""" Utility to easily select lines from the history and execute them again. `create_history_application` creates an `Application` instance that runs will run as a sub application of the Repl/PythonInput. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from prompt_toolkit.application import Application from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, has_focus from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text.utils import fragment_list_to_text from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings from prompt_toolkit.layout.containers import HSplit, VSplit, Window, FloatContainer, Float, ConditionalContainer, Container, ScrollOffsets, WindowAlign from prompt_toolkit.layout.controls import BufferControl, FormattedTextControl from prompt_toolkit.layout.dimension import Dimension as D from prompt_toolkit.layout.layout import Layout from prompt_toolkit.layout.margins import Margin, ScrollbarMargin from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import Processor, Transformation from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer from prompt_toolkit.widgets import Frame from prompt_toolkit.widgets.toolbars import ArgToolbar, SearchToolbar from pygments.lexers import RstLexer from .utils import if_mousedown from ptpython.layout import get_inputmode_fragments from functools import partial import six if six.PY2: from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer else: from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer as PythonLexer HISTORY_COUNT = 2000 __all__ = ( 'HistoryLayout', ) HELP_TEXT = """ This interface is meant to select multiple lines from the history and execute them together. Typical usage ------------- 1. Move the ``cursor up`` in the history pane, until the cursor is on the first desired line. 2. Hold down the ``space bar``, or press it multiple times. Each time it will select one line and move to the next one. Each selected line will appear on the right side. 3. When all the required lines are displayed on the right side, press ``Enter``. This will go back to the Python REPL and show these lines as the current input. They can still be edited from there. Key bindings ------------ Many Emacs and Vi navigation key bindings should work. Press ``F4`` to switch between Emacs and Vi mode. Additional bindings: - ``Space``: Select or delect a line. - ``Tab``: Move the focus between the history and input pane. (Alternative: ``Ctrl-W``) - ``Ctrl-C``: Cancel. Ignore the result and go back to the REPL. (Alternatives: ``q`` and ``Control-G``.) - ``Enter``: Accept the result and go back to the REPL. - ``F1``: Show/hide help. Press ``Enter`` to quit this help message. Further, remember that searching works like in Emacs (using ``Ctrl-R``) or Vi (using ``/``). """ class BORDER: " Box drawing characters. " HORIZONTAL = '\u2501' VERTICAL = '\u2503' TOP_LEFT = '\u250f' TOP_RIGHT = '\u2513' BOTTOM_LEFT = '\u2517' BOTTOM_RIGHT = '\u251b' LIGHT_VERTICAL = '\u2502' def _create_popup_window(title, body): """ Return the layout for a pop-up window. It consists of a title bar showing the `title` text, and a body layout. The window is surrounded by borders. """ assert isinstance(title, six.text_type) assert isinstance(body, Container) return Frame(body=body, title=title) class HistoryLayout(object): """ Create and return a `Container` instance for the history application. """ def __init__(self, history): search_toolbar = SearchToolbar() self.help_buffer_control = BufferControl( buffer=history.help_buffer, lexer=PygmentsLexer(RstLexer)) help_window = _create_popup_window( title='History Help', body=Window( content=self.help_buffer_control, right_margins=[ScrollbarMargin(display_arrows=True)], scroll_offsets=ScrollOffsets(top=2, bottom=2))) self.default_buffer_control = BufferControl( buffer=history.default_buffer, input_processors=[GrayExistingText(history.history_mapping)], lexer=PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer)) self.history_buffer_control = BufferControl( buffer=history.history_buffer, lexer=PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer), search_buffer_control=search_toolbar.control, preview_search=True) history_window = Window( content=self.history_buffer_control, wrap_lines=False, left_margins=[HistoryMargin(history)], scroll_offsets=ScrollOffsets(top=2, bottom=2)) self.root_container = HSplit([ # Top title bar. Window( content=FormattedTextControl(_get_top_toolbar_fragments), align=WindowAlign.CENTER, style='class:status-toolbar'), FloatContainer( content=VSplit([ # Left side: history. history_window, # Separator. Window(width=D.exact(1), char=BORDER.LIGHT_VERTICAL, style='class:separator'), # Right side: result. Window( content=self.default_buffer_control, wrap_lines=False, left_margins=[ResultMargin(history)], scroll_offsets=ScrollOffsets(top=2, bottom=2)), ]), floats=[ # Help text as a float. Float(width=60, top=3, bottom=2, content=ConditionalContainer( content=help_window, filter=has_focus(history.help_buffer))), ] ), # Bottom toolbars. ArgToolbar(), search_toolbar, Window( content=FormattedTextControl( partial(_get_bottom_toolbar_fragments, history=history)), style='class:status-toolbar'), ]) self.layout = Layout(self.root_container, history_window) def _get_top_toolbar_fragments(): return [('class:status-bar.title', 'History browser - Insert from history')] def _get_bottom_toolbar_fragments(history): python_input = history.python_input @if_mousedown def f1(mouse_event): _toggle_help(history) @if_mousedown def tab(mouse_event): _select_other_window(history) return [ ('class:status-toolbar', ' ') ] + get_inputmode_fragments(python_input) + [ ('class:status-toolbar', ' '), ('class:status-toolbar.key', '[Space]'), ('class:status-toolbar', ' Toggle '), ('class:status-toolbar.key', '[Tab]', tab), ('class:status-toolbar', ' Focus ', tab), ('class:status-toolbar.key', '[Enter]'), ('class:status-toolbar', ' Accept '), ('class:status-toolbar.key', '[F1]', f1), ('class:status-toolbar', ' Help ', f1), ] class HistoryMargin(Margin): """ Margin for the history buffer. This displays a green bar for the selected entries. """ def __init__(self, history): self.history_buffer = history.history_buffer self.history_mapping = history.history_mapping def get_width(self, ui_content): return 2 def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): document = self.history_buffer.document lines_starting_new_entries = self.history_mapping.lines_starting_new_entries selected_lines = self.history_mapping.selected_lines current_lineno = document.cursor_position_row visible_line_to_input_line = window_render_info.visible_line_to_input_line result = [] for y in range(height): line_number = visible_line_to_input_line.get(y) # Show stars at the start of each entry. # (Visualises multiline entries.) if line_number in lines_starting_new_entries: char = '*' else: char = ' ' if line_number in selected_lines: t = 'class:history-line,selected' else: t = 'class:history-line' if line_number == current_lineno: t = t + ',current' result.append((t, char)) result.append(('', '\n')) return result class ResultMargin(Margin): """ The margin to be shown in the result pane. """ def __init__(self, history): self.history_mapping = history.history_mapping self.history_buffer = history.history_buffer def get_width(self, ui_content): return 2 def create_margin(self, window_render_info, width, height): document = self.history_buffer.document current_lineno = document.cursor_position_row offset = self.history_mapping.result_line_offset #original_document.cursor_position_row visible_line_to_input_line = window_render_info.visible_line_to_input_line result = [] for y in range(height): line_number = visible_line_to_input_line.get(y) if (line_number is None or line_number < offset or line_number >= offset + len(self.history_mapping.selected_lines)): t = '' elif line_number == current_lineno: t = 'class:history-line,selected,current' else: t = 'class:history-line,selected' result.append((t, ' ')) result.append(('', '\n')) return result def invalidation_hash(self, document): return document.cursor_position_row class GrayExistingText(Processor): """ Turn the existing input, before and after the inserted code gray. """ def __init__(self, history_mapping): self.history_mapping = history_mapping self._lines_before = len(history_mapping.original_document.text_before_cursor.splitlines()) def apply_transformation(self, transformation_input): lineno = transformation_input.lineno fragments = transformation_input.fragments if (lineno < self._lines_before or lineno >= self._lines_before + len(self.history_mapping.selected_lines)): text = fragment_list_to_text(fragments) return Transformation(fragments=[('class:history.existing-input', text)]) else: return Transformation(fragments=fragments) class HistoryMapping(object): """ Keep a list of all the lines from the history and the selected lines. """ def __init__(self, history, python_history, original_document): self.history = history self.python_history = python_history self.original_document = original_document self.lines_starting_new_entries = set() self.selected_lines = set() # Process history. history_strings = python_history.get_strings() history_lines = [] for entry_nr, entry in list(enumerate(history_strings))[-HISTORY_COUNT:]: self.lines_starting_new_entries.add(len(history_lines)) for line in entry.splitlines(): history_lines.append(line) if len(history_strings) > HISTORY_COUNT: history_lines[0] = '# *** History has been truncated to %s lines ***' % HISTORY_COUNT self.history_lines = history_lines self.concatenated_history = '\n'.join(history_lines) # Line offset. if self.original_document.text_before_cursor: self.result_line_offset = self.original_document.cursor_position_row + 1 else: self.result_line_offset = 0 def get_new_document(self, cursor_pos=None): """ Create a `Document` instance that contains the resulting text. """ lines = [] # Original text, before cursor. if self.original_document.text_before_cursor: lines.append(self.original_document.text_before_cursor) # Selected entries from the history. for line_no in sorted(self.selected_lines): lines.append(self.history_lines[line_no]) # Original text, after cursor. if self.original_document.text_after_cursor: lines.append(self.original_document.text_after_cursor) # Create `Document` with cursor at the right position. text = '\n'.join(lines) if cursor_pos is not None and cursor_pos > len(text): cursor_pos = len(text) return Document(text, cursor_pos) def update_default_buffer(self): b = self.history.default_buffer b.set_document( self.get_new_document(b.cursor_position), bypass_readonly=True) def _toggle_help(history): " Display/hide help. " help_buffer_control = history.history_layout.help_buffer_control if history.app.layout.current_control == help_buffer_control: history.app.layout.focus_previous() else: history.app.layout.current_control = help_buffer_control def _select_other_window(history): " Toggle focus between left/right window. " current_buffer = history.app.current_buffer layout = history.history_layout.layout if current_buffer == history.history_buffer: layout.current_control = history.history_layout.default_buffer_control elif current_buffer == history.default_buffer: layout.current_control = history.history_layout.history_buffer_control def create_key_bindings(history, python_input, history_mapping): """ Key bindings. """ bindings = KeyBindings() handle = bindings.add @handle(' ', filter=has_focus(history.history_buffer)) def _(event): """ Space: select/deselect line from history pane. """ b = event.current_buffer line_no = b.document.cursor_position_row if not history_mapping.history_lines: # If we've no history, then nothing to do return if line_no in history_mapping.selected_lines: # Remove line. history_mapping.selected_lines.remove(line_no) history_mapping.update_default_buffer() else: # Add line. history_mapping.selected_lines.add(line_no) history_mapping.update_default_buffer() # Update cursor position default_buffer = history.default_buffer default_lineno = sorted(history_mapping.selected_lines).index(line_no) + \ history_mapping.result_line_offset default_buffer.cursor_position = \ default_buffer.document.translate_row_col_to_index(default_lineno, 0) # Also move the cursor to the next line. (This way they can hold # space to select a region.) b.cursor_position = b.document.translate_row_col_to_index(line_no + 1, 0) @handle(' ', filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) @handle('delete', filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) @handle('c-h', filter=has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)) def _(event): """ Space: remove line from default pane. """ b = event.current_buffer line_no = b.document.cursor_position_row - history_mapping.result_line_offset if line_no >= 0: try: history_lineno = sorted(history_mapping.selected_lines)[line_no] except IndexError: pass # When `selected_lines` is an empty set. else: history_mapping.selected_lines.remove(history_lineno) history_mapping.update_default_buffer() help_focussed = has_focus(history.help_buffer) main_buffer_focussed = has_focus(history.history_buffer) | has_focus(history.default_buffer) @handle('tab', filter=main_buffer_focussed) @handle('c-x', filter=main_buffer_focussed, eager=True) # Eager: ignore the Emacs [Ctrl-X Ctrl-X] binding. @handle('c-w', filter=main_buffer_focussed) def _(event): " Select other window. " _select_other_window(history) @handle('f4') def _(event): " Switch between Emacs/Vi mode. " python_input.vi_mode = not python_input.vi_mode @handle('f1') def _(event): " Display/hide help. " _toggle_help(history) @handle('enter', filter=help_focussed) @handle('c-c', filter=help_focussed) @handle('c-g', filter=help_focussed) @handle('escape', filter=help_focussed) def _(event): " Leave help. " event.app.layout.focus_previous() @handle('q', filter=main_buffer_focussed) @handle('f3', filter=main_buffer_focussed) @handle('c-c', filter=main_buffer_focussed) @handle('c-g', filter=main_buffer_focussed) def _(event): " Cancel and go back. " event.app.exit(result=None) @handle('enter', filter=main_buffer_focussed) def _(event): " Accept input. " event.app.exit(result=history.default_buffer.text) enable_system_bindings = Condition(lambda: python_input.enable_system_bindings) @handle('c-z', filter=enable_system_bindings) def _(event): " Suspend to background. " event.app.suspend_to_background() return bindings class History(object): def __init__(self, python_input, original_document): """ Create an `Application` for the history screen. This has to be run as a sub application of `python_input`. When this application runs and returns, it retuns the selected lines. """ self.python_input = python_input history_mapping = HistoryMapping(self, python_input.history, original_document) self.history_mapping = history_mapping document = Document(history_mapping.concatenated_history) document = Document( document.text, cursor_position=document.cursor_position + document.get_start_of_line_position()) self.history_buffer = Buffer( document=document, on_cursor_position_changed=self._history_buffer_pos_changed, accept_handler=( lambda buff: get_app().exit(result=self.default_buffer.text)), read_only=True) self.default_buffer = Buffer( name=DEFAULT_BUFFER, document=history_mapping.get_new_document(), on_cursor_position_changed=self._default_buffer_pos_changed, read_only=True) self.help_buffer = Buffer( document=Document(HELP_TEXT, 0), read_only=True ) self.history_layout = HistoryLayout(self) self.app = Application( layout=self.history_layout.layout, full_screen=True, style=python_input._current_style, mouse_support=Condition(lambda: python_input.enable_mouse_support), key_bindings=create_key_bindings(self, python_input, history_mapping) ) def _default_buffer_pos_changed(self, _): """ When the cursor changes in the default buffer. Synchronize with history buffer. """ # Only when this buffer has the focus. if self.app.current_buffer == self.default_buffer: try: line_no = self.default_buffer.document.cursor_position_row - \ self.history_mapping.result_line_offset if line_no < 0: # When the cursor is above the inserted region. raise IndexError history_lineno = sorted(self.history_mapping.selected_lines)[line_no] except IndexError: pass else: self.history_buffer.cursor_position = \ self.history_buffer.document.translate_row_col_to_index(history_lineno, 0) def _history_buffer_pos_changed(self, _): """ When the cursor changes in the history buffer. Synchronize. """ # Only when this buffer has the focus. if self.app.current_buffer == self.history_buffer: line_no = self.history_buffer.document.cursor_position_row if line_no in self.history_mapping.selected_lines: default_lineno = sorted(self.history_mapping.selected_lines).index(line_no) + \ self.history_mapping.result_line_offset self.default_buffer.cursor_position = \ self.default_buffer.document.translate_row_col_to_index(default_lineno, 0)