""" Margin implementations for a :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.containers.Window`. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from six import with_metaclass from six.moves import range from prompt_toolkit.filters import to_filter from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import fragment_list_to_text, to_formatted_text from prompt_toolkit.utils import get_cwidth __all__ = [ 'Margin', 'NumberedMargin', 'ScrollbarMargin', 'ConditionalMargin', 'PromptMargin', ] class Margin(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Base interface for a margin. """ @abstractmethod def get_width(self, get_ui_content): """ Return the width that this margin is going to consume. :param get_ui_content: Callable that asks the user control to create a :class:`.UIContent` instance. This can be used for instance to obtain the number of lines. """ return 0 @abstractmethod def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): """ Creates a margin. This should return a list of (style_str, text) tuples. :param window_render_info: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.containers.WindowRenderInfo` instance, generated after rendering and copying the visible part of the :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.controls.UIControl` into the :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.containers.Window`. :param width: The width that's available for this margin. (As reported by :meth:`.get_width`.) :param height: The height that's available for this margin. (The height of the :class:`~prompt_toolkit.layout.containers.Window`.) """ return [] class NumberedMargin(Margin): """ Margin that displays the line numbers. :param relative: Number relative to the cursor position. Similar to the Vi 'relativenumber' option. :param display_tildes: Display tildes after the end of the document, just like Vi does. """ def __init__(self, relative=False, display_tildes=False): self.relative = to_filter(relative) self.display_tildes = to_filter(display_tildes) def get_width(self, get_ui_content): line_count = get_ui_content().line_count return max(3, len('%s' % line_count) + 1) def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): relative = self.relative() style = 'class:line-number' style_current = 'class:line-number,current-line-number' # Get current line number. current_lineno = window_render_info.ui_content.cursor_position.y # Construct margin. result = [] last_lineno = None for y, lineno in enumerate(window_render_info.displayed_lines): # Only display line number if this line is not a continuation of the previous line. if lineno != last_lineno: if lineno is None: pass elif lineno == current_lineno: # Current line. if relative: # Left align current number in relative mode. result.append((style_current, '%i' % (lineno + 1))) else: result.append((style_current, ('%i ' % (lineno + 1)).rjust(width))) else: # Other lines. if relative: lineno = abs(lineno - current_lineno) - 1 result.append((style, ('%i ' % (lineno + 1)).rjust(width))) last_lineno = lineno result.append(('', '\n')) # Fill with tildes. if self.display_tildes(): while y < window_render_info.window_height: result.append(('class:tilde', '~\n')) y += 1 return result class ConditionalMargin(Margin): """ Wrapper around other :class:`.Margin` classes to show/hide them. """ def __init__(self, margin, filter): assert isinstance(margin, Margin) self.margin = margin self.filter = to_filter(filter) def get_width(self, ui_content): if self.filter(): return self.margin.get_width(ui_content) else: return 0 def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): if width and self.filter(): return self.margin.create_margin(window_render_info, width, height) else: return [] class ScrollbarMargin(Margin): """ Margin displaying a scrollbar. :param display_arrows: Display scroll up/down arrows. """ def __init__(self, display_arrows=False, up_arrow_symbol='^', down_arrow_symbol='v'): self.display_arrows = to_filter(display_arrows) self.up_arrow_symbol = up_arrow_symbol self.down_arrow_symbol = down_arrow_symbol def get_width(self, ui_content): return 1 def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): content_height = window_render_info.content_height window_height = window_render_info.window_height display_arrows = self.display_arrows() if display_arrows: window_height -= 2 try: fraction_visible = len(window_render_info.displayed_lines) / float(content_height) fraction_above = window_render_info.vertical_scroll / float(content_height) scrollbar_height = int(min(window_height, max(1, window_height * fraction_visible))) scrollbar_top = int(window_height * fraction_above) except ZeroDivisionError: return [] else: def is_scroll_button(row): " True if we should display a button on this row. " return scrollbar_top <= row <= scrollbar_top + scrollbar_height # Up arrow. result = [] if display_arrows: result.extend([ ('class:scrollbar.arrow', self.up_arrow_symbol), ('class:scrollbar', '\n') ]) # Scrollbar body. scrollbar_background = 'class:scrollbar.background' scrollbar_background_start = 'class:scrollbar.background,scrollbar.start' scrollbar_button = 'class:scrollbar.button' scrollbar_button_end = 'class:scrollbar.button,scrollbar.end' for i in range(window_height): if is_scroll_button(i): if not is_scroll_button(i + 1): # Give the last cell a different style, because we # want to underline this. result.append((scrollbar_button_end, ' ')) else: result.append((scrollbar_button, ' ')) else: if is_scroll_button(i + 1): result.append((scrollbar_background_start, ' ')) else: result.append((scrollbar_background, ' ')) result.append(('', '\n')) # Down arrow if display_arrows: result.append(('class:scrollbar.arrow', self.down_arrow_symbol)) return result class PromptMargin(Margin): """ [Deprecated] Create margin that displays a prompt. This can display one prompt at the first line, and a continuation prompt (e.g, just dots) on all the following lines. This `PromptMargin` implementation has been largely superseded in favor of the `get_line_prefix` attribute of `Window`. The reason is that a margin is always a fixed width, while `get_line_prefix` can return a variable width prefix in front of every line, making it more powerful, especially for line continuations. :param get_prompt: Callable returns formatted text or a list of `(style_str, type)` tuples to be shown as the prompt at the first line. :param get_continuation: Callable that takes three inputs. The width (int), line_number (int), and is_soft_wrap (bool). It should return formatted text or a list of `(style_str, type)` tuples for the next lines of the input. """ def __init__(self, get_prompt, get_continuation=None): assert callable(get_prompt) assert get_continuation is None or callable(get_continuation) self.get_prompt = get_prompt self.get_continuation = get_continuation def get_width(self, ui_content): " Width to report to the `Window`. " # Take the width from the first line. text = fragment_list_to_text(self.get_prompt()) return get_cwidth(text) def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): get_continuation = self.get_continuation result = [] # First line. result.extend(to_formatted_text(self.get_prompt())) # Next lines. if get_continuation: last_y = None for y in window_render_info.displayed_lines[1:]: result.append(('', '\n')) result.extend(to_formatted_text(get_continuation(width, y, y == last_y))) last_y = y return result