# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import binascii from contextlib import closing import copy import threading import datetime from io import BytesIO import subprocess import sys import time import typing # noqa: F401 import unicodedata import unittest from tornado.escape import utf8, native_str, to_unicode from tornado import gen from tornado.httpclient import ( HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse, _RequestProxy, HTTPError, HTTPClient, ) from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop from tornado.iostream import IOStream from tornado.log import gen_log, app_log from tornado import netutil from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPTestCase, bind_unused_port, gen_test, ExpectLog from tornado.test.util import skipOnTravis from tornado.web import Application, RequestHandler, url from tornado.httputil import format_timestamp, HTTPHeaders class HelloWorldHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): name = self.get_argument("name", "world") self.set_header("Content-Type", "text/plain") self.finish("Hello %s!" % name) class PostHandler(RequestHandler): def post(self): self.finish( "Post arg1: %s, arg2: %s" % (self.get_argument("arg1"), self.get_argument("arg2")) ) class PutHandler(RequestHandler): def put(self): self.write("Put body: ") self.write(self.request.body) class RedirectHandler(RequestHandler): def prepare(self): self.write("redirects can have bodies too") self.redirect( self.get_argument("url"), status=int(self.get_argument("status", "302")) ) class RedirectWithoutLocationHandler(RequestHandler): def prepare(self): # For testing error handling of a redirect with no location header. self.set_status(301) self.finish() class ChunkHandler(RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine def get(self): self.write("asdf") self.flush() # Wait a bit to ensure the chunks are sent and received separately. yield gen.sleep(0.01) self.write("qwer") class AuthHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.finish(self.request.headers["Authorization"]) class CountdownHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self, count): count = int(count) if count > 0: self.redirect(self.reverse_url("countdown", count - 1)) else: self.write("Zero") class EchoPostHandler(RequestHandler): def post(self): self.write(self.request.body) class UserAgentHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.write(self.request.headers.get("User-Agent", "User agent not set")) class ContentLength304Handler(RequestHandler): def get(self): self.set_status(304) self.set_header("Content-Length", 42) def _clear_headers_for_304(self): # Tornado strips content-length from 304 responses, but here we # want to simulate servers that include the headers anyway. pass class PatchHandler(RequestHandler): def patch(self): "Return the request payload - so we can check it is being kept" self.write(self.request.body) class AllMethodsHandler(RequestHandler): SUPPORTED_METHODS = RequestHandler.SUPPORTED_METHODS + ("OTHER",) # type: ignore def method(self): self.write(self.request.method) get = head = post = put = delete = options = patch = other = method # type: ignore class SetHeaderHandler(RequestHandler): def get(self): # Use get_arguments for keys to get strings, but # request.arguments for values to get bytes. for k, v in zip(self.get_arguments("k"), self.request.arguments["v"]): self.set_header(k, v) # These tests end up getting run redundantly: once here with the default # HTTPClient implementation, and then again in each implementation's own # test suite. class HTTPClientCommonTestCase(AsyncHTTPTestCase): def get_app(self): return Application( [ url("/hello", HelloWorldHandler), url("/post", PostHandler), url("/put", PutHandler), url("/redirect", RedirectHandler), url("/redirect_without_location", RedirectWithoutLocationHandler), url("/chunk", ChunkHandler), url("/auth", AuthHandler), url("/countdown/([0-9]+)", CountdownHandler, name="countdown"), url("/echopost", EchoPostHandler), url("/user_agent", UserAgentHandler), url("/304_with_content_length", ContentLength304Handler), url("/all_methods", AllMethodsHandler), url("/patch", PatchHandler), url("/set_header", SetHeaderHandler), ], gzip=True, ) def test_patch_receives_payload(self): body = b"some patch data" response = self.fetch("/patch", method="PATCH", body=body) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.body, body) @skipOnTravis def test_hello_world(self): response = self.fetch("/hello") self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.headers["Content-Type"], "text/plain") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Hello world!") self.assertEqual(int(response.request_time), 0) response = self.fetch("/hello?name=Ben") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Hello Ben!") def test_streaming_callback(self): # streaming_callback is also tested in test_chunked chunks = [] # type: typing.List[bytes] response = self.fetch("/hello", streaming_callback=chunks.append) # with streaming_callback, data goes to the callback and not response.body self.assertEqual(chunks, [b"Hello world!"]) self.assertFalse(response.body) def test_post(self): response = self.fetch("/post", method="POST", body="arg1=foo&arg2=bar") self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Post arg1: foo, arg2: bar") def test_chunked(self): response = self.fetch("/chunk") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"asdfqwer") chunks = [] # type: typing.List[bytes] response = self.fetch("/chunk", streaming_callback=chunks.append) self.assertEqual(chunks, [b"asdf", b"qwer"]) self.assertFalse(response.body) def test_chunked_close(self): # test case in which chunks spread read-callback processing # over several ioloop iterations, but the connection is already closed. sock, port = bind_unused_port() with closing(sock): @gen.coroutine def accept_callback(conn, address): # fake an HTTP server using chunked encoding where the final chunks # and connection close all happen at once stream = IOStream(conn) request_data = yield stream.read_until(b"\r\n\r\n") if b"HTTP/1." not in request_data: self.skipTest("requires HTTP/1.x") yield stream.write( b"""\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK Transfer-Encoding: chunked 1 1 1 2 0 """.replace( b"\n", b"\r\n" ) ) stream.close() netutil.add_accept_handler(sock, accept_callback) # type: ignore resp = self.fetch("" % port) resp.rethrow() self.assertEqual(resp.body, b"12") self.io_loop.remove_handler(sock.fileno()) def test_basic_auth(self): # This test data appears in section 2 of RFC 7617. self.assertEqual( self.fetch( "/auth", auth_username="Aladdin", auth_password="open sesame" ).body, b"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==", ) def test_basic_auth_explicit_mode(self): self.assertEqual( self.fetch( "/auth", auth_username="Aladdin", auth_password="open sesame", auth_mode="basic", ).body, b"Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==", ) def test_basic_auth_unicode(self): # This test data appears in section 2.1 of RFC 7617. self.assertEqual( self.fetch("/auth", auth_username="test", auth_password="123£").body, b"Basic dGVzdDoxMjPCow==", ) # The standard mandates NFC. Give it a decomposed username # and ensure it is normalized to composed form. username = unicodedata.normalize("NFD", u"josé") self.assertEqual( self.fetch("/auth", auth_username=username, auth_password="səcrət").body, b"Basic am9zw6k6c8mZY3LJmXQ=", ) def test_unsupported_auth_mode(self): # curl and simple clients handle errors a bit differently; the # important thing is that they don't fall back to basic auth # on an unknown mode. with ExpectLog(gen_log, "uncaught exception", required=False): with self.assertRaises((ValueError, HTTPError)): self.fetch( "/auth", auth_username="Aladdin", auth_password="open sesame", auth_mode="asdf", raise_error=True, ) def test_follow_redirect(self): response = self.fetch("/countdown/2", follow_redirects=False) self.assertEqual(302, response.code) self.assertTrue(response.headers["Location"].endswith("/countdown/1")) response = self.fetch("/countdown/2") self.assertEqual(200, response.code) self.assertTrue(response.effective_url.endswith("/countdown/0")) self.assertEqual(b"Zero", response.body) def test_redirect_without_location(self): response = self.fetch("/redirect_without_location", follow_redirects=True) # If there is no location header, the redirect response should # just be returned as-is. (This should arguably raise an # error, but libcurl doesn't treat this as an error, so we # don't either). self.assertEqual(301, response.code) def test_redirect_put_with_body(self): response = self.fetch( "/redirect?url=/put&status=307", method="PUT", body="hello" ) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Put body: hello") def test_redirect_put_without_body(self): # This "without body" edge case is similar to what happens with body_producer. response = self.fetch( "/redirect?url=/put&status=307", method="PUT", allow_nonstandard_methods=True, ) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Put body: ") def test_method_after_redirect(self): # Legacy redirect codes (301, 302) convert POST requests to GET. for status in [301, 302, 303]: url = "/redirect?url=/all_methods&status=%d" % status resp = self.fetch(url, method="POST", body=b"") self.assertEqual(b"GET", resp.body) # Other methods are left alone. for method in ["GET", "OPTIONS", "PUT", "DELETE"]: resp = self.fetch(url, method=method, allow_nonstandard_methods=True) self.assertEqual(utf8(method), resp.body) # HEAD is different so check it separately. resp = self.fetch(url, method="HEAD") self.assertEqual(200, resp.code) self.assertEqual(b"", resp.body) # Newer redirects always preserve the original method. for status in [307, 308]: url = "/redirect?url=/all_methods&status=307" for method in ["GET", "OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"]: resp = self.fetch(url, method=method, allow_nonstandard_methods=True) self.assertEqual(method, to_unicode(resp.body)) resp = self.fetch(url, method="HEAD") self.assertEqual(200, resp.code) self.assertEqual(b"", resp.body) def test_credentials_in_url(self): url = self.get_url("/auth").replace("http://", "http://me:secret@") response = self.fetch(url) self.assertEqual(b"Basic " + base64.b64encode(b"me:secret"), response.body) def test_body_encoding(self): unicode_body = u"\xe9" byte_body = binascii.a2b_hex(b"e9") # unicode string in body gets converted to utf8 response = self.fetch( "/echopost", method="POST", body=unicode_body, headers={"Content-Type": "application/blah"}, ) self.assertEqual(response.headers["Content-Length"], "2") self.assertEqual(response.body, utf8(unicode_body)) # byte strings pass through directly response = self.fetch( "/echopost", method="POST", body=byte_body, headers={"Content-Type": "application/blah"}, ) self.assertEqual(response.headers["Content-Length"], "1") self.assertEqual(response.body, byte_body) # Mixing unicode in headers and byte string bodies shouldn't # break anything response = self.fetch( "/echopost", method="POST", body=byte_body, headers={"Content-Type": "application/blah"}, user_agent=u"foo", ) self.assertEqual(response.headers["Content-Length"], "1") self.assertEqual(response.body, byte_body) def test_types(self): response = self.fetch("/hello") self.assertEqual(type(response.body), bytes) self.assertEqual(type(response.headers["Content-Type"]), str) self.assertEqual(type(response.code), int) self.assertEqual(type(response.effective_url), str) def test_header_callback(self): first_line = [] headers = {} chunks = [] def header_callback(header_line): if header_line.startswith("HTTP/1.1 101"): # Upgrading to HTTP/2 pass elif header_line.startswith("HTTP/"): first_line.append(header_line) elif header_line != "\r\n": k, v = header_line.split(":", 1) headers[k.lower()] = v.strip() def streaming_callback(chunk): # All header callbacks are run before any streaming callbacks, # so the header data is available to process the data as it # comes in. self.assertEqual(headers["content-type"], "text/html; charset=UTF-8") chunks.append(chunk) self.fetch( "/chunk", header_callback=header_callback, streaming_callback=streaming_callback, ) self.assertEqual(len(first_line), 1, first_line) self.assertRegexpMatches(first_line[0], "HTTP/[0-9]\\.[0-9] 200.*\r\n") self.assertEqual(chunks, [b"asdf", b"qwer"]) @gen_test def test_configure_defaults(self): defaults = dict(user_agent="TestDefaultUserAgent", allow_ipv6=False) # Construct a new instance of the configured client class client = self.http_client.__class__(force_instance=True, defaults=defaults) try: response = yield client.fetch(self.get_url("/user_agent")) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"TestDefaultUserAgent") finally: client.close() def test_header_types(self): # Header values may be passed as character or utf8 byte strings, # in a plain dictionary or an HTTPHeaders object. # Keys must always be the native str type. # All combinations should have the same results on the wire. for value in [u"MyUserAgent", b"MyUserAgent"]: for container in [dict, HTTPHeaders]: headers = container() headers["User-Agent"] = value resp = self.fetch("/user_agent", headers=headers) self.assertEqual( resp.body, b"MyUserAgent", "response=%r, value=%r, container=%r" % (resp.body, value, container), ) def test_multi_line_headers(self): # Multi-line http headers are rare but rfc-allowed # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.2 sock, port = bind_unused_port() with closing(sock): @gen.coroutine def accept_callback(conn, address): stream = IOStream(conn) request_data = yield stream.read_until(b"\r\n\r\n") if b"HTTP/1." not in request_data: self.skipTest("requires HTTP/1.x") yield stream.write( b"""\ HTTP/1.1 200 OK X-XSS-Protection: 1; \tmode=block """.replace( b"\n", b"\r\n" ) ) stream.close() netutil.add_accept_handler(sock, accept_callback) # type: ignore resp = self.fetch("" % port) resp.rethrow() self.assertEqual(resp.headers["X-XSS-Protection"], "1; mode=block") self.io_loop.remove_handler(sock.fileno()) def test_304_with_content_length(self): # According to the spec 304 responses SHOULD NOT include # Content-Length or other entity headers, but some servers do it # anyway. # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.3.5 response = self.fetch("/304_with_content_length") self.assertEqual(response.code, 304) self.assertEqual(response.headers["Content-Length"], "42") @gen_test def test_future_interface(self): response = yield self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/hello")) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Hello world!") @gen_test def test_future_http_error(self): with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as context: yield self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/notfound")) self.assertEqual(context.exception.code, 404) self.assertEqual(context.exception.response.code, 404) @gen_test def test_future_http_error_no_raise(self): response = yield self.http_client.fetch( self.get_url("/notfound"), raise_error=False ) self.assertEqual(response.code, 404) @gen_test def test_reuse_request_from_response(self): # The response.request attribute should be an HTTPRequest, not # a _RequestProxy. # This test uses self.http_client.fetch because self.fetch calls # self.get_url on the input unconditionally. url = self.get_url("/hello") response = yield self.http_client.fetch(url) self.assertEqual(response.request.url, url) self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.request, HTTPRequest)) response2 = yield self.http_client.fetch(response.request) self.assertEqual(response2.body, b"Hello world!") @gen_test def test_bind_source_ip(self): url = self.get_url("/hello") request = HTTPRequest(url, network_interface="") response = yield self.http_client.fetch(request) self.assertEqual(response.code, 200) with self.assertRaises((ValueError, HTTPError)) as context: request = HTTPRequest(url, network_interface="not-interface-or-ip") yield self.http_client.fetch(request) self.assertIn("not-interface-or-ip", str(context.exception)) def test_all_methods(self): for method in ["GET", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"]: response = self.fetch("/all_methods", method=method) self.assertEqual(response.body, utf8(method)) for method in ["POST", "PUT", "PATCH"]: response = self.fetch("/all_methods", method=method, body=b"") self.assertEqual(response.body, utf8(method)) response = self.fetch("/all_methods", method="HEAD") self.assertEqual(response.body, b"") response = self.fetch( "/all_methods", method="OTHER", allow_nonstandard_methods=True ) self.assertEqual(response.body, b"OTHER") def test_body_sanity_checks(self): # These methods require a body. for method in ("POST", "PUT", "PATCH"): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: self.fetch("/all_methods", method=method, raise_error=True) self.assertIn("must not be None", str(context.exception)) resp = self.fetch( "/all_methods", method=method, allow_nonstandard_methods=True ) self.assertEqual(resp.code, 200) # These methods don't allow a body. for method in ("GET", "DELETE", "OPTIONS"): with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as context: self.fetch( "/all_methods", method=method, body=b"asdf", raise_error=True ) self.assertIn("must be None", str(context.exception)) # In most cases this can be overridden, but curl_httpclient # does not allow body with a GET at all. if method != "GET": self.fetch( "/all_methods", method=method, body=b"asdf", allow_nonstandard_methods=True, raise_error=True, ) self.assertEqual(resp.code, 200) # This test causes odd failures with the combination of # curl_httpclient (at least with the version of libcurl available # on ubuntu 12.04), TwistedIOLoop, and epoll. For POST (but not PUT), # curl decides the response came back too soon and closes the connection # to start again. It does this *before* telling the socket callback to # unregister the FD. Some IOLoop implementations have special kernel # integration to discover this immediately. Tornado's IOLoops # ignore errors on remove_handler to accommodate this behavior, but # Twisted's reactor does not. The removeReader call fails and so # do all future removeAll calls (which our tests do at cleanup). # # def test_post_307(self): # response = self.fetch("/redirect?status=307&url=/post", # method="POST", body=b"arg1=foo&arg2=bar") # self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Post arg1: foo, arg2: bar") def test_put_307(self): response = self.fetch( "/redirect?status=307&url=/put", method="PUT", body=b"hello" ) response.rethrow() self.assertEqual(response.body, b"Put body: hello") def test_non_ascii_header(self): # Non-ascii headers are sent as latin1. response = self.fetch("/set_header?k=foo&v=%E9") response.rethrow() self.assertEqual(response.headers["Foo"], native_str(u"\u00e9")) def test_response_times(self): # A few simple sanity checks of the response time fields to # make sure they're using the right basis (between the # wall-time and monotonic clocks). start_time = time.time() response = self.fetch("/hello") response.rethrow() self.assertGreaterEqual(response.request_time, 0) self.assertLess(response.request_time, 1.0) # A very crude check to make sure that start_time is based on # wall time and not the monotonic clock. self.assertLess(abs(response.start_time - start_time), 1.0) for k, v in response.time_info.items(): self.assertTrue(0 <= v < 1.0, "time_info[%s] out of bounds: %s" % (k, v)) @gen_test def test_error_after_cancel(self): fut = self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/404")) self.assertTrue(fut.cancel()) with ExpectLog(app_log, "Exception after Future was cancelled") as el: # We can't wait on the cancelled Future any more, so just # let the IOLoop run until the exception gets logged (or # not, in which case we exit the loop and ExpectLog will # raise). for i in range(100): yield gen.sleep(0.01) if el.logged_stack: break class RequestProxyTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_request_set(self): proxy = _RequestProxy( HTTPRequest("http://example.com/", user_agent="foo"), dict() ) self.assertEqual(proxy.user_agent, "foo") def test_default_set(self): proxy = _RequestProxy( HTTPRequest("http://example.com/"), dict(network_interface="foo") ) self.assertEqual(proxy.network_interface, "foo") def test_both_set(self): proxy = _RequestProxy( HTTPRequest("http://example.com/", proxy_host="foo"), dict(proxy_host="bar") ) self.assertEqual(proxy.proxy_host, "foo") def test_neither_set(self): proxy = _RequestProxy(HTTPRequest("http://example.com/"), dict()) self.assertIs(proxy.auth_username, None) def test_bad_attribute(self): proxy = _RequestProxy(HTTPRequest("http://example.com/"), dict()) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): proxy.foo def test_defaults_none(self): proxy = _RequestProxy(HTTPRequest("http://example.com/"), None) self.assertIs(proxy.auth_username, None) class HTTPResponseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_str(self): response = HTTPResponse( # type: ignore HTTPRequest("http://example.com"), 200, headers={}, buffer=BytesIO() ) s = str(response) self.assertTrue(s.startswith("HTTPResponse(")) self.assertIn("code=200", s) class SyncHTTPClientTest(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.server_ioloop = IOLoop() event = threading.Event() @gen.coroutine def init_server(): sock, self.port = bind_unused_port() app = Application([("/", HelloWorldHandler)]) self.server = HTTPServer(app) self.server.add_socket(sock) event.set() def start(): self.server_ioloop.run_sync(init_server) self.server_ioloop.start() self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=start) self.server_thread.start() event.wait() self.http_client = HTTPClient() def tearDown(self): def stop_server(): self.server.stop() # Delay the shutdown of the IOLoop by several iterations because # the server may still have some cleanup work left when # the client finishes with the response (this is noticeable # with http/2, which leaves a Future with an unexamined # StreamClosedError on the loop). @gen.coroutine def slow_stop(): yield self.server.close_all_connections() # The number of iterations is difficult to predict. Typically, # one is sufficient, although sometimes it needs more. for i in range(5): yield self.server_ioloop.stop() self.server_ioloop.add_callback(slow_stop) self.server_ioloop.add_callback(stop_server) self.server_thread.join() self.http_client.close() self.server_ioloop.close(all_fds=True) def get_url(self, path): return "" % (self.port, path) def test_sync_client(self): response = self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/")) self.assertEqual(b"Hello world!", response.body) def test_sync_client_error(self): # Synchronous HTTPClient raises errors directly; no need for # response.rethrow() with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as assertion: self.http_client.fetch(self.get_url("/notfound")) self.assertEqual(assertion.exception.code, 404) class SyncHTTPClientSubprocessTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_destructor_log(self): # Regression test for # https://github.com/tornadoweb/tornado/issues/2539 # # In the past, the following program would log an # "inconsistent AsyncHTTPClient cache" error from a destructor # when the process is shutting down. The shutdown process is # subtle and I don't fully understand it; the failure does not # manifest if that lambda isn't there or is a simpler object # like an int (nor does it manifest in the tornado test suite # as a whole, which is why we use this subprocess). proc = subprocess.run( [ sys.executable, "-c", "from tornado.httpclient import HTTPClient; f = lambda: None; c = HTTPClient()", ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, check=True, ) if proc.stdout: print("STDOUT:") print(to_unicode(proc.stdout)) if proc.stdout: self.fail("subprocess produced unexpected output") class HTTPRequestTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_headers(self): request = HTTPRequest("http://example.com", headers={"foo": "bar"}) self.assertEqual(request.headers, {"foo": "bar"}) def test_headers_setter(self): request = HTTPRequest("http://example.com") request.headers = {"bar": "baz"} # type: ignore self.assertEqual(request.headers, {"bar": "baz"}) def test_null_headers_setter(self): request = HTTPRequest("http://example.com") request.headers = None # type: ignore self.assertEqual(request.headers, {}) def test_body(self): request = HTTPRequest("http://example.com", body="foo") self.assertEqual(request.body, utf8("foo")) def test_body_setter(self): request = HTTPRequest("http://example.com") request.body = "foo" # type: ignore self.assertEqual(request.body, utf8("foo")) def test_if_modified_since(self): http_date = datetime.datetime.utcnow() request = HTTPRequest("http://example.com", if_modified_since=http_date) self.assertEqual( request.headers, {"If-Modified-Since": format_timestamp(http_date)} ) class HTTPErrorTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_copy(self): e = HTTPError(403) e2 = copy.copy(e) self.assertIsNot(e, e2) self.assertEqual(e.code, e2.code) def test_plain_error(self): e = HTTPError(403) self.assertEqual(str(e), "HTTP 403: Forbidden") self.assertEqual(repr(e), "HTTP 403: Forbidden") def test_error_with_response(self): resp = HTTPResponse(HTTPRequest("http://example.com/"), 403) with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as cm: resp.rethrow() e = cm.exception self.assertEqual(str(e), "HTTP 403: Forbidden") self.assertEqual(repr(e), "HTTP 403: Forbidden")