# A demo of a fairly complex dialog. # # Features: # * Uses a "dynamic dialog resource" to build the dialog. # * Uses a ListView control. # * Dynamically resizes content. # * Uses a second worker thread to fill the list. # * Demostrates support for windows XP themes. # If you are on Windows XP, and specify a '--noxp' argument, you will see: # * alpha-blend issues with icons # * The buttons are "old" style, rather than based on the XP theme. # Hence, using: # import winxpgui as win32gui # is recommened. # Please report any problems. import sys if "--noxp" in sys.argv: import win32gui else: import winxpgui as win32gui import win32gui_struct import win32api import win32con, winerror import struct, array import commctrl import queue import os IDC_SEARCHTEXT = 1024 IDC_BUTTON_SEARCH = 1025 IDC_BUTTON_DISPLAY = 1026 IDC_LISTBOX = 1027 WM_SEARCH_RESULT = win32con.WM_USER + 512 WM_SEARCH_FINISHED = win32con.WM_USER + 513 class _WIN32MASKEDSTRUCT: def __init__(self, **kw): full_fmt = "" for name, fmt, default, mask in self._struct_items_: self.__dict__[name] = None if fmt == "z": full_fmt += "pi" else: full_fmt += fmt for name, val in kw.items(): if name not in self.__dict__: raise ValueError("LVITEM structures do not have an item '%s'" % (name,)) self.__dict__[name] = val def __setattr__(self, attr, val): if not attr.startswith("_") and attr not in self.__dict__: raise AttributeError(attr) self.__dict__[attr] = val def toparam(self): self._buffs = [] full_fmt = "" vals = [] mask = 0 # calc the mask for name, fmt, default, this_mask in self._struct_items_: if this_mask is not None and self.__dict__.get(name) is not None: mask |= this_mask self.mask = mask for name, fmt, default, this_mask in self._struct_items_: val = self.__dict__[name] if fmt == "z": fmt = "Pi" if val is None: vals.append(0) vals.append(0) else: # Note this demo still works with byte strings. An # alternate strategy would be to use unicode natively # and use the 'W' version of the messages - eg, # LVM_SETITEMW etc. val = val + "\0" if isinstance(val, str): val = val.encode("mbcs") str_buf = array.array("b", val) vals.append(str_buf.buffer_info()[0]) vals.append(len(val)) self._buffs.append(str_buf) # keep alive during the call. else: if val is None: val = default vals.append(val) full_fmt += fmt return struct.pack(*(full_fmt,) + tuple(vals)) # NOTE: See the win32gui_struct module for an alternative way of dealing # with these structures class LVITEM(_WIN32MASKEDSTRUCT): _struct_items_ = [ ("mask", "I", 0, None), ("iItem", "i", 0, None), ("iSubItem", "i", 0, None), ("state", "I", 0, commctrl.LVIF_STATE), ("stateMask", "I", 0, None), ("text", "z", None, commctrl.LVIF_TEXT), ("iImage", "i", 0, commctrl.LVIF_IMAGE), ("lParam", "i", 0, commctrl.LVIF_PARAM), ("iIdent", "i", 0, None), ] class LVCOLUMN(_WIN32MASKEDSTRUCT): _struct_items_ = [ ("mask", "I", 0, None), ("fmt", "i", 0, commctrl.LVCF_FMT), ("cx", "i", 0, commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH), ("text", "z", None, commctrl.LVCF_TEXT), ("iSubItem", "i", 0, commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM), ("iImage", "i", 0, commctrl.LVCF_IMAGE), ("iOrder", "i", 0, commctrl.LVCF_ORDER), ] class DemoWindowBase: def __init__(self): win32gui.InitCommonControls() self.hinst = win32gui.dllhandle self.list_data = {} def _RegisterWndClass(self): className = "PythonDocSearch" message_map = {} wc = win32gui.WNDCLASS() wc.SetDialogProc() # Make it a dialog class. wc.hInstance = self.hinst wc.lpszClassName = className wc.style = win32con.CS_VREDRAW | win32con.CS_HREDRAW wc.hCursor = win32gui.LoadCursor( 0, win32con.IDC_ARROW ) wc.hbrBackground = win32con.COLOR_WINDOW + 1 wc.lpfnWndProc = message_map # could also specify a wndproc. # C code: wc.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA + sizeof(HBRUSH) + (sizeof(COLORREF)); wc.cbWndExtra = win32con.DLGWINDOWEXTRA + struct.calcsize("Pi") icon_flags = win32con.LR_LOADFROMFILE | win32con.LR_DEFAULTSIZE ## py.ico went away in python 2.5, load from executable instead this_app=win32api.GetModuleHandle(None) try: wc.hIcon=win32gui.LoadIcon(this_app, 1) ## python.exe and pythonw.exe except win32gui.error: wc.hIcon=win32gui.LoadIcon(this_app, 135) ## pythonwin's icon try: classAtom = win32gui.RegisterClass(wc) except win32gui.error as err_info: if err_info.winerror!=winerror.ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS: raise return className def _GetDialogTemplate(self, dlgClassName): style = win32con.WS_THICKFRAME | win32con.WS_POPUP | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_CAPTION | win32con.WS_SYSMENU | win32con.DS_SETFONT | win32con.WS_MINIMIZEBOX cs = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE title = "Dynamic Dialog Demo" # Window frame and title dlg = [ [title, (0, 0, 210, 250), style, None, (8, "MS Sans Serif"), None, dlgClassName], ] # ID label and text box dlg.append([130, "Enter something", -1, (5, 5, 200, 9), cs | win32con.SS_LEFT]) s = cs | win32con.WS_TABSTOP | win32con.WS_BORDER dlg.append(['EDIT', None, IDC_SEARCHTEXT, (5, 15, 200, 12), s]) # Search/Display Buttons # (x positions don't matter here) s = cs | win32con.WS_TABSTOP dlg.append([128, "Fill List", IDC_BUTTON_SEARCH, (5, 35, 50, 14), s | win32con.BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON]) s = win32con.BS_PUSHBUTTON | s dlg.append([128, "Display", IDC_BUTTON_DISPLAY, (100, 35, 50, 14), s]) # List control. # Can't make this work :( ## s = cs | win32con.WS_TABSTOP ## dlg.append(['SysListView32', "Title", IDC_LISTBOX, (5, 505, 200, 200), s]) return dlg def _DoCreate(self, fn): message_map = { win32con.WM_SIZE: self.OnSize, win32con.WM_COMMAND: self.OnCommand, win32con.WM_NOTIFY: self.OnNotify, win32con.WM_INITDIALOG: self.OnInitDialog, win32con.WM_CLOSE: self.OnClose, win32con.WM_DESTROY: self.OnDestroy, WM_SEARCH_RESULT: self.OnSearchResult, WM_SEARCH_FINISHED: self.OnSearchFinished, } dlgClassName = self._RegisterWndClass() template = self._GetDialogTemplate(dlgClassName) return fn(self.hinst, template, 0, message_map) def _SetupList(self): child_style = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_BORDER | win32con.WS_HSCROLL | win32con.WS_VSCROLL child_style |= commctrl.LVS_SINGLESEL | commctrl.LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS | commctrl.LVS_REPORT self.hwndList = win32gui.CreateWindow("SysListView32", None, child_style, 0, 0, 100, 100, self.hwnd, IDC_LISTBOX, self.hinst, None) child_ex_style = win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_GETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0, 0) child_ex_style |= commctrl.LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_SETEXTENDEDLISTVIEWSTYLE, 0, child_ex_style) # Add an image list - use the builtin shell folder icon - this # demonstrates the problem with alpha-blending of icons on XP if # winxpgui is not used in place of win32gui. il = win32gui.ImageList_Create( win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXSMICON), win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYSMICON), commctrl.ILC_COLOR32 | commctrl.ILC_MASK, 1, # initial size 0) # cGrow shell_dll = os.path.join(win32api.GetSystemDirectory(), "shell32.dll") large, small = win32gui.ExtractIconEx(shell_dll, 4, 1) win32gui.ImageList_ReplaceIcon(il, -1, small[0]) win32gui.DestroyIcon(small[0]) win32gui.DestroyIcon(large[0]) win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_SETIMAGELIST, commctrl.LVSIL_SMALL, il) # Setup the list control columns. lvc = LVCOLUMN(mask = commctrl.LVCF_FMT | commctrl.LVCF_WIDTH | commctrl.LVCF_TEXT | commctrl.LVCF_SUBITEM) lvc.fmt = commctrl.LVCFMT_LEFT lvc.iSubItem = 1 lvc.text = "Title" lvc.cx = 200 win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, 0, lvc.toparam()) lvc.iSubItem = 0 lvc.text = "Order" lvc.cx = 50 win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_INSERTCOLUMN, 0, lvc.toparam()) win32gui.UpdateWindow(self.hwnd) def ClearListItems(self): win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_DELETEALLITEMS) self.list_data = {} def AddListItem(self, data, *columns): num_items = win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_GETITEMCOUNT) item = LVITEM(text=columns[0], iItem = num_items) new_index = win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_INSERTITEM, 0, item.toparam()) col_no = 1 for col in columns[1:]: item = LVITEM(text=col, iItem = new_index, iSubItem = col_no) win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_SETITEM, 0, item.toparam()) col_no += 1 self.list_data[new_index] = data def OnInitDialog(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): self.hwnd = hwnd # centre the dialog desktop = win32gui.GetDesktopWindow() l,t,r,b = win32gui.GetWindowRect(self.hwnd) dt_l, dt_t, dt_r, dt_b = win32gui.GetWindowRect(desktop) centre_x, centre_y = win32gui.ClientToScreen( desktop, ( (dt_r-dt_l)//2, (dt_b-dt_t)//2) ) win32gui.MoveWindow(hwnd, centre_x-(r//2), centre_y-(b//2), r-l, b-t, 0) self._SetupList() l,t,r,b = win32gui.GetClientRect(self.hwnd) self._DoSize(r-l,b-t, 1) def _DoSize(self, cx, cy, repaint = 1): # right-justify the textbox. ctrl = win32gui.GetDlgItem(self.hwnd, IDC_SEARCHTEXT) l, t, r, b = win32gui.GetWindowRect(ctrl) l, t = win32gui.ScreenToClient(self.hwnd, (l,t) ) r, b = win32gui.ScreenToClient(self.hwnd, (r,b) ) win32gui.MoveWindow(ctrl, l, t, cx-l-5, b-t, repaint) # The button. ctrl = win32gui.GetDlgItem(self.hwnd, IDC_BUTTON_DISPLAY) l, t, r, b = win32gui.GetWindowRect(ctrl) l, t = win32gui.ScreenToClient(self.hwnd, (l,t) ) r, b = win32gui.ScreenToClient(self.hwnd, (r,b) ) list_y = b + 10 w = r - l win32gui.MoveWindow(ctrl, cx - 5 - w, t, w, b-t, repaint) # The list control win32gui.MoveWindow(self.hwndList, 0, list_y, cx, cy-list_y, repaint) # The last column of the list control. new_width = cx - win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_GETCOLUMNWIDTH, 0) win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH, 1, new_width) def OnSize(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): x = win32api.LOWORD(lparam) y = win32api.HIWORD(lparam) self._DoSize(x,y) return 1 def OnSearchResult(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): try: while 1: params = self.result_queue.get(0) self.AddListItem(*params) except queue.Empty: pass def OnSearchFinished(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): print("OnSearchFinished") def OnNotify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): info = win32gui_struct.UnpackNMITEMACTIVATE(lparam) if info.code == commctrl.NM_DBLCLK: print("Double click on item", info.iItem+1) return 1 def OnCommand(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): id = win32api.LOWORD(wparam) if id == IDC_BUTTON_SEARCH: self.ClearListItems() def fill_slowly(q, hwnd): import time for i in range(20): q.put(("whatever", str(i+1), "Search result " + str(i) )) win32gui.PostMessage(hwnd, WM_SEARCH_RESULT, 0, 0) time.sleep(.25) win32gui.PostMessage(hwnd, WM_SEARCH_FINISHED, 0, 0) import threading self.result_queue = queue.Queue() thread = threading.Thread(target = fill_slowly, args=(self.result_queue, self.hwnd) ) thread.start() elif id == IDC_BUTTON_DISPLAY: print("Display button selected") sel = win32gui.SendMessage(self.hwndList, commctrl.LVM_GETNEXTITEM, -1, commctrl.LVNI_SELECTED) print("The selected item is", sel+1) # These function differ based on how the window is used, so may be overridden def OnClose(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): raise NotImplementedError def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): pass # An implementation suitable for use with the Win32 Window functions (ie, not # a true dialog) class DemoWindow(DemoWindowBase): def CreateWindow(self): # Create the window via CreateDialogBoxIndirect - it can then # work as a "normal" window, once a message loop is established. self._DoCreate(win32gui.CreateDialogIndirect) def OnClose(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): win32gui.DestroyWindow(hwnd) # We need to arrange to a WM_QUIT message to be sent to our # PumpMessages() loop. def OnDestroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): win32gui.PostQuitMessage(0) # Terminate the app. # An implementation suitable for use with the Win32 Dialog functions. class DemoDialog(DemoWindowBase): def DoModal(self): return self._DoCreate(win32gui.DialogBoxIndirect) def OnClose(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): win32gui.EndDialog(hwnd, 0) def DemoModal(): w=DemoDialog() w.DoModal() def DemoCreateWindow(): w=DemoWindow() w.CreateWindow() # PumpMessages runs until PostQuitMessage() is called by someone. win32gui.PumpMessages() if __name__=='__main__': DemoModal() DemoCreateWindow()