import os import sys import contextlib import pytest from qtpy import PYSIDE2, QtWidgets from qtpy.QtWidgets import QComboBox from qtpy import uic from qtpy.uic import loadUi QCOMBOBOX_SUBCLASS = """ from qtpy.QtWidgets import QComboBox class _QComboBoxSubclass(QComboBox): pass """ @contextlib.contextmanager def enabled_qcombobox_subclass(tmpdir): """ Context manager that sets up a temporary module with a QComboBox subclass and then removes it once we are done. """ with open(tmpdir.join('').strpath, 'w') as f: f.write(QCOMBOBOX_SUBCLASS) sys.path.insert(0, tmpdir.strpath) yield sys.path.pop(0) def get_qapp(icon_path=None): """ Helper function to return a QApplication instance """ qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() if qapp is None: qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication(['']) return qapp @pytest.mark.skipif((PYSIDE2 and os.environ.get('CI', None) is not None), reason="It segfaults in our CIs with PYSIDE2") def test_load_ui(): """ Make sure that the patched loadUi function behaves as expected with a simple .ui file. """ app = get_qapp() ui = loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test.ui')) assert isinstance(ui.pushButton, QtWidgets.QPushButton) assert isinstance(ui.comboBox, QComboBox) @pytest.mark.skipif((PYSIDE2 and os.environ.get('CI', None) is not None), reason="It segfaults in our CIs with PYSIDE2") def test_load_ui_custom_auto(tmpdir): """ Test that we can load a .ui file with custom widgets without having to explicitly specify a dictionary of custom widgets, even in the case of PySide. """ app = get_qapp() with enabled_qcombobox_subclass(tmpdir): from qcombobox_subclass import _QComboBoxSubclass ui = loadUi(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'test_custom.ui')) assert isinstance(ui.pushButton, QtWidgets.QPushButton) assert isinstance(ui.comboBox, _QComboBoxSubclass) def test_load_full_uic(): """Test that we load the full uic objects for PyQt5 and PyQt4.""" QT_API = os.environ.get('QT_API', '').lower() if QT_API.startswith('pyside'): assert hasattr(uic, 'loadUi') assert not hasattr(uic, 'loadUiType') else: objects = ['compileUi', 'compileUiDir', 'loadUi', 'loadUiType', 'widgetPluginPath'] assert all([hasattr(uic, o) for o in objects])