#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # tests in test_CASTS.py from Naked.toolshed.types import NakedObject, XFSet, XDict, XList, XQueue, XSet, XString, XTuple from Naked.settings import debug as DEBUG_FLAG #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ nobj ] (NakedObject) # Cast a dictionary of attributes to a NakedObject with key>attribute mapping #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def nobj(attributes={}): try: return NakedObject(attributes) except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to create a NakedObject with the requested argument using the nobj() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xd function ] (XDict) # Cast a Python dictionary to a XDict #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xd(dictionary_arg, attributes={}): try: return XDict(dictionary_arg, attributes) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XDict with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XDict with the xd() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xl function ] (XList) # Cast a Python list, set, or tuple to a XList #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xl(list_arg, attributes={}): try: return XList(list_arg, attributes) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XList with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XList with the xl() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xq function ] (XQueue) # Cast a Python list, set, tuple to a XQueue #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xq(queue_arg, attributes={}): try: return XQueue(queue_arg, attributes) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XQueue with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XQueue with the xq() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xset function ] (XSet) # Cast a Python set to a XSet #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xset(set_arg, attributes={}): try: return XSet(set_arg, attributes) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XSet with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XSet with the xset() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xfset function ] (XFSet) # Cast a Python set to a XFSet #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xfset(set_arg, attributes={}): try: return XFSet(set_arg, attributes) except TypeError: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XSet with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XSet with the xset() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xstr function ] (XString) # Cast a Python string to a XString #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xstr(string_arg, attributes={}): try: return XString(string_arg, attributes) except TypeError as te: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XString with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XString with the xstr() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # [ xt function ] (XTuple) # Cast a Python list, set, tuple to a XTuple #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ def xt(tup_arg, attributes={}): try: return XTuple(tup_arg, attributes) except TypeError as te: raise TypeError("Attempted to cast to a XTuple with an incompatible type") except Exception as e: if DEBUG_FLAG: print("Naked Framework Error: unable to cast object to a XTuple with the xt() function (Naked.toolshed.casts.py).") raise e if __name__ == '__main__': pass