from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import random from bisect import bisect_left from distutils.version import LooseVersion from itertools import cycle from operator import itemgetter, add from ..utils import funcname, import_required from ..core import istask from ..compatibility import apply _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG = "Diagnostics plots require `bokeh` to be installed" _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG = "Diagnostics plots require `toolz` to be installed" def unquote(expr): if istask(expr): if expr[0] in (tuple, list, set): return expr[0](map(unquote, expr[1])) elif (expr[0] == dict and isinstance(expr[1], list) and isinstance(expr[1][0], list)): return dict(map(unquote, expr[1])) return expr def pprint_task(task, keys, label_size=60): """Return a nicely formatted string for a task. Parameters ---------- task: Value within dask graph to render as text keys: iterable List of keys within dask graph label_size: int (optional) Maximum size of output label, defaults to 60 Examples -------- >>> from operator import add, mul >>> dsk = {'a': 1, ... 'b': 2, ... 'c': (add, 'a', 'b'), ... 'd': (add, (mul, 'a', 'b'), 'c'), ... 'e': (sum, ['a', 'b', 5]), ... 'f': (add,), ... 'g': []} >>> pprint_task(dsk['c'], dsk) 'add(_, _)' >>> pprint_task(dsk['d'], dsk) 'add(mul(_, _), _)' >>> pprint_task(dsk['e'], dsk) 'sum([_, _, *])' >>> pprint_task(dsk['f'], dsk) 'add()' >>> pprint_task(dsk['g'], dsk) '[]' """ if istask(task): func = task[0] if func is apply: head = funcname(task[1]) tail = ')' args = unquote(task[2]) if len(task) > 2 else () kwargs = unquote(task[3]) if len(task) > 3 else {} else: if hasattr(func, 'funcs'): head = '('.join(funcname(f) for f in func.funcs) tail = ')' * len(func.funcs) else: head = funcname(task[0]) tail = ')' args = task[1:] kwargs = {} if args or kwargs: label_size2 = int((label_size - len(head) - len(tail)) // (len(args) + len(kwargs))) pprint = lambda t: pprint_task(t, keys, label_size2) if args: if label_size2 > 5: args = ', '.join(pprint(t) for t in args) else: args = '...' else: args = '' if kwargs: if label_size2 > 5: kwargs = ', ' + ', '.join('{0}={1}'.format(k, pprint(v)) for k, v in sorted(kwargs.items())) else: kwargs = ', ...' else: kwargs = '' return '{0}({1}{2}{3}'.format(head, args, kwargs, tail) elif isinstance(task, list): if not task: return '[]' elif len(task) > 3: result = pprint_task(task[:3], keys, label_size) return result[:-1] + ', ...]' else: label_size2 = int((label_size - 2 - 2 * len(task)) // len(task)) args = ', '.join(pprint_task(t, keys, label_size2) for t in task) return '[{0}]'.format(args) else: try: if task in keys: return '_' else: return '*' except TypeError: return '*' def get_colors(palette, funcs): """Get a dict mapping funcs to colors from palette. Parameters ---------- palette : string Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of bokeh.palettes.all_palettes. funcs : iterable Iterable of function names """ palettes = import_required('bokeh.palettes', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG) tz = import_required('toolz', _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG) unique_funcs = list(sorted(tz.unique(funcs))) n_funcs = len(unique_funcs) palette_lookup = palettes.all_palettes[palette] keys = list(sorted(palette_lookup.keys())) index = keys[min(bisect_left(keys, n_funcs), len(keys) - 1)] palette = palette_lookup[index] # Some bokeh palettes repeat colors, we want just the unique set palette = list(tz.unique(palette)) if len(palette) > n_funcs: # Consistently shuffle palette - prevents just using low-range random.Random(42).shuffle(palette) color_lookup = dict(zip(unique_funcs, cycle(palette))) return [color_lookup[n] for n in funcs] def visualize(profilers, file_path=None, show=True, save=True, **kwargs): """Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot. If multiple profilers are passed in, the plots are stacked vertically. Parameters ---------- profilers : profiler or list Profiler or list of profilers. file_path : string, optional Name of the plot output file. show : boolean, optional If True (default), the plot is opened in a browser. save : boolean, optional If True (default), the plot is saved to disk. **kwargs Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override all defaults set by visualize. Returns ------- The completed bokeh plot object. """ bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG) import bokeh if LooseVersion(bokeh.__version__) >= "0.12.10": from import state in_notebook = state.curstate().notebook else: from import _state in_notebook = _state._notebook if not in_notebook: file_path = file_path or "profile.html" bp.output_file(file_path) if not isinstance(profilers, list): profilers = [profilers] figs = [prof._plot(**kwargs) for prof in profilers] # Stack the plots if len(figs) == 1: p = figs[0] else: top = figs[0] for f in figs[1:]: f.x_range = top.x_range f.title = None f.min_border_top = 20 f.plot_height -= 30 for f in figs[:-1]: f.xaxis.axis_label = None f.min_border_bottom = 20 f.plot_height -= 30 for f in figs: f.min_border_left = 75 f.min_border_right = 75 p = bp.gridplot([[f] for f in figs]) if show: if file_path and save: return p def _get_figure_keywords(): bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG) o = o.add('tools') return o def plot_tasks(results, dsk, palette='Viridis', label_size=60, **kwargs): """Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot. Parameters ---------- results : sequence Output of Profiler.results dsk : dict The dask graph being profiled. palette : string, optional Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of bokeh.palettes.all_palettes. label_size: int (optional) Maximum size of output labels in plot, defaults to 60 **kwargs Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override all defaults set by visualize. Returns ------- The completed bokeh plot object. """ bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG) from bokeh.models import HoverTool tz = import_required('toolz', _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG) defaults = dict(title="Profile Results", tools="hover,save,reset,xwheel_zoom,xpan", toolbar_location='above', plot_width=800, plot_height=300) defaults.update((k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in _get_figure_keywords()) if results: keys, tasks, starts, ends, ids = zip(*results) id_group = tz.groupby(itemgetter(4), results) timings = dict((k, [i.end_time - i.start_time for i in v]) for (k, v) in id_group.items()) id_lk = dict((t[0], n) for (n, t) in enumerate(sorted(timings.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True))) left = min(starts) right = max(ends) p = bp.figure(y_range=[str(i) for i in range(len(id_lk))], x_range=[0, right - left], **defaults) data = {} data['width'] = width = [e - s for (s, e) in zip(starts, ends)] data['x'] = [w / 2 + s - left for (w, s) in zip(width, starts)] data['y'] = [id_lk[i] + 1 for i in ids] data['function'] = funcs = [pprint_task(i, dsk, label_size) for i in tasks] data['color'] = get_colors(palette, funcs) data['key'] = [str(i) for i in keys] source = bp.ColumnDataSource(data=data) p.rect(source=source, x='x', y='y', height=1, width='width', color='color', line_color='gray') else: p = bp.figure(y_range=[str(i) for i in range(8)], x_range=[0, 10], **defaults) p.grid.grid_line_color = None p.axis.axis_line_color = None p.axis.major_tick_line_color = None p.yaxis.axis_label = "Worker ID" p.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)" hover = hover.tooltips = """
Key:  @key
Task:  @function
""" hover.point_policy = 'follow_mouse' return p def plot_resources(results, palette='Viridis', **kwargs): """Plot resource usage in a bokeh plot. Parameters ---------- results : sequence Output of ResourceProfiler.results palette : string, optional Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of bokeh.palettes.all_palettes. **kwargs Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override all defaults set by plot_resources. Returns ------- The completed bokeh plot object. """ bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG) from bokeh import palettes from bokeh.models import LinearAxis, Range1d defaults = dict(title="Profile Results", tools="save,reset,xwheel_zoom,xpan", toolbar_location='above', plot_width=800, plot_height=300) defaults.update((k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in _get_figure_keywords()) if results: t, mem, cpu = zip(*results) left, right = min(t), max(t) t = [i - left for i in t] p = bp.figure(y_range=fix_bounds(0, max(cpu), 100), x_range=fix_bounds(0, right - left, 1), **defaults) else: t = mem = cpu = [] p = bp.figure(y_range=(0, 100), x_range=(0, 1), **defaults) colors = palettes.all_palettes[palette][6] p.line(t, cpu, color=colors[0], line_width=4, legend='% CPU') p.yaxis.axis_label = "% CPU" p.extra_y_ranges = {'memory': Range1d(*fix_bounds(min(mem) if mem else 0, max(mem) if mem else 100, 100))} p.line(t, mem, color=colors[2], y_range_name='memory', line_width=4, legend='Memory') p.add_layout(LinearAxis(y_range_name='memory', axis_label='Memory (MB)'), 'right') p.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)" return p def fix_bounds(start, end, min_span): """Adjust end point to ensure span of at least `min_span`""" return start, max(end, start + min_span) def plot_cache(results, dsk, start_time, metric_name, palette='Viridis', label_size=60, **kwargs): """Visualize the results of profiling in a bokeh plot. Parameters ---------- results : sequence Output of CacheProfiler.results dsk : dict The dask graph being profiled. start_time : float Start time of the profile. metric_name : string Metric used to measure cache size palette : string, optional Name of the bokeh palette to use, must be a member of bokeh.palettes.all_palettes. label_size: int (optional) Maximum size of output labels in plot, defaults to 60 **kwargs Other keyword arguments, passed to bokeh.figure. These will override all defaults set by visualize. Returns ------- The completed bokeh plot object. """ bp = import_required('bokeh.plotting', _BOKEH_MISSING_MSG) from bokeh.models import HoverTool tz = import_required('toolz', _TOOLZ_MISSING_MSG) defaults = dict(title="Profile Results", tools="hover,save,reset,wheel_zoom,xpan", toolbar_location='above', plot_width=800, plot_height=300) defaults.update((k, v) for (k, v) in kwargs.items() if k in _get_figure_keywords()) if results: starts, ends = list(zip(*results))[3:] tics = list(sorted(tz.unique(starts + ends))) groups = tz.groupby(lambda d: pprint_task(d[1], dsk, label_size), results) data = {} for k, vals in groups.items(): cnts = dict.fromkeys(tics, 0) for v in vals: cnts[v.cache_time] += v.metric cnts[v.free_time] -= v.metric data[k] = [0] + list(tz.accumulate(add, tz.pluck(1, sorted(cnts.items())))) tics = [0] + [i - start_time for i in tics] p = bp.figure(x_range=[0, max(tics)], **defaults) for (key, val), color in zip(data.items(), get_colors(palette, data.keys())): p.line('x', 'y', line_color=color, line_width=3, source=bp.ColumnDataSource({'x': tics, 'y': val, 'label': [key for i in val]})) else: p = bp.figure(y_range=[0, 10], x_range=[0, 10], **defaults) p.yaxis.axis_label = "Cache Size ({0})".format(metric_name) p.xaxis.axis_label = "Time (s)" hover = hover.tooltips = """
Task:  @label
""" return p