""" Collection of style transformations. Think of it as a kind of color post processing after the rendering is done. This could be used for instance to change the contrast/saturation; swap light and dark colors or even change certain colors for other colors. When the UI is rendered, these transformations can be applied right after the style strings are turned into `Attrs` objects that represent the actual formatting. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from six import with_metaclass from colorsys import rgb_to_hls, hls_to_rgb from .base import ANSI_COLOR_NAMES from .style import parse_color from prompt_toolkit.cache import memoized from prompt_toolkit.filters import to_filter from prompt_toolkit.utils import to_str, to_float __all__ = [ 'StyleTransformation', 'SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation', 'ReverseStyleTransformation', 'SetDefaultColorStyleTransformation', 'AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation', 'DummyStyleTransformation', 'ConditionalStyleTransformation', 'DynamicStyleTransformation', 'merge_style_transformations', ] class StyleTransformation(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)): """ Base class for any style transformation. """ @abstractmethod def transform_attrs(self, attrs): """ Take an `Attrs` object and return a new `Attrs` object. Remember that the color formats can be either "ansi..." or a 6 digit lowercase hexadecimal color (without '#' prefix). """ def invalidation_hash(self): """ When this changes, the cache should be invalidated. """ return '%s-%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self)) class SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ Turn dark colors into light colors and the other way around. This is meant to make color schemes that work on a dark background usable on a light background (and the other way around). Notice that this doesn't swap foreground and background like "reverse" does. It turns light green into dark green and the other way around. Foreground and background colors are considered individually. Also notice that when is used somewhere and no colors are given in particular (like what is the default for the bottom toolbar), then this doesn't change anything. This is what makes sense, because when the 'default' color is chosen, it's what works best for the terminal, and reverse works good with that. """ def transform_attrs(self, attrs): """ Return the `Attrs` used when opposite luminosity should be used. """ # Reverse colors. attrs = attrs._replace(color=get_opposite_color(attrs.color)) attrs = attrs._replace(bgcolor=get_opposite_color(attrs.bgcolor)) return attrs class ReverseStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ Swap the 'reverse' attribute. (This is still experimental.) """ def transform_attrs(self, attrs): return attrs._replace(reverse=not attrs.reverse) class SetDefaultColorStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ Set default foreground/background color for output that doesn't specify anything. This is useful for overriding the terminal default colors. :param fg: Color string or callable that returns a color string for the foreground. :param bg: Like `fg`, but for the background. """ def __init__(self, fg, bg): self.fg = fg self.bg = bg def transform_attrs(self, attrs): if attrs.bgcolor in ('', 'default'): attrs = attrs._replace(bgcolor=parse_color(to_str(self.bg))) if attrs.color in ('', 'default'): attrs = attrs._replace(color=parse_color(to_str(self.fg))) return attrs def invalidation_hash(self): return ( 'set-default-color', to_str(self.fg), to_str(self.bg), ) class AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ Adjust the brightness to improve the rendering on either dark or light backgrounds. For dark backgrounds, it's best to increase `min_brightness`. For light backgrounds it's best to decrease `max_brightness`. Usually, only one setting is adjusted. This will only change the brightness for text that has a foreground color defined, but no background color. It works best for 256 or true color output. .. note:: Notice that there is no universal way to detect whether the application is running in a light or dark terminal. As a developer of an command line application, you'll have to make this configurable for the user. :param min_brightness: Float between 0.0 and 1.0 or a callable that returns a float. :param max_brightness: Float between 0.0 and 1.0 or a callable that returns a float. """ def __init__(self, min_brightness=0.0, max_brightness=1.0): self.min_brightness = min_brightness self.max_brightness = max_brightness def transform_attrs(self, attrs): min_brightness = to_float(self.min_brightness) max_brightness = to_float(self.max_brightness) assert 0 <= min_brightness <= 1 assert 0 <= max_brightness <= 1 # Don't do anything if the whole brightness range is acceptable. # This also avoids turning ansi colors into RGB sequences. if min_brightness == 0.0 and max_brightness == 1.0: return attrs # If a foreground color is given without a background color. no_background = not attrs.bgcolor or attrs.bgcolor == 'default' has_fgcolor = attrs.color and attrs.color != 'ansidefault' if has_fgcolor and no_background: # Calculate new RGB values. r, g, b = self._color_to_rgb(attrs.color) hue, brightness, saturation = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b) brightness = self._interpolate_brightness( brightness, min_brightness, max_brightness) r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(hue, brightness, saturation) new_color = '%02x%02x%02x' % ( int(r * 255), int(g * 255), int(b * 255)) attrs = attrs._replace(color=new_color) return attrs def _color_to_rgb(self, color): """ Parse `style.Attrs` color into RGB tuple. """ # Do RGB lookup for ANSI colors. try: from prompt_toolkit.output.vt100 import ANSI_COLORS_TO_RGB r, g, b = ANSI_COLORS_TO_RGB[color] return r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0 except KeyError: pass # Parse RRGGBB format. r = int(color[0:2], 16) / 255.0 g = int(color[2:4], 16) / 255.0 b = int(color[4:6], 16) / 255.0 return r, g, b # NOTE: we don't have to support named colors here. They are already # transformed into RGB values in `style.parse_color`. def _interpolate_brightness(self, value, min_brightness, max_brightness): """ Map the brightness to the (min_brightness..max_brightness) range. """ return ( min_brightness + (max_brightness - min_brightness) * value ) def invalidation_hash(self): return ( 'adjust-brightness', to_float(self.min_brightness), to_float(self.max_brightness) ) class DummyStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ Don't transform anything at all. """ def transform_attrs(self, attrs): return attrs def invalidation_hash(self): # Always return the same hash for these dummy instances. return 'dummy-style-transformation' class DynamicStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ StyleTransformation class that can dynamically returns any `StyleTransformation`. :param get_style_transformation: Callable that returns a :class:`.StyleTransformation` instance. """ def __init__(self, get_style_transformation): assert callable(get_style_transformation) self.get_style_transformation = get_style_transformation def transform_attrs(self, attrs): style_transformation = self.get_style_transformation() or DummyStyleTransformation() return style_transformation.transform_attrs(attrs) def invalidation_hash(self): style_transformation = self.get_style_transformation() or DummyStyleTransformation() return style_transformation.invalidation_hash() class ConditionalStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): """ Apply the style transformation depending on a condition. """ def __init__(self, style_transformation, filter): assert isinstance(style_transformation, StyleTransformation) self.style_transformation = style_transformation self.filter = to_filter(filter) def transform_attrs(self, attrs): if self.filter(): return self.style_transformation.transform_attrs(attrs) return attrs def invalidation_hash(self): return ( self.filter(), self.style_transformation.invalidation_hash() ) class _MergedStyleTransformation(StyleTransformation): def __init__(self, style_transformations): self.style_transformations = style_transformations def transform_attrs(self, attrs): for transformation in self.style_transformations: attrs = transformation.transform_attrs(attrs) return attrs def invalidation_hash(self): return tuple(t.invalidation_hash() for t in self.style_transformations) def merge_style_transformations(style_transformations): """ Merge multiple transformations together. """ return _MergedStyleTransformation(style_transformations) # Dictionary that maps ANSI color names to their opposite. This is useful for # turning color schemes that are optimized for a black background usable for a # white background. OPPOSITE_ANSI_COLOR_NAMES = { 'ansidefault': 'ansidefault', 'ansiblack': 'ansiwhite', 'ansired': 'ansibrightred', 'ansigreen': 'ansibrightgreen', 'ansiyellow': 'ansibrightyellow', 'ansiblue': 'ansibrightblue', 'ansimagenta': 'ansibrightmagenta', 'ansicyan': 'ansibrightcyan', 'ansigray': 'ansibrightblack', 'ansiwhite': 'ansiblack', 'ansibrightred': 'ansired', 'ansibrightgreen': 'ansigreen', 'ansibrightyellow': 'ansiyellow', 'ansibrightblue': 'ansiblue', 'ansibrightmagenta': 'ansimagenta', 'ansibrightcyan': 'ansicyan', 'ansibrightblack': 'ansigray', } assert set(OPPOSITE_ANSI_COLOR_NAMES.keys()) == set(ANSI_COLOR_NAMES) assert set(OPPOSITE_ANSI_COLOR_NAMES.values()) == set(ANSI_COLOR_NAMES) @memoized() def get_opposite_color(colorname): """ Take a color name in either 'ansi...' format or 6 digit RGB, return the color of opposite luminosity (same hue/saturation). This is used for turning color schemes that work on a light background usable on a dark background. """ # Special values. if colorname in ('', 'default'): return colorname # Try ANSI color names. try: return OPPOSITE_ANSI_COLOR_NAMES[colorname] except KeyError: # Try 6 digit RGB colors. r = int(colorname[:2], 16) / 255.0 g = int(colorname[2:4], 16) / 255.0 b = int(colorname[4:6], 16) / 255.0 h, l, s = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b) l = 1 - l r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(h, l, s) r = int(r * 255) g = int(g * 255) b = int(b * 255) return '%02x%02x%02x' % (r, g, b)