import unittest, sys from ctypes import * from ctypes.wintypes import * from comtypes.client import CreateObject, GetEvents, ShowEvents from comtypes.server.register import register#, unregister from comtypes.test import is_resource_enabled from comtypes.test.find_memleak import find_memleak ################################################################ import comtypes.test.TestComServer register(comtypes.test.TestComServer.TestComServer) class TestInproc(unittest.TestCase): def create_object(self): return CreateObject("TestComServerLib.TestComServer", clsctx = comtypes.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER) def _find_memleak(self, func): bytes = find_memleak(func) self.assertFalse(bytes, "Leaks %d bytes" % bytes) def test_mixedinout(self): o = self.create_object() self.assertEqual(o.MixedInOut(2, 4), (3, 5)) def test_getname(self): from ctypes import byref, pointer from comtypes import BSTR # This tests a tricky bug, introduced with this patch: # # # Returning a BSTR as an [out] parameter from a server # implementation must transfer the ownership to the caller. # When this is not done, the BSTR instance is SysFreeString'd # too early, and the memory is reused. obj = self.create_object() pb = pointer(BSTR()) # Get the BSTR from the server: obj._ITestComServer__com__get_name(pb) # Retrieve the value, but keep the pointer to the BSTR alive: name = pb[0] # Create sme BSTR's to reuse the memory in case it has been freed: for i in range(10): BSTR("f" * len(name)) # Make sure the pointer is still valid: self.assertEqual(pb[0], name) if is_resource_enabled("memleaks"): def test_get_id(self): obj = self.create_object() self._find_memleak(lambda: def test_get_name(self): obj = self.create_object() self._find_memleak(lambda: def test_set_name(self): obj = self.create_object() def func(): = "abcde" self._find_memleak(func) def test_SetName(self): obj = self.create_object() def func(): obj.SetName("abcde") self._find_memleak(func) def test_eval(self): obj = self.create_object() def func(): return obj.eval("(1, 2, 3)") self.assertEqual(func(), (1, 2, 3)) self._find_memleak(func) def test_get_typeinfo(self): obj = self.create_object() def func(): obj.GetTypeInfo(0) obj.GetTypeInfoCount() obj.QueryInterface(comtypes.IUnknown) self._find_memleak(func) if is_resource_enabled("ui"): class TestLocalServer(TestInproc): def create_object(self): return CreateObject("TestComServerLib.TestComServer", clsctx = comtypes.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER) try: from win32com.client import Dispatch except ImportError: pass else: class TestInproc_win32com(TestInproc): def create_object(self): return Dispatch("TestComServerLib.TestComServer") # These tests make no sense with win32com, override to disable them: def test_get_typeinfo(self): pass def test_getname(self): pass def test_mixedinout(self): # Not sure about this; it raise 'Invalid Number of parameters' # Is mixed [in], [out] args not compatible with IDispatch??? pass if is_resource_enabled("ui"): class TestLocalServer_win32com(TestInproc_win32com): def create_object(self): return Dispatch("TestComServerLib.TestComServer", clsctx = comtypes.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER) import doctest import comtypes.test.test_comserver class TestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): doctest.testmod(comtypes.test.test_comserver, optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS) # The following functions are never called, they only contain doctests: if sys.version_info >= (3, 0): def ShowEvents(self): ''' >>> from comtypes.client import CreateObject, ShowEvents >>> >>> o = CreateObject("TestComServerLib.TestComServer") >>> con = ShowEvents(o) # event found: ITestComServerEvents_EvalStarted # event found: ITestComServerEvents_EvalCompleted >>> result = o.eval("10. / 4") Event ITestComServerEvents_EvalStarted(None, '10. / 4') Event ITestComServerEvents_EvalCompleted(None, '10. / 4', VARIANT(vt=0x5, 2.5)) >>> result 2.5 >>> ''' else: def ShowEvents(self): ''' >>> from comtypes.client import CreateObject, ShowEvents >>> >>> o = CreateObject("TestComServerLib.TestComServer") >>> con = ShowEvents(o) # event found: ITestComServerEvents_EvalStarted # event found: ITestComServerEvents_EvalCompleted >>> result = o.eval("10. / 4") Event ITestComServerEvents_EvalStarted(None, u'10. / 4') Event ITestComServerEvents_EvalCompleted(None, u'10. / 4', VARIANT(vt=0x5, 2.5)) >>> result 2.5 >>> ''' # The following test, if enabled, works but the testsuit # crashes elsewhere. Is there s problem with SAFEARRAYs? if is_resource_enabled("CRASHES"): def Fails(self): ''' >>> from comtypes.client import CreateObject, ShowEvents >>> >>> o = CreateObject("TestComServerLib.TestComServer") >>> con = ShowEvents(o) # event found: ITestComServerEvents_EvalStarted # event found: ITestComServerEvents_EvalCompleted >>> result = o.eval("['32'] * 2") Event ITestComServerEvents_EvalStarted(None, u"['32'] * 2") Event ITestComServerEvents_EvalCompleted(None, u"['32'] * 2", VARIANT(vt=0x200c, (u'32', u'32'))) >>> result (u'32', u'32') >>> ''' def GetEvents(): """ >>> from comtypes.client import CreateObject, GetEvents >>> >>> o = CreateObject("TestComServerLib.TestComServer") >>> class EventHandler(object): ... def EvalStarted(self, this, what): ... print("EvalStarted: %s" % what) ... return 0 ... def EvalCompleted(self, this, what, result): ... print("EvalCompleted: %s = %s" % (what, result.value)) ... return 0 ... >>> >>> con = GetEvents(o, EventHandler()) >>> o.eval("2 + 3") EvalStarted: 2 + 3 EvalCompleted: 2 + 3 = 5 5 >>> del con >>> o.eval("3 + 2") 5 >>> """ if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()