import os import sys import signal import threading from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool from time import time, sleep import pytest import dask from dask.compatibility import PY2 from dask.threaded import get from dask.utils_test import inc, add def test_get(): dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'z': (inc, 'x'), 'w': (add, 'z', 'y')} assert get(dsk, 'w') == 4 assert get(dsk, ['w', 'z']) == (4, 2) def test_nested_get(): dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': 2, 'a': (add, 'x', 'y'), 'b': (sum, ['x', 'y'])} assert get(dsk, ['a', 'b']) == (3, 3) def test_get_without_computation(): dsk = {'x': 1} assert get(dsk, 'x') == 1 def test_broken_callback(): from dask.callbacks import Callback def _f_ok(*args, **kwargs): pass def _f_broken(*args, **kwargs): raise ValueError('my_exception') dsk = {'x': 1} with Callback(start=_f_broken, finish=_f_ok): with Callback(start=_f_ok, finish=_f_ok): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='my_exception'): get(dsk, 'x') def bad(x): raise ValueError() def test_exceptions_rise_to_top(): dsk = {'x': 1, 'y': (bad, 'x')} pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: get(dsk, 'y')) def test_reuse_pool(): pool = ThreadPool() with dask.config.set(pool=pool): assert get({'x': (inc, 1)}, 'x') == 2 assert get({'x': (inc, 1)}, 'x') == 2 @pytest.mark.skipif(PY2, reason="threading API changed") def test_pool_kwarg(): def f(): sleep(0.01) return threading.get_ident() dsk = {('x', i): (f,) for i in range(30)} dsk['x'] = (len, (set, [('x', i) for i in range(len(dsk))])) with ThreadPool(3) as pool: assert get(dsk, 'x', pool=pool) == 3 def test_threaded_within_thread(): L = [] def f(i): result = get({'x': (lambda: i,)}, 'x', num_workers=2) L.append(result) before = threading.active_count() for i in range(20): t = threading.Thread(target=f, args=(1,)) t.daemon = True t.start() t.join() assert L == [1] del L[:] start = time() # wait for most threads to join while threading.active_count() > before + 10: sleep(0.01) assert time() < start + 5 def test_dont_spawn_too_many_threads(): before = threading.active_count() dsk = {('x', i): (lambda: i,) for i in range(10)} dsk['x'] = (sum, list(dsk)) for i in range(20): get(dsk, 'x', num_workers=4) after = threading.active_count() assert after <= before + 8 def test_thread_safety(): def f(x): return 1 dsk = {'x': (sleep, 0.05), 'y': (f, 'x')} L = [] def test_f(): L.append(get(dsk, 'y')) threads = [] for i in range(20): t = threading.Thread(target=test_f) t.daemon = True t.start() threads.append(t) for thread in threads: thread.join() assert L == [1] * 20 @pytest.mark.xfail('xdist' in sys.modules, reason=("This test fails intermittently when using " "pytest-xdist (maybe)")) def test_interrupt(): # Python 2 and windows 2 & 3 both implement `queue.get` using polling, # which means we can set an exception to interrupt the call to `get`. # Python 3 on other platforms requires sending SIGINT to the main thread. if PY2: from thread import interrupt_main elif == 'nt': from _thread import interrupt_main else: main_thread = threading.get_ident() def interrupt_main(): signal.pthread_kill(main_thread, signal.SIGINT) def long_task(): sleep(5) dsk = {('x', i): (long_task,) for i in range(20)} dsk['x'] = (len, list(dsk.keys())) try: interrupter = threading.Timer(0.5, interrupt_main) interrupter.start() start = time() get(dsk, 'x') except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except Exception: assert False, "Failed to interrupt" stop = time() if stop - start > 4: assert False, "Failed to interrupt"