""" sphinx.util.typing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The composit types for Sphinx. :copyright: Copyright 2007-2020 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS. :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details. """ import sys import typing from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers.rst.states import Inliner if sys.version_info > (3, 7): from typing import ForwardRef else: from typing import _ForwardRef # type: ignore class ForwardRef: """A pseudo ForwardRef class for py35 and py36.""" def __init__(self, arg: Any, is_argument: bool = True) -> None: self.arg = arg def _evaluate(self, globalns: Dict, localns: Dict) -> Any: ref = _ForwardRef(self.arg) return ref._eval_type(globalns, localns) if False: # For type annotation from typing import Type # NOQA # for python3.5.1 # An entry of Directive.option_spec DirectiveOption = Callable[[str], Any] # Text like nodes which are initialized with text and rawsource TextlikeNode = Union[nodes.Text, nodes.TextElement] # type of None NoneType = type(None) # path matcher PathMatcher = Callable[[str], bool] # common role functions RoleFunction = Callable[[str, str, str, int, Inliner, Dict[str, Any], List[str]], Tuple[List[nodes.Node], List[nodes.system_message]]] # title getter functions for enumerable nodes (see sphinx.domains.std) TitleGetter = Callable[[nodes.Node], str] # inventory data on memory Inventory = Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[str, str, str, str]]] def get_type_hints(obj: Any, globalns: Dict = None, localns: Dict = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary containing type hints for a function, method, module or class object. This is a simple wrapper of `typing.get_type_hints()` that does not raise an error on runtime. """ from sphinx.util.inspect import safe_getattr # lazy loading try: return typing.get_type_hints(obj, globalns, localns) except NameError: # Failed to evaluate ForwardRef (maybe TYPE_CHECKING) return safe_getattr(obj, '__annotations__', {}) except TypeError: return {} except KeyError: # a broken class found (refs: https://github.com/sphinx-doc/sphinx/issues/8084) return {} except AttributeError: # AttributeError is raised on 3.5.2 (fixed by 3.5.3) return {} def is_system_TypeVar(typ: Any) -> bool: """Check *typ* is system defined TypeVar.""" modname = getattr(typ, '__module__', '') return modname == 'typing' and isinstance(typ, TypeVar) def restify(cls: Optional["Type"]) -> str: """Convert python class to a reST reference.""" from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading if cls is None or cls is NoneType: return ':obj:`None`' elif cls is Ellipsis: return '...' elif inspect.isNewType(cls): return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__name__ elif cls.__module__ in ('__builtin__', 'builtins'): return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__name__ else: if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): # py37+ return _restify_py37(cls) else: return _restify_py36(cls) def _restify_py37(cls: Optional["Type"]) -> str: """Convert python class to a reST reference.""" from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading if (inspect.isgenericalias(cls) and cls.__module__ == 'typing' and cls.__origin__ is Union): # Union if len(cls.__args__) > 1 and cls.__args__[-1] is NoneType: if len(cls.__args__) > 2: args = ', '.join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__[:-1]) return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [:obj:`Union`\\ [%s]]' % args else: return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [%s]' % restify(cls.__args__[0]) else: args = ', '.join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__) return ':obj:`Union`\\ [%s]' % args elif inspect.isgenericalias(cls): if getattr(cls, '_name', None): if cls.__module__ == 'typing': text = ':class:`%s`' % cls._name else: text = ':class:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls._name) else: text = restify(cls.__origin__) if not hasattr(cls, '__args__'): pass elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in cls.__args__): # Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT]) pass elif cls.__module__ == 'typing' and cls._name == 'Callable': args = ', '.join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__[:-1]) text += r"\ [[%s], %s]" % (args, restify(cls.__args__[-1])) elif cls.__args__: text += r"\ [%s]" % ", ".join(restify(a) for a in cls.__args__) return text elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'): if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__qualname__ else: return ':class:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__) elif hasattr(cls, '_name'): # SpecialForm if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return ':obj:`%s`' % cls._name else: return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls._name) else: # not a class (ex. TypeVar) return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) def _restify_py36(cls: Optional["Type"]) -> str: module = getattr(cls, '__module__', None) if module == 'typing': if getattr(cls, '_name', None): qualname = cls._name elif getattr(cls, '__qualname__', None): qualname = cls.__qualname__ elif getattr(cls, '__forward_arg__', None): qualname = cls.__forward_arg__ elif getattr(cls, '__origin__', None): qualname = stringify(cls.__origin__) # ex. Union else: qualname = repr(cls).replace('typing.', '') elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'): qualname = '%s.%s' % (module, cls.__qualname__) else: qualname = repr(cls) if (isinstance(cls, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore not hasattr(cls, '__tuple_params__')): # for Python 3.6 params = cls.__args__ if params: param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params) return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, param_str) else: return ':class:`%s`' % qualname elif isinstance(cls, typing.GenericMeta): params = None if hasattr(cls, '__args__'): # for Python 3.5.2+ if cls.__args__ is None or len(cls.__args__) <= 2: # type: ignore # NOQA params = cls.__args__ # type: ignore elif cls.__origin__ == Generator: # type: ignore params = cls.__args__ # type: ignore else: # typing.Callable args = ', '.join(restify(arg) for arg in cls.__args__[:-1]) # type: ignore result = restify(cls.__args__[-1]) # type: ignore return ':class:`%s`\\ [[%s], %s]' % (qualname, args, result) elif hasattr(cls, '__parameters__'): # for Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 params = cls.__parameters__ # type: ignore if params: param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params) return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, param_str) else: return ':class:`%s`' % qualname elif (hasattr(typing, 'UnionMeta') and isinstance(cls, typing.UnionMeta) and # type: ignore hasattr(cls, '__union_params__')): # for Python 3.5 params = cls.__union_params__ if params is not None: if len(params) == 2 and params[1] is NoneType: return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [%s]' % restify(params[0]) else: param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params) return ':obj:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, param_str) else: return ':obj:`%s`' % qualname elif (hasattr(cls, '__origin__') and cls.__origin__ is typing.Union): # for Python 3.5.2+ params = cls.__args__ if params is not None: if len(params) > 1 and params[-1] is NoneType: if len(params) > 2: param_str = ", ".join(restify(p) for p in params[:-1]) return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [:obj:`Union`\\ [%s]]' % param_str else: return ':obj:`Optional`\\ [%s]' % restify(params[0]) else: param_str = ', '.join(restify(p) for p in params) return ':obj:`Union`\\ [%s]' % param_str else: return ':obj:`Union`' elif (isinstance(cls, typing.CallableMeta) and # type: ignore getattr(cls, '__args__', None) is not None and hasattr(cls, '__result__')): # for Python 3.5 # Skipped in the case of plain typing.Callable args = cls.__args__ if args is None: return qualname elif args is Ellipsis: args_str = '...' else: formatted_args = (restify(a) for a in args) # type: ignore args_str = '[%s]' % ', '.join(formatted_args) return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s, %s]' % (qualname, args_str, stringify(cls.__result__)) elif (isinstance(cls, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore hasattr(cls, '__tuple_params__') and hasattr(cls, '__tuple_use_ellipsis__')): # for Python 3.5 params = cls.__tuple_params__ if params is not None: param_strings = [restify(p) for p in params] if cls.__tuple_use_ellipsis__: param_strings.append('...') return ':class:`%s`\\ [%s]' % (qualname, ', '.join(param_strings)) else: return ':class:`%s`' % qualname elif hasattr(cls, '__qualname__'): if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return ':class:`%s`' % cls.__qualname__ else: return ':class:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__qualname__) elif hasattr(cls, '_name'): # SpecialForm if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return ':obj:`%s`' % cls._name else: return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls._name) elif hasattr(cls, '__name__'): # not a class (ex. TypeVar) return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__) else: # others (ex. Any) if cls.__module__ == 'typing': return ':obj:`%s`' % qualname else: return ':obj:`%s.%s`' % (cls.__module__, qualname) def stringify(annotation: Any) -> str: """Stringify type annotation object.""" from sphinx.util import inspect # lazy loading if isinstance(annotation, str): if annotation.startswith("'") and annotation.endswith("'"): # might be a double Forward-ref'ed type. Go unquoting. return annotation[1:-1] else: return annotation elif isinstance(annotation, TypeVar): return annotation.__name__ elif inspect.isNewType(annotation): # Could not get the module where it defiend return annotation.__name__ elif not annotation: return repr(annotation) elif annotation is NoneType: return 'None' elif (getattr(annotation, '__module__', None) == 'builtins' and hasattr(annotation, '__qualname__')): return annotation.__qualname__ elif annotation is Ellipsis: return '...' if sys.version_info >= (3, 7): # py37+ return _stringify_py37(annotation) else: return _stringify_py36(annotation) def _stringify_py37(annotation: Any) -> str: """stringify() for py37+.""" module = getattr(annotation, '__module__', None) if module == 'typing': if getattr(annotation, '_name', None): qualname = annotation._name elif getattr(annotation, '__qualname__', None): qualname = annotation.__qualname__ elif getattr(annotation, '__forward_arg__', None): qualname = annotation.__forward_arg__ else: qualname = stringify(annotation.__origin__) # ex. Union elif hasattr(annotation, '__qualname__'): qualname = '%s.%s' % (module, annotation.__qualname__) elif hasattr(annotation, '__origin__'): # instantiated generic provided by a user qualname = stringify(annotation.__origin__) else: # we weren't able to extract the base type, appending arguments would # only make them appear twice return repr(annotation) if getattr(annotation, '__args__', None): if not isinstance(annotation.__args__, (list, tuple)): # broken __args__ found pass elif qualname == 'Union': if len(annotation.__args__) > 1 and annotation.__args__[-1] is NoneType: if len(annotation.__args__) > 2: args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__[:-1]) return 'Optional[Union[%s]]' % args else: return 'Optional[%s]' % stringify(annotation.__args__[0]) else: args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__) return 'Union[%s]' % args elif qualname == 'Callable': args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__[:-1]) returns = stringify(annotation.__args__[-1]) return '%s[[%s], %s]' % (qualname, args, returns) elif str(annotation).startswith('typing.Annotated'): # for py39+ return stringify(annotation.__args__[0]) elif all(is_system_TypeVar(a) for a in annotation.__args__): # Suppress arguments if all system defined TypeVars (ex. Dict[KT, VT]) return qualname else: args = ', '.join(stringify(a) for a in annotation.__args__) return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, args) return qualname def _stringify_py36(annotation: Any) -> str: """stringify() for py35 and py36.""" module = getattr(annotation, '__module__', None) if module == 'typing': if getattr(annotation, '_name', None): qualname = annotation._name elif getattr(annotation, '__qualname__', None): qualname = annotation.__qualname__ elif getattr(annotation, '__forward_arg__', None): qualname = annotation.__forward_arg__ elif getattr(annotation, '__origin__', None): qualname = stringify(annotation.__origin__) # ex. Union else: qualname = repr(annotation).replace('typing.', '') elif hasattr(annotation, '__qualname__'): qualname = '%s.%s' % (module, annotation.__qualname__) else: qualname = repr(annotation) if (isinstance(annotation, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore not hasattr(annotation, '__tuple_params__')): # for Python 3.6 params = annotation.__args__ if params: param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params) return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, param_str) else: return qualname elif isinstance(annotation, typing.GenericMeta): params = None if hasattr(annotation, '__args__'): # for Python 3.5.2+ if annotation.__args__ is None or len(annotation.__args__) <= 2: # type: ignore # NOQA params = annotation.__args__ # type: ignore elif annotation.__origin__ == Generator: # type: ignore params = annotation.__args__ # type: ignore else: # typing.Callable args = ', '.join(stringify(arg) for arg in annotation.__args__[:-1]) # type: ignore result = stringify(annotation.__args__[-1]) # type: ignore return '%s[[%s], %s]' % (qualname, args, result) elif hasattr(annotation, '__parameters__'): # for Python 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 params = annotation.__parameters__ # type: ignore if params is not None: param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params) return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, param_str) elif (hasattr(typing, 'UnionMeta') and isinstance(annotation, typing.UnionMeta) and # type: ignore hasattr(annotation, '__union_params__')): # for Python 3.5 params = annotation.__union_params__ if params is not None: if len(params) == 2 and params[1] is NoneType: return 'Optional[%s]' % stringify(params[0]) else: param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params) return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, param_str) elif (hasattr(annotation, '__origin__') and annotation.__origin__ is typing.Union): # for Python 3.5.2+ params = annotation.__args__ if params is not None: if len(params) > 1 and params[-1] is NoneType: if len(params) > 2: param_str = ", ".join(stringify(p) for p in params[:-1]) return 'Optional[Union[%s]]' % param_str else: return 'Optional[%s]' % stringify(params[0]) else: param_str = ', '.join(stringify(p) for p in params) return 'Union[%s]' % param_str elif (isinstance(annotation, typing.CallableMeta) and # type: ignore getattr(annotation, '__args__', None) is not None and hasattr(annotation, '__result__')): # for Python 3.5 # Skipped in the case of plain typing.Callable args = annotation.__args__ if args is None: return qualname elif args is Ellipsis: args_str = '...' else: formatted_args = (stringify(a) for a in args) args_str = '[%s]' % ', '.join(formatted_args) return '%s[%s, %s]' % (qualname, args_str, stringify(annotation.__result__)) elif (isinstance(annotation, typing.TupleMeta) and # type: ignore hasattr(annotation, '__tuple_params__') and hasattr(annotation, '__tuple_use_ellipsis__')): # for Python 3.5 params = annotation.__tuple_params__ if params is not None: param_strings = [stringify(p) for p in params] if annotation.__tuple_use_ellipsis__: param_strings.append('...') return '%s[%s]' % (qualname, ', '.join(param_strings)) return qualname