""" One of the really important features of |jedi| is to have an option to understand code like this:: def foo(bar): bar. # completion here foo(1) There's no doubt wheter bar is an ``int`` or not, but if there's also a call like ``foo('str')``, what would happen? Well, we'll just show both. Because that's what a human would expect. It works as follows: - |Jedi| sees a param - search for function calls named ``foo`` - execute these calls and check the input. """ from parso.python import tree from jedi import settings from jedi import debug from jedi.evaluate.cache import evaluator_function_cache from jedi.evaluate import imports from jedi.evaluate.arguments import TreeArguments from jedi.evaluate.param import create_default_params from jedi.evaluate.helpers import is_stdlib_path from jedi.evaluate.utils import to_list from jedi.parser_utils import get_parent_scope from jedi.evaluate.context import ModuleContext, instance from jedi.evaluate.base_context import ContextSet, NO_CONTEXTS from jedi.evaluate import recursion MAX_PARAM_SEARCHES = 20 class DynamicExecutedParams(object): """ Simulates being a parameter while actually just being multiple params. """ def __init__(self, evaluator, executed_params): self.evaluator = evaluator self._executed_params = executed_params def infer(self): with recursion.execution_allowed(self.evaluator, self) as allowed: # We need to catch recursions that may occur, because an # anonymous functions can create an anonymous parameter that is # more or less self referencing. if allowed: return ContextSet.from_sets(p.infer() for p in self._executed_params) return NO_CONTEXTS @debug.increase_indent def search_params(evaluator, execution_context, funcdef): """ A dynamic search for param values. If you try to complete a type: >>> def func(foo): ... foo >>> func(1) >>> func("") It is not known what the type ``foo`` without analysing the whole code. You have to look for all calls to ``func`` to find out what ``foo`` possibly is. """ if not settings.dynamic_params: return create_default_params(execution_context, funcdef) evaluator.dynamic_params_depth += 1 try: path = execution_context.get_root_context().py__file__() if path is not None and is_stdlib_path(path): # We don't want to search for usages in the stdlib. Usually people # don't work with it (except if you are a core maintainer, sorry). # This makes everything slower. Just disable it and run the tests, # you will see the slowdown, especially in 3.6. return create_default_params(execution_context, funcdef) if funcdef.type == 'lambdef': string_name = _get_lambda_name(funcdef) if string_name is None: return create_default_params(execution_context, funcdef) else: string_name = funcdef.name.value debug.dbg('Dynamic param search in %s.', string_name, color='MAGENTA') try: module_context = execution_context.get_root_context() function_executions = _search_function_executions( evaluator, module_context, funcdef, string_name=string_name, ) if function_executions: zipped_params = zip(*list( function_execution.get_executed_params() for function_execution in function_executions )) params = [DynamicExecutedParams(evaluator, executed_params) for executed_params in zipped_params] # Evaluate the ExecutedParams to types. else: return create_default_params(execution_context, funcdef) finally: debug.dbg('Dynamic param result finished', color='MAGENTA') return params finally: evaluator.dynamic_params_depth -= 1 @evaluator_function_cache(default=None) @to_list def _search_function_executions(evaluator, module_context, funcdef, string_name): """ Returns a list of param names. """ compare_node = funcdef if string_name == '__init__': cls = get_parent_scope(funcdef) if isinstance(cls, tree.Class): string_name = cls.name.value compare_node = cls found_executions = False i = 0 for for_mod_context in imports.get_modules_containing_name( evaluator, [module_context], string_name): if not isinstance(module_context, ModuleContext): return for name, trailer in _get_possible_nodes(for_mod_context, string_name): i += 1 # This is a simple way to stop Jedi's dynamic param recursion # from going wild: The deeper Jedi's in the recursion, the less # code should be evaluated. if i * evaluator.dynamic_params_depth > MAX_PARAM_SEARCHES: return random_context = evaluator.create_context(for_mod_context, name) for function_execution in _check_name_for_execution( evaluator, random_context, compare_node, name, trailer): found_executions = True yield function_execution # If there are results after processing a module, we're probably # good to process. This is a speed optimization. if found_executions: return def _get_lambda_name(node): stmt = node.parent if stmt.type == 'expr_stmt': first_operator = next(stmt.yield_operators(), None) if first_operator == '=': first = stmt.children[0] if first.type == 'name': return first.value return None def _get_possible_nodes(module_context, func_string_name): try: names = module_context.tree_node.get_used_names()[func_string_name] except KeyError: return for name in names: bracket = name.get_next_leaf() trailer = bracket.parent if trailer.type == 'trailer' and bracket == '(': yield name, trailer def _check_name_for_execution(evaluator, context, compare_node, name, trailer): from jedi.evaluate.context.function import FunctionExecutionContext def create_func_excs(): arglist = trailer.children[1] if arglist == ')': arglist = None args = TreeArguments(evaluator, context, arglist, trailer) if value_node.type == 'classdef': created_instance = instance.TreeInstance( evaluator, value.parent_context, value, args ) for execution in created_instance.create_init_executions(): yield execution else: yield value.get_function_execution(args) for value in evaluator.goto_definitions(context, name): value_node = value.tree_node if compare_node == value_node: for func_execution in create_func_excs(): yield func_execution elif isinstance(value.parent_context, FunctionExecutionContext) and \ compare_node.type == 'funcdef': # Here we're trying to find decorators by checking the first # parameter. It's not very generic though. Should find a better # solution that also applies to nested decorators. params = value.parent_context.get_executed_params() if len(params) != 1: continue values = params[0].infer() nodes = [v.tree_node for v in values] if nodes == [compare_node]: # Found a decorator. module_context = context.get_root_context() execution_context = next(create_func_excs()) for name, trailer in _get_possible_nodes(module_context, params[0].string_name): if value_node.start_pos < name.start_pos < value_node.end_pos: random_context = evaluator.create_context(execution_context, name) iterator = _check_name_for_execution( evaluator, random_context, compare_node, name, trailer ) for function_execution in iterator: yield function_execution