# A demo of the Windows CE Remote API # # This connects to a CE device, and interacts with it. import wincerapi import win32event import win32api import win32con import os import sys import getopt def DumpPythonRegistry(): try: h = wincerapi.CeRegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\%s\\PythonPath" % sys.winver) except win32api.error: print("The remote device does not appear to have Python installed") return 0 path, typ = wincerapi.CeRegQueryValueEx(h, None) print("The remote PythonPath is '%s'" % (str(path), )) h.Close() return 1 def DumpRegistry(root, level=0): # A recursive dump of the remote registry to test most functions. h = wincerapi.CeRegOpenKeyEx(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, None) level_prefix = " " * level index = 0 # Enumerate values. while 1: try: name, data, typ = wincerapi.CeRegEnumValue(root, index) except win32api.error: break print("%s%s=%s" % (level_prefix, name, repr(str(data)))) index = index+1 # Now enumerate all keys. index=0 while 1: try: name, klass = wincerapi.CeRegEnumKeyEx(root, index) except win32api.error: break print("%s%s\\" % (level_prefix, name)) subkey = wincerapi.CeRegOpenKeyEx(root, name) DumpRegistry(subkey, level+1) index = index+1 def DemoCopyFile(): # Create a file on the device, and write a string. cefile = wincerapi.CeCreateFile("TestPython", win32con.GENERIC_WRITE, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, None) wincerapi.CeWriteFile(cefile, "Hello from Python") cefile.Close() # reopen the file and check the data. cefile = wincerapi.CeCreateFile("TestPython", win32con.GENERIC_READ, 0, None, win32con.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) if wincerapi.CeReadFile(cefile, 100) != "Hello from Python": print("Couldnt read the data from the device!") cefile.Close() # Delete the test file wincerapi.CeDeleteFile("TestPython") print("Created, wrote to, read from and deleted a test file!") def DemoCreateProcess(): try: hp, ht, pid, tid = wincerapi.CeCreateProcess("Windows\\Python.exe", "", None, None, 0, 0, None, "", None) # Not necessary, except to see if handle closing raises an exception # (if auto-closed, the error is suppressed) hp.Close() ht.Close() print("Python is running on the remote device!") except win32api.error as xxx_todo_changeme1: (hr, fn, msg) = xxx_todo_changeme1.args print("Couldnt execute remote process -", msg) def DumpRemoteMachineStatus(): ACLineStatus, BatteryFlag, BatteryLifePercent, BatteryLifeTime, BatteryFullLifeTime, BackupBatteryFlag, BackupBatteryLifePercent, BackupBatteryLifeTime, BackupBatteryLifeTime = \ wincerapi.CeGetSystemPowerStatusEx() if ACLineStatus: power = "AC" else: power = "battery" if BatteryLifePercent==255: batPerc = "unknown" else: batPerc = BatteryLifePercent print("The batteries are at %s%%, and is currently being powered by %s" % (batPerc, power)) memLoad, totalPhys, availPhys, totalPage, availPage, totalVirt, availVirt = \ wincerapi.CeGlobalMemoryStatus() print("The memory is %d%% utilized." % (memLoad)) print("%-20s%-10s%-10s" % ("", "Total", "Avail")) print("%-20s%-10s%-10s" % ("Physical Memory", totalPhys, availPhys)) print("%-20s%-10s%-10s" % ("Virtual Memory", totalVirt, availVirt)) print("%-20s%-10s%-10s" % ("Paging file", totalPage, availPage)) storeSize, freeSize = wincerapi.CeGetStoreInformation() print("%-20s%-10s%-10s" % ("File store", storeSize, freeSize)) print("The CE temp path is", wincerapi.CeGetTempPath()) print("The system info for the device is", wincerapi.CeGetSystemInfo()) def DumpRemoteFolders(): # Dump all special folders possible. for name, val in list(wincerapi.__dict__.items()): if name[:6]=="CSIDL_": try: loc = str(wincerapi.CeGetSpecialFolderPath(val)) print("Folder %s is at %s" % (name, loc)) except win32api.error as details: pass # Get the shortcut targets for the "Start Menu" print("Dumping start menu shortcuts...") try: startMenu = str(wincerapi.CeGetSpecialFolderPath(wincerapi.CSIDL_STARTMENU)) except win32api.error as details: print("This device has no start menu!", details) startMenu = None if startMenu: for fileAttr in wincerapi.CeFindFiles(os.path.join(startMenu, "*")): fileName = fileAttr[8] fullPath = os.path.join(startMenu, str(fileName)) try: resolved = wincerapi.CeSHGetShortcutTarget(fullPath) except win32api.error as xxx_todo_changeme: (rc, fn, msg) = xxx_todo_changeme.args resolved = "#Error - %s" % msg print("%s->%s" % (fileName, resolved)) # print "The start menu is at", # print wincerapi.CeSHGetShortcutTarget("\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Shortcut to Python.exe.lnk") def usage(): print("Options:") print("-a - Execute all demos") print("-p - Execute Python process on remote device") print("-r - Dump the remote registry") print("-f - Dump all remote special folder locations") print("-s - Dont dump machine status") print("-y - Perform asynch init of CE connection") def main(): async_init = bStartPython = bDumpRegistry = bDumpFolders = 0 bDumpStatus = 1 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "apr") except getopt.error as why: print("Invalid usage:", why) usage() return for o, v in opts: if o=="-a": bStartPython = bDumpRegistry = bDumpStatus = bDumpFolders = asynch_init = 1 if o=="-p": bStartPython=1 if o=="-r": bDumpRegistry=1 if o=="-s": bDumpStatus=0 if o=="-f": bDumpFolders = 1 if o=="-y": print("Doing asynch init of CE connection") async_init = 1 if async_init: event, rc = wincerapi.CeRapiInitEx() while 1: rc = win32event.WaitForSingleObject(event, 500) if rc==win32event.WAIT_OBJECT_0: # We connected. break else: print("Waiting for Initialize to complete (picture a Cancel button here :)") else: wincerapi.CeRapiInit() print("Connected to remote CE device.") try: verinfo = wincerapi.CeGetVersionEx() print("The device is running windows CE version %d.%d - %s" % (verinfo[0], verinfo[1], verinfo[4])) if bDumpStatus: print("Dumping remote machine status") DumpRemoteMachineStatus() if bDumpRegistry: print("Dumping remote registry...") DumpRegistry(win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) if bDumpFolders: print("Dumping remote folder information") DumpRemoteFolders() DemoCopyFile() if bStartPython: print("Starting remote Python process") if DumpPythonRegistry(): DemoCreateProcess() else: print("Not trying to start Python, as it's not installed") finally: wincerapi.CeRapiUninit() print("Disconnected") if __name__=='__main__': main()