from win32inet import * from win32inetcon import * import winerror from pywin32_testutil import str2bytes # py3k-friendly helper import unittest class CookieTests(unittest.TestCase): def testCookies(self): data = "TestData=Test" InternetSetCookie("", None, data) got = InternetGetCookie("", None) self.assertEqual(got, data) def testCookiesEmpty(self): try: InternetGetCookie("", None)"expected win32 exception") except error as exc: self.failUnlessEqual(exc.winerror, winerror.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) class UrlTests(unittest.TestCase): def testSimpleCanonicalize(self): ret = InternetCanonicalizeUrl("foo bar") self.assertEqual(ret, "foo%20bar") def testLongCanonicalize(self): # a 4k URL causes the underlying API to request a bigger buffer" big = "x" * 2048 ret = InternetCanonicalizeUrl(big + " " + big) self.assertEqual(ret, big + "%20" + big) class TestNetwork(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.hi = InternetOpen("test", INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT, None, None, 0) def tearDown(self): self.hi.Close() def testPythonDotOrg(self): hdl = InternetOpenUrl(self.hi, "", None, INTERNET_FLAG_EXISTING_CONNECT) chunks = [] while 1: chunk = InternetReadFile(hdl, 1024) if not chunk: break chunks.append(chunk) data = str2bytes('').join(chunks) assert data.find(str2bytes("Python"))>0, repr(data) # This must appear somewhere on the main page! def testFtpCommand(self): # doesn't exist. is what Python's urllib # test code uses. hcon = InternetConnect(self.hi, "", INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER, None, None, # username/password INTERNET_SERVICE_FTP, 0, 0) try: try: hftp = FtpCommand(hcon, True, FTP_TRANSFER_TYPE_ASCII, 'NLST', 0) except error: print("Error info is", InternetGetLastResponseInfo()) InternetReadFile(hftp, 2048) hftp.Close() finally: hcon.Close() if __name__=='__main__': unittest.main()