""" The :mod:`jedi.api.classes` module contains the return classes of the API. These classes are the much bigger part of the whole API, because they contain the interesting information about completion and goto operations. """ import re from parso.python.tree import search_ancestor from jedi import settings from jedi.evaluate.utils import ignored, unite from jedi.cache import memoize_method from jedi.evaluate import imports from jedi.evaluate import compiled from jedi.evaluate.imports import ImportName from jedi.evaluate.context import instance from jedi.evaluate.context import ClassContext, FunctionExecutionContext from jedi.api.keywords import KeywordName def _sort_names_by_start_pos(names): return sorted(names, key=lambda s: s.start_pos or (0, 0)) def defined_names(evaluator, context): """ List sub-definitions (e.g., methods in class). :type scope: Scope :rtype: list of Definition """ filter = next(context.get_filters(search_global=True)) names = [name for name in filter.values()] return [Definition(evaluator, n) for n in _sort_names_by_start_pos(names)] class BaseDefinition(object): _mapping = { 'posixpath': 'os.path', 'riscospath': 'os.path', 'ntpath': 'os.path', 'os2emxpath': 'os.path', 'macpath': 'os.path', 'genericpath': 'os.path', 'posix': 'os', '_io': 'io', '_functools': 'functools', '_sqlite3': 'sqlite3', '__builtin__': '', 'builtins': '', } _tuple_mapping = dict((tuple(k.split('.')), v) for (k, v) in { 'argparse._ActionsContainer': 'argparse.ArgumentParser', }.items()) def __init__(self, evaluator, name): self._evaluator = evaluator self._name = name """ An instance of :class:`parso.reprsentation.Name` subclass. """ self.is_keyword = isinstance(self._name, KeywordName) # generate a path to the definition self._module = name.get_root_context() if self.in_builtin_module(): self.module_path = None else: self.module_path = self._module.py__file__() """Shows the file path of a module. e.g. ``/usr/lib/python2.7/os.py``""" @property def name(self): """ Name of variable/function/class/module. For example, for ``x = None`` it returns ``'x'``. :rtype: str or None """ return self._name.string_name @property def type(self): """ The type of the definition. Here is an example of the value of this attribute. Let's consider the following source. As what is in ``variable`` is unambiguous to Jedi, :meth:`jedi.Script.goto_definitions` should return a list of definition for ``sys``, ``f``, ``C`` and ``x``. >>> from jedi import Script >>> source = ''' ... import keyword ... ... class C: ... pass ... ... class D: ... pass ... ... x = D() ... ... def f(): ... pass ... ... for variable in [keyword, f, C, x]: ... variable''' >>> script = Script(source) >>> defs = script.goto_definitions() Before showing what is in ``defs``, let's sort it by :attr:`line` so that it is easy to relate the result to the source code. >>> defs = sorted(defs, key=lambda d: d.line) >>> defs # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [, , , ] Finally, here is what you can get from :attr:`type`: >>> defs = [str(d.type) for d in defs] # It's unicode and in Py2 has u before it. >>> defs[0] 'module' >>> defs[1] 'class' >>> defs[2] 'instance' >>> defs[3] 'function' """ tree_name = self._name.tree_name resolve = False if tree_name is not None: # TODO move this to their respective names. definition = tree_name.get_definition() if definition is not None and definition.type == 'import_from' and \ tree_name.is_definition(): resolve = True if isinstance(self._name, imports.SubModuleName) or resolve: for context in self._name.infer(): return context.api_type return self._name.api_type def _path(self): """The path to a module/class/function definition.""" def to_reverse(): name = self._name if name.api_type == 'module': try: name = list(name.infer())[0].name except IndexError: pass if name.api_type in 'module': module_contexts = name.infer() if module_contexts: module_context, = module_contexts for n in reversed(module_context.py__name__().split('.')): yield n else: # We don't really know anything about the path here. This # module is just an import that would lead in an # ImportError. So simply return the name. yield name.string_name return else: yield name.string_name parent_context = name.parent_context while parent_context is not None: try: method = parent_context.py__name__ except AttributeError: try: yield parent_context.name.string_name except AttributeError: pass else: for name in reversed(method().split('.')): yield name parent_context = parent_context.parent_context return reversed(list(to_reverse())) @property def module_name(self): """ The module name. >>> from jedi import Script >>> source = 'import json' >>> script = Script(source, path='example.py') >>> d = script.goto_definitions()[0] >>> print(d.module_name) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS json """ return self._module.name.string_name def in_builtin_module(self): """Whether this is a builtin module.""" return isinstance(self._module, compiled.CompiledObject) @property def line(self): """The line where the definition occurs (starting with 1).""" start_pos = self._name.start_pos if start_pos is None: return None return start_pos[0] @property def column(self): """The column where the definition occurs (starting with 0).""" start_pos = self._name.start_pos if start_pos is None: return None return start_pos[1] def docstring(self, raw=False, fast=True): r""" Return a document string for this completion object. Example: >>> from jedi import Script >>> source = '''\ ... def f(a, b=1): ... "Document for function f." ... ''' >>> script = Script(source, 1, len('def f'), 'example.py') >>> doc = script.goto_definitions()[0].docstring() >>> print(doc) f(a, b=1) Document for function f. Notice that useful extra information is added to the actual docstring. For function, it is call signature. If you need actual docstring, use ``raw=True`` instead. >>> print(script.goto_definitions()[0].docstring(raw=True)) Document for function f. :param fast: Don't follow imports that are only one level deep like ``import foo``, but follow ``from foo import bar``. This makes sense for speed reasons. Completing `import a` is slow if you use the ``foo.docstring(fast=False)`` on every object, because it parses all libraries starting with ``a``. """ return _Help(self._name).docstring(fast=fast, raw=raw) @property def description(self): """A textual description of the object.""" return self._name.string_name @property def full_name(self): """ Dot-separated path of this object. It is in the form of ``[.[...]][.]``. It is useful when you want to look up Python manual of the object at hand. Example: >>> from jedi import Script >>> source = ''' ... import os ... os.path.join''' >>> script = Script(source, 3, len('os.path.join'), 'example.py') >>> print(script.goto_definitions()[0].full_name) os.path.join Notice that it returns ``'os.path.join'`` instead of (for example) ``'posixpath.join'``. This is not correct, since the modules name would be `````. However most users find the latter more practical. """ path = list(self._path()) # TODO add further checks, the mapping should only occur on stdlib. if not path: return None # for keywords the path is empty with ignored(KeyError): path[0] = self._mapping[path[0]] for key, repl in self._tuple_mapping.items(): if tuple(path[:len(key)]) == key: path = [repl] + path[len(key):] return '.'.join(path if path[0] else path[1:]) def goto_assignments(self): if self._name.tree_name is None: return self names = self._evaluator.goto(self._name.parent_context, self._name.tree_name) return [Definition(self._evaluator, n) for n in names] def _goto_definitions(self): # TODO make this function public. return [Definition(self._evaluator, d.name) for d in self._name.infer()] @property @memoize_method def params(self): """ Raises an ``AttributeError``if the definition is not callable. Otherwise returns a list of `Definition` that represents the params. """ def get_param_names(context): param_names = [] if context.api_type == 'function': param_names = list(context.get_param_names()) if isinstance(context, instance.BoundMethod): param_names = param_names[1:] elif isinstance(context, (instance.AbstractInstanceContext, ClassContext)): if isinstance(context, ClassContext): search = u'__init__' else: search = u'__call__' names = context.get_function_slot_names(search) if not names: return [] # Just take the first one here, not optimal, but currently # there's no better solution. inferred = names[0].infer() param_names = get_param_names(next(iter(inferred))) if isinstance(context, ClassContext): param_names = param_names[1:] return param_names elif isinstance(context, compiled.CompiledObject): return list(context.get_param_names()) return param_names followed = list(self._name.infer()) if not followed or not hasattr(followed[0], 'py__call__'): raise AttributeError('There are no params defined on this.') context = followed[0] # only check the first one. return [Definition(self._evaluator, n) for n in get_param_names(context)] def parent(self): context = self._name.parent_context if context is None: return None if isinstance(context, FunctionExecutionContext): context = context.function_context return Definition(self._evaluator, context.name) def __repr__(self): return "<%s %s>" % (type(self).__name__, self.description) def get_line_code(self, before=0, after=0): """ Returns the line of code where this object was defined. :param before: Add n lines before the current line to the output. :param after: Add n lines after the current line to the output. :return str: Returns the line(s) of code or an empty string if it's a builtin. """ if self.in_builtin_module(): return '' lines = self._name.get_root_context().code_lines index = self._name.start_pos[0] - 1 start_index = max(index - before, 0) return ''.join(lines[start_index:index + after + 1]) class Completion(BaseDefinition): """ `Completion` objects are returned from :meth:`api.Script.completions`. They provide additional information about a completion. """ def __init__(self, evaluator, name, stack, like_name_length): super(Completion, self).__init__(evaluator, name) self._like_name_length = like_name_length self._stack = stack # Completion objects with the same Completion name (which means # duplicate items in the completion) self._same_name_completions = [] def _complete(self, like_name): append = '' if settings.add_bracket_after_function \ and self.type == 'Function': append = '(' if self._name.api_type == 'param' and self._stack is not None: nonterminals = [stack_node.nonterminal for stack_node in self._stack] if 'trailer' in nonterminals and 'argument' not in nonterminals: # TODO this doesn't work for nested calls. append += '=' name = self._name.string_name if like_name: name = name[self._like_name_length:] return name + append @property def complete(self): """ Return the rest of the word, e.g. completing ``isinstance``:: isinstan# <-- Cursor is here would return the string 'ce'. It also adds additional stuff, depending on your `settings.py`. Assuming the following function definition:: def foo(param=0): pass completing ``foo(par`` would give a ``Completion`` which `complete` would be `am=` """ return self._complete(True) @property def name_with_symbols(self): """ Similar to :attr:`name`, but like :attr:`name` returns also the symbols, for example assuming the following function definition:: def foo(param=0): pass completing ``foo(`` would give a ``Completion`` which ``name_with_symbols`` would be "param=". """ return self._complete(False) def docstring(self, raw=False, fast=True): if self._like_name_length >= 3: # In this case we can just resolve the like name, because we # wouldn't load like > 100 Python modules anymore. fast = False return super(Completion, self).docstring(raw=raw, fast=fast) @property def description(self): """Provide a description of the completion object.""" # TODO improve the class structure. return Definition.description.__get__(self) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %s>' % (type(self).__name__, self._name.string_name) @memoize_method def follow_definition(self): """ Return the original definitions. I strongly recommend not using it for your completions, because it might slow down |jedi|. If you want to read only a few objects (<=20), it might be useful, especially to get the original docstrings. The basic problem of this function is that it follows all results. This means with 1000 completions (e.g. numpy), it's just PITA-slow. """ defs = self._name.infer() return [Definition(self._evaluator, d.name) for d in defs] class Definition(BaseDefinition): """ *Definition* objects are returned from :meth:`api.Script.goto_assignments` or :meth:`api.Script.goto_definitions`. """ def __init__(self, evaluator, definition): super(Definition, self).__init__(evaluator, definition) @property def description(self): """ A description of the :class:`.Definition` object, which is heavily used in testing. e.g. for ``isinstance`` it returns ``def isinstance``. Example: >>> from jedi import Script >>> source = ''' ... def f(): ... pass ... ... class C: ... pass ... ... variable = f if random.choice([0,1]) else C''' >>> script = Script(source, column=3) # line is maximum by default >>> defs = script.goto_definitions() >>> defs = sorted(defs, key=lambda d: d.line) >>> defs [, ] >>> str(defs[0].description) # strip literals in python2 'def f' >>> str(defs[1].description) 'class C' """ typ = self.type tree_name = self._name.tree_name if typ in ('function', 'class', 'module', 'instance') or tree_name is None: if typ == 'function': # For the description we want a short and a pythonic way. typ = 'def' return typ + ' ' + self._name.string_name elif typ == 'param': code = search_ancestor(tree_name, 'param').get_code( include_prefix=False, include_comma=False ) return typ + ' ' + code definition = tree_name.get_definition() or tree_name # Remove the prefix, because that's not what we want for get_code # here. txt = definition.get_code(include_prefix=False) # Delete comments: txt = re.sub(r'#[^\n]+\n', ' ', txt) # Delete multi spaces/newlines txt = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', txt).strip() return txt @property def desc_with_module(self): """ In addition to the definition, also return the module. .. warning:: Don't use this function yet, its behaviour may change. If you really need it, talk to me. .. todo:: Add full path. This function is should return a `module.class.function` path. """ position = '' if self.in_builtin_module else '@%s' % self.line return "%s:%s%s" % (self.module_name, self.description, position) @memoize_method def defined_names(self): """ List sub-definitions (e.g., methods in class). :rtype: list of Definition """ defs = self._name.infer() return sorted( unite(defined_names(self._evaluator, d) for d in defs), key=lambda s: s._name.start_pos or (0, 0) ) def is_definition(self): """ Returns True, if defined as a name in a statement, function or class. Returns False, if it's a reference to such a definition. """ if self._name.tree_name is None: return True else: return self._name.tree_name.is_definition() def __eq__(self, other): return self._name.start_pos == other._name.start_pos \ and self.module_path == other.module_path \ and self.name == other.name \ and self._evaluator == other._evaluator def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash((self._name.start_pos, self.module_path, self.name, self._evaluator)) class CallSignature(Definition): """ `CallSignature` objects is the return value of `Script.function_definition`. It knows what functions you are currently in. e.g. `isinstance(` would return the `isinstance` function. without `(` it would return nothing. """ def __init__(self, evaluator, executable_name, bracket_start_pos, index, key_name_str): super(CallSignature, self).__init__(evaluator, executable_name) self._index = index self._key_name_str = key_name_str self._bracket_start_pos = bracket_start_pos @property def index(self): """ The Param index of the current call. Returns None if the index cannot be found in the curent call. """ if self._key_name_str is not None: for i, param in enumerate(self.params): if self._key_name_str == param.name: return i if self.params: param_name = self.params[-1]._name if param_name.tree_name is not None: if param_name.tree_name.get_definition().star_count == 2: return i return None if self._index >= len(self.params): for i, param in enumerate(self.params): tree_name = param._name.tree_name if tree_name is not None: # *args case if tree_name.get_definition().star_count == 1: return i return None return self._index @property def bracket_start(self): """ The indent of the bracket that is responsible for the last function call. """ return self._bracket_start_pos @property def _params_str(self): return ', '.join([p.description[6:] for p in self.params]) def __repr__(self): return '<%s: %s index=%r params=[%s]>' % ( type(self).__name__, self._name.string_name, self._index, self._params_str, ) class _Help(object): """ Temporary implementation, will be used as `Script.help() or something in the future. """ def __init__(self, definition): self._name = definition @memoize_method def _get_contexts(self, fast): if isinstance(self._name, ImportName) and fast: return {} if self._name.api_type == 'statement': return {} return self._name.infer() def docstring(self, fast=True, raw=True): """ The docstring ``__doc__`` for any object. See :attr:`doc` for example. """ # TODO: Use all of the followed objects as output. Possibly divinding # them by a few dashes. for context in self._get_contexts(fast=fast): return context.py__doc__(include_call_signature=not raw) return ''