""" Application for reading Python input. This can be used for creation of Python REPLs. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from prompt_toolkit.application import Application, get_app from prompt_toolkit.application.run_in_terminal import run_coroutine_in_terminal from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory, ConditionalAutoSuggest, ThreadedAutoSuggest from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.auto_suggest import load_auto_suggest_bindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.open_in_editor import load_open_in_editor_bindings from prompt_toolkit.completion import ThreadedCompleter from prompt_toolkit.document import Document from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode from prompt_toolkit.eventloop.defaults import get_event_loop from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition from prompt_toolkit.history import FileHistory, InMemoryHistory, ThreadedHistory from prompt_toolkit.input.defaults import create_input from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import merge_key_bindings, ConditionalKeyBindings, KeyBindings from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer, DynamicLexer, SimpleLexer from prompt_toolkit.output import ColorDepth from prompt_toolkit.output.defaults import create_output from prompt_toolkit.styles import DynamicStyle, SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation, ConditionalStyleTransformation, AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation, merge_style_transformations from prompt_toolkit.utils import is_windows from prompt_toolkit.validation import ConditionalValidator from .completer import PythonCompleter from .history_browser import History from .key_bindings import load_python_bindings, load_sidebar_bindings, load_confirm_exit_bindings from .layout import PtPythonLayout, CompletionVisualisation from .prompt_style import IPythonPrompt, ClassicPrompt from .style import get_all_code_styles, get_all_ui_styles, generate_style from .utils import get_jedi_script_from_document from .validator import PythonValidator from functools import partial import sys import six import __future__ if six.PY2: from pygments.lexers import PythonLexer else: from pygments.lexers import Python3Lexer as PythonLexer __all__ = ( 'PythonInput', ) class OptionCategory(object): def __init__(self, title, options): assert isinstance(title, six.text_type) assert isinstance(options, list) self.title = title self.options = options class Option(object): """ Ptpython configuration option that can be shown and modified from the sidebar. :param title: Text. :param description: Text. :param get_values: Callable that returns a dictionary mapping the possible values to callbacks that activate these value. :param get_current_value: Callable that returns the current, active value. """ def __init__(self, title, description, get_current_value, get_values): assert isinstance(title, six.text_type) assert isinstance(description, six.text_type) assert callable(get_current_value) assert callable(get_values) self.title = title self.description = description self.get_current_value = get_current_value self.get_values = get_values @property def values(self): return self.get_values() def activate_next(self, _previous=False): """ Activate next value. """ current = self.get_current_value() options = sorted(self.values.keys()) # Get current index. try: index = options.index(current) except ValueError: index = 0 # Go to previous/next index. if _previous: index -= 1 else: index += 1 # Call handler for this option. next_option = options[index % len(options)] self.values[next_option]() def activate_previous(self): """ Activate previous value. """ self.activate_next(_previous=True) COLOR_DEPTHS = { ColorDepth.DEPTH_1_BIT: 'Monochrome', ColorDepth.DEPTH_4_BIT: 'ANSI Colors', ColorDepth.DEPTH_8_BIT: '256 colors', ColorDepth.DEPTH_24_BIT: 'True color', } class PythonInput(object): """ Prompt for reading Python input. :: python_input = PythonInput(...) python_code = python_input.app.run() """ def __init__(self, get_globals=None, get_locals=None, history_filename=None, vi_mode=False, input=None, output=None, color_depth=None, # For internal use. extra_key_bindings=None, _completer=None, _validator=None, _lexer=None, _extra_buffer_processors=None, _extra_layout_body=None, _extra_toolbars=None, _input_buffer_height=None): self.get_globals = get_globals or (lambda: {}) self.get_locals = get_locals or self.get_globals self._completer = _completer or PythonCompleter(self.get_globals, self.get_locals) self._validator = _validator or PythonValidator(self.get_compiler_flags) self._lexer = _lexer or PygmentsLexer(PythonLexer) if history_filename: self.history = ThreadedHistory(FileHistory(history_filename)) else: self.history = InMemoryHistory() self._input_buffer_height = _input_buffer_height self._extra_layout_body = _extra_layout_body or [] self._extra_toolbars = _extra_toolbars or [] self._extra_buffer_processors = _extra_buffer_processors or [] self.extra_key_bindings = extra_key_bindings or KeyBindings() # Settings. self.show_signature = False self.show_docstring = False self.show_meta_enter_message = True self.completion_visualisation = CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN self.completion_menu_scroll_offset = 1 self.show_line_numbers = False self.show_status_bar = True self.wrap_lines = True self.complete_while_typing = True self.paste_mode = False # When True, don't insert whitespace after newline. self.confirm_exit = True # Ask for confirmation when Control-D is pressed. self.accept_input_on_enter = 2 # Accept when pressing Enter 'n' times. # 'None' means that meta-enter is always required. self.enable_open_in_editor = True self.enable_system_bindings = True self.enable_input_validation = True self.enable_auto_suggest = False self.enable_mouse_support = False self.enable_history_search = False # When True, like readline, going # back in history will filter the # history on the records starting # with the current input. self.enable_syntax_highlighting = True self.swap_light_and_dark = False self.highlight_matching_parenthesis = False self.show_sidebar = False # Currently show the sidebar. self.show_sidebar_help = True # When the sidebar is visible, also show the help text. self.show_exit_confirmation = False # Currently show 'Do you really want to exit?' self.terminal_title = None # The title to be displayed in the terminal. (None or string.) self.exit_message = 'Do you really want to exit?' self.insert_blank_line_after_output = True # (For the REPL.) # The buffers. self.default_buffer = self._create_buffer() self.search_buffer = Buffer() self.docstring_buffer = Buffer(read_only=True) # Tokens to be shown at the prompt. self.prompt_style = 'classic' # The currently active style. self.all_prompt_styles = { # Styles selectable from the menu. 'ipython': IPythonPrompt(self), 'classic': ClassicPrompt(), } self.get_input_prompt = lambda: \ self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].in_prompt() self.get_output_prompt = lambda: \ self.all_prompt_styles[self.prompt_style].out_prompt() #: Load styles. self.code_styles = get_all_code_styles() self.ui_styles = get_all_ui_styles() self._current_code_style_name = 'default' self._current_ui_style_name = 'default' if is_windows(): self._current_code_style_name = 'win32' self._current_style = self._generate_style() self.color_depth = color_depth or ColorDepth.default() self.max_brightness = 1.0 self.min_brightness = 0.0 # Options to be configurable from the sidebar. self.options = self._create_options() self.selected_option_index = 0 #: Incremeting integer counting the current statement. self.current_statement_index = 1 # Code signatures. (This is set asynchronously after a timeout.) self.signatures = [] # Boolean indicating whether we have a signatures thread running. # (Never run more than one at the same time.) self._get_signatures_thread_running = False self.output = output or create_output() self.input = input or create_input(sys.stdin) self.style_transformation = merge_style_transformations([ ConditionalStyleTransformation( SwapLightAndDarkStyleTransformation(), filter=Condition(lambda: self.swap_light_and_dark)), AdjustBrightnessStyleTransformation( lambda: self.min_brightness, lambda: self.max_brightness), ]) self.ptpython_layout = PtPythonLayout( self, lexer=DynamicLexer( lambda: self._lexer if self.enable_syntax_highlighting else SimpleLexer()), input_buffer_height=self._input_buffer_height, extra_buffer_processors=self._extra_buffer_processors, extra_body=self._extra_layout_body, extra_toolbars=self._extra_toolbars) self.app = self._create_application() if vi_mode: self.app.editing_mode = EditingMode.VI def _accept_handler(self, buff): app = get_app() app.exit(result=buff.text) app.pre_run_callables.append(buff.reset) return True # Keep text, we call 'reset' later on. @property def option_count(self): " Return the total amount of options. (In all categories together.) " return sum(len(category.options) for category in self.options) @property def selected_option(self): " Return the currently selected option. " i = 0 for category in self.options: for o in category.options: if i == self.selected_option_index: return o else: i += 1 def get_compiler_flags(self): """ Give the current compiler flags by looking for _Feature instances in the globals. """ flags = 0 for value in self.get_globals().values(): if isinstance(value, __future__._Feature): flags |= value.compiler_flag return flags @property def add_key_binding(self): """ Shortcut for adding new key bindings. (Mostly useful for a .ptpython/config.py file, that receives a PythonInput/Repl instance as input.) :: @python_input.add_key_binding(Keys.ControlX, filter=...) def handler(event): ... """ def add_binding_decorator(*k, **kw): return self.extra_key_bindings.add(*k, **kw) return add_binding_decorator def install_code_colorscheme(self, name, style_dict): """ Install a new code color scheme. """ assert isinstance(name, six.text_type) assert isinstance(style_dict, dict) self.code_styles[name] = style_dict def use_code_colorscheme(self, name): """ Apply new colorscheme. (By name.) """ assert name in self.code_styles self._current_code_style_name = name self._current_style = self._generate_style() def install_ui_colorscheme(self, name, style_dict): """ Install a new UI color scheme. """ assert isinstance(name, six.text_type) assert isinstance(style_dict, dict) self.ui_styles[name] = style_dict def use_ui_colorscheme(self, name): """ Apply new colorscheme. (By name.) """ assert name in self.ui_styles self._current_ui_style_name = name self._current_style = self._generate_style() def _use_color_depth(self, depth): self.color_depth = depth def _set_min_brightness(self, value): self.min_brightness = value self.max_brightness = max(self.max_brightness, value) def _set_max_brightness(self, value): self.max_brightness = value self.min_brightness = min(self.min_brightness, value) def _generate_style(self): """ Create new Style instance. (We don't want to do this on every key press, because each time the renderer receives a new style class, he will redraw everything.) """ return generate_style(self.code_styles[self._current_code_style_name], self.ui_styles[self._current_ui_style_name]) def _create_options(self): """ Create a list of `Option` instances for the options sidebar. """ def enable(attribute, value=True): setattr(self, attribute, value) # Return `True`, to be able to chain this in the lambdas below. return True def disable(attribute): setattr(self, attribute, False) return True def simple_option(title, description, field_name, values=None): " Create Simple on/of option. " values = values or ['off', 'on'] def get_current_value(): return values[bool(getattr(self, field_name))] def get_values(): return { values[1]: lambda: enable(field_name), values[0]: lambda: disable(field_name), } return Option(title=title, description=description, get_values=get_values, get_current_value=get_current_value) brightness_values = [1.0 / 20 * value for value in range(0, 21)] return [ OptionCategory('Input', [ simple_option(title='Editing mode', description='Vi or emacs key bindings.', field_name='vi_mode', values=[EditingMode.EMACS, EditingMode.VI]), simple_option(title='Paste mode', description="When enabled, don't indent automatically.", field_name='paste_mode'), Option(title='Complete while typing', description="Generate autocompletions automatically while typing. " 'Don\'t require pressing TAB. (Not compatible with "History search".)', get_current_value=lambda: ['off', 'on'][self.complete_while_typing], get_values=lambda: { 'on': lambda: enable('complete_while_typing') and disable('enable_history_search'), 'off': lambda: disable('complete_while_typing'), }), Option(title='History search', description='When pressing the up-arrow, filter the history on input starting ' 'with the current text. (Not compatible with "Complete while typing".)', get_current_value=lambda: ['off', 'on'][self.enable_history_search], get_values=lambda: { 'on': lambda: enable('enable_history_search') and disable('complete_while_typing'), 'off': lambda: disable('enable_history_search'), }), simple_option(title='Mouse support', description='Respond to mouse clicks and scrolling for positioning the cursor, ' 'selecting text and scrolling through windows.', field_name='enable_mouse_support'), simple_option(title='Confirm on exit', description='Require confirmation when exiting.', field_name='confirm_exit'), simple_option(title='Input validation', description='In case of syntax errors, move the cursor to the error ' 'instead of showing a traceback of a SyntaxError.', field_name='enable_input_validation'), simple_option(title='Auto suggestion', description='Auto suggest inputs by looking at the history. ' 'Pressing right arrow or Ctrl-E will complete the entry.', field_name='enable_auto_suggest'), Option(title='Accept input on enter', description='Amount of ENTER presses required to execute input when the cursor ' 'is at the end of the input. (Note that META+ENTER will always execute.)', get_current_value=lambda: str(self.accept_input_on_enter or 'meta-enter'), get_values=lambda: { '2': lambda: enable('accept_input_on_enter', 2), '3': lambda: enable('accept_input_on_enter', 3), '4': lambda: enable('accept_input_on_enter', 4), 'meta-enter': lambda: enable('accept_input_on_enter', None), }), ]), OptionCategory('Display', [ Option(title='Completions', description='Visualisation to use for displaying the completions. (Multiple columns, one column, a toolbar or nothing.)', get_current_value=lambda: self.completion_visualisation, get_values=lambda: { CompletionVisualisation.NONE: lambda: enable('completion_visualisation', CompletionVisualisation.NONE), CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP: lambda: enable('completion_visualisation', CompletionVisualisation.POP_UP), CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN: lambda: enable('completion_visualisation', CompletionVisualisation.MULTI_COLUMN), CompletionVisualisation.TOOLBAR: lambda: enable('completion_visualisation', CompletionVisualisation.TOOLBAR), }), Option(title='Prompt', description="Visualisation of the prompt. ('>>>' or 'In [1]:')", get_current_value=lambda: self.prompt_style, get_values=lambda: dict((s, partial(enable, 'prompt_style', s)) for s in self.all_prompt_styles)), simple_option(title='Blank line after output', description='Insert a blank line after the output.', field_name='insert_blank_line_after_output'), simple_option(title='Show signature', description='Display function signatures.', field_name='show_signature'), simple_option(title='Show docstring', description='Display function docstrings.', field_name='show_docstring'), simple_option(title='Show line numbers', description='Show line numbers when the input consists of multiple lines.', field_name='show_line_numbers'), simple_option(title='Show Meta+Enter message', description='Show the [Meta+Enter] message when this key combination is required to execute commands. ' + '(This is the case when a simple [Enter] key press will insert a newline.', field_name='show_meta_enter_message'), simple_option(title='Wrap lines', description='Wrap lines instead of scrolling horizontally.', field_name='wrap_lines'), simple_option(title='Show status bar', description='Show the status bar at the bottom of the terminal.', field_name='show_status_bar'), simple_option(title='Show sidebar help', description='When the sidebar is visible, also show this help text.', field_name='show_sidebar_help'), simple_option(title='Highlight parenthesis', description='Highlight matching parenthesis, when the cursor is on or right after one.', field_name='highlight_matching_parenthesis'), ]), OptionCategory('Colors', [ simple_option(title='Syntax highlighting', description='Use colors for syntax highligthing', field_name='enable_syntax_highlighting'), simple_option(title='Swap light/dark colors', description='Swap light and dark colors.', field_name='swap_light_and_dark'), Option(title='Code', description='Color scheme to use for the Python code.', get_current_value=lambda: self._current_code_style_name, get_values=lambda: dict( (name, partial(self.use_code_colorscheme, name)) for name in self.code_styles) ), Option(title='User interface', description='Color scheme to use for the user interface.', get_current_value=lambda: self._current_ui_style_name, get_values=lambda: dict( (name, partial(self.use_ui_colorscheme, name)) for name in self.ui_styles) ), Option(title='Color depth', description='Monochrome (1 bit), 16 ANSI colors (4 bit),\n256 colors (8 bit), or 24 bit.', get_current_value=lambda: COLOR_DEPTHS[self.color_depth], get_values=lambda: dict( (name, partial(self._use_color_depth, depth)) for depth, name in COLOR_DEPTHS.items()) ), Option(title='Min brightness', description='Minimum brightness for the color scheme (default=0.0).', get_current_value=lambda: '%.2f' % self.min_brightness, get_values=lambda: dict( ('%.2f' % value, partial(self._set_min_brightness, value)) for value in brightness_values) ), Option(title='Max brightness', description='Maximum brightness for the color scheme (default=1.0).', get_current_value=lambda: '%.2f' % self.max_brightness, get_values=lambda: dict( ('%.2f' % value, partial(self._set_max_brightness, value)) for value in brightness_values) ), ]), ] def _create_application(self): """ Create an `Application` instance. """ return Application( input=self.input, output=self.output, layout=self.ptpython_layout.layout, key_bindings=merge_key_bindings([ load_python_bindings(self), load_auto_suggest_bindings(), load_sidebar_bindings(self), load_confirm_exit_bindings(self), ConditionalKeyBindings( load_open_in_editor_bindings(), Condition(lambda: self.enable_open_in_editor)), # Extra key bindings should not be active when the sidebar is visible. ConditionalKeyBindings( self.extra_key_bindings, Condition(lambda: not self.show_sidebar)) ]), color_depth=lambda: self.color_depth, paste_mode=Condition(lambda: self.paste_mode), mouse_support=Condition(lambda: self.enable_mouse_support), style=DynamicStyle(lambda: self._current_style), style_transformation=self.style_transformation, include_default_pygments_style=False, reverse_vi_search_direction=True) def _create_buffer(self): """ Create the `Buffer` for the Python input. """ python_buffer = Buffer( name=DEFAULT_BUFFER, complete_while_typing=Condition(lambda: self.complete_while_typing), enable_history_search=Condition(lambda: self.enable_history_search), tempfile_suffix='.py', history=self.history, completer=ThreadedCompleter(self._completer), validator=ConditionalValidator( self._validator, Condition(lambda: self.enable_input_validation)), auto_suggest=ConditionalAutoSuggest( ThreadedAutoSuggest(AutoSuggestFromHistory()), Condition(lambda: self.enable_auto_suggest)), accept_handler=self._accept_handler, on_text_changed=self._on_input_timeout) return python_buffer @property def editing_mode(self): return self.app.editing_mode @editing_mode.setter def editing_mode(self, value): self.app.editing_mode = value @property def vi_mode(self): return self.editing_mode == EditingMode.VI @vi_mode.setter def vi_mode(self, value): if value: self.editing_mode = EditingMode.VI else: self.editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS def _on_input_timeout(self, buff): """ When there is no input activity, in another thread, get the signature of the current code. """ assert isinstance(buff, Buffer) app = self.app # Never run multiple get-signature threads. if self._get_signatures_thread_running: return self._get_signatures_thread_running = True document = buff.document def run(): script = get_jedi_script_from_document(document, self.get_locals(), self.get_globals()) # Show signatures in help text. if script: try: signatures = script.call_signatures() except ValueError: # e.g. in case of an invalid \\x escape. signatures = [] except Exception: # Sometimes we still get an exception (TypeError), because # of probably bugs in jedi. We can silence them. # See: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/issues/492 signatures = [] else: # Try to access the params attribute just once. For Jedi # signatures containing the keyword-only argument star, # this will crash when retrieving it the first time with # AttributeError. Every following time it works. # See: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/issues/47 # https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi/issues/598 try: if signatures: signatures[0].params except AttributeError: pass else: signatures = [] self._get_signatures_thread_running = False # Set signatures and redraw if the text didn't change in the # meantime. Otherwise request new signatures. if buff.text == document.text: self.signatures = signatures # Set docstring in docstring buffer. if signatures: string = signatures[0].docstring() if not isinstance(string, six.text_type): string = string.decode('utf-8') self.docstring_buffer.reset( document=Document(string, cursor_position=0)) else: self.docstring_buffer.reset() app.invalidate() else: self._on_input_timeout(buff) get_event_loop().run_in_executor(run) def on_reset(self): self.signatures = [] def enter_history(self): """ Display the history. """ app = get_app() app.vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.NAVIGATION def done(f): result = f.result() if result is not None: self.default_buffer.text = result app.vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.INSERT history = History(self, self.default_buffer.document) future = run_coroutine_in_terminal(history.app.run_async) future.add_done_callback(done)