import pytest import dask from dask.order import ndependencies, order from dask.core import get_deps from dask.utils_test import add, inc @pytest.fixture(params=['abcde', 'edcba']) def abcde(request): return request.param def issorted(L, reverse=False): return sorted(L, reverse=reverse) == L def f(*args): pass def test_ordering_keeps_groups_together(abcde): a, b, c, d, e = abcde d = dict(((a, i), (f,)) for i in range(4)) d.update({(b, 0): (f, (a, 0), (a, 1)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 2), (a, 3))}) o = order(d) assert abs(o[(a, 0)] - o[(a, 1)]) == 1 assert abs(o[(a, 2)] - o[(a, 3)]) == 1 d = dict(((a, i), (f,)) for i in range(4)) d.update({(b, 0): (f, (a, 0), (a, 2)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1), (a, 3))}) o = order(d) assert abs(o[(a, 0)] - o[(a, 2)]) == 1 assert abs(o[(a, 1)] - o[(a, 3)]) == 1 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can't please 'em all") def test_avoid_broker_nodes(abcde): r""" b0 b1 b2 | \ / a0 a1 a0 should be run before a1 """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {(a, 0): (f,), (a, 1): (f,), (b, 0): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 1))} o = order(dsk) assert o[(a, 0)] < o[(a, 1)] # Switch name of 0, 1 to ensure that this isn't due to string comparison dsk = {(a, 1): (f,), (a, 0): (f,), (b, 0): (f, (a, 1)), (b, 1): (f, (a, 0)), (b, 2): (f, (a, 0))} o = order(dsk) assert o[(a, 0)] > o[(a, 1)] def test_base_of_reduce_preferred(abcde): r""" a3 /| a2 | /| | a1 | | /| | | a0 | | | | | | | b0 b1 b2 b3 \ \ / / c We really want to run b0 quickly """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {(a, i): (f, (a, i - 1), (b, i)) for i in [1, 2, 3]} dsk[(a, 0)] = (f, (b, 0)) dsk.update({(b, i): (f, c, 1) for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]}) dsk[c] = 1 o = order(dsk) assert o[(b, 0)] <= 4 assert o[(b, 1)] <= 6 @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can't please 'em all") def test_avoid_upwards_branching(abcde): r""" a1 | a2 | a3 d1 / \ / b1 c1 | | b2 c2 | c3 Prefer b1 over c1 because it won't stick around waiting for d1 to complete """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {(a, 1): (f, (a, 2)), (a, 2): (f, (a, 3)), (a, 3): (f, (b, 1), (c, 1)), (b, 1): (f, (b, 2)), (c, 1): (f, (c, 2)), (c, 2): (f, (c, 3)), (d, 1): (f, (c, 1))} o = order(dsk) assert o[(b, 1)] < o[(c, 1)] def test_avoid_upwards_branching_complex(abcde): r""" a1 | e2 a2 d2 d3 | | \ / e1 a3 d1 \ / \ / b1 c1 | | b2 c2 | c3 Prefer c1 over b1 because c1 will stay in memory less long while b1 computes """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {(a, 1): (f, (a, 2)), (a, 2): (f, (a, 3)), (a, 3): (f, (b, 1), (c, 1)), (b, 1): (f, (b, 2)), (b, 2): (f,), (c, 1): (f, (c, 2)), (c, 2): (f, (c, 3)), (c, 3): (f,), (d, 1): (f, (c, 1)), (d, 2): (f, (d, 1)), (d, 3): (f, (d, 1)), (e, 1): (f, (b, 1)), (e, 2): (f, (e, 1))} o = order(dsk) assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(b, 1)] @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="this case is ambiguous") def test_deep_bases_win_over_dependents(abcde): r""" It's not clear who should run first, e or d 1. d is nicer because it exposes parallelism 2. e is nicer (hypothetically) because it will be sooner released (though in this case we need d to run first regardless) a / | \ . b c | / \ | / e d """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {a: (f, b, c, d), b: (f, d, e), c: (f, d), d: 1, e: 2} o = order(dsk) assert o[e] < o[d] assert o[d] < o[b] or o[d] < o[c] def test_prefer_deep(abcde): """ c | e b | | d a Prefer longer chains first so we should start with c """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {a: 1, b: (f, a), c: (f, b), d: 1, e: (f, d)} o = order(dsk) assert o[a] < o[d] assert o[b] < o[d] def test_stacklimit(abcde): dsk = dict(('x%s' % (i + 1), (inc, 'x%s' % i)) for i in range(10000)) dependencies, dependents = get_deps(dsk) ndependencies(dependencies, dependents) @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Can't please 'em all") def test_break_ties_by_str(abcde): a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {('x', i): (inc, i) for i in range(10)} x_keys = sorted(dsk) dsk['y'] = list(x_keys) o = order(dsk) expected = {'y': 0} expected.update({k: i + 1 for i, k in enumerate(x_keys)}) assert o == expected def test_order_doesnt_fail_on_mixed_type_keys(abcde): order({'x': (inc, 1), ('y', 0): (inc, 2), 'z': (add, 'x', ('y', 0))}) def test_gh_3055(): da = pytest.importorskip('dask.array') A, B = 20, 99 orig = x = da.random.normal(size=(A, B), chunks=(1, None)) for _ in range(2): y = (x[:, None, :] * x[:, :, None]).cumsum(axis=0) x = x.cumsum(axis=0) w = (y * x[:, None]).sum(axis=(1,2)) dsk = dict(w.__dask_graph__()) o = order(dsk) L = [o[k] for k in w.__dask_keys__()] assert sum(x < len(o) / 2 for x in L) > len(L) / 3 # some complete quickly L = [o[k] for kk in orig.__dask_keys__() for k in kk] assert sum(x > len(o) / 2 for x in L) > len(L) / 3 # some start later assert sorted(L) == L # operate in order def test_type_comparisions_ok(abcde): a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {a: 1, (a, 1): 2, (a, b, 1): 3} order(dsk) # this doesn't err def test_prefer_short_dependents(abcde): r""" a | d b e \ | / c Prefer to finish d and e before starting b. That way c can be released during the long computations. """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = {c: (f,), d: (f, c), e: (f, c), b: (f, c), a: (f, b)} o = order(dsk) assert o[d] < o[b] assert o[e] < o[b] @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="This is challenging to do precisely") def test_run_smaller_sections(abcde): r""" aa / | b d bb dd / \ /| | / a c e cc Prefer to run acb first because then we can get that out of the way """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde aa, bb, cc, dd = [x * 2 for x in [a, b, c, d]] expected = [a, c, b, e, d, cc, bb, aa, dd] log = [] def f(x): def _(*args): log.append(x) return _ dsk = {a: (f(a),), c: (f(c),), e: (f(e),), cc: (f(cc),), b: (f(b), a, c), d: (f(d), c, e), bb: (f(bb), cc), aa: (f(aa), d, bb), dd: (f(dd), cc)} dask.get(dsk, [aa, b, dd]) # trigger computation assert log == expected def test_local_parents_of_reduction(abcde): """ c1 | b1 c2 | /| a1 b2 c3 | /| a2 b3 | a3 Prefer to finish a1 stack before proceding to b2 """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde a1, a2, a3 = [a + i for i in '123'] b1, b2, b3 = [b + i for i in '123'] c1, c2, c3 = [c + i for i in '123'] expected = [a3, a2, a1, b3, b2, b1, c3, c2, c1] log = [] def f(x): def _(*args): log.append(x) return _ dsk = {a3: (f(a3),), a2: (f(a2), a3), a1: (f(a1), a2), b3: (f(b3),), b2: (f(b2), b3, a2), b1: (f(b1), b2), c3: (f(c3),), c2: (f(c2), c3, b2), c1: (f(c1), c2)} order(dsk) dask.get(dsk, [a1, b1, c1]) # trigger computation assert log == expected def test_nearest_neighbor(abcde): r""" a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / b1 b2 b3 b4 Want to finish off a local group before moving on. This is difficult because all groups are connected. """ a, b, c, _, _ = abcde a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 = [a + i for i in '123456789'] b1, b2, b3, b4 = [b + i for i in '1234'] dsk = {b1: (f,), b2: (f,), b3: (f,), b4: (f,), a1: (f, b1), a2: (f, b1), a3: (f, b1, b2), a4: (f, b2), a5: (f, b2, b3), a6: (f, b3), a7: (f, b3, b4), a8: (f, b4), a9: (f, b4)} o = order(dsk) assert 3 < sum(o[a + i] < len(o) / 2 for i in '123456789') < 7 assert 1 < sum(o[b + i] < len(o) / 2 for i in '1234') < 4 assert o[min([b1, b2, b3, b4])] == 0 def test_string_ordering(): """ Prefer ordering tasks by name first """ dsk = {('a', 1): (f,), ('a', 2): (f,), ('a', 3): (f,)} o = order(dsk) assert o == {('a', 1): 0, ('a', 2): 1, ('a', 3): 2} def test_string_ordering_dependents(): """ Prefer ordering tasks by name first even when in dependencies """ dsk = {('a', 1): (f, 'b'), ('a', 2): (f, 'b'), ('a', 3): (f, 'b'), 'b': (f,)} o = order(dsk) assert o == {'b': 0, ('a', 1): 1, ('a', 2): 2, ('a', 3): 3} def test_prefer_short_narrow(abcde): # See test_prefer_short_ancestor for a fail case. a, b, c, _, _ = abcde dsk = { (a, 0): 0, (b, 0): 0, (c, 0): 0, (c, 1): (f, (c, 0), (a, 0), (b, 0)), (a, 1): 1, (b, 1): 1, (c, 2): (f, (c, 1), (a, 1), (b, 1)), } o = order(dsk) assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(b, 1)] assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(c, 2)] assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(c, 2)] def test_prefer_short_ancestor(abcde): r""" From Two cases, one where chunks of an array are independent, and one where the chunks of an array have a shared source. We handled the independent one "well" earlier. Good: c2 / \ \ / \ \ c1 \ \ / | \ \ \ c0 a0 b0 a1 b1 Bad: c2 / \ \ / \ \ c1 \ \ / | \ \ \ c0 a0 b0 a1 b1 \ \ / / \ \ / / a-b The difference is that all the `a` and `b` tasks now have a common ancestor. We would like to choose c1 *before* a1, and b1 because * we can release a0 and b0 once c1 is done * we don't need a1 and b1 to compute c1. """ a, b, c, _, _ = abcde ab = a + b dsk = { ab: 0, (a, 0): (f, ab, 0, 0), (b, 0): (f, ab, 0, 1), (c, 0): 0, (c, 1): (f, (c, 0), (a, 0), (b, 0)), (a, 1): (f, ab, 1, 0), (b, 1): (f, ab, 1, 1), (c, 2): (f, (c, 1), (a, 1), (b, 1)), } o = order(dsk) assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(b, 1)] assert o[(b, 0)] < o[(c, 2)] assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(c, 2)] assert o[(c, 1)] < o[(a, 1)] def test_map_overlap(abcde): r""" b1 b3 b5 |\ / | \ / | c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 |/ | \ | / | \| d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 | | | e1 e2 e5 Want to finish b1 before we start on e5 """ a, b, c, d, e = abcde dsk = { (e, 1): (f,), (d, 1): (f, (e, 1)), (c, 1): (f, (d, 1)), (b, 1): (f, (c, 1), (c, 2)), (d, 2): (f,), (c, 2): (f, (d, 1), (d, 2), (d, 3)), (e, 3): (f,), (d, 3): (f, (e, 3)), (c, 3): (f, (d, 3)), (b, 3): (f, (c, 2), (c, 3), (c, 4)), (d, 4): (f,), (c, 4): (f, (d, 3), (d, 4), (d, 5)), (e, 5): (f,), (d, 5): (f, (e, 5)), (c, 5): (f, (d, 5)), (b, 5): (f, (c, 4), (c, 5)) } o = order(dsk) assert o[(b, 1)] < o[(e, 5)] or o[(b, 5)] < o[(e, 1)]