings.warn("Slicing with an out-of-order index is generating %d " "times more chunks" % factor, PerformanceWarning, stacklevel=6) index_lists = [idx for _, idx in plan] where_index = [i for i, _ in plan] dims = [range(len(bd)) for bd in chunks] indims = list(dims) indims[axis] = list(range(len(where_index))) keys = list(product([outname], *indims)) outdims = list(dims) outdims[axis] = where_index slices = [[colon] * len(bd) for bd in chunks] slices[axis] = index_lists slices = list(product(*slices)) inkeys = list(product([inname], *outdims)) values = [(getitem, inkey, slc) for inkey, slc in zip(inkeys, slices)] chunks2 = list(chunks) chunks2[axis] = tuple(map(len, index_lists)) dsk = dict(zip(keys, values)) return tuple(chunks2), dsk def posify_index(shape, ind): """ Flip negative indices around to positive ones >>> posify_index(10, 3) 3 >>> posify_index(10, -3) 7 >>> posify_index(10, [3, -3]) array([3, 7]) >>> posify_index((10, 20), (3, -3)) (3, 17) >>> posify_index((10, 20), (3, [3, 4, -3])) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE (3, array([ 3, 4, 17])) """ if isinstance(ind, tuple): return tuple(map(posify_index, shape, ind)) if isinstance(ind, Integral): if ind < 0 and not math.isnan(shape): return ind + shape else: return ind if isinstance(ind, (np.ndarray, list)) and not math.isnan(shape): ind = np.asanyarray(ind) return np.where(ind < 0, ind + shape, ind) return ind @memoize def _expander(where): if not where: def expand(seq, val): return seq return expand else: decl = """def expand(seq, val): return ({left}) + tuple({right}) """ left = [] j = 0 for i in range(max(where) + 1): if i in where: left.append("val, ") else: left.append("seq[%d], " % j) j += 1 right = "seq[%d:]" % j left = "".join(left) decl = decl.format(**locals()) ns = {} exec(compile(decl, "", "exec"), ns, ns) return ns['expand'] def expander(where): """Create a function to insert value at many locations in sequence. >>> expander([0, 2])(['a', 'b', 'c'], 'z') ('z', 'a', 'z', 'b', 'c') """ return _expander(tuple(where)) def new_blockdim(dim_shape, lengths, index): """ >>> new_blockdim(100, [20, 10, 20, 10, 40], slice(0, 90, 2)) [10, 5, 10, 5, 15] >>> new_blockdim(100, [20, 10, 20, 10, 40], [5, 1, 30, 22]) [4] >>> new_blockdim(100, [20, 10, 20, 10, 40], slice(90, 10, -2)) [16, 5, 10, 5, 4] """ if index == slice(None, None, None): return lengths if isinstance(index, list): return [len(index)] assert not isinstance(index, Integral) pairs = sorted(_slice_1d(dim_shape, lengths, index).items(), key=itemgetter(0)) slices = [slice(0, lengths[i], 1) if slc == slice(None, None, None) else slc for i, slc in pairs] if isinstance(index, slice) and index.step and index.step < 0: slices = slices[::-1] return [int(math.ceil((1. * slc.stop - slc.start) / slc.step)) for slc in slices] def replace_ellipsis(n, index): """ Replace ... with slices, :, : ,: >>> replace_ellipsis(4, (3, Ellipsis, 2)) (3, slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None), 2) >>> replace_ellipsis(2, (Ellipsis, None)) (slice(None, None, None), slice(None, None, None), None) """ # Careful about using in or index because index may contain arrays isellipsis = [i for i, ind in enumerate(index) if ind is Ellipsis] if not isellipsis: return index else: loc = isellipsis[0] extra_dimensions = n - (len(index) - sum(i is None for i in index) - 1) return (index[:loc] + (slice(None, None, None),) * extra_dimensions + index[loc + 1:]) def normalize_slice(idx, dim): """ Normalize slices to canonical form Parameters ---------- idx: slice or other index dim: dimension length Examples -------- >>> normalize_slice(slice(0, 10, 1), 10) slice(None, None, None) """ if isinstance(idx, slice): if math.isnan(dim): return idx start, stop, step = idx.indices(dim) if step > 0: if start == 0: start = None if stop >= dim: stop = None if step == 1: step = None if stop is not None and start is not None and stop < start: stop = start elif step < 0: if start >= dim - 1: start = None if stop < 0: stop = None return slice(start, stop, step) return idx def normalize_index(idx, shape): """ Normalize slicing indexes 1. Replaces ellipses with many full slices 2. Adds full slices to end of index 3. Checks bounding conditions 4. Replaces numpy arrays with lists 5. Posify's integers and lists 6. Normalizes slices to canonical form Examples -------- >>> normalize_index(1, (10,)) (1,) >>> normalize_index(-1, (10,)) (9,) >>> normalize_index([-1], (10,)) (array([9]),) >>> normalize_index(slice(-3, 10, 1), (10,)) (slice(7, None, None),) >>> normalize_index((Ellipsis, None), (10,)) (slice(None, None, None), None) """ if not isinstance(idx, tuple): idx = (idx,) idx = replace_ellipsis(len(shape), idx) n_sliced_dims = 0 for i in idx: if hasattr(i, 'ndim') and i.ndim >= 1: n_sliced_dims += i.ndim elif i is None: continue else: n_sliced_dims += 1 idx = idx + (slice(None),) * (len(shape) - n_sliced_dims) if len([i for i in idx if i is not None]) > len(shape): raise IndexError("Too many indices for array") none_shape = [] i = 0 for ind in idx: if ind is not None: none_shape.append(shape[i]) i += 1 else: none_shape.append(None) for i, d in zip(idx, none_shape): if d is not None: check_index(i, d) idx = tuple(map(sanitize_index, idx)) idx = tuple(map(normalize_slice, idx, none_shape)) idx = posify_index(none_shape, idx) return idx def check_index(ind, dimension): """ Check validity of index for a given dimension Examples -------- >>> check_index(3, 5) >>> check_index(5, 5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Index is not smaller than dimension 5 >= 5 >>> check_index(6, 5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Index is not smaller than dimension 6 >= 5 >>> check_index(-1, 5) >>> check_index(-6, 5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Negative index is not greater than negative dimension -6 <= -5 >>> check_index([1, 2], 5) >>> check_index([6, 3], 5) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Index out of bounds 5 >>> check_index(slice(0, 3), 5) >>> check_index([True], 1) >>> check_index([True, True], 3) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Boolean array length 2 doesn't equal dimension 3 >>> check_index([True, True, True], 1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IndexError: Boolean array length 3 doesn't equal dimension 1 """ # unknown dimension, assumed to be in bounds if np.isnan(dimension): return elif isinstance(ind, (list, np.ndarray)): x = np.asanyarray(ind) if x.dtype == bool: if x.size != dimension: raise IndexError( "Boolean array length %s doesn't equal dimension %s" % (x.size, dimension)) elif (x >= dimension).any() or (x < -dimension).any(): raise IndexError("Index out of bounds %s" % dimension) elif isinstance(ind, slice): return elif is_dask_collection(ind): return elif ind is None: return elif ind >= dimension: raise IndexError("Index is not smaller than dimension %d >= %d" % (ind, dimension)) elif ind < -dimension: msg = "Negative index is not greater than negative dimension %d <= -%d" raise IndexError(msg % (ind, dimension)) def slice_with_int_dask_array(x, index): """ Slice x with at most one 1D dask arrays of ints. This is a helper function of :meth:`Array.__getitem__`. Parameters ---------- x: Array index: tuple with as many elements as x.ndim, among which there are one or more Array's with dtype=int Returns ------- tuple of (sliced x, new index) where the new index is the same as the input, but with slice(None) replaced to the original slicer where a 1D filter has been applied and one less element where a zero-dimensional filter has been applied. """ from .core import Array assert len(index) == x.ndim fancy_indexes = [ isinstance(idx, (tuple, list)) or (isinstance(idx, (np.ndarray, Array)) and idx.ndim > 0) for idx in index ] if sum(fancy_indexes) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Don't yet support nd fancy indexing)") out_index = [] dropped_axis_cnt = 0 for in_axis, idx in enumerate(index): out_axis = in_axis - dropped_axis_cnt if isinstance(idx, Array) and idx.dtype.kind in 'iu': if idx.ndim == 0: idx = idx[np.newaxis] x = slice_with_int_dask_array_on_axis(x, idx, out_axis) x = x[tuple( 0 if i == out_axis else slice(None) for i in range(x.ndim) )] dropped_axis_cnt += 1 elif idx.ndim == 1: x = slice_with_int_dask_array_on_axis(x, idx, out_axis) out_index.append(slice(None)) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Slicing with dask.array of ints only permitted when " "the indexer has zero or one dimensions") else: out_index.append(idx) return x, tuple(out_index) def slice_with_int_dask_array_on_axis(x, idx, axis): """ Slice a ND dask array with a 1D dask arrays of ints along the given axis. This is a helper function of :func:`slice_with_int_dask_array`. """ from .core import Array, blockwise, from_array from . import chunk assert 0 <= axis < x.ndim if np.isnan(x.chunks[axis]).any(): raise NotImplementedError("Slicing an array with unknown chunks with " "a dask.array of ints is not supported") # Calculate the offset at which each chunk starts along axis # e.g. chunks=(..., (5, 3, 4), ...) -> offset=[0, 5, 8] offset = np.roll(np.cumsum(x.chunks[axis]), 1) offset[0] = 0 offset = from_array(offset, chunks=1) # Tamper with the declared chunks of offset to make blockwise align it with # x[axis] offset = Array(offset.dask,, (x.chunks[axis], ), offset.dtype) # Define axis labels for blockwise x_axes = tuple(range(x.ndim)) idx_axes = (x.ndim, ) # arbitrary index not already in x_axes offset_axes = (axis, ) p_axes = x_axes[:axis + 1] + idx_axes + x_axes[axis + 1:] y_axes = x_axes[:axis] + idx_axes + x_axes[axis + 1:] # Calculate the cartesian product of every chunk of x vs every chunk of idx p = blockwise(chunk.slice_with_int_dask_array, p_axes, x, x_axes, idx, idx_axes, offset, offset_axes, x_size=x.shape[axis], axis=axis, dtype=x.dtype) # Aggregate on the chunks of x along axis y = blockwise(chunk.slice_with_int_dask_array_aggregate, y_axes, idx, idx_axes, p, p_axes, concatenate=True, x_chunks=x.chunks[axis], axis=axis, dtype=x.dtype) return y def slice_with_bool_dask_array(x, index): """ Slice x with one or more dask arrays of bools This is a helper function of `Array.__getitem__`. Parameters ---------- x: Array index: tuple with as many elements as x.ndim, among which there are one or more Array's with dtype=bool Returns ------- tuple of (sliced x, new index) where the new index is the same as the input, but with slice(None) replaced to the original slicer when a filter has been applied. Note: The sliced x will have nan chunks on the sliced axes. """ from .core import Array, blockwise, elemwise out_index = [slice(None) if isinstance(ind, Array) and ind.dtype == bool else ind for ind in index] if len(index) == 1 and index[0].ndim == x.ndim: y = elemwise(getitem, x, *index, dtype=x.dtype) name = 'getitem-' + tokenize(x, index) dsk = {(name, i): k for i, k in enumerate(core.flatten(y.__dask_keys__()))} chunks = ((np.nan,) * y.npartitions,) graph = HighLevelGraph.from_collections(name, dsk, dependencies=[y]) return Array(graph, name, chunks, x.dtype), out_index if any(isinstance(ind, Array) and ind.dtype == bool and ind.ndim != 1 for ind in index): raise NotImplementedError("Slicing with dask.array of bools only permitted when " "the indexer has only one dimension or when " "it has the same dimension as the sliced " "array") indexes = [ind if isinstance(ind, Array) and ind.dtype == bool else slice(None) for ind in index] arginds = [] i = 0 for ind in indexes: if isinstance(ind, Array) and ind.dtype == bool: new = (ind, tuple(range(i, i + ind.ndim))) i += x.ndim else: new = (slice(None), None) i += 1 arginds.append(new) arginds = list(concat(arginds)) out = blockwise(getitem_variadic, tuple(range(x.ndim)), x, tuple(range(x.ndim)), *arginds, dtype=x.dtype) chunks = [] for ind, chunk in zip(index, out.chunks): if isinstance(ind, Array) and ind.dtype == bool: chunks.append((np.nan,) * len(chunk)) else: chunks.append(chunk) out._chunks = tuple(chunks) return out, tuple(out_index) def getitem_variadic(x, *index): return x[index]