def serialize(nodes): """Serialize nodes to CSS syntax. This should be used for :term:`component values` instead of just :meth:`tinycss2.ast.Node.serialize` on each node as it takes care of corner cases such as ``;`` between declarations, and consecutive identifiers that would otherwise parse back as the same token. :type nodes: :term:`iterable` :param nodes: An iterable of :class:`tinycss2.ast.Node` objects. :returns: A :obj:`string ` representing the nodes. """ chunks = [] _serialize_to(nodes, chunks.append) return ''.join(chunks) def serialize_identifier(value): """Serialize any string as a CSS identifier :type value: :obj:`str` :param value: A string representing a CSS value. :returns: A :obj:`string ` that would parse as an :class:`tinycss2.ast.IdentToken` whose :attr:`tinycss2.ast.IdentToken.value` attribute equals the passed ``value`` argument. """ if value == '-': return r'\-' if value[:2] == '--': return '--' + serialize_name(value[2:]) if value[0] == '-': result = '-' value = value[1:] else: result = '' c = value[0] result += ( c if c in ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') or ord(c) > 0x7F else r'\A ' if c == '\n' else r'\D ' if c == '\r' else r'\C ' if c == '\f' else '\\%X ' % ord(c) if c in '0123456789' else '\\' + c ) result += serialize_name(value[1:]) return result def serialize_name(value): return ''.join( c if c in ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-_0123456789' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') or ord(c) > 0x7F else r'\A ' if c == '\n' else r'\D ' if c == '\r' else r'\C ' if c == '\f' else '\\' + c for c in value ) def serialize_string_value(value): return ''.join( r'\"' if c == '"' else r'\\' if c == '\\' else r'\A ' if c == '\n' else r'\D ' if c == '\r' else r'\C ' if c == '\f' else c for c in value ) def serialize_url(value): return ''.join( r"\'" if c == "'" else r'\"' if c == '"' else r'\\' if c == '\\' else r'\ ' if c == ' ' else r'\9 ' if c == '\t' else r'\A ' if c == '\n' else r'\D ' if c == '\r' else r'\C ' if c == '\f' else r'\(' if c == '(' else r'\)' if c == ')' else c for c in value ) # def _serialize_to(nodes, write): """Serialize an iterable of nodes to CSS syntax. White chunks as a string by calling the provided :obj:`write` callback. """ bad_pairs = BAD_PAIRS previous_type = None for node in nodes: serialization_type = (node.type if node.type != 'literal' else node.value) if (previous_type, serialization_type) in bad_pairs: write('/**/') elif previous_type == '\\' and not ( serialization_type == 'whitespace' and node.value.startswith('\n')): write('\n') node._serialize_to(write) if serialization_type == 'declaration': write(';') previous_type = serialization_type BAD_PAIRS = set( [(a, b) for a in ('ident', 'at-keyword', 'hash', 'dimension', '#', '-', 'number') for b in ('ident', 'function', 'url', 'number', 'percentage', 'dimension', 'unicode-range')] + [(a, b) for a in ('ident', 'at-keyword', 'hash', 'dimension') for b in ('-', '-->')] + [(a, b) for a in ('#', '-', 'number', '@') for b in ('ident', 'function', 'url')] + [(a, b) for a in ('unicode-range', '.', '+') for b in ('number', 'percentage', 'dimension')] + [('@', b) for b in ('ident', 'function', 'url', 'unicode-range', '-')] + [('unicode-range', b) for b in ('ident', 'function', '?')] + [(a, '=') for a in '$*^~|'] + [('ident', '() block'), ('|', '|'), ('/', '*')] )