""" sphinx.builders.linkcheck ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The CheckExternalLinksBuilder class. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import json import queue import re import socket import threading import time from datetime import datetime, timezone from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime from html.parser import HTMLParser from os import path from typing import Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple from urllib.parse import unquote, urlparse from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Node from requests import Response from requests.exceptions import HTTPError, TooManyRedirects from sphinx.application import Sphinx from sphinx.builders import Builder from sphinx.locale import __ from sphinx.util import encode_uri, logging, requests from sphinx.util.console import darkgray, darkgreen, purple, red, turquoise # type: ignore from sphinx.util.nodes import get_node_line logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) uri_re = re.compile('([a-z]+:)?//') # matches to foo:// and // (a protocol relative URL) RateLimit = NamedTuple('RateLimit', (('delay', float), ('next_check', float))) DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS = { 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8', } CHECK_IMMEDIATELY = 0 QUEUE_POLL_SECS = 1 DEFAULT_DELAY = 60.0 class AnchorCheckParser(HTMLParser): """Specialized HTML parser that looks for a specific anchor.""" def __init__(self, search_anchor: str) -> None: super().__init__() self.search_anchor = search_anchor self.found = False def handle_starttag(self, tag: Any, attrs: Any) -> None: for key, value in attrs: if key in ('id', 'name') and value == self.search_anchor: self.found = True break def check_anchor(response: requests.requests.Response, anchor: str) -> bool: """Reads HTML data from a response object `response` searching for `anchor`. Returns True if anchor was found, False otherwise. """ parser = AnchorCheckParser(anchor) # Read file in chunks. If we find a matching anchor, we break # the loop early in hopes not to have to download the whole thing. for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096, decode_unicode=True): if isinstance(chunk, bytes): # requests failed to decode chunk = chunk.decode() # manually try to decode it parser.feed(chunk) if parser.found: break parser.close() return parser.found class CheckExternalLinksBuilder(Builder): """ Checks for broken external links. """ name = 'linkcheck' epilog = __('Look for any errors in the above output or in ' '%(outdir)s/output.txt') def init(self) -> None: self.to_ignore = [re.compile(x) for x in self.app.config.linkcheck_ignore] self.anchors_ignore = [re.compile(x) for x in self.app.config.linkcheck_anchors_ignore] self.auth = [(re.compile(pattern), auth_info) for pattern, auth_info in self.app.config.linkcheck_auth] self.good = set() # type: Set[str] self.broken = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.redirected = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, int]] # set a timeout for non-responding servers socket.setdefaulttimeout(5.0) # create output file open(path.join(self.outdir, 'output.txt'), 'w').close() # create JSON output file open(path.join(self.outdir, 'output.json'), 'w').close() # create queues and worker threads self.rate_limits = {} # type: Dict[str, RateLimit] self.wqueue = queue.PriorityQueue() # type: queue.PriorityQueue self.rqueue = queue.Queue() # type: queue.Queue self.workers = [] # type: List[threading.Thread] for i in range(self.app.config.linkcheck_workers): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.check_thread, daemon=True) thread.start() self.workers.append(thread) def check_thread(self) -> None: kwargs = {} if self.app.config.linkcheck_timeout: kwargs['timeout'] = self.app.config.linkcheck_timeout def get_request_headers() -> Dict: url = urlparse(uri) candidates = ["%s://%s" % (url.scheme, url.netloc), "%s://%s/" % (url.scheme, url.netloc), uri, "*"] for u in candidates: if u in self.config.linkcheck_request_headers: headers = dict(DEFAULT_REQUEST_HEADERS) headers.update(self.config.linkcheck_request_headers[u]) return headers return {} def check_uri() -> Tuple[str, str, int]: # split off anchor if '#' in uri: req_url, anchor = uri.split('#', 1) for rex in self.anchors_ignore: if rex.match(anchor): anchor = None break else: req_url = uri anchor = None # handle non-ASCII URIs try: req_url.encode('ascii') except UnicodeError: req_url = encode_uri(req_url) # Get auth info, if any for pattern, auth_info in self.auth: if pattern.match(uri): break else: auth_info = None # update request headers for the URL kwargs['headers'] = get_request_headers() try: if anchor and self.app.config.linkcheck_anchors: # Read the whole document and see if #anchor exists response = requests.get(req_url, stream=True, config=self.app.config, auth=auth_info, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() found = check_anchor(response, unquote(anchor)) if not found: raise Exception(__("Anchor '%s' not found") % anchor) else: try: # try a HEAD request first, which should be easier on # the server and the network response = requests.head(req_url, allow_redirects=True, config=self.app.config, auth=auth_info, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() except (HTTPError, TooManyRedirects) as err: if isinstance(err, HTTPError) and err.response.status_code == 429: raise # retry with GET request if that fails, some servers # don't like HEAD requests. response = requests.get(req_url, stream=True, config=self.app.config, auth=auth_info, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() except HTTPError as err: if err.response.status_code == 401: # We'll take "Unauthorized" as working. return 'working', ' - unauthorized', 0 elif err.response.status_code == 429: next_check = self.limit_rate(err.response) if next_check is not None: self.wqueue.put((next_check, uri, docname, lineno), False) return 'rate-limited', '', 0 return 'broken', str(err), 0 elif err.response.status_code == 503: # We'll take "Service Unavailable" as ignored. return 'ignored', str(err), 0 else: return 'broken', str(err), 0 except Exception as err: return 'broken', str(err), 0 else: netloc = urlparse(req_url).netloc try: del self.rate_limits[netloc] except KeyError: pass if response.url.rstrip('/') == req_url.rstrip('/'): return 'working', '', 0 else: new_url = response.url if anchor: new_url += '#' + anchor # history contains any redirects, get last if response.history: code = response.history[-1].status_code return 'redirected', new_url, code else: return 'redirected', new_url, 0 def check(docname: str) -> Tuple[str, str, int]: # check for various conditions without bothering the network if len(uri) == 0 or uri.startswith(('#', 'mailto:', 'tel:')): return 'unchecked', '', 0 elif not uri.startswith(('http:', 'https:')): if uri_re.match(uri): # non supported URI schemes (ex. ftp) return 'unchecked', '', 0 else: srcdir = path.dirname(self.env.doc2path(docname)) if path.exists(path.join(srcdir, uri)): return 'working', '', 0 else: for rex in self.to_ignore: if rex.match(uri): return 'ignored', '', 0 else: self.broken[uri] = '' return 'broken', '', 0 elif uri in self.good: return 'working', 'old', 0 elif uri in self.broken: return 'broken', self.broken[uri], 0 elif uri in self.redirected: return 'redirected', self.redirected[uri][0], self.redirected[uri][1] for rex in self.to_ignore: if rex.match(uri): return 'ignored', '', 0 # need to actually check the URI for _ in range(self.app.config.linkcheck_retries): status, info, code = check_uri() if status != "broken": break if status == "working": self.good.add(uri) elif status == "broken": self.broken[uri] = info elif status == "redirected": self.redirected[uri] = (info, code) return (status, info, code) while True: next_check, uri, docname, lineno = self.wqueue.get() if uri is None: break netloc = urlparse(uri).netloc try: # Refresh rate limit. # When there are many links in the queue, workers are all stuck waiting # for responses, but the builder keeps queuing. Links in the queue may # have been queued before rate limits were discovered. next_check = self.rate_limits[netloc].next_check except KeyError: pass if next_check > time.time(): # Sleep before putting message back in the queue to avoid # waking up other threads. time.sleep(QUEUE_POLL_SECS) self.wqueue.put((next_check, uri, docname, lineno), False) self.wqueue.task_done() continue status, info, code = check(docname) if status == 'rate-limited': logger.info(darkgray('-rate limited- ') + uri + darkgray(' | sleeping...')) else: self.rqueue.put((uri, docname, lineno, status, info, code)) self.wqueue.task_done() def limit_rate(self, response: Response) -> Optional[float]: next_check = None retry_after = response.headers.get("Retry-After") if retry_after: try: # Integer: time to wait before next attempt. delay = float(retry_after) except ValueError: try: # An HTTP-date: time of next attempt. until = parsedate_to_datetime(retry_after) except (TypeError, ValueError): # TypeError: Invalid date format. # ValueError: Invalid date, e.g. Oct 52th. pass else: next_check = datetime.timestamp(until) delay = (until - datetime.now(timezone.utc)).total_seconds() else: next_check = time.time() + delay netloc = urlparse(response.url).netloc if next_check is None: max_delay = self.app.config.linkcheck_rate_limit_timeout try: rate_limit = self.rate_limits[netloc] except KeyError: delay = DEFAULT_DELAY else: last_wait_time = rate_limit.delay delay = 2.0 * last_wait_time if delay > max_delay and last_wait_time < max_delay: delay = max_delay if delay > max_delay: return None next_check = time.time() + delay self.rate_limits[netloc] = RateLimit(delay, next_check) return next_check def process_result(self, result: Tuple[str, str, int, str, str, int]) -> None: uri, docname, lineno, status, info, code = result filename = self.env.doc2path(docname, None) linkstat = dict(filename=filename, lineno=lineno, status=status, code=code, uri=uri, info=info) if status == 'unchecked': self.write_linkstat(linkstat) return if status == 'working' and info == 'old': self.write_linkstat(linkstat) return if lineno: logger.info('(line %4d) ', lineno, nonl=True) if status == 'ignored': if info: logger.info(darkgray('-ignored- ') + uri + ': ' + info) else: logger.info(darkgray('-ignored- ') + uri) self.write_linkstat(linkstat) elif status == 'local': logger.info(darkgray('-local- ') + uri) self.write_entry('local', docname, filename, lineno, uri) self.write_linkstat(linkstat) elif status == 'working': logger.info(darkgreen('ok ') + uri + info) self.write_linkstat(linkstat) elif status == 'broken': if self.app.quiet or self.app.warningiserror: logger.warning(__('broken link: %s (%s)'), uri, info, location=(filename, lineno)) else: logger.info(red('broken ') + uri + red(' - ' + info)) self.write_entry('broken', docname, filename, lineno, uri + ': ' + info) self.write_linkstat(linkstat) elif status == 'redirected': try: text, color = { 301: ('permanently', purple), 302: ('with Found', purple), 303: ('with See Other', purple), 307: ('temporarily', turquoise), 308: ('permanently', purple), }[code] except KeyError: text, color = ('with unknown code', purple) linkstat['text'] = text logger.info(color('redirect ') + uri + color(' - ' + text + ' to ' + info)) self.write_entry('redirected ' + text, docname, filename, lineno, uri + ' to ' + info) self.write_linkstat(linkstat) def get_target_uri(self, docname: str, typ: str = None) -> str: return '' def get_outdated_docs(self) -> Set[str]: return self.env.found_docs def prepare_writing(self, docnames: Set[str]) -> None: return def write_doc(self, docname: str, doctree: Node) -> None: logger.info('') n = 0 # reference nodes for refnode in doctree.traverse(nodes.reference): if 'refuri' not in refnode: continue uri = refnode['refuri'] lineno = get_node_line(refnode) uri_info = (CHECK_IMMEDIATELY, uri, docname, lineno) self.wqueue.put(uri_info, False) n += 1 # image nodes for imgnode in doctree.traverse(nodes.image): uri = imgnode['candidates'].get('?') if uri and '://' in uri: lineno = get_node_line(imgnode) uri_info = (CHECK_IMMEDIATELY, uri, docname, lineno) self.wqueue.put(uri_info, False) n += 1 done = 0 while done < n: self.process_result(self.rqueue.get()) done += 1 if self.broken: self.app.statuscode = 1 def write_entry(self, what: str, docname: str, filename: str, line: int, uri: str) -> None: with open(path.join(self.outdir, 'output.txt'), 'a') as output: output.write("%s:%s: [%s] %s\n" % (filename, line, what, uri)) def write_linkstat(self, data: dict) -> None: with open(path.join(self.outdir, 'output.json'), 'a') as output: output.write(json.dumps(data)) output.write('\n') def finish(self) -> None: self.wqueue.join() # Shutdown threads. for worker in self.workers: self.wqueue.put((CHECK_IMMEDIATELY, None, None, None), False) def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]: app.add_builder(CheckExternalLinksBuilder) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_ignore', [], None) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_auth', [], None) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_request_headers', {}, None) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_retries', 1, None) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_timeout', None, None, [int]) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_workers', 5, None) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_anchors', True, None) # Anchors starting with ! are ignored since they are # commonly used for dynamic pages app.add_config_value('linkcheck_anchors_ignore', ["^!"], None) app.add_config_value('linkcheck_rate_limit_timeout', 300.0, None) return { 'version': 'builtin', 'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True, }