import pycares # type: ignore import socket from tornado.concurrent import Future from tornado import gen from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.netutil import Resolver, is_valid_ip import typing if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import Generator, Any, List, Tuple, Dict # noqa: F401 class CaresResolver(Resolver): """Name resolver based on the c-ares library. This is a non-blocking and non-threaded resolver. It may not produce the same results as the system resolver, but can be used for non-blocking resolution when threads cannot be used. c-ares fails to resolve some names when ``family`` is ``AF_UNSPEC``, so it is only recommended for use in ``AF_INET`` (i.e. IPv4). This is the default for ``tornado.simple_httpclient``, but other libraries may default to ``AF_UNSPEC``. .. versionchanged:: 5.0 The ``io_loop`` argument (deprecated since version 4.1) has been removed. """ def initialize(self) -> None: self.io_loop = IOLoop.current() = pycares.Channel(sock_state_cb=self._sock_state_cb) self.fds = {} # type: Dict[int, int] def _sock_state_cb(self, fd: int, readable: bool, writable: bool) -> None: state = (IOLoop.READ if readable else 0) | (IOLoop.WRITE if writable else 0) if not state: self.io_loop.remove_handler(fd) del self.fds[fd] elif fd in self.fds: self.io_loop.update_handler(fd, state) self.fds[fd] = state else: self.io_loop.add_handler(fd, self._handle_events, state) self.fds[fd] = state def _handle_events(self, fd: int, events: int) -> None: read_fd = pycares.ARES_SOCKET_BAD write_fd = pycares.ARES_SOCKET_BAD if events & IOLoop.READ: read_fd = fd if events & IOLoop.WRITE: write_fd = fd, write_fd) @gen.coroutine def resolve( self, host: str, port: int, family: int = 0 ) -> "Generator[Any, Any, List[Tuple[int, Any]]]": if is_valid_ip(host): addresses = [host] else: # gethostbyname doesn't take callback as a kwarg fut = Future() # type: Future[Tuple[Any, Any]] host, family, lambda result, error: fut.set_result((result, error)) ) result, error = yield fut if error: raise IOError( "C-Ares returned error %s: %s while resolving %s" % (error, pycares.errno.strerror(error), host) ) addresses = result.addresses addrinfo = [] for address in addresses: if "." in address: address_family = socket.AF_INET elif ":" in address: address_family = socket.AF_INET6 else: address_family = socket.AF_UNSPEC if family != socket.AF_UNSPEC and family != address_family: raise IOError( "Requested socket family %d but got %d" % (family, address_family) ) addrinfo.append((typing.cast(int, address_family), (address, port))) return addrinfo