""" Filters decide whether something is active or not (they decide about a boolean state). This is used to enable/disable features, like key bindings, parts of the layout and other stuff. For instance, we could have a `HasSearch` filter attached to some part of the layout, in order to show that part of the user interface only while the user is searching. Filters are made to avoid having to attach callbacks to all event in order to propagate state. However, they are lazy, they don't automatically propagate the state of what they are observing. Only when a filter is called (it's actually a callable), it will calculate its value. So, its not really reactive programming, but it's made to fit for this framework. Filters can be chained using ``&`` and ``|`` operations, and inverted using the ``~`` operator, for instance:: filter = has_focus('default') & ~ has_selection """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from .base import Filter, Never, Always, Condition from .app import * from .utils import to_filter, is_true # For backwards-compatibility. Keep this import. from .cli import *