Type: Jupyter Notebook Extension Compatibility: 4.x, 5.x Name: Highlight selected word Main: main.js Description: Enables the CodeMirror addon "Match Highlighter" Link: README.md Parameters: - name: highlight_selected_word.enable_on_load input_type: checkbox default: true description: | Enable highlighting on loading the notebook interface. The highlighting can also be toggled from the view menu - name: highlight_selected_word.highlight_across_all_cells input_type: checkbox default: true description: | Highlight matches across all cells. If false, only matches within the currently selected cell will be highlighted. - name: highlight_selected_word.code_cells_only input_type: checkbox default: false description: | Only apply highlights to editors for Code cells, not, for example, Markdown or Raw cells - name: highlight_selected_word.highlight_color input_type: color default: '#90EE90' description: Color used to highlight matching words in the focussed cell - name: highlight_selected_word.highlight_color_blurred input_type: color default: '#BBFFBB' description: Color used to highlight matching words in blurred (non-active) cells - name: highlight_selected_word.outlines_only input_type: checkbox default: false description: | Highlight words using just an outline, rather than the background color - name: highlight_selected_word.outline_width input_type: number default: 1 min: 0.5 step: 0.5 description: | Width, in pixels, of the outline used to highlight words when the outline-only setting is selected. - name: highlight_selected_word.delay input_type: number default: 100 min: 0 step: 1 description: 'Wait time, in milliseconds, before highlighting the matches' - name: highlight_selected_word.words_only input_type: checkbox default: false description: Only highlight matches if the selected text is a whole word - name: highlight_selected_word.highlight_only_whole_words input_type: checkbox default: true description: | Only highlight matches when they are surrounded by non-word characters, as determined by the token below (if set), or the default regex '[\w$]'. - name: highlight_selected_word.show_token input_type: text default: '[\w$]' # single-quote strings in yaml are like python raw strings description: | Token (regex) to identify word characters, used to determine what to highlight when nothing is selected. If blank, nothing is highlighted when nothing is selected. - name: highlight_selected_word.min_chars input_type: number default: 2 min: 0 step: 1 description: | Minimum number of characters that must be selected for the highlighting to occur (assuming no token is set for use when nothing is selected) - name: highlight_selected_word.trim input_type: checkbox default: true description: | Trim whitespace from selection text before checking for minimum length - name: highlight_selected_word.use_toggle_hotkey input_type: checkbox default: false description: | Bind the highlight_selected_word:toggle action to a hotkey - name: highlight_selected_word.toggle_hotkey input_type: hotkey default: 'alt-h' description: | Hotkey to bind to the highlight_selected_word:toggle action (if selected for use, above) - name: highlight_selected_word.only_cells_in_scroll input_type: checkbox default: true description: | Only apply highlights to editors which are visible in the scrolled view. This may offer performance benefits for larger notebooks - name: highlight_selected_word.scroll_min_delay input_type: number default: 100 min: 0 step: 10 description: | Minimum delay in ms between updating highlights on scrolling the notebook (used only if limiting highlights to those in scrolled view, see above). If set to zero, no update is done on scroll. - name: highlight_selected_word.hide_selections_in_unfocussed input_type: checkbox default: false description: | Hide any text selection in non-focussed cells (can be confused with match highlights).