import logging import pathlib import sys from textwrap import dedent import nbformat from jupyter_core.application import JupyterApp from traitlets import Bool, Integer, List, Unicode, default from traitlets.config import catch_config_error from nbclient import __version__ from .client import NotebookClient nbclient_aliases = { 'timeout': 'NbClientApp.timeout', 'startup_timeout': 'NbClientApp.startup_timeout', 'kernel_name': 'NbClientApp.kernel_name', } nbclient_flags = { 'allow-errors': ( { 'NbClientApp': { 'allow_errors': True, }, }, "Errors are ignored and execution is continued until the end of the notebook.", ), } class NbClientApp(JupyterApp): """ An application used to execute notebook files (``*.ipynb``) """ version = Unicode(__version__) name = 'jupyter-execute' aliases = nbclient_aliases flags = nbclient_flags description = "An application used to execute notebook files (*.ipynb)" notebooks = List([], help="Path of notebooks to convert").tag(config=True) timeout: int = Integer( None, allow_none=True, help=dedent( """ The time to wait (in seconds) for output from executions. If a cell execution takes longer, a TimeoutError is raised. ``-1`` will disable the timeout. """ ), ).tag(config=True) startup_timeout: int = Integer( 60, help=dedent( """ The time to wait (in seconds) for the kernel to start. If kernel startup takes longer, a RuntimeError is raised. """ ), ).tag(config=True) allow_errors: bool = Bool( False, help=dedent( """ When a cell raises an error the default behavior is that execution is stopped and a :py:class:`nbclient.exceptions.CellExecutionError` is raised. If this flag is provided, errors are ignored and execution is continued until the end of the notebook. """ ), ).tag(config=True) skip_cells_with_tag: str = Unicode( 'skip-execution', help=dedent( """ Name of the cell tag to use to denote a cell that should be skipped. """ ), ).tag(config=True) kernel_name: str = Unicode( '', help=dedent( """ Name of kernel to use to execute the cells. If not set, use the kernel_spec embedded in the notebook. """ ), ).tag(config=True) @default('log_level') def _log_level_default(self): return logging.INFO @catch_config_error def initialize(self, argv=None): super().initialize(argv) # Get notebooks to run self.notebooks = self.get_notebooks() # If there are none, throw an error if not self.notebooks: print(f"{}: error: expected path to notebook") sys.exit(-1) # Loop and run them one by one [self.run_notebook(path) for path in self.notebooks] def get_notebooks(self): # If notebooks were provided from the command line, use those if self.extra_args: notebooks = self.extra_args # If not, look to the class attribute else: notebooks = self.notebooks # Return what we got. return notebooks def run_notebook(self, notebook_path): # Log it"Executing {notebook_path}") name = notebook_path.replace(".ipynb", "") # Get its parent directory so we can add it to the $PATH path = pathlib.Path(notebook_path).parent.absolute() # Set the input file paths input_path = f"{name}.ipynb" # Open up the notebook we're going to run with open(input_path) as f: nb =, as_version=4) # Configure nbclient to run the notebook client = NotebookClient( nb, timeout=self.timeout, startup_timeout=self.startup_timeout, skip_cells_with_tag=self.skip_cells_with_tag, allow_errors=self.allow_errors, kernel_name=self.kernel_name, resources={'metadata': {'path': path}}, ) # Run it client.execute() main = NbClientApp.launch_instance