from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas.api.types import is_categorical_dtype from toolz import partition from .utils import PANDAS_VERSION from ..utils import Dispatch if PANDAS_VERSION >= '0.20.0': from pandas.api.types import union_categoricals else: from pandas.types.concat import union_categoricals if PANDAS_VERSION >= '0.23': concat_kwargs = {'sort': False} else: concat_kwargs = {} # --------------------------------- # indexing # --------------------------------- def loc(df, iindexer, cindexer=None): """ .loc for known divisions """ if cindexer is None: return df.loc[iindexer] else: return df.loc[iindexer, cindexer] def iloc(df, cindexer=None): return df.iloc[:, cindexer] def try_loc(df, iindexer, cindexer=None): """ .loc for unknown divisions """ try: return loc(df, iindexer, cindexer) except KeyError: return df.head(0).loc[:, cindexer] def boundary_slice(df, start, stop, right_boundary=True, left_boundary=True, kind='loc'): """Index slice start/stop. Can switch include/exclude boundaries. Examples -------- >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'x': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]}, index=[1, 2, 2, 3, 4]) >>> boundary_slice(df, 2, None) x 2 20 2 30 3 40 4 50 >>> boundary_slice(df, 1, 3) x 1 10 2 20 2 30 3 40 >>> boundary_slice(df, 1, 3, right_boundary=False) x 1 10 2 20 2 30 Empty input DataFrames are returned >>> df_empty = pd.DataFrame() >>> boundary_slice(df_empty, 1, 3) Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [] """ if df.empty: return df if kind == 'loc' and not df.index.is_monotonic: # Pandas treats missing keys differently for label-slicing # on monotonic vs. non-monotonic indexes # If the index is monotonic, `df.loc[start:stop]` is fine. # If it's not, `df.loc[start:stop]` raises when `start` is missing if start is not None: if left_boundary: df = df[df.index >= start] else: df = df[df.index > start] if stop is not None: if right_boundary: df = df[df.index <= stop] else: df = df[df.index < stop] return df else: result = getattr(df, kind)[start:stop] if not right_boundary: right_index = result.index.get_slice_bound(stop, 'left', kind) result = result.iloc[:right_index] if not left_boundary: left_index = result.index.get_slice_bound(start, 'right', kind) result = result.iloc[left_index:] return result def index_count(x): # Workaround since Index doesn't implement `.count` return pd.notnull(x).sum() def mean_aggregate(s, n): try: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.simplefilter('always') return s / n except ZeroDivisionError: return np.float64(np.nan) def var_aggregate(x2, x, n, ddof): try: with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): warnings.simplefilter('always') result = (x2 / n) - (x / n)**2 if ddof != 0: result = result * n / (n - ddof) return result except ZeroDivisionError: return np.float64(np.nan) def describe_aggregate(values): assert len(values) == 6 count, mean, std, min, q, max = values typ = pd.DataFrame if isinstance(count, pd.Series) else pd.Series part1 = typ([count, mean, std, min], index=['count', 'mean', 'std', 'min']) q.index = ['{0:g}%'.format(l * 100) for l in q.index.tolist()] part3 = typ([max], index=['max']) return pd.concat([part1, q, part3], **concat_kwargs) def cummin_aggregate(x, y): if isinstance(x, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): return x.where((x < y) | x.isnull(), y, axis=x.ndim - 1) else: # scalar return x if x < y else y def cummax_aggregate(x, y): if isinstance(x, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): return x.where((x > y) | x.isnull(), y, axis=x.ndim - 1) else: # scalar return x if x > y else y def assign(df, *pairs): kwargs = dict(partition(2, pairs)) return df.assign(**kwargs) def unique(x, series_name=None): # unique returns np.ndarray, it must be wrapped return pd.Series(x.unique(), name=series_name) def value_counts_combine(x): return x.groupby(level=0).sum() def value_counts_aggregate(x): return x.groupby(level=0).sum().sort_values(ascending=False) def nbytes(x): return x.nbytes def size(x): return x.size def values(df): return df.values def sample(df, state, frac, replace): rs = np.random.RandomState(state) return df.sample(random_state=rs, frac=frac, replace=replace) if len(df) > 0 else df def drop_columns(df, columns, dtype): df = df.drop(columns, axis=1) df.columns = df.columns.astype(dtype) return df def fillna_check(df, method, check=True): out = df.fillna(method=method) if check and out.isnull().values.all(axis=0).any(): raise ValueError("All NaN partition encountered in `fillna`. Try " "using ``df.repartition`` to increase the partition " "size, or specify `limit` in `fillna`.") return out # --------------------------------- # reshape # --------------------------------- def pivot_agg(df): return df.groupby(level=0).sum() def pivot_sum(df, index, columns, values): return pd.pivot_table(df, index=index, columns=columns, values=values, aggfunc='sum') def pivot_count(df, index, columns, values): # we cannot determine dtype until concatenationg all partitions. # make dtype deterministic, always coerce to np.float64 return pd.pivot_table(df, index=index, columns=columns, values=values, aggfunc='count').astype(np.float64) # --------------------------------- # concat # --------------------------------- if PANDAS_VERSION < '0.20.0': def _get_level_values(x, n): return x.get_level_values(n) else: def _get_level_values(x, n): return x._get_level_values(n) concat_dispatch = Dispatch('concat') def concat(dfs, axis=0, join='outer', uniform=False, filter_warning=True): """Concatenate, handling some edge cases: - Unions categoricals between partitions - Ignores empty partitions Parameters ---------- dfs : list of DataFrame, Series, or Index axis : int or str, optional join : str, optional uniform : bool, optional Whether to treat ``dfs[0]`` as representative of ``dfs[1:]``. Set to True if all arguments have the same columns and dtypes (but not necessarily categories). Default is False. """ if len(dfs) == 1: return dfs[0] else: func = concat_dispatch.dispatch(type(dfs[0])) return func(dfs, axis=axis, join=join, uniform=uniform, filter_warning=filter_warning) @concat_dispatch.register((pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, pd.Index)) def concat_pandas(dfs, axis=0, join='outer', uniform=False, filter_warning=True): if axis == 1: return pd.concat(dfs, axis=axis, join=join, **concat_kwargs) # Support concatenating indices along axis 0 if isinstance(dfs[0], pd.Index): if isinstance(dfs[0], pd.CategoricalIndex): return pd.CategoricalIndex(union_categoricals(dfs), name=dfs[0].name) elif isinstance(dfs[0], pd.MultiIndex): first, rest = dfs[0], dfs[1:] if all((isinstance(o, pd.MultiIndex) and o.nlevels >= first.nlevels) for o in rest): arrays = [concat([_get_level_values(i, n) for i in dfs]) for n in range(first.nlevels)] return pd.MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, names=first.names) to_concat = (first.values, ) + tuple(k._values for k in rest) new_tuples = np.concatenate(to_concat) try: return pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_tuples, names=first.names) except Exception: return pd.Index(new_tuples) return dfs[0].append(dfs[1:]) # Handle categorical index separately dfs0_index = dfs[0].index has_categoricalindex = ( isinstance(dfs0_index, pd.CategoricalIndex) or (isinstance(dfs0_index, pd.MultiIndex) and any(isinstance(i, pd.CategoricalIndex) for i in dfs0_index.levels))) if has_categoricalindex: dfs2 = [df.reset_index(drop=True) for df in dfs] ind = concat([df.index for df in dfs]) else: dfs2 = dfs ind = None # Concatenate the partitions together, handling categories as needed if (isinstance(dfs2[0], pd.DataFrame) if uniform else any(isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) for df in dfs2)): if uniform: dfs3 = dfs2 cat_mask = dfs2[0].dtypes == 'category' else: # When concatenating mixed dataframes and series on axis 1, Pandas # converts series to dataframes with a single column named 0, then # concatenates. dfs3 = [df if isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame) else df.to_frame().rename(columns={ 0}) for df in dfs2] # pandas may raise a RuntimeWarning for comparing ints and strs with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) if filter_warning: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) cat_mask = pd.concat([(df.dtypes == 'category').to_frame().T for df in dfs3], join=join, **concat_kwargs).any() if cat_mask.any(): not_cat = cat_mask[~cat_mask].index # this should be aligned, so no need to filter warning out = pd.concat([df[df.columns.intersection(not_cat)] for df in dfs3], join=join, **concat_kwargs) temp_ind = out.index for col in cat_mask.index.difference(not_cat): # Find an example of categoricals in this column for df in dfs3: sample = df.get(col) if sample is not None: break # Extract partitions, subbing in missing if needed parts = [] for df in dfs3: if col in df.columns: parts.append(df[col]) else: codes = np.full(len(df), -1, dtype='i8') data = pd.Categorical.from_codes(codes,, parts.append(data) out[col] = union_categoricals(parts) # Pandas resets index type on assignment if frame is empty # if not len(temp_ind): out.index = temp_ind out = out.reindex(columns=cat_mask.index) else: # pandas may raise a RuntimeWarning for comparing ints and strs with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) if filter_warning: warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) out = pd.concat(dfs3, join=join, **concat_kwargs) else: if is_categorical_dtype(dfs2[0].dtype): if ind is None: ind = concat([df.index for df in dfs2]) return pd.Series(union_categoricals(dfs2), index=ind, name=dfs2[0].name) with warnings.catch_warnings(): if filter_warning: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', FutureWarning) out = pd.concat(dfs2, join=join, **concat_kwargs) # Re-add the index if needed if ind is not None: out.index = ind return out