# GUI Application automation and testing library # Copyright (C) 2006-2018 Mark Mc Mahon and Contributors # https://github.com/pywinauto/pywinauto/graphs/contributors # http://pywinauto.readthedocs.io/en/latest/credits.html # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # * Neither the name of pywinauto nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from # this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE # FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL # DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR # SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER # CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, # OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. """Repeated Hotkeys Test **What is checked** This test checks all the controls in a dialog to see if there are controls that use the same hotkey character. **How is it checked** A list of all the hotkeys (converted to uppercase) used in the dialog is created. Then this list is examined to see if any hotkeys are used more than once. If any are used more than once a list of all the controls that use this hotkey are compiled to be used in the bug report. **When is a bug reported** If more than one control has the same hotkey then a bug is reported. **Bug Extra Information** The bug contains the following extra information Name Description RepeatedHotkey This is the hotkey that is repeated between the 2 controls converted to uppercase, String CharsUsedInDialog This is a list of all the hotkeys used in the dialog, String AllCharsInDialog This is a list of all the characters in the dialog for controls that have a hotkeys, String AvailableInControlS A list of the available characters for each control. Any of the characters in this list could be used as the new hotkey without conflicting with any existing hotkey. **Is Reference dialog needed** The reference dialog does not need to be available. If it is available then for each bug discovered it is checked to see if it is a problem in the reference dialog. NOTE: Checking the reference dialog is not so exact here! Only when the equivalent controls in the reference dialog all have the hotkeys will it be reported as being in the reference also. I.e. if there are 3 controls with the same hotkey in the Localised software then those same controls in the reference dialog must have the same hotkey for it to be reported as existing in the reference also. **False positive bug reports** There should be very few false positives from this test. Sometimes a control only has one or 2 characters eg "X:" and it is impossible to avoid a hotkey clash. Also for Asian languages hotkeys should be the same as the US software so probably this test should be run on those languages. **Test Identifier** The identifier for this test/bug is "RepeatedHotkey" """ testname = "RepeatedHotkey" from pywinauto.win32defines import SS_NOPREFIX #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def RepeatedHotkeyTest(windows): """Return the repeated hotkey errors""" hotkeyControls, allChars, hotkeys = _CollectDialogInfo(windows) # get the available characters in the dialog dlgAvailable = allChars.difference(hotkeys) # remove some characters that aren't good choices for hotkeys dlgAvailable.difference_update(set("-& _")) bugs = [] # for each hotkey for char, controls in hotkeyControls.items(): # if there is more than one control associated then it is a bug if len(controls) > 1: ctrlsAvailableChars = "" # build up the available characters for each control for ctrl in controls: controlChars = "" controlChars = set(ctrl.window_text().lower()) controlAvailableChars = controlChars.intersection(dlgAvailable) controlAvailableChars = \ "<%s>" % _SetAsString(controlAvailableChars) ctrlsAvailableChars += controlAvailableChars refCtrls = [ctrl.ref for ctrl in controls if ctrl.ref] refHotkeyControls, refAllChars, refHotkeys = \ _CollectDialogInfo(refCtrls) isInRef = -1 if len(refHotkeys) > 1: isInRef = 1 else: isInRef = 0 bugs.append(( controls, { "RepeatedHotkey" : char, "CharsUsedInDialog" : _SetAsString(hotkeys), "AllCharsInDialog" : _SetAsString(allChars), "AvailableInControls" : ctrlsAvailableChars, }, testname, isInRef) ) # # What is the algorithm to try and do all that is necessary to find # # if it is possible to get a fix character if none of the current # # characters are free # for bug in bugs: # for c, chars in bug.bugData: # # control has no possibilities # if not chars: # # check if there are any other hotkey controls # # in the dialog that could be used # others = set(c.Title.lower()).intersection(unUsedChars) return bugs #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _CollectDialogInfo(windows): """Collect information on the hotkeys in the dialog""" hotkeyControls = {} allChars = '' for win in windows: # skip it if it doesn't implement hotkey functionality if not ImplementsHotkey(win): continue # get the hotkey pos, char = GetHotkey(win.window_text()) # if no hotkey for this control # then continue if not char: continue # store hotkey with list of used hotkeys # map this hotkey to the list of controls that have it hotkeyControls.setdefault(char.lower(), []).append(win) # Add the title of this control to the list of available # characters for the dialog allChars += win.window_text().lower() allChars = set(allChars) hotkeys = set(hotkeyControls.keys()) return hotkeyControls, allChars, hotkeys #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get hokey position def GetHotkey(text): """Return the position and character of the hotkey""" # find the last & character that is not followed # by & or by the end of the string curEnd = len(text) + 1 text = text.replace("&&", "__") while True: pos = text.rfind("&", 0, curEnd) # One found was at the end of the text or # no (more) & were found # so return the None value if pos in [-1, len(text)]: return (-1, '') # One found but was prededed by non valid hotkey character # so continue, as that can't be a shortcut if text[pos - 1] == '&': curEnd = pos - 2 continue # 2 ampersands in a row - so skip # the 1st one and continue return (pos, text[pos+1]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _SetAsString(settojoin): """Convert the set to a ordered string""" return "".join(sorted(settojoin)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def ImplementsHotkey(win): """checks whether a control interprets & character to be a hotkey""" # buttons always implement hotkey if win.class_name() == "Button": return True # Statics do if they don't have SS_NOPREFIX style elif win.class_name() == "Static" and not win.HasStyle(SS_NOPREFIX): return True if win.class_name() == "MenuItem" and win.state() != "2048": return True # Most controls don't - so just return false if # neither of the above condition hold return False RepeatedHotkeyTest.TestsMenus = True