import asyncio from concurrent import futures import gc import datetime import platform import sys import time import weakref import unittest from tornado.concurrent import Future from tornado.log import app_log from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase, AsyncTestCase, ExpectLog, gen_test from tornado.test.util import skipOnTravis, skipNotCPython from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler, HTTPError from tornado import gen try: import contextvars except ImportError: contextvars = None # type: ignore import typing if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from typing import List, Optional # noqa: F401 class GenBasicTest(AsyncTestCase): @gen.coroutine def delay(self, iterations, arg): """Returns arg after a number of IOLoop iterations.""" for i in range(iterations): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(arg) @gen.coroutine def async_future(self, result): yield gen.moment return result @gen.coroutine def async_exception(self, e): yield gen.moment raise e @gen.coroutine def add_one_async(self, x): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(x + 1) def test_no_yield(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): pass self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_exception_phase1(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): 1 / 0 self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, self.io_loop.run_sync, f) def test_exception_phase2(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment 1 / 0 self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, self.io_loop.run_sync, f) def test_bogus_yield(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield 42 self.assertRaises(gen.BadYieldError, self.io_loop.run_sync, f) def test_bogus_yield_tuple(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield (1, 2) self.assertRaises(gen.BadYieldError, self.io_loop.run_sync, f) def test_reuse(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment self.io_loop.run_sync(f) self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_none(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield None self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_multi(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): results = yield [self.add_one_async(1), self.add_one_async(2)] self.assertEqual(results, [2, 3]) self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_multi_dict(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): results = yield dict(foo=self.add_one_async(1), bar=self.add_one_async(2)) self.assertEqual(results, dict(foo=2, bar=3)) self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_multi_delayed(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): # callbacks run at different times responses = yield gen.multi_future( [self.delay(3, "v1"), self.delay(1, "v2")] ) self.assertEqual(responses, ["v1", "v2"]) self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_multi_dict_delayed(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): # callbacks run at different times responses = yield gen.multi_future( dict(foo=self.delay(3, "v1"), bar=self.delay(1, "v2")) ) self.assertEqual(responses, dict(foo="v1", bar="v2")) self.io_loop.run_sync(f) @skipOnTravis @gen_test def test_multi_performance(self): # Yielding a list used to have quadratic performance; make # sure a large list stays reasonable. On my laptop a list of # 2000 used to take 1.8s, now it takes 0.12. start = time.time() yield [gen.moment for i in range(2000)] end = time.time() self.assertLess(end - start, 1.0) @gen_test def test_multi_empty(self): # Empty lists or dicts should return the same type. x = yield [] self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, list)) y = yield {} self.assertTrue(isinstance(y, dict)) @gen_test def test_future(self): result = yield self.async_future(1) self.assertEqual(result, 1) @gen_test def test_multi_future(self): results = yield [self.async_future(1), self.async_future(2)] self.assertEqual(results, [1, 2]) @gen_test def test_multi_future_duplicate(self): # Note that this doesn't work with native corotines, only with # decorated coroutines. f = self.async_future(2) results = yield [self.async_future(1), f, self.async_future(3), f] self.assertEqual(results, [1, 2, 3, 2]) @gen_test def test_multi_dict_future(self): results = yield dict(foo=self.async_future(1), bar=self.async_future(2)) self.assertEqual(results, dict(foo=1, bar=2)) @gen_test def test_multi_exceptions(self): with ExpectLog(app_log, "Multiple exceptions in yield list"): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: yield gen.Multi( [ self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 1")), self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 2")), ] ) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "error 1") # With only one exception, no error is logged. with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): yield gen.Multi( [self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 1")), self.async_future(2)] ) # Exception logging may be explicitly quieted. with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): yield gen.Multi( [ self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 1")), self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 2")), ], quiet_exceptions=RuntimeError, ) @gen_test def test_multi_future_exceptions(self): with ExpectLog(app_log, "Multiple exceptions in yield list"): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError) as cm: yield [ self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 1")), self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 2")), ] self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "error 1") # With only one exception, no error is logged. with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): yield [self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 1")), self.async_future(2)] # Exception logging may be explicitly quieted. with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): yield gen.multi_future( [ self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 1")), self.async_exception(RuntimeError("error 2")), ], quiet_exceptions=RuntimeError, ) def test_sync_raise_return(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): raise gen.Return() self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_async_raise_return(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return() self.io_loop.run_sync(f) def test_sync_raise_return_value(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): raise gen.Return(42) self.assertEqual(42, self.io_loop.run_sync(f)) def test_sync_raise_return_value_tuple(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): raise gen.Return((1, 2)) self.assertEqual((1, 2), self.io_loop.run_sync(f)) def test_async_raise_return_value(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(42) self.assertEqual(42, self.io_loop.run_sync(f)) def test_async_raise_return_value_tuple(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return((1, 2)) self.assertEqual((1, 2), self.io_loop.run_sync(f)) class GenCoroutineTest(AsyncTestCase): def setUp(self): # Stray StopIteration exceptions can lead to tests exiting prematurely, # so we need explicit checks here to make sure the tests run all # the way through. self.finished = False super(GenCoroutineTest, self).setUp() def tearDown(self): super(GenCoroutineTest, self).tearDown() assert self.finished def test_attributes(self): self.finished = True def f(): yield gen.moment coro = gen.coroutine(f) self.assertEqual(coro.__name__, f.__name__) self.assertEqual(coro.__module__, f.__module__) self.assertIs(coro.__wrapped__, f) # type: ignore def test_is_coroutine_function(self): self.finished = True def f(): yield gen.moment coro = gen.coroutine(f) self.assertFalse(gen.is_coroutine_function(f)) self.assertTrue(gen.is_coroutine_function(coro)) self.assertFalse(gen.is_coroutine_function(coro())) @gen_test def test_sync_gen_return(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): raise gen.Return(42) result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_gen_return(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(42) result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_sync_return(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): return 42 result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_return(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment return 42 result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_early_return(self): # A yield statement exists but is not executed, which means # this function "returns" via an exception. This exception # doesn't happen before the exception handling is set up. @gen.coroutine def f(): if True: return 42 yield gen.Task(self.io_loop.add_callback) result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_await(self): @gen.coroutine def f1(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(42) # This test verifies that an async function can await a # yield-based gen.coroutine, and that a gen.coroutine # (the test method itself) can yield an async function. async def f2(): result = await f1() return result result = yield f2() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_asyncio_sleep_zero(self): # asyncio.sleep(0) turns into a special case (equivalent to # `yield None`) async def f(): import asyncio await asyncio.sleep(0) return 42 result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_await_mixed_multi_native_future(self): @gen.coroutine def f1(): yield gen.moment async def f2(): await f1() return 42 @gen.coroutine def f3(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(43) results = yield [f2(), f3()] self.assertEqual(results, [42, 43]) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_with_timeout(self): async def f1(): return 42 result = yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(hours=1), f1()) self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_sync_return_no_value(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): return result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, None) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_return_no_value(self): # Without a return value we don't need python 3.3. @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment return result = yield f() self.assertEqual(result, None) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_sync_raise(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): 1 / 0 # The exception is raised when the future is yielded # (or equivalently when its result method is called), # not when the function itself is called). future = f() with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): yield future self.finished = True @gen_test def test_async_raise(self): @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment 1 / 0 future = f() with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): yield future self.finished = True @gen_test def test_replace_yieldpoint_exception(self): # Test exception handling: a coroutine can catch one exception # raised by a yield point and raise a different one. @gen.coroutine def f1(): 1 / 0 @gen.coroutine def f2(): try: yield f1() except ZeroDivisionError: raise KeyError() future = f2() with self.assertRaises(KeyError): yield future self.finished = True @gen_test def test_swallow_yieldpoint_exception(self): # Test exception handling: a coroutine can catch an exception # raised by a yield point and not raise a different one. @gen.coroutine def f1(): 1 / 0 @gen.coroutine def f2(): try: yield f1() except ZeroDivisionError: raise gen.Return(42) result = yield f2() self.assertEqual(result, 42) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_moment(self): calls = [] @gen.coroutine def f(name, yieldable): for i in range(5): calls.append(name) yield yieldable # First, confirm the behavior without moment: each coroutine # monopolizes the event loop until it finishes. immediate = Future() # type: Future[None] immediate.set_result(None) yield [f("a", immediate), f("b", immediate)] self.assertEqual("".join(calls), "aaaaabbbbb") # With moment, they take turns. calls = [] yield [f("a", gen.moment), f("b", gen.moment)] self.assertEqual("".join(calls), "ababababab") self.finished = True calls = [] yield [f("a", gen.moment), f("b", immediate)] self.assertEqual("".join(calls), "abbbbbaaaa") @gen_test def test_sleep(self): yield gen.sleep(0.01) self.finished = True @gen_test def test_py3_leak_exception_context(self): class LeakedException(Exception): pass @gen.coroutine def inner(iteration): raise LeakedException(iteration) try: yield inner(1) except LeakedException as e: self.assertEqual(str(e), "1") self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) try: yield inner(2) except LeakedException as e: self.assertEqual(str(e), "2") self.assertIsNone(e.__context__) self.finished = True @skipNotCPython @unittest.skipIf( (3,) < sys.version_info < (3, 6), "asyncio.Future has reference cycles" ) def test_coroutine_refcounting(self): # On CPython, tasks and their arguments should be released immediately # without waiting for garbage collection. @gen.coroutine def inner(): class Foo(object): pass local_var = Foo() self.local_ref = weakref.ref(local_var) def dummy(): pass yield gen.coroutine(dummy)() raise ValueError("Some error") @gen.coroutine def inner2(): try: yield inner() except ValueError: pass self.io_loop.run_sync(inner2, timeout=3) self.assertIs(self.local_ref(), None) self.finished = True def test_asyncio_future_debug_info(self): self.finished = True # Enable debug mode asyncio_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.addCleanup(asyncio_loop.set_debug, asyncio_loop.get_debug()) asyncio_loop.set_debug(True) def f(): yield gen.moment coro = gen.coroutine(f)() self.assertIsInstance(coro, asyncio.Future) # We expect the coroutine repr() to show the place where # it was instantiated expected = "created at %s:%d" % (__file__, f.__code__.co_firstlineno + 3) actual = repr(coro) self.assertIn(expected, actual) @gen_test def test_asyncio_gather(self): # This demonstrates that tornado coroutines can be understood # by asyncio (This failed prior to Tornado 5.0). @gen.coroutine def f(): yield gen.moment raise gen.Return(1) ret = yield asyncio.gather(f(), f()) self.assertEqual(ret, [1, 1]) self.finished = True class GenCoroutineSequenceHandler(RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine def get(self): yield gen.moment self.write("1") yield gen.moment self.write("2") yield gen.moment self.finish("3") class GenCoroutineUnfinishedSequenceHandler(RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine def get(self): yield gen.moment self.write("1") yield gen.moment self.write("2") yield gen.moment # just write, don't finish self.write("3") # "Undecorated" here refers to the absence of @asynchronous. class UndecoratedCoroutinesHandler(RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine def prepare(self): self.chunks = [] # type: List[str] yield gen.moment self.chunks.append("1") @gen.coroutine def get(self): self.chunks.append("2") yield gen.moment self.chunks.append("3") yield gen.moment self.write("".join(self.chunks)) class AsyncPrepareErrorHandler(RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine def prepare(self): yield gen.moment raise HTTPError(403) def get(self): self.finish("ok") class NativeCoroutineHandler(RequestHandler): async def get(self): await asyncio.sleep(0) self.write("ok") class GenWebTest(AsyncHTTPTestCase): def get_app(self): return Application( [ ("/coroutine_sequence", GenCoroutineSequenceHandler), ( "/coroutine_unfinished_sequence", GenCoroutineUnfinishedSequenceHandler, ), ("/undecorated_coroutine", UndecoratedCoroutinesHandler), ("/async_prepare_error", AsyncPrepareErrorHandler), ("/native_coroutine", NativeCoroutineHandler), ] ) def test_coroutine_sequence_handler(self): response = self.fetch("/coroutine_sequence") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"123") def test_coroutine_unfinished_sequence_handler(self): response = self.fetch("/coroutine_unfinished_sequence") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"123") def test_undecorated_coroutines(self): response = self.fetch("/undecorated_coroutine") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"123") def test_async_prepare_error_handler(self): response = self.fetch("/async_prepare_error") self.assertEqual(response.code, 403) def test_native_coroutine_handler(self): response = self.fetch("/native_coroutine") self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"ok") class WithTimeoutTest(AsyncTestCase): @gen_test def test_timeout(self): with self.assertRaises(gen.TimeoutError): yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1), Future()) @gen_test def test_completes_before_timeout(self): future = Future() # type: Future[str] self.io_loop.add_timeout( datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1), lambda: future.set_result("asdf") ) result = yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), future) self.assertEqual(result, "asdf") @gen_test def test_fails_before_timeout(self): future = Future() # type: Future[str] self.io_loop.add_timeout( datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1), lambda: future.set_exception(ZeroDivisionError()), ) with self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError): yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), future) @gen_test def test_already_resolved(self): future = Future() # type: Future[str] future.set_result("asdf") result = yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), future) self.assertEqual(result, "asdf") @gen_test def test_timeout_concurrent_future(self): # A concurrent future that does not resolve before the timeout. with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as executor: with self.assertRaises(gen.TimeoutError): yield gen.with_timeout( self.io_loop.time(), executor.submit(time.sleep, 0.1) ) @gen_test def test_completed_concurrent_future(self): # A concurrent future that is resolved before we even submit it # to with_timeout. with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as executor: def dummy(): pass f = executor.submit(dummy) f.result() # wait for completion yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), f) @gen_test def test_normal_concurrent_future(self): # A conccurrent future that resolves while waiting for the timeout. with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) as executor: yield gen.with_timeout( datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600), executor.submit(lambda: time.sleep(0.01)), ) class WaitIteratorTest(AsyncTestCase): @gen_test def test_empty_iterator(self): g = gen.WaitIterator() self.assertTrue(g.done(), "empty generator iterated") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): g = gen.WaitIterator(Future(), bar=Future()) self.assertEqual(g.current_index, None, "bad nil current index") self.assertEqual(g.current_future, None, "bad nil current future") @gen_test def test_already_done(self): f1 = Future() # type: Future[int] f2 = Future() # type: Future[int] f3 = Future() # type: Future[int] f1.set_result(24) f2.set_result(42) f3.set_result(84) g = gen.WaitIterator(f1, f2, f3) i = 0 while not g.done(): r = yield # Order is not guaranteed, but the current implementation # preserves ordering of already-done Futures. if i == 0: self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 0) self.assertIs(g.current_future, f1) self.assertEqual(r, 24) elif i == 1: self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 1) self.assertIs(g.current_future, f2) self.assertEqual(r, 42) elif i == 2: self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 2) self.assertIs(g.current_future, f3) self.assertEqual(r, 84) i += 1 self.assertEqual(g.current_index, None, "bad nil current index") self.assertEqual(g.current_future, None, "bad nil current future") dg = gen.WaitIterator(f1=f1, f2=f2) while not dg.done(): dr = yield if dg.current_index == "f1": self.assertTrue( dg.current_future == f1 and dr == 24, "WaitIterator dict status incorrect", ) elif dg.current_index == "f2": self.assertTrue( dg.current_future == f2 and dr == 42, "WaitIterator dict status incorrect", ) else:"got bad WaitIterator index {}".format(dg.current_index)) i += 1 self.assertEqual(dg.current_index, None, "bad nil current index") self.assertEqual(dg.current_future, None, "bad nil current future") def finish_coroutines(self, iteration, futures): if iteration == 3: futures[2].set_result(24) elif iteration == 5: futures[0].set_exception(ZeroDivisionError()) elif iteration == 8: futures[1].set_result(42) futures[3].set_result(84) if iteration < 8: self.io_loop.add_callback(self.finish_coroutines, iteration + 1, futures) @gen_test def test_iterator(self): futures = [Future(), Future(), Future(), Future()] # type: List[Future[int]] self.finish_coroutines(0, futures) g = gen.WaitIterator(*futures) i = 0 while not g.done(): try: r = yield except ZeroDivisionError: self.assertIs(g.current_future, futures[0], "exception future invalid") else: if i == 0: self.assertEqual(r, 24, "iterator value incorrect") self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 2, "wrong index") elif i == 2: self.assertEqual(r, 42, "iterator value incorrect") self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 1, "wrong index") elif i == 3: self.assertEqual(r, 84, "iterator value incorrect") self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 3, "wrong index") i += 1 @gen_test def test_iterator_async_await(self): # Recreate the previous test with py35 syntax. It's a little clunky # because of the way the previous test handles an exception on # a single iteration. futures = [Future(), Future(), Future(), Future()] # type: List[Future[int]] self.finish_coroutines(0, futures) self.finished = False async def f(): i = 0 g = gen.WaitIterator(*futures) try: async for r in g: if i == 0: self.assertEqual(r, 24, "iterator value incorrect") self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 2, "wrong index") else: raise Exception("expected exception on iteration 1") i += 1 except ZeroDivisionError: i += 1 async for r in g: if i == 2: self.assertEqual(r, 42, "iterator value incorrect") self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 1, "wrong index") elif i == 3: self.assertEqual(r, 84, "iterator value incorrect") self.assertEqual(g.current_index, 3, "wrong index") else: raise Exception("didn't expect iteration %d" % i) i += 1 self.finished = True yield f() self.assertTrue(self.finished) @gen_test def test_no_ref(self): # In this usage, there is no direct hard reference to the # WaitIterator itself, only the Future it returns. Since # WaitIterator uses weak references internally to improve GC # performance, this used to cause problems. yield gen.with_timeout( datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.1), gen.WaitIterator(gen.sleep(0)).next() ) class RunnerGCTest(AsyncTestCase): def is_pypy3(self): return platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy" and sys.version_info > (3,) @gen_test def test_gc(self): # Github issue 1769: Runner objects can get GCed unexpectedly # while their future is alive. weakref_scope = [None] # type: List[Optional[weakref.ReferenceType]] def callback(): gc.collect(2) weakref_scope[0]().set_result(123) # type: ignore @gen.coroutine def tester(): fut = Future() # type: Future[int] weakref_scope[0] = weakref.ref(fut) self.io_loop.add_callback(callback) yield fut yield gen.with_timeout(datetime.timedelta(seconds=0.2), tester()) def test_gc_infinite_coro(self): # Github issue 2229: suspended coroutines should be GCed when # their loop is closed, even if they're involved in a reference # cycle. loop = self.get_new_ioloop() result = [] # type: List[Optional[bool]] wfut = [] @gen.coroutine def infinite_coro(): try: while True: yield gen.sleep(1e-3) result.append(True) finally: # coroutine finalizer result.append(None) @gen.coroutine def do_something(): fut = infinite_coro() fut._refcycle = fut # type: ignore wfut.append(weakref.ref(fut)) yield gen.sleep(0.2) loop.run_sync(do_something) loop.close() gc.collect() # Future was collected self.assertIs(wfut[0](), None) # At least one wakeup self.assertGreaterEqual(len(result), 2) if not self.is_pypy3(): # coroutine finalizer was called (not on PyPy3 apparently) self.assertIs(result[-1], None) def test_gc_infinite_async_await(self): # Same as test_gc_infinite_coro, but with a `async def` function import asyncio async def infinite_coro(result): try: while True: await gen.sleep(1e-3) result.append(True) finally: # coroutine finalizer result.append(None) loop = self.get_new_ioloop() result = [] # type: List[Optional[bool]] wfut = [] @gen.coroutine def do_something(): fut = asyncio.get_event_loop().create_task(infinite_coro(result)) fut._refcycle = fut # type: ignore wfut.append(weakref.ref(fut)) yield gen.sleep(0.2) loop.run_sync(do_something) with ExpectLog("asyncio", "Task was destroyed but it is pending"): loop.close() gc.collect() # Future was collected self.assertIs(wfut[0](), None) # At least one wakeup and one finally self.assertGreaterEqual(len(result), 2) if not self.is_pypy3(): # coroutine finalizer was called (not on PyPy3 apparently) self.assertIs(result[-1], None) def test_multi_moment(self): # Test gen.multi with moment # now that it's not a real Future @gen.coroutine def wait_a_moment(): result = yield gen.multi([gen.moment, gen.moment]) raise gen.Return(result) loop = self.get_new_ioloop() result = loop.run_sync(wait_a_moment) self.assertEqual(result, [None, None]) if contextvars is not None: ctx_var = contextvars.ContextVar("ctx_var") # type: contextvars.ContextVar[int] @unittest.skipIf(contextvars is None, "contextvars module not present") class ContextVarsTest(AsyncTestCase): async def native_root(self, x): ctx_var.set(x) await self.inner(x) @gen.coroutine def gen_root(self, x): ctx_var.set(x) yield yield self.inner(x) async def inner(self, x): self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) await self.gen_inner(x) self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) # IOLoop.run_in_executor doesn't automatically copy context ctx = contextvars.copy_context() await self.io_loop.run_in_executor(None, lambda:, x)) self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) # Neither does asyncio's run_in_executor. await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor( None, lambda:, x) ) self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) @gen.coroutine def gen_inner(self, x): self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) yield self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) def thread_inner(self, x): self.assertEqual(ctx_var.get(), x) @gen_test def test_propagate(self): # Verify that context vars get propagated across various # combinations of native and decorated coroutines. yield [ self.native_root(1), self.native_root(2), self.gen_root(3), self.gen_root(4), ] if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()