# PyAudio : Python Bindings for PortAudio. # Copyright (c) 2006 Hubert Pham # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ PyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library. With PyAudio, you can easily use Python to play and record audio on a variety of platforms. PyAudio is inspired by: * pyPortAudio/fastaudio: Python bindings for PortAudio v18 API. * tkSnack: cross-platform sound toolkit for Tcl/Tk and Python. .. include:: ../sphinx/examples.rst Overview -------- **Classes** :py:class:`PyAudio`, :py:class:`Stream` .. only:: pamac **Host Specific Classes** :py:class:`PaMacCoreStreamInfo` **Stream Conversion Convenience Functions** :py:func:`get_sample_size`, :py:func:`get_format_from_width` **PortAudio version** :py:func:`get_portaudio_version`, :py:func:`get_portaudio_version_text` .. |PaSampleFormat| replace:: :ref:`PortAudio Sample Format ` .. _PaSampleFormat: **Portaudio Sample Formats** :py:data:`paFloat32`, :py:data:`paInt32`, :py:data:`paInt24`, :py:data:`paInt16`, :py:data:`paInt8`, :py:data:`paUInt8`, :py:data:`paCustomFormat` .. |PaHostAPI| replace:: :ref:`PortAudio Host API ` .. _PaHostAPI: **PortAudio Host APIs** :py:data:`paInDevelopment`, :py:data:`paDirectSound`, :py:data:`paMME`, :py:data:`paASIO`, :py:data:`paSoundManager`, :py:data:`paCoreAudio`, :py:data:`paOSS`, :py:data:`paALSA`, :py:data:`paAL`, :py:data:`paBeOS`, :py:data:`paWDMKS`, :py:data:`paJACK`, :py:data:`paWASAPI`, :py:data:`paNoDevice` .. |PaErrorCode| replace:: :ref:`PortAudio Error Code ` .. _PaErrorCode: **PortAudio Error Codes** :py:data:`paNoError`, :py:data:`paNotInitialized`, :py:data:`paUnanticipatedHostError`, :py:data:`paInvalidChannelCount`, :py:data:`paInvalidSampleRate`, :py:data:`paInvalidDevice`, :py:data:`paInvalidFlag`, :py:data:`paSampleFormatNotSupported`, :py:data:`paBadIODeviceCombination`, :py:data:`paInsufficientMemory`, :py:data:`paBufferTooBig`, :py:data:`paBufferTooSmall`, :py:data:`paNullCallback`, :py:data:`paBadStreamPtr`, :py:data:`paTimedOut`, :py:data:`paInternalError`, :py:data:`paDeviceUnavailable`, :py:data:`paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo`, :py:data:`paStreamIsStopped`, :py:data:`paStreamIsNotStopped`, :py:data:`paInputOverflowed`, :py:data:`paOutputUnderflowed`, :py:data:`paHostApiNotFound`, :py:data:`paInvalidHostApi`, :py:data:`paCanNotReadFromACallbackStream`, :py:data:`paCanNotWriteToACallbackStream`, :py:data:`paCanNotReadFromAnOutputOnlyStream`, :py:data:`paCanNotWriteToAnInputOnlyStream`, :py:data:`paIncompatibleStreamHostApi` .. |PaCallbackReturnCodes| replace:: :ref:`PortAudio Callback Return Code ` .. _PaCallbackReturnCodes: **PortAudio Callback Return Codes** :py:data:`paContinue`, :py:data:`paComplete`, :py:data:`paAbort` .. |PaCallbackFlags| replace:: :ref:`PortAutio Callback Flag ` .. _PaCallbackFlags: **PortAudio Callback Flags** :py:data:`paInputUnderflow`, :py:data:`paInputOverflow`, :py:data:`paOutputUnderflow`, :py:data:`paOutputOverflow`, :py:data:`paPrimingOutput` """ __author__ = "Hubert Pham" __version__ = "0.2.11" __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" import sys # attempt to import PortAudio try: import _portaudio as pa except ImportError: print("Could not import the PyAudio C module '_portaudio'.") raise ############################################################ # GLOBALS ############################################################ ##### PaSampleFormat Sample Formats ##### paFloat32 = pa.paFloat32 #: 32 bit float paInt32 = pa.paInt32 #: 32 bit int paInt24 = pa.paInt24 #: 24 bit int paInt16 = pa.paInt16 #: 16 bit int paInt8 = pa.paInt8 #: 8 bit int paUInt8 = pa.paUInt8 #: 8 bit unsigned int paCustomFormat = pa.paCustomFormat #: a custom data format ###### HostAPI TypeId ##### paInDevelopment = pa.paInDevelopment #: Still in development paDirectSound = pa.paDirectSound #: DirectSound (Windows only) paMME = pa.paMME #: Multimedia Extension (Windows only) paASIO = pa.paASIO #: Steinberg Audio Stream Input/Output paSoundManager = pa.paSoundManager #: SoundManager (OSX only) paCoreAudio = pa.paCoreAudio #: CoreAudio (OSX only) paOSS = pa.paOSS #: Open Sound System (Linux only) paALSA = pa.paALSA #: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (Linux only) paAL = pa.paAL #: Open Audio Library paBeOS = pa.paBeOS #: BeOS Sound System paWDMKS = pa.paWDMKS #: Windows Driver Model (Windows only) paJACK = pa.paJACK #: JACK Audio Connection Kit paWASAPI = pa.paWASAPI #: Windows Vista Audio stack architecture paNoDevice = pa.paNoDevice #: Not actually an audio device ###### portaudio error codes ##### paNoError = pa.paNoError paNotInitialized = pa.paNotInitialized paUnanticipatedHostError = pa.paUnanticipatedHostError paInvalidChannelCount = pa.paInvalidChannelCount paInvalidSampleRate = pa.paInvalidSampleRate paInvalidDevice = pa.paInvalidDevice paInvalidFlag = pa.paInvalidFlag paSampleFormatNotSupported = pa.paSampleFormatNotSupported paBadIODeviceCombination = pa.paBadIODeviceCombination paInsufficientMemory = pa.paInsufficientMemory paBufferTooBig = pa.paBufferTooBig paBufferTooSmall = pa.paBufferTooSmall paNullCallback = pa.paNullCallback paBadStreamPtr = pa.paBadStreamPtr paTimedOut = pa.paTimedOut paInternalError = pa.paInternalError paDeviceUnavailable = pa.paDeviceUnavailable paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo = pa.paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo paStreamIsStopped = pa.paStreamIsStopped paStreamIsNotStopped = pa.paStreamIsNotStopped paInputOverflowed = pa.paInputOverflowed paOutputUnderflowed = pa.paOutputUnderflowed paHostApiNotFound = pa.paHostApiNotFound paInvalidHostApi = pa.paInvalidHostApi paCanNotReadFromACallbackStream = pa.paCanNotReadFromACallbackStream paCanNotWriteToACallbackStream = pa.paCanNotWriteToACallbackStream paCanNotReadFromAnOutputOnlyStream = pa.paCanNotReadFromAnOutputOnlyStream paCanNotWriteToAnInputOnlyStream = pa.paCanNotWriteToAnInputOnlyStream paIncompatibleStreamHostApi = pa.paIncompatibleStreamHostApi ###### portaudio callback return codes ###### paContinue = pa.paContinue #: There is more audio data to come paComplete = pa.paComplete #: This was the last block of audio data paAbort = pa.paAbort #: An error ocurred, stop playback/recording ###### portaudio callback flags ###### paInputUnderflow = pa.paInputUnderflow #: Buffer underflow in input paInputOverflow = pa.paInputOverflow #: Buffer overflow in input paOutputUnderflow = pa.paOutputUnderflow #: Buffer underflow in output paOutputOverflow = pa.paOutputOverflow #: Buffer overflow in output paPrimingOutput = pa.paPrimingOutput #: Just priming, not playing yet ############################################################ # Convenience Functions ############################################################ def get_sample_size(format): """ Returns the size (in bytes) for the specified sample *format*. :param format: A |PaSampleFormat| constant. :raises ValueError: on invalid specified `format`. :rtype: integer """ return pa.get_sample_size(format) def get_format_from_width(width, unsigned=True): """ Returns a PortAudio format constant for the specified *width*. :param width: The desired sample width in bytes (1, 2, 3, or 4) :param unsigned: For 1 byte width, specifies signed or unsigned format. :raises ValueError: when invalid *width* :rtype: A |PaSampleFormat| constant """ if width == 1: if unsigned: return paUInt8 else: return paInt8 elif width == 2: return paInt16 elif width == 3: return paInt24 elif width == 4: return paFloat32 else: raise ValueError("Invalid width: %d" % width) ############################################################ # Versioning ############################################################ def get_portaudio_version(): """ Returns portaudio version. :rtype: string """ return pa.get_version() def get_portaudio_version_text(): """ Returns PortAudio version as a text string. :rtype: string """ return pa.get_version_text() ############################################################ # Wrapper around _portaudio Stream (Internal) ############################################################ # Note: See PyAudio class below for main export. class Stream: """ PortAudio Stream Wrapper. Use :py:func:`PyAudio.open` to make a new :py:class:`Stream`. **Opening and Closing** :py:func:`__init__`, :py:func:`close` **Stream Info** :py:func:`get_input_latency`, :py:func:`get_output_latency`, :py:func:`get_time`, :py:func:`get_cpu_load` **Stream Management** :py:func:`start_stream`, :py:func:`stop_stream`, :py:func:`is_active`, :py:func:`is_stopped` **Input Output** :py:func:`write`, :py:func:`read`, :py:func:`get_read_available`, :py:func:`get_write_available` """ def __init__(self, PA_manager, rate, channels, format, input=False, output=False, input_device_index=None, output_device_index=None, frames_per_buffer=1024, start=True, input_host_api_specific_stream_info=None, output_host_api_specific_stream_info=None, stream_callback=None, as_loopback=False): """ Initialize a stream; this should be called by :py:func:`PyAudio.open`. A stream can either be input, output, or both. :param PA_manager: A reference to the managing :py:class:`PyAudio` instance :param rate: Sampling rate :param channels: Number of channels :param format: Sampling size and format. See |PaSampleFormat|. :param input: Specifies whether this is an input stream. Defaults to ``False``. :param output: Specifies whether this is an output stream. Defaults to ``False``. :param input_device_index: Index of Input Device to use. Unspecified (or ``None``) uses default device. Ignored if `input` is ``False``. :param output_device_index: Index of Output Device to use. Unspecified (or ``None``) uses the default device. Ignored if `output` is ``False``. :param frames_per_buffer: Specifies the number of frames per buffer. :param start: Start the stream running immediately. Defaults to ``True``. In general, there is no reason to set this to ``False``. :param input_host_api_specific_stream_info: Specifies a host API specific stream information data structure for input. .. only:: pamac See :py:class:`PaMacCoreStreamInfo`. :param output_host_api_specific_stream_info: Specifies a host API specific stream information data structure for output. .. only:: pamac See :py:class:`PaMacCoreStreamInfo`. :param stream_callback: Specifies a callback function for *non-blocking* (callback) operation. Default is ``None``, which indicates *blocking* operation (i.e., :py:func:`Stream.read` and :py:func:`Stream.write`). To use non-blocking operation, specify a callback that conforms to the following signature: .. code-block:: python callback(in_data, # recorded data if input=True; else None frame_count, # number of frames time_info, # dictionary status_flags) # PaCallbackFlags ``time_info`` is a dictionary with the following keys: ``input_buffer_adc_time``, ``current_time``, and ``output_buffer_dac_time``; see the PortAudio documentation for their meanings. ``status_flags`` is one of |PaCallbackFlags|. The callback must return a tuple: .. code-block:: python (out_data, flag) ``out_data`` is a byte array whose length should be the (``frame_count * channels * bytes-per-channel``) if ``output=True`` or ``None`` if ``output=False``. ``flag`` must be either :py:data:`paContinue`, :py:data:`paComplete` or :py:data:`paAbort` (one of |PaCallbackReturnCodes|). When ``output=True`` and ``out_data`` does not contain at least ``frame_count`` frames, :py:data:`paComplete` is assumed for ``flag``. **Note:** ``stream_callback`` is called in a separate thread (from the main thread). Exceptions that occur in the ``stream_callback`` will: 1. print a traceback on standard error to aid debugging, 2. queue the exception to be thrown (at some point) in the main thread, and 3. return `paAbort` to PortAudio to stop the stream. **Note:** Do not call :py:func:`Stream.read` or :py:func:`Stream.write` if using non-blocking operation. **See:** PortAudio's callback signature for additional details: http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/portaudio_8h.html#a8a60fb2a5ec9cbade3f54a9c978e2710 :raise ValueError: Neither input nor output are set True. """ # no stupidity allowed if not (input or output): raise ValueError("Must specify an input or output " + "stream.") # remember parent self._parent = PA_manager # remember if we are an: input, output (or both) self._is_input = input self._is_output = output # are we running? self._is_running = start # remember some parameters self._rate = rate self._channels = channels self._format = format self._frames_per_buffer = frames_per_buffer self._as_loopback = as_loopback arguments = { 'rate' : rate, 'channels' : channels, 'format' : format, 'input' : input, 'output' : output, 'input_device_index' : input_device_index, 'output_device_index' : output_device_index, 'frames_per_buffer' : frames_per_buffer, 'as_loopback' : as_loopback} if input_host_api_specific_stream_info: _l = input_host_api_specific_stream_info arguments[ 'input_host_api_specific_stream_info' ] = _l._get_host_api_stream_object() if output_host_api_specific_stream_info: _l = output_host_api_specific_stream_info arguments[ 'output_host_api_specific_stream_info' ] = _l._get_host_api_stream_object() if stream_callback: arguments['stream_callback'] = stream_callback # calling pa.open returns a stream object self._stream = pa.open(**arguments) self._input_latency = self._stream.inputLatency self._output_latency = self._stream.outputLatency if self._is_running: pa.start_stream(self._stream) def close(self): """ Close the stream """ pa.close(self._stream) self._is_running = False self._parent._remove_stream(self) ############################################################ # Stream Info ############################################################ def get_input_latency(self): """ Return the input latency. :rtype: float """ return self._stream.inputLatency def get_output_latency(self): """ Return the output latency. :rtype: float """ return self._stream.outputLatency def get_time(self): """ Return stream time. :rtype: float """ return pa.get_stream_time(self._stream) def get_cpu_load(self): """ Return the CPU load. This is always 0.0 for the blocking API. :rtype: float """ return pa.get_stream_cpu_load(self._stream) ############################################################ # Stream Management ############################################################ def start_stream(self): """ Start the stream. """ if self._is_running: return pa.start_stream(self._stream) self._is_running = True def stop_stream(self): """ Stop the stream. Once the stream is stopped, one may not call write or read. Call :py:func:`start_stream` to resume the stream. """ if not self._is_running: return pa.stop_stream(self._stream) self._is_running = False def is_active(self): """ Returns whether the stream is active. :rtype: bool """ return pa.is_stream_active(self._stream) def is_stopped(self): """ Returns whether the stream is stopped. :rtype: bool """ return pa.is_stream_stopped(self._stream) ############################################################ # Reading/Writing ############################################################ def write(self, frames, num_frames=None, exception_on_underflow=False): """ Write samples to the stream. Do not call when using *non-blocking* mode. :param frames: The frames of data. :param num_frames: The number of frames to write. Defaults to None, in which this value will be automatically computed. :param exception_on_underflow: Specifies whether an IOError exception should be thrown (or silently ignored) on buffer underflow. Defaults to False for improved performance, especially on slower platforms. :raises IOError: if the stream is not an output stream or if the write operation was unsuccessful. :rtype: `None` """ if not self._is_output: raise IOError("Not output stream", paCanNotWriteToAnInputOnlyStream) if num_frames == None: # determine how many frames to read width = get_sample_size(self._format) num_frames = int(len(frames) / (self._channels * width)) #print len(frames), self._channels, self._width, num_frames pa.write_stream(self._stream, frames, num_frames, exception_on_underflow) def read(self, num_frames, exception_on_overflow=True): """ Read samples from the stream. Do not call when using *non-blocking* mode. :param num_frames: The number of frames to read. :param exception_on_overflow: Specifies whether an IOError exception should be thrown (or silently ignored) on input buffer overflow. Defaults to True. :raises IOError: if stream is not an input stream or if the read operation was unsuccessful. :rtype: string """ if not self._is_input: raise IOError("Not input stream", paCanNotReadFromAnOutputOnlyStream) return pa.read_stream(self._stream, num_frames, exception_on_overflow) def get_read_available(self): """ Return the number of frames that can be read without waiting. :rtype: integer """ return pa.get_stream_read_available(self._stream) def get_write_available(self): """ Return the number of frames that can be written without waiting. :rtype: integer """ return pa.get_stream_write_available(self._stream) ############################################################ # Main Export ############################################################ class PyAudio: """ Python interface to PortAudio. Provides methods to: - initialize and terminate PortAudio - open and close streams - query and inspect the available PortAudio Host APIs - query and inspect the available PortAudio audio devices Use this class to open and close streams. **Stream Management** :py:func:`open`, :py:func:`close` **Host API** :py:func:`get_host_api_count`, :py:func:`get_default_host_api_info`, :py:func:`get_host_api_info_by_type`, :py:func:`get_host_api_info_by_index`, :py:func:`get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index` **Device API** :py:func:`get_device_count`, :py:func:`is_format_supported`, :py:func:`get_default_input_device_info`, :py:func:`get_default_output_device_info`, :py:func:`get_device_info_by_index` **Stream Format Conversion** :py:func:`get_sample_size`, :py:func:`get_format_from_width` **Details** """ ############################################################ # Initialization and Termination ############################################################ def __init__(self): """Initialize PortAudio.""" pa.initialize() self._streams = set() def terminate(self): """ Terminate PortAudio. :attention: Be sure to call this method for every instance of this object to release PortAudio resources. """ for stream in self._streams.copy(): stream.close() self._streams = set() pa.terminate() ############################################################ # Stream Format ############################################################ def get_sample_size(self, format): """ Returns the size (in bytes) for the specified sample `format` (a |PaSampleFormat| constant). :param format: A |PaSampleFormat| constant. :raises ValueError: Invalid specified `format`. :rtype: integer """ return pa.get_sample_size(format) def get_format_from_width(self, width, unsigned=True): """ Returns a PortAudio format constant for the specified `width`. :param width: The desired sample width in bytes (1, 2, 3, or 4) :param unsigned: For 1 byte width, specifies signed or unsigned format. :raises ValueError: for invalid `width` :rtype: A |PaSampleFormat| constant. """ if width == 1: if unsigned: return paUInt8 else: return paInt8 elif width == 2: return paInt16 elif width == 3: return paInt24 elif width == 4: return paFloat32 else: raise ValueError("Invalid width: %d" % width) ############################################################ # Stream Factory ############################################################ def open(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Open a new stream. See constructor for :py:func:`Stream.__init__` for parameter details. :returns: A new :py:class:`Stream` """ stream = Stream(self, *args, **kwargs) self._streams.add(stream) return stream def close(self, stream): """ Close a stream. Typically use :py:func:`Stream.close` instead. :param stream: An instance of the :py:class:`Stream` object. :raises ValueError: if stream does not exist. """ if stream not in self._streams: raise ValueError("Stream `%s' not found" % str(stream)) stream.close() def _remove_stream(self, stream): """ Internal method. Removes a stream. :param stream: An instance of the :py:class:`Stream` object. """ if stream in self._streams: self._streams.remove(stream) ############################################################ # Host API Inspection ############################################################ def get_host_api_count(self): """ Return the number of available PortAudio Host APIs. :rtype: integer """ return pa.get_host_api_count() def get_default_host_api_info(self): """ Return a dictionary containing the default Host API parameters. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaHostApiInfo`` structure. :raises IOError: if no default input device is available :rtype: dict """ defaultHostApiIndex = pa.get_default_host_api() return self.get_host_api_info_by_index(defaultHostApiIndex) def get_host_api_info_by_type(self, host_api_type): """ Return a dictionary containing the Host API parameters for the host API specified by the `host_api_type`. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaHostApiInfo`` structure. :param host_api_type: The desired |PaHostAPI| :raises IOError: for invalid `host_api_type` :rtype: dict """ index = pa.host_api_type_id_to_host_api_index(host_api_type) return self.get_host_api_info_by_index(index) def get_host_api_info_by_index(self, host_api_index): """ Return a dictionary containing the Host API parameters for the host API specified by the `host_api_index`. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaHostApiInfo`` structure. :param host_api_index: The host api index :raises IOError: for invalid `host_api_index` :rtype: dict """ return self._make_host_api_dictionary( host_api_index, pa.get_host_api_info(host_api_index) ) def get_device_info_by_host_api_device_index(self, host_api_index, host_api_device_index): """ Return a dictionary containing the Device parameters for a given Host API's n'th device. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaDeviceInfo`` structure. :param host_api_index: The Host API index number :param host_api_device_index: The n'th device of the host API :raises IOError: for invalid indices :rtype: dict """ long_method_name = pa.host_api_device_index_to_device_index device_index = long_method_name(host_api_index, host_api_device_index) return self.get_device_info_by_index(device_index) def _make_host_api_dictionary(self, index, host_api_struct): """ Internal method to create Host API dictionary that mirrors PortAudio's ``PaHostApiInfo`` structure. :rtype: dict """ return {'index' : index, 'structVersion' : host_api_struct.structVersion, 'type' : host_api_struct.type, 'name' : host_api_struct.name, 'deviceCount' : host_api_struct.deviceCount, 'defaultInputDevice' : host_api_struct.defaultInputDevice, 'defaultOutputDevice' : host_api_struct.defaultOutputDevice} ############################################################ # Device Inspection ############################################################ def get_device_count(self): """ Return the number of PortAudio Host APIs. :rtype: integer """ return pa.get_device_count() def is_format_supported(self, rate, input_device=None, input_channels=None, input_format=None, output_device=None, output_channels=None, output_format=None): """ Check to see if specified device configuration is supported. Returns True if the configuration is supported; throws a ValueError exception otherwise. :param rate: Specifies the desired rate (in Hz) :param input_device: The input device index. Specify ``None`` (default) for half-duplex output-only streams. :param input_channels: The desired number of input channels. Ignored if `input_device` is not specified (or ``None``). :param input_format: PortAudio sample format constant defined in this module :param output_device: The output device index. Specify ``None`` (default) for half-duplex input-only streams. :param output_channels: The desired number of output channels. Ignored if `input_device` is not specified (or ``None``). :param output_format: |PaSampleFormat| constant. :rtype: bool :raises ValueError: tuple containing (error string, |PaErrorCode|). """ if input_device == None and output_device == None: raise ValueError("must specify stream format for input, " +\ "output, or both", paInvalidDevice); kwargs = {} if input_device != None: kwargs['input_device'] = input_device kwargs['input_channels'] = input_channels kwargs['input_format'] = input_format if output_device != None: kwargs['output_device'] = output_device kwargs['output_channels'] = output_channels kwargs['output_format'] = output_format return pa.is_format_supported(rate, **kwargs) def get_default_input_device_info(self): """ Return the default input Device parameters as a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaDeviceInfo`` structure. :raises IOError: No default input device available. :rtype: dict """ device_index = pa.get_default_input_device() return self.get_device_info_by_index(device_index) def get_default_output_device_info(self): """ Return the default output Device parameters as a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaDeviceInfo`` structure. :raises IOError: No default output device available. :rtype: dict """ device_index = pa.get_default_output_device() return self.get_device_info_by_index(device_index) def get_device_info_by_index(self, device_index): """ Return the Device parameters for device specified in `device_index` as a dictionary. The keys of the dictionary mirror the data fields of PortAudio's ``PaDeviceInfo`` structure. :param device_index: The device index :raises IOError: Invalid `device_index`. :rtype: dict """ return self._make_device_info_dictionary( device_index, pa.get_device_info(device_index) ) def _make_device_info_dictionary(self, index, device_info): """ Internal method to create Device Info dictionary that mirrors PortAudio's ``PaDeviceInfo`` structure. :rtype: dict """ device_name = device_info.name # Attempt to decode device_name for codec in ["utf-8", "cp1252"]: try: device_name = device_name.decode(codec) break except: pass # If we fail to decode, we return the raw bytes and let the caller # deal with the encoding. return {'index' : index, 'structVersion' : device_info.structVersion, 'name' : device_name, 'hostApi' : device_info.hostApi, 'maxInputChannels' : device_info.maxInputChannels, 'maxOutputChannels' : device_info.maxOutputChannels, 'defaultLowInputLatency' : device_info.defaultLowInputLatency, 'defaultLowOutputLatency' : device_info.defaultLowOutputLatency, 'defaultHighInputLatency' : device_info.defaultHighInputLatency, 'defaultHighOutputLatency' : device_info.defaultHighOutputLatency, 'defaultSampleRate' : device_info.defaultSampleRate } ###################################################################### # Host Specific Stream Info ###################################################################### try: paMacCoreStreamInfo = pa.paMacCoreStreamInfo except AttributeError: pass else: class PaMacCoreStreamInfo: """ Mac OS X-only: PaMacCoreStreamInfo is a PortAudio Host API Specific Stream Info data structure for specifying Mac OS X-only settings. Instantiate this class (if desired) and pass the instance as the argument in :py:func:`PyAudio.open` to parameters ``input_host_api_specific_stream_info`` or ``output_host_api_specific_stream_info``. (See :py:func:`Stream.__init__`.) :note: Mac OS X only. .. |PaMacCoreFlags| replace:: :ref:`PortAudio Mac Core Flags ` .. _PaMacCoreFlags: **PortAudio Mac Core Flags** :py:data:`paMacCoreChangeDeviceParameters`, :py:data:`paMacCoreFailIfConversionRequired`, :py:data:`paMacCoreConversionQualityMin`, :py:data:`paMacCoreConversionQualityMedium`, :py:data:`paMacCoreConversionQualityLow`, :py:data:`paMacCoreConversionQualityHigh`, :py:data:`paMacCoreConversionQualityMax`, :py:data:`paMacCorePlayNice`, :py:data:`paMacCorePro`, :py:data:`paMacCoreMinimizeCPUButPlayNice`, :py:data:`paMacCoreMinimizeCPU` **Settings** :py:func:`get_flags`, :py:func:`get_channel_map` """ paMacCoreChangeDeviceParameters = pa.paMacCoreChangeDeviceParameters paMacCoreFailIfConversionRequired = pa.paMacCoreFailIfConversionRequired paMacCoreConversionQualityMin = pa.paMacCoreConversionQualityMin paMacCoreConversionQualityMedium = pa.paMacCoreConversionQualityMedium paMacCoreConversionQualityLow = pa.paMacCoreConversionQualityLow paMacCoreConversionQualityHigh = pa.paMacCoreConversionQualityHigh paMacCoreConversionQualityMax = pa.paMacCoreConversionQualityMax paMacCorePlayNice = pa.paMacCorePlayNice paMacCorePro = pa.paMacCorePro paMacCoreMinimizeCPUButPlayNice = pa.paMacCoreMinimizeCPUButPlayNice paMacCoreMinimizeCPU = pa.paMacCoreMinimizeCPU def __init__(self, flags=None, channel_map=None): """ Initialize with flags and channel_map. See PortAudio documentation for more details on these parameters; they are passed almost verbatim to the PortAudio library. :param flags: |PaMacCoreFlags| OR'ed together. See :py:class:`PaMacCoreStreamInfo`. :param channel_map: An array describing the channel mapping. See PortAudio documentation for usage. """ kwargs = {"flags" : flags, "channel_map" : channel_map} if flags == None: del kwargs["flags"] if channel_map == None: del kwargs["channel_map"] self._paMacCoreStreamInfo = paMacCoreStreamInfo(**kwargs) def get_flags(self): """ Return the flags set at instantiation. :rtype: integer """ return self._paMacCoreStreamInfo.flags def get_channel_map(self): """ Return the channel map set at instantiation. :rtype: tuple or None """ return self._paMacCoreStreamInfo.channel_map def _get_host_api_stream_object(self): """Private method.""" return self._paMacCoreStreamInfo