# coding=utf-8 # pynput # Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Moses Palmér # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any # later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ This module contains the base implementation. The actual interface to mouse classes is defined here, but the implementation is located in a platform dependent module. """ # pylint: disable=R0903 # We implement stubs import enum from pynput._util import AbstractListener from pynput import _logger class Button(enum.Enum): """The various buttons. The actual values for these items differ between platforms. Some platforms may have additional buttons, but these are guaranteed to be present everywhere. """ #: An unknown button was pressed unknown = 0 #: The left button left = 1 #: The middle button middle = 2 #: The right button right = 3 class Controller(object): """A controller for sending virtual mouse events to the system. """ def __init__(self): self._log = _logger(self.__class__) @property def position(self): """The current position of the mouse pointer. This is the tuple ``(x, y)``, and setting it will move the pointer. """ return self._position_get() @position.setter def position(self, pos): self._position_set(pos) def scroll(self, dx, dy): """Sends scroll events. :param int dx: The horizontal scroll. The units of scrolling is undefined. :param int dy: The vertical scroll. The units of scrolling is undefined. :raises ValueError: if the values are invalid, for example out of bounds """ self._scroll(dx, dy) def press(self, button): """Emits a button press event at the current position. :param Button button: The button to press. """ self._press(button) def release(self, button): """Emits a button release event at the current position. :param Button button: The button to release. """ self._release(button) def move(self, dx, dy): """Moves the mouse pointer a number of pixels from its current position. :param int x: The horizontal offset. :param int dy: The vertical offset. :raises ValueError: if the values are invalid, for example out of bounds """ self.position = tuple(sum(i) for i in zip(self.position, (dx, dy))) def click(self, button, count=1): """Emits a button click event at the current position. The default implementation sends a series of press and release events. :param Button button: The button to click. :param int count: The number of clicks to send. """ with self as controller: for _ in range(count): controller.press(button) controller.release(button) def __enter__(self): """Begins a series of clicks. In the default :meth:`click` implementation, the return value of this method is used for the calls to :meth:`press` and :meth:`release` instead of ``self``. The default implementation is a no-op. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): """Ends a series of clicks. """ pass def _position_get(self): """The implementation of the getter for :attr:`position`. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _position_set(self, pos): """The implementation of the setter for :attr:`position`. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _scroll(self, dx, dy): """The implementation of the :meth:`scroll` method. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _press(self, button): """The implementation of the :meth:`press` method. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _release(self, button): """The implementation of the :meth:`release` method. This is a platform dependent implementation. """ raise NotImplementedError() # pylint: disable=W0223; This is also an abstract class class Listener(AbstractListener): """A listener for mouse events. Instances of this class can be used as context managers. This is equivalent to the following code:: listener.start() try: listener.wait() with_statements() finally: listener.stop() This class inherits from :class:`threading.Thread` and supports all its methods. It will set :attr:`daemon` to ``True`` when created. :param callable on_move: The callback to call when mouse move events occur. It will be called with the arguments ``(x, y)``, which is the new pointer position. If this callback raises :class:`StopException` or returns ``False``, the listener is stopped. :param callable on_click: The callback to call when a mouse button is clicked. It will be called with the arguments ``(x, y, button, pressed)``, where ``(x, y)`` is the new pointer position, ``button`` is one of the :class:`Button` values and ``pressed`` is whether the button was pressed. If this callback raises :class:`StopException` or returns ``False``, the listener is stopped. :param callable on_scroll: The callback to call when mouse scroll events occur. It will be called with the arguments ``(x, y, dx, dy)``, where ``(x, y)`` is the new pointer position, and ``(dx, dy)`` is the scroll vector. If this callback raises :class:`StopException` or returns ``False``, the listener is stopped. :param bool suppress: Whether to suppress events. Setting this to ``True`` will prevent the input events from being passed to the rest of the system. :param kwargs: Any non-standard platform dependent options. These should be prefixed with the platform name thus: ``darwin_``, ``xorg_`` or ``win32_``. Supported values are: ``darwin_intercept`` A callable taking the arguments ``(event_type, event)``, where ``event_type`` is any mouse related event type constant, and ``event`` is a ``CGEventRef``. This callable can freely modify the event using functions like ``Quartz.CGEventSetIntegerValueField``. If this callable does not return the event, the event is suppressed system wide. ``win32_event_filter`` A callable taking the arguments ``(msg, data)``, where ``msg`` is the current message, and ``data`` associated data as a `MSLLHOOKSTRUCT `_. If this callback returns ``False``, the event will not be propagated to the listener callback. If ``self.suppress_event()`` is called, the event is suppressed system wide. """ def __init__(self, on_move=None, on_click=None, on_scroll=None, suppress=False, **kwargs): self._log = _logger(self.__class__) prefix = self.__class__.__module__.rsplit('.', 1)[-1][1:] + '_' self._options = { key[len(prefix):]: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key.startswith(prefix)} super(Listener, self).__init__( on_move=on_move, on_click=on_click, on_scroll=on_scroll, suppress=suppress) # pylint: enable=W0223