# GUI Application automation and testing library # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Mark Mc Mahon and Contributors # https://github.com/pywinauto/pywinauto/graphs/contributors # http://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/credits.html # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of pywinauto nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Provides functions for iterating and finding windows/elements""" from __future__ import unicode_literals import re import ctypes import six from . import win32functions from . import win32structures from . import findbestmatch from . import controls from .backend import registry # TODO: we should filter out invalid elements before returning #========================================================================= class WindowNotFoundError(Exception): """No window could be found""" pass #========================================================================= class WindowAmbiguousError(Exception): """There was more then one window that matched""" pass #========================================================================= class ElementNotFoundError(Exception): """No element could be found""" pass #========================================================================= class ElementAmbiguousError(Exception): """There was more then one element that matched""" pass #========================================================================= def find_element(**kwargs): """ Call find_elements and ensure that only one element is returned Calls find_elements with exactly the same arguments as it is called with so please see :py:func:`find_elements` for the full parameters description. """ elements = find_elements(**kwargs) if not elements: raise ElementNotFoundError(kwargs) if len(elements) > 1: exception = ElementAmbiguousError( "There are {0} elements that match the criteria {1}".format( len(elements), six.text_type(kwargs), ) ) exception.elements = elements raise exception return elements[0] #========================================================================= def find_window(**kwargs): """ Call find_elements and ensure that only handle of one element is returned Calls find_elements with exactly the same arguments as it is called with so please see :py:func:`find_elements` for the full parameters description. """ try: kwargs['backend'] = 'win32' element = find_element(**kwargs) return element.handle except ElementNotFoundError: raise WindowNotFoundError except ElementAmbiguousError: raise WindowAmbiguousError #========================================================================= def find_elements(class_name=None, class_name_re=None, parent=None, process=None, title=None, title_re=None, top_level_only=True, visible_only=True, enabled_only=False, best_match=None, handle=None, ctrl_index=None, found_index=None, predicate_func=None, active_only=False, control_id=None, control_type=None, auto_id=None, framework_id=None, backend=None, depth=None ): """ Find elements based on criteria passed in WARNING! Direct usage of this function is not recommended! It's a very low level API. Better use Application and WindowSpecification objects described in the Getting Started Guide. Possible values are: * **class_name** Elements with this window class * **class_name_re** Elements whose class matches this regular expression * **parent** Elements that are children of this * **process** Elements running in this process * **title** Elements with this text * **title_re** Elements whose text matches this regular expression * **top_level_only** Top level elements only (default=**True**) * **visible_only** Visible elements only (default=**True**) * **enabled_only** Enabled elements only (default=False) * **best_match** Elements with a title similar to this * **handle** The handle of the element to return * **ctrl_index** The index of the child element to return * **found_index** The index of the filtered out child element to return * **predicate_func** A user provided hook for a custom element validation * **active_only** Active elements only (default=False) * **control_id** Elements with this control id * **control_type** Elements with this control type (string; for UIAutomation elements) * **auto_id** Elements with this automation id (for UIAutomation elements) * **framework_id** Elements with this framework id (for UIAutomation elements) * **backend** Back-end name to use while searching (default=None means current active backend) """ if backend is None: backend = registry.active_backend.name backend_obj = registry.backends[backend] # allow a handle to be passed in # if it is present - just return it if handle is not None: return [backend_obj.element_info_class(handle), ] if isinstance(parent, backend_obj.generic_wrapper_class): parent = parent.element_info elif isinstance(parent, six.integer_types): # check if parent is a handle of element (in case of searching native controls) parent = backend_obj.element_info_class(parent) if top_level_only: # find the top level elements element = backend_obj.element_info_class() elements = element.children(process=process, class_name=class_name, title=title, control_type=control_type, cache_enable=True) # if we have been given a parent if parent: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.parent == parent] # looking for child elements else: # if not given a parent look for all children of the desktop if not parent: parent = backend_obj.element_info_class() # look for ALL children of that parent elements = parent.descendants(class_name=class_name, title=title, control_type=control_type, cache_enable=True, depth=depth) # if the ctrl_index has been specified then just return # that control if ctrl_index is not None: return [elements[ctrl_index], ] # early stop if not elements: if found_index is not None: if found_index > 0: raise ElementNotFoundError("found_index is specified as {0}, but no windows found".format( found_index)) return elements if framework_id is not None and elements: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.framework_id == framework_id] if control_id is not None and elements: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.control_id == control_id] if active_only: # TODO: re-write to use ElementInfo interface gui_info = win32structures.GUITHREADINFO() gui_info.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(gui_info) # get all the active elements (not just the specified process) ret = win32functions.GetGUIThreadInfo(0, ctypes.byref(gui_info)) if not ret: raise ctypes.WinError() found_active = False for elem in elements: if elem.handle == gui_info.hwndActive: found_active = True elements = [elem, ] break if not found_active: elements = [] if class_name is not None: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.class_name == class_name] if class_name_re is not None: class_name_regex = re.compile(class_name_re) elements = [elem for elem in elements if class_name_regex.match(elem.class_name)] if process is not None: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.process_id == process] if auto_id is not None and elements: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.automation_id == auto_id] if title is not None: # TODO: some magic is happenning here if elements: elements[0].rich_text elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.rich_text == title] elif title_re is not None: title_regex = re.compile(title_re) def _title_match(w): """Match a window title to the regexp""" t = w.rich_text if t is not None: return title_regex.match(t) return False elements = [elem for elem in elements if _title_match(elem)] if visible_only: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.visible] if enabled_only: elements = [elem for elem in elements if elem.enabled] if best_match is not None: # Build a list of wrapped controls. # Speed up the loop by setting up local pointers wrapped_elems = [] add_to_wrp_elems = wrapped_elems.append wrp_cls = backend_obj.generic_wrapper_class for elem in elements: try: add_to_wrp_elems(wrp_cls(elem)) except (controls.InvalidWindowHandle, controls.InvalidElement): # skip invalid handles - they have dissapeared # since the list of elements was retrieved continue elements = findbestmatch.find_best_control_matches(best_match, wrapped_elems) # convert found elements back to ElementInfo backup_elements = elements[:] elements = [] for elem in backup_elements: if hasattr(elem, "element_info"): elem.element_info.set_cache_strategy(cached=False) elements.append(elem.element_info) else: elements.append(backend_obj.element_info_class(elem.handle)) else: for elem in elements: elem.set_cache_strategy(cached=False) if predicate_func is not None: elements = [elem for elem in elements if predicate_func(elem)] # found_index is the last criterion to filter results if found_index is not None: if found_index < len(elements): elements = elements[found_index:found_index + 1] else: raise ElementNotFoundError("found_index is specified as {0}, but {1} window/s found".format( found_index, len(elements))) return elements #========================================================================= def find_windows(**kwargs): """ Find elements based on criteria passed in and return list of their handles Calls find_elements with exactly the same arguments as it is called with so please see :py:func:`find_elements` for the full parameters description. """ try: kwargs['backend'] = 'win32' elements = find_elements(**kwargs) return [elem.handle for elem in elements] except ElementNotFoundError: raise WindowNotFoundError #========================================================================= def enum_windows(): """Return a list of handles of all the top level windows""" windows = [] # The callback function that will be called for each HWND # all we do is append the wrapped handle def enum_window_proc(hwnd, lparam): """Called for each window - adds handles to a list""" windows.append(hwnd) return True # define the type of the child procedure enum_win_proc_t = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE( ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_long, ctypes.c_long) # 'construct' the callback with our function proc = enum_win_proc_t(enum_window_proc) # loop over all the children (callback called for each) win32functions.EnumWindows(proc, 0) # return the collected wrapped windows return windows