""" sphinx.util.nodes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Docutils node-related utility functions for Sphinx. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import re import unicodedata import warnings from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, List, Set, Tuple, cast from docutils import nodes from docutils.nodes import Element, Node from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner from docutils.statemachine import StringList from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.deprecation import RemovedInSphinx40Warning from sphinx.locale import __ from sphinx.util import logging if False: # For type annotation from typing import Type # for python3.5.1 from sphinx.builders import Builder from sphinx.domain import IndexEntry from sphinx.environment import BuildEnvironment from sphinx.util.tags import Tags logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # \x00 means the "<" was backslash-escaped explicit_title_re = re.compile(r'^(.+?)\s*(?$', re.DOTALL) caption_ref_re = explicit_title_re # b/w compat alias class NodeMatcher: """A helper class for Node.traverse(). It checks that given node is an instance of specified node-classes and it has specified node-attributes. For example, following example searches ``reference`` node having ``refdomain`` and ``reftype`` attributes:: matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.reference, refdomain='std', reftype='citation') doctree.traverse(matcher) # => [, , ...] A special value ``typing.Any`` matches any kind of node-attributes. For example, following example searches ``reference`` node having ``refdomain`` attributes:: from typing import Any matcher = NodeMatcher(nodes.reference, refdomain=Any) doctree.traverse(matcher) # => [, , ...] """ def __init__(self, *node_classes: "Type[Node]", **attrs: Any) -> None: self.classes = node_classes self.attrs = attrs def match(self, node: Node) -> bool: try: if self.classes and not isinstance(node, self.classes): return False if self.attrs: if not isinstance(node, nodes.Element): return False for key, value in self.attrs.items(): if key not in node: return False elif value is Any: continue elif node.get(key) != value: return False return True except Exception: # for non-Element nodes return False def __call__(self, node: Node) -> bool: return self.match(node) def get_full_module_name(node: Node) -> str: """ return full module dotted path like: 'docutils.nodes.paragraph' :param nodes.Node node: target node :return: full module dotted path """ return '{}.{}'.format(node.__module__, node.__class__.__name__) def repr_domxml(node: Node, length: int = 80) -> str: """ return DOM XML representation of the specified node like: 'New in version...' :param nodes.Node node: target node :param int length: length of return value to be striped. if false-value is specified, repr_domxml returns full of DOM XML representation. :return: DOM XML representation """ try: text = node.asdom().toxml() except Exception: text = str(node) if length and len(text) > length: text = text[:length] + '...' return text def apply_source_workaround(node: Element) -> None: # workaround: nodes.term have wrong rawsource if classifier is specified. # The behavior of docutils-0.11, 0.12 is: # * when ``term text : classifier1 : classifier2`` is specified, # * rawsource of term node will have: ``term text : classifier1 : classifier2`` # * rawsource of classifier node will be None if isinstance(node, nodes.classifier) and not node.rawsource: logger.debug('[i18n] PATCH: %r to have source, line and rawsource: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) definition_list_item = node.parent node.source = definition_list_item.source node.line = definition_list_item.line - 1 node.rawsource = node.astext() # set 'classifier1' (or 'classifier2') elif isinstance(node, nodes.classifier) and not node.source: # docutils-0.15 fills in rawsource attribute, but not in source. node.source = node.parent.source if isinstance(node, nodes.image) and node.source is None: logger.debug('[i18n] PATCH: %r to have source, line: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) node.source, node.line = node.parent.source, node.parent.line if isinstance(node, nodes.title) and node.source is None: logger.debug('[i18n] PATCH: %r to have source: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) node.source, node.line = node.parent.source, node.parent.line if isinstance(node, nodes.term): logger.debug('[i18n] PATCH: %r to have rawsource: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) # strip classifier from rawsource of term for classifier in reversed(list(node.parent.traverse(nodes.classifier))): node.rawsource = re.sub(r'\s*:\s*%s' % re.escape(classifier.astext()), '', node.rawsource) # workaround: literal_block under bullet list (#4913) if isinstance(node, nodes.literal_block) and node.source is None: node.source = get_node_source(node) # workaround: recommonmark-0.2.0 doesn't set rawsource attribute if not node.rawsource: node.rawsource = node.astext() if node.source and node.rawsource: return # workaround: some docutils nodes doesn't have source, line. if (isinstance(node, ( nodes.rubric, # #1305 rubric directive nodes.line, # #1477 line node nodes.image, # #3093 image directive in substitution nodes.field_name, # #3335 field list syntax ))): logger.debug('[i18n] PATCH: %r to have source and line: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) node.source = get_node_source(node) node.line = 0 # need fix docutils to get `node.line` return IGNORED_NODES = ( nodes.Invisible, nodes.literal_block, nodes.doctest_block, addnodes.versionmodified, # XXX there are probably more ) def is_pending_meta(node: Node) -> bool: if (isinstance(node, nodes.pending) and isinstance(node.details.get('nodes', [None])[0], addnodes.meta)): return True else: return False def is_translatable(node: Node) -> bool: if isinstance(node, addnodes.translatable): return True if isinstance(node, nodes.Inline) and 'translatable' not in node: # type: ignore # inline node must not be translated if 'translatable' is not set return False if isinstance(node, nodes.TextElement): if not node.source: logger.debug('[i18n] SKIP %r because no node.source: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) return False # built-in message if isinstance(node, IGNORED_NODES) and 'translatable' not in node: logger.debug("[i18n] SKIP %r because node is in IGNORED_NODES " "and no node['translatable']: %s", get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) return False if not node.get('translatable', True): # not(node['translatable'] == True or node['translatable'] is None) logger.debug("[i18n] SKIP %r because not node['translatable']: %s", get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) return False # orphan # XXX ignore all metadata (== docinfo) if isinstance(node, nodes.field_name) and node.children[0] == 'orphan': logger.debug('[i18n] SKIP %r because orphan node: %s', get_full_module_name(node), repr_domxml(node)) return False return True if isinstance(node, nodes.image) and node.get('translatable'): return True if isinstance(node, addnodes.meta): return True if is_pending_meta(node): return True return False LITERAL_TYPE_NODES = ( nodes.literal_block, nodes.doctest_block, nodes.math_block, nodes.raw, ) IMAGE_TYPE_NODES = ( nodes.image, ) META_TYPE_NODES = ( addnodes.meta, ) def extract_messages(doctree: Element) -> Iterable[Tuple[Element, str]]: """Extract translatable messages from a document tree.""" for node in doctree.traverse(is_translatable): # type: nodes.Element if isinstance(node, addnodes.translatable): for msg in node.extract_original_messages(): yield node, msg continue if isinstance(node, LITERAL_TYPE_NODES): msg = node.rawsource if not msg: msg = node.astext() elif isinstance(node, IMAGE_TYPE_NODES): msg = '.. image:: %s' % node['uri'] if node.get('alt'): msg += '\n :alt: %s' % node['alt'] elif isinstance(node, META_TYPE_NODES): msg = node.rawcontent elif isinstance(node, nodes.pending) and is_pending_meta(node): msg = node.details['nodes'][0].rawcontent else: msg = node.rawsource.replace('\n', ' ').strip() # XXX nodes rendering empty are likely a bug in sphinx.addnodes if msg: yield node, msg def find_source_node(node: Element) -> str: warnings.warn('find_source_node() is deprecated.', RemovedInSphinx40Warning, stacklevel=2) return get_node_source(node) def get_node_source(node: Element) -> str: for pnode in traverse_parent(node): if pnode.source: return pnode.source return None def get_node_line(node: Element) -> int: for pnode in traverse_parent(node): if pnode.line: return pnode.line return None def traverse_parent(node: Element, cls: Any = None) -> Iterable[Element]: while node: if cls is None or isinstance(node, cls): yield node node = node.parent def get_prev_node(node: Node) -> Node: pos = node.parent.index(node) if pos > 0: return node.parent[pos - 1] else: return None def traverse_translatable_index(doctree: Element) -> Iterable[Tuple[Element, List["IndexEntry"]]]: # NOQA """Traverse translatable index node from a document tree.""" for node in doctree.traverse(NodeMatcher(addnodes.index, inline=False)): # type: addnodes.index # NOQA if 'raw_entries' in node: entries = node['raw_entries'] else: entries = node['entries'] yield node, entries def nested_parse_with_titles(state: Any, content: StringList, node: Node) -> str: """Version of state.nested_parse() that allows titles and does not require titles to have the same decoration as the calling document. This is useful when the parsed content comes from a completely different context, such as docstrings. """ # hack around title style bookkeeping surrounding_title_styles = state.memo.title_styles surrounding_section_level = state.memo.section_level state.memo.title_styles = [] state.memo.section_level = 0 try: return state.nested_parse(content, 0, node, match_titles=1) finally: state.memo.title_styles = surrounding_title_styles state.memo.section_level = surrounding_section_level def clean_astext(node: Element) -> str: """Like node.astext(), but ignore images.""" node = node.deepcopy() for img in node.traverse(nodes.image): img['alt'] = '' for raw in node.traverse(nodes.raw): raw.parent.remove(raw) return node.astext() def split_explicit_title(text: str) -> Tuple[bool, str, str]: """Split role content into title and target, if given.""" match = explicit_title_re.match(text) if match: return True, match.group(1), match.group(2) return False, text, text indextypes = [ 'single', 'pair', 'double', 'triple', 'see', 'seealso', ] def process_index_entry(entry: str, targetid: str) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]]: from sphinx.domains.python import pairindextypes indexentries = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, str, str, str, str]] entry = entry.strip() oentry = entry main = '' if entry.startswith('!'): main = 'main' entry = entry[1:].lstrip() for type in pairindextypes: if entry.startswith(type + ':'): value = entry[len(type) + 1:].strip() value = pairindextypes[type] + '; ' + value indexentries.append(('pair', value, targetid, main, None)) break else: for type in indextypes: if entry.startswith(type + ':'): value = entry[len(type) + 1:].strip() if type == 'double': type = 'pair' indexentries.append((type, value, targetid, main, None)) break # shorthand notation for single entries else: for value in oentry.split(','): value = value.strip() main = '' if value.startswith('!'): main = 'main' value = value[1:].lstrip() if not value: continue indexentries.append(('single', value, targetid, main, None)) return indexentries def inline_all_toctrees(builder: "Builder", docnameset: Set[str], docname: str, tree: nodes.document, colorfunc: Callable, traversed: List[str] ) -> nodes.document: """Inline all toctrees in the *tree*. Record all docnames in *docnameset*, and output docnames with *colorfunc*. """ tree = cast(nodes.document, tree.deepcopy()) for toctreenode in tree.traverse(addnodes.toctree): newnodes = [] includefiles = map(str, toctreenode['includefiles']) for includefile in includefiles: if includefile not in traversed: try: traversed.append(includefile) logger.info(colorfunc(includefile) + " ", nonl=True) subtree = inline_all_toctrees(builder, docnameset, includefile, builder.env.get_doctree(includefile), colorfunc, traversed) docnameset.add(includefile) except Exception: logger.warning(__('toctree contains ref to nonexisting file %r'), includefile, location=docname) else: sof = addnodes.start_of_file(docname=includefile) sof.children = subtree.children for sectionnode in sof.traverse(nodes.section): if 'docname' not in sectionnode: sectionnode['docname'] = includefile newnodes.append(sof) toctreenode.parent.replace(toctreenode, newnodes) return tree def _make_id(string: str) -> str: """Convert `string` into an identifier and return it. This function is a modified version of ``docutils.nodes.make_id()`` of docutils-0.16. Changes: * Allow to use capital alphabet characters * Allow to use dots (".") and underscores ("_") for an identifier without a leading character. # Author: David Goodger # Maintainer: docutils-develop@lists.sourceforge.net # Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. """ id = string.translate(_non_id_translate_digraphs) id = id.translate(_non_id_translate) # get rid of non-ascii characters. # 'ascii' lowercase to prevent problems with turkish locale. id = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', id).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') # shrink runs of whitespace and replace by hyphen id = _non_id_chars.sub('-', ' '.join(id.split())) id = _non_id_at_ends.sub('', id) return str(id) _non_id_chars = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9._]+') _non_id_at_ends = re.compile('^[-0-9._]+|-+$') _non_id_translate = { 0x00f8: 'o', # o with stroke 0x0111: 'd', # d with stroke 0x0127: 'h', # h with stroke 0x0131: 'i', # dotless i 0x0142: 'l', # l with stroke 0x0167: 't', # t with stroke 0x0180: 'b', # b with stroke 0x0183: 'b', # b with topbar 0x0188: 'c', # c with hook 0x018c: 'd', # d with topbar 0x0192: 'f', # f with hook 0x0199: 'k', # k with hook 0x019a: 'l', # l with bar 0x019e: 'n', # n with long right leg 0x01a5: 'p', # p with hook 0x01ab: 't', # t with palatal hook 0x01ad: 't', # t with hook 0x01b4: 'y', # y with hook 0x01b6: 'z', # z with stroke 0x01e5: 'g', # g with stroke 0x0225: 'z', # z with hook 0x0234: 'l', # l with curl 0x0235: 'n', # n with curl 0x0236: 't', # t with curl 0x0237: 'j', # dotless j 0x023c: 'c', # c with stroke 0x023f: 's', # s with swash tail 0x0240: 'z', # z with swash tail 0x0247: 'e', # e with stroke 0x0249: 'j', # j with stroke 0x024b: 'q', # q with hook tail 0x024d: 'r', # r with stroke 0x024f: 'y', # y with stroke } _non_id_translate_digraphs = { 0x00df: 'sz', # ligature sz 0x00e6: 'ae', # ae 0x0153: 'oe', # ligature oe 0x0238: 'db', # db digraph 0x0239: 'qp', # qp digraph } def make_id(env: "BuildEnvironment", document: nodes.document, prefix: str = '', term: str = None) -> str: """Generate an appropriate node_id for given *prefix* and *term*.""" node_id = None if prefix: idformat = prefix + "-%s" else: idformat = (document.settings.id_prefix or "id") + "%s" # try to generate node_id by *term* if prefix and term: node_id = _make_id(idformat % term) if node_id == prefix: # *term* is not good to generate a node_id. node_id = None elif term: node_id = _make_id(term) if node_id == '': node_id = None # fallback to None while node_id is None or node_id in document.ids: node_id = idformat % env.new_serialno(prefix) return node_id def make_refnode(builder: "Builder", fromdocname: str, todocname: str, targetid: str, child: Node, title: str = None) -> nodes.reference: """Shortcut to create a reference node.""" node = nodes.reference('', '', internal=True) if fromdocname == todocname and targetid: node['refid'] = targetid else: if targetid: node['refuri'] = (builder.get_relative_uri(fromdocname, todocname) + '#' + targetid) else: node['refuri'] = builder.get_relative_uri(fromdocname, todocname) if title: node['reftitle'] = title node.append(child) return node def set_source_info(directive: Directive, node: Node) -> None: node.source, node.line = \ directive.state_machine.get_source_and_line(directive.lineno) def set_role_source_info(inliner: Inliner, lineno: int, node: Node) -> None: node.source, node.line = inliner.reporter.get_source_and_line(lineno) # type: ignore def copy_source_info(src: Element, dst: Element) -> None: dst.source = get_node_source(src) dst.line = get_node_line(src) NON_SMARTQUOTABLE_PARENT_NODES = ( nodes.FixedTextElement, nodes.literal, nodes.math, nodes.image, nodes.raw, nodes.problematic, addnodes.not_smartquotable, ) def is_smartquotable(node: Node) -> bool: """Check the node is smart-quotable or not.""" if isinstance(node.parent, NON_SMARTQUOTABLE_PARENT_NODES): return False elif node.parent.get('support_smartquotes', None) is False: return False elif getattr(node, 'support_smartquotes', None) is False: return False else: return True def process_only_nodes(document: Node, tags: "Tags") -> None: """Filter ``only`` nodes which does not match *tags*.""" for node in document.traverse(addnodes.only): try: ret = tags.eval_condition(node['expr']) except Exception as err: logger.warning(__('exception while evaluating only directive expression: %s'), err, location=node) node.replace_self(node.children or nodes.comment()) else: if ret: node.replace_self(node.children or nodes.comment()) else: # A comment on the comment() nodes being inserted: replacing by [] would # result in a "Losing ids" exception if there is a target node before # the only node, so we make sure docutils can transfer the id to # something, even if it's just a comment and will lose the id anyway... node.replace_self(nodes.comment()) # monkey-patch Element.copy to copy the rawsource and line # for docutils-0.14 or older versions. def _new_copy(self: Element) -> Element: newnode = self.__class__(self.rawsource, **self.attributes) if isinstance(self, nodes.Element): newnode.source = self.source newnode.line = self.line return newnode nodes.Element.copy = _new_copy # type: ignore