# win32clipboardDemo.py # # Demo/test of the win32clipboard module. from win32clipboard import * from pywin32_testutil import str2bytes # py3k-friendly helper import win32con import types if not __debug__: print("WARNING: The test code in this module uses assert") print("This instance of Python has asserts disabled, so many tests will be skipped") cf_names = {} # Build map of CF_* constants to names. for name, val in list(win32con.__dict__.items()): if name[:3]=="CF_" and name != "CF_SCREENFONTS": # CF_SCREEN_FONTS==CF_TEXT!?!? cf_names[val] = name def TestEmptyClipboard(): OpenClipboard() try: EmptyClipboard() assert EnumClipboardFormats(0)==0, "Clipboard formats were available after emptying it!" finally: CloseClipboard() def TestText(): OpenClipboard() try: text = "Hello from Python" text_bytes = str2bytes(text) SetClipboardText(text) got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT) # CF_TEXT always gives us 'bytes' back . assert got == text_bytes, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) finally: CloseClipboard() OpenClipboard() try: # CF_UNICODE text always gives unicode objects back. got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) assert got == text, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) assert type(got)==str, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) # CF_OEMTEXT is a bytes-based format. got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_OEMTEXT) assert got == text_bytes, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) # Unicode tests EmptyClipboard() text = "Hello from Python unicode" text_bytes = str2bytes(text) # Now set the Unicode value SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT, text) # Get it in Unicode. got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) assert got == text, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) assert type(got)==str, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) # Close and open the clipboard to ensure auto-conversions take place. finally: CloseClipboard() OpenClipboard() try: # Make sure I can still get the text as bytes got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_TEXT) assert got == text_bytes, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) # Make sure we get back the correct types. got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_UNICODETEXT) assert type(got)==str, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) got = GetClipboardData(win32con.CF_OEMTEXT) assert got == text_bytes, "Didnt get the correct result back - '%r'." % (got,) print("Clipboard text tests worked correctly") finally: CloseClipboard() def TestClipboardEnum(): OpenClipboard() try: # Enumerate over the clipboard types enum = 0 while 1: enum = EnumClipboardFormats(enum) if enum==0: break assert IsClipboardFormatAvailable(enum), "Have format, but clipboard says it is not available!" n = cf_names.get(enum,"") if not n: try: n = GetClipboardFormatName(enum) except error: n = "unknown (%s)" % (enum,) print("Have format", n) print("Clipboard enumerator tests worked correctly") finally: CloseClipboard() class Foo: def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.__dict__, other.__dict__) def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__==other.__dict__ def TestCustomFormat(): OpenClipboard() try: # Just for the fun of it pickle Python objects through the clipboard fmt = RegisterClipboardFormat("Python Pickle Format") import pickle pickled_object = Foo(a=1, b=2, Hi=3) SetClipboardData(fmt, pickle.dumps( pickled_object ) ) # Now read it back. data = GetClipboardData(fmt) loaded_object = pickle.loads(data) assert pickle.loads(data) == pickled_object, "Didnt get the correct data!" print("Clipboard custom format tests worked correctly") finally: CloseClipboard() if __name__=='__main__': TestEmptyClipboard() TestText() TestCustomFormat() TestClipboardEnum() # And leave it empty at the end! TestEmptyClipboard()