"""Manages the cache of generated Python code. Description This file manages the cache of generated Python code. When run from the command line, it also provides a number of options for managing that cache. Implementation Each typelib is generated into a filename of format "{guid}x{lcid}x{major}x{minor}.py" An external persistant dictionary maps from all known IIDs in all known type libraries to the type library itself. Thus, whenever Python code knows the IID of an object, it can find the IID, LCID and version of the type library which supports it. Given this information, it can find the Python module with the support. If necessary, this support can be generated on the fly. Hacks, to do, etc Currently just uses a pickled dictionary, but should used some sort of indexed file. Maybe an OLE2 compound file, or a bsddb file? """ import pywintypes, os, sys import pythoncom import win32com, win32com.client import glob import traceback from . import CLSIDToClass import operator try: from imp import reload # exported by the imp module in py3k. except: pass # a builtin on py2k. bForDemandDefault = 0 # Default value of bForDemand - toggle this to change the world - see also makepy.py # The global dictionary clsidToTypelib = {} # If we have a different version of the typelib generated, this # maps the "requested version" to the "generated version". versionRedirectMap = {} # There is no reason we *must* be readonly in a .zip, but we are now, # Rather than check for ".zip" or other tricks, PEP302 defines # a "__loader__" attribute, so we use that. # (Later, it may become necessary to check if the __loader__ can update files, # as a .zip loader potentially could - but punt all that until a need arises) is_readonly = is_zip = hasattr(win32com, "__loader__") and hasattr(win32com.__loader__, "archive") # A dictionary of ITypeLibrary objects for demand generation explicitly handed to us # Keyed by usual clsid, lcid, major, minor demandGeneratedTypeLibraries = {} import pickle as pickle def __init__(): # Initialize the module. Called once explicitly at module import below. try: _LoadDicts() except IOError: Rebuild() pickleVersion = 1 def _SaveDicts(): if is_readonly: raise RuntimeError("Trying to write to a readonly gencache ('%s')!" \ % win32com.__gen_path__) f = open(os.path.join(GetGeneratePath(), "dicts.dat"), "wb") try: p = pickle.Pickler(f) p.dump(pickleVersion) p.dump(clsidToTypelib) finally: f.close() def _LoadDicts(): # Load the dictionary from a .zip file if that is where we live. if is_zip: import io as io loader = win32com.__loader__ arc_path = loader.archive dicts_path = os.path.join(win32com.__gen_path__, "dicts.dat") if dicts_path.startswith(arc_path): dicts_path = dicts_path[len(arc_path)+1:] else: # Hm. See below. return try: data = loader.get_data(dicts_path) except AttributeError: # The __loader__ has no get_data method. See below. return except IOError: # Our gencache is in a .zip file (and almost certainly readonly) # but no dicts file. That actually needn't be fatal for a frozen # application. Assuming they call "EnsureModule" with the same # typelib IDs they have been frozen with, that EnsureModule will # correctly re-build the dicts on the fly. However, objects that # rely on the gencache but have not done an EnsureModule will # fail (but their apps are likely to fail running from source # with a clean gencache anyway, as then they would be getting # Dynamic objects until the cache is built - so the best answer # for these apps is to call EnsureModule, rather than freezing # the dict) return f = io.StringIO(data) else: # NOTE: IOError on file open must be caught by caller. f = open(os.path.join(win32com.__gen_path__, "dicts.dat"), "rb") try: p = pickle.Unpickler(f) version = p.load() global clsidToTypelib clsidToTypelib = p.load() versionRedirectMap.clear() finally: f.close() def GetGeneratedFileName(clsid, lcid, major, minor): """Given the clsid, lcid, major and minor for a type lib, return the file name (no extension) providing this support. """ return str(clsid).upper()[1:-1] + "x%sx%sx%s" % (lcid, major, minor) def SplitGeneratedFileName(fname): """Reverse of GetGeneratedFileName() """ return tuple(fname.split('x',4)) def GetGeneratePath(): """Returns the name of the path to generate to. Checks the directory is OK. """ assert not is_readonly, "Why do you want the genpath for a readonly store?" try: os.makedirs(win32com.__gen_path__) #os.mkdir(win32com.__gen_path__) except os.error: pass try: fname = os.path.join(win32com.__gen_path__, "__init__.py") os.stat(fname) except os.error: f = open(fname,"w") f.write('# Generated file - this directory may be deleted to reset the COM cache...\n') f.write('import win32com\n') f.write('if __path__[:-1] != win32com.__gen_path__: __path__.append(win32com.__gen_path__)\n') f.close() return win32com.__gen_path__ # # The helpers for win32com.client.Dispatch and OCX clients. # def GetClassForProgID(progid): """Get a Python class for a Program ID Given a Program ID, return a Python class which wraps the COM object Returns the Python class, or None if no module is available. Params progid -- A COM ProgramID or IID (eg, "Word.Application") """ clsid = pywintypes.IID(progid) # This auto-converts named to IDs. return GetClassForCLSID(clsid) def GetClassForCLSID(clsid): """Get a Python class for a CLSID Given a CLSID, return a Python class which wraps the COM object Returns the Python class, or None if no module is available. Params clsid -- A COM CLSID (or string repr of one) """ # first, take a short-cut - we may already have generated support ready-to-roll. clsid = str(clsid) if CLSIDToClass.HasClass(clsid): return CLSIDToClass.GetClass(clsid) mod = GetModuleForCLSID(clsid) if mod is None: return None try: return CLSIDToClass.GetClass(clsid) except KeyError: return None def GetModuleForProgID(progid): """Get a Python module for a Program ID Given a Program ID, return a Python module which contains the class which wraps the COM object. Returns the Python module, or None if no module is available. Params progid -- A COM ProgramID or IID (eg, "Word.Application") """ try: iid = pywintypes.IID(progid) except pywintypes.com_error: return None return GetModuleForCLSID(iid) def GetModuleForCLSID(clsid): """Get a Python module for a CLSID Given a CLSID, return a Python module which contains the class which wraps the COM object. Returns the Python module, or None if no module is available. Params progid -- A COM CLSID (ie, not the description) """ clsid_str = str(clsid) try: typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor = clsidToTypelib[clsid_str] except KeyError: return None try: mod = GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) except ImportError: mod = None if mod is not None: sub_mod = mod.CLSIDToPackageMap.get(clsid_str) if sub_mod is None: sub_mod = mod.VTablesToPackageMap.get(clsid_str) if sub_mod is not None: sub_mod_name = mod.__name__ + "." + sub_mod try: __import__(sub_mod_name) except ImportError: info = typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor # Force the generation. If this typelibrary has explicitly been added, # use it (it may not be registered, causing a lookup by clsid to fail) if info in demandGeneratedTypeLibraries: info = demandGeneratedTypeLibraries[info] from . import makepy makepy.GenerateChildFromTypeLibSpec(sub_mod, info) # Generate does an import... mod = sys.modules[sub_mod_name] return mod def GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor): """Get a Python module for a type library ID Given the CLSID of a typelibrary, return an imported Python module, else None Params typelibCLSID -- IID of the type library. major -- Integer major version. minor -- Integer minor version lcid -- Integer LCID for the library. """ modName = GetGeneratedFileName(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) mod = _GetModule(modName) # If the import worked, it doesn't mean we have actually added this # module to our cache though - check that here. if "_in_gencache_" not in mod.__dict__: AddModuleToCache(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) assert "_in_gencache_" in mod.__dict__ return mod def MakeModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor, progressInstance = None, bForDemand = bForDemandDefault, bBuildHidden = 1): """Generate support for a type library. Given the IID, LCID and version information for a type library, generate and import the necessary support files. Returns the Python module. No exceptions are caught. Params typelibCLSID -- IID of the type library. major -- Integer major version. minor -- Integer minor version. lcid -- Integer LCID for the library. progressInstance -- Instance to use as progress indicator, or None to use the GUI progress bar. """ from . import makepy makepy.GenerateFromTypeLibSpec( (typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor), progressInstance=progressInstance, bForDemand = bForDemand, bBuildHidden = bBuildHidden) return GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) def MakeModuleForTypelibInterface(typelib_ob, progressInstance = None, bForDemand = bForDemandDefault, bBuildHidden = 1): """Generate support for a type library. Given a PyITypeLib interface generate and import the necessary support files. This is useful for getting makepy support for a typelibrary that is not registered - the caller can locate and load the type library itself, rather than relying on COM to find it. Returns the Python module. Params typelib_ob -- The type library itself progressInstance -- Instance to use as progress indicator, or None to use the GUI progress bar. """ from . import makepy try: makepy.GenerateFromTypeLibSpec( typelib_ob, progressInstance=progressInstance, bForDemand = bForDemandDefault, bBuildHidden = bBuildHidden) except pywintypes.com_error: return None tla = typelib_ob.GetLibAttr() guid = tla[0] lcid = tla[1] major = tla[3] minor = tla[4] return GetModuleForTypelib(guid, lcid, major, minor) def EnsureModuleForTypelibInterface(typelib_ob, progressInstance = None, bForDemand = bForDemandDefault, bBuildHidden = 1): """Check we have support for a type library, generating if not. Given a PyITypeLib interface generate and import the necessary support files if necessary. This is useful for getting makepy support for a typelibrary that is not registered - the caller can locate and load the type library itself, rather than relying on COM to find it. Returns the Python module. Params typelib_ob -- The type library itself progressInstance -- Instance to use as progress indicator, or None to use the GUI progress bar. """ tla = typelib_ob.GetLibAttr() guid = tla[0] lcid = tla[1] major = tla[3] minor = tla[4] #If demand generated, save the typelib interface away for later use if bForDemand: demandGeneratedTypeLibraries[(str(guid), lcid, major, minor)] = typelib_ob try: return GetModuleForTypelib(guid, lcid, major, minor) except ImportError: pass # Generate it. return MakeModuleForTypelibInterface(typelib_ob, progressInstance, bForDemand, bBuildHidden) def ForgetAboutTypelibInterface(typelib_ob): """Drop any references to a typelib previously added with EnsureModuleForTypelibInterface and forDemand""" tla = typelib_ob.GetLibAttr() guid = tla[0] lcid = tla[1] major = tla[3] minor = tla[4] info = str(guid), lcid, major, minor try: del demandGeneratedTypeLibraries[info] except KeyError: # Not worth raising an exception - maybe they dont know we only remember for demand generated, etc. print("ForgetAboutTypelibInterface:: Warning - type library with info %s is not being remembered!" % (info,)) # and drop any version redirects to it for key, val in list(versionRedirectMap.items()): if val==info: del versionRedirectMap[key] def EnsureModule(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor, progressInstance = None, bValidateFile=not is_readonly, bForDemand = bForDemandDefault, bBuildHidden = 1): """Ensure Python support is loaded for a type library, generating if necessary. Given the IID, LCID and version information for a type library, check and if necessary (re)generate, then import the necessary support files. If we regenerate the file, there is no way to totally snuff out all instances of the old module in Python, and thus we will regenerate the file more than necessary, unless makepy/genpy is modified accordingly. Returns the Python module. No exceptions are caught during the generate process. Params typelibCLSID -- IID of the type library. major -- Integer major version. minor -- Integer minor version lcid -- Integer LCID for the library. progressInstance -- Instance to use as progress indicator, or None to use the GUI progress bar. bValidateFile -- Whether or not to perform cache validation or not bForDemand -- Should a complete generation happen now, or on demand? bBuildHidden -- Should hidden members/attributes etc be generated? """ bReloadNeeded = 0 try: try: module = GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) except ImportError: # If we get an ImportError # We may still find a valid cache file under a different MinorVersion # # (which windows will search out for us) #print "Loading reg typelib", typelibCLSID, major, minor, lcid module = None try: tlbAttr = pythoncom.LoadRegTypeLib(typelibCLSID, major, minor, lcid).GetLibAttr() # if the above line doesn't throw a pythoncom.com_error, check if # it is actually a different lib than we requested, and if so, suck it in if tlbAttr[1] != lcid or tlbAttr[4]!=minor: #print "Trying 2nd minor #", tlbAttr[1], tlbAttr[3], tlbAttr[4] try: module = GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, tlbAttr[1], tlbAttr[3], tlbAttr[4]) except ImportError: # We don't have a module, but we do have a better minor # version - remember that. minor = tlbAttr[4] # else module remains None except pythoncom.com_error: # couldn't load any typelib - mod remains None pass if module is not None and bValidateFile: assert not is_readonly, "Can't validate in a read-only gencache" try: typLibPath = pythoncom.QueryPathOfRegTypeLib(typelibCLSID, major, minor, lcid) # windows seems to add an extra \0 (via the underlying BSTR) # The mainwin toolkit does not add this erroneous \0 if typLibPath[-1]=='\0': typLibPath=typLibPath[:-1] suf = getattr(os.path, "supports_unicode_filenames", 0) if not suf: # can't pass unicode filenames directly - convert try: typLibPath=typLibPath.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) except AttributeError: # no sys.getfilesystemencoding typLibPath=str(typLibPath) tlbAttributes = pythoncom.LoadRegTypeLib(typelibCLSID, major, minor, lcid).GetLibAttr() except pythoncom.com_error: # We have a module, but no type lib - we should still # run with what we have though - the typelib may not be # deployed here. bValidateFile = 0 if module is not None and bValidateFile: assert not is_readonly, "Can't validate in a read-only gencache" filePathPrefix = "%s\\%s" % (GetGeneratePath(), GetGeneratedFileName(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor)) filePath = filePathPrefix + ".py" filePathPyc = filePathPrefix + ".py" if __debug__: filePathPyc = filePathPyc + "c" else: filePathPyc = filePathPyc + "o" # Verify that type library is up to date. # If we have a differing MinorVersion or genpy has bumped versions, update the file from . import genpy if module.MinorVersion != tlbAttributes[4] or genpy.makepy_version != module.makepy_version: #print "Version skew: %d, %d" % (module.MinorVersion, tlbAttributes[4]) # try to erase the bad file from the cache try: os.unlink(filePath) except os.error: pass try: os.unlink(filePathPyc) except os.error: pass if os.path.isdir(filePathPrefix): import shutil shutil.rmtree(filePathPrefix) minor = tlbAttributes[4] module = None bReloadNeeded = 1 else: minor = module.MinorVersion filePathPrefix = "%s\\%s" % (GetGeneratePath(), GetGeneratedFileName(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor)) filePath = filePathPrefix + ".py" filePathPyc = filePathPrefix + ".pyc" #print "Trying py stat: ", filePath fModTimeSet = 0 try: pyModTime = os.stat(filePath)[8] fModTimeSet = 1 except os.error as e: # If .py file fails, try .pyc file #print "Trying pyc stat", filePathPyc try: pyModTime = os.stat(filePathPyc)[8] fModTimeSet = 1 except os.error as e: pass #print "Trying stat typelib", pyModTime #print str(typLibPath) typLibModTime = os.stat(typLibPath)[8] if fModTimeSet and (typLibModTime > pyModTime): bReloadNeeded = 1 module = None except (ImportError, os.error): module = None if module is None: # We need to build an item. If we are in a read-only cache, we # can't/don't want to do this - so before giving up, check for # a different minor version in our cache - according to COM, this is OK if is_readonly: key = str(typelibCLSID), lcid, major, minor # If we have been asked before, get last result. try: return versionRedirectMap[key] except KeyError: pass # Find other candidates. items = [] for desc in GetGeneratedInfos(): if key[0]==desc[0] and key[1]==desc[1] and key[2]==desc[2]: items.append(desc) if items: # Items are all identical, except for last tuple element # We want the latest minor version we have - so just sort and grab last items.sort() new_minor = items[-1][3] ret = GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, new_minor) else: ret = None # remember and return versionRedirectMap[key] = ret return ret #print "Rebuilding: ", major, minor module = MakeModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor, progressInstance, bForDemand = bForDemand, bBuildHidden = bBuildHidden) # If we replaced something, reload it if bReloadNeeded: module = reload(module) AddModuleToCache(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) return module def EnsureDispatch(prog_id, bForDemand = 1): # New fn, so we default the new demand feature to on! """Given a COM prog_id, return an object that is using makepy support, building if necessary""" disp = win32com.client.Dispatch(prog_id) if not disp.__dict__.get("CLSID"): # Eeek - no makepy support - try and build it. try: ti = disp._oleobj_.GetTypeInfo() disp_clsid = ti.GetTypeAttr()[0] tlb, index = ti.GetContainingTypeLib() tla = tlb.GetLibAttr() mod = EnsureModule(tla[0], tla[1], tla[3], tla[4], bForDemand=bForDemand) GetModuleForCLSID(disp_clsid) # Get the class from the module. from . import CLSIDToClass disp_class = CLSIDToClass.GetClass(str(disp_clsid)) disp = disp_class(disp._oleobj_) except pythoncom.com_error: raise TypeError("This COM object can not automate the makepy process - please run makepy manually for this object") return disp def AddModuleToCache(typelibclsid, lcid, major, minor, verbose = 1, bFlushNow = not is_readonly): """Add a newly generated file to the cache dictionary. """ fname = GetGeneratedFileName(typelibclsid, lcid, major, minor) mod = _GetModule(fname) # if mod._in_gencache_ is already true, then we are reloading this # module - this doesn't mean anything special though! mod._in_gencache_ = 1 dict = mod.CLSIDToClassMap info = str(typelibclsid), lcid, major, minor for clsid, cls in dict.items(): clsidToTypelib[clsid] = info dict = mod.CLSIDToPackageMap for clsid, name in dict.items(): clsidToTypelib[clsid] = info dict = mod.VTablesToClassMap for clsid, cls in dict.items(): clsidToTypelib[clsid] = info dict = mod.VTablesToPackageMap for clsid, cls in dict.items(): clsidToTypelib[clsid] = info # If this lib was previously redirected, drop it if info in versionRedirectMap: del versionRedirectMap[info] if bFlushNow: _SaveDicts() def GetGeneratedInfos(): zip_pos = win32com.__gen_path__.find(".zip\\") if zip_pos >= 0: import zipfile zip_file = win32com.__gen_path__[:zip_pos+4] zip_path = win32com.__gen_path__[zip_pos+5:].replace("\\", "/") zf = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file) infos = {} for n in zf.namelist(): if not n.startswith(zip_path): continue base = n[len(zip_path)+1:].split("/")[0] try: iid, lcid, major, minor = base.split("x") lcid = int(lcid) major = int(major) minor = int(minor) iid = pywintypes.IID("{" + iid + "}") except ValueError: continue except pywintypes.com_error: # invalid IID continue infos[(iid, lcid, major, minor)] = 1 zf.close() return list(infos.keys()) else: # on the file system files = glob.glob(win32com.__gen_path__+ "\\*") ret = [] for file in files: if not os.path.isdir(file) and not os.path.splitext(file)[1]==".py": continue name = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(file)[1])[0] try: iid, lcid, major, minor = name.split("x") iid = pywintypes.IID("{" + iid + "}") lcid = int(lcid) major = int(major) minor = int(minor) except ValueError: continue except pywintypes.com_error: # invalid IID continue ret.append((iid, lcid, major, minor)) return ret def _GetModule(fname): """Given the name of a module in the gen_py directory, import and return it. """ mod_name = "win32com.gen_py.%s" % fname mod = __import__(mod_name) return sys.modules[mod_name] def Rebuild(verbose = 1): """Rebuild the cache indexes from the file system. """ clsidToTypelib.clear() infos = GetGeneratedInfos() if verbose and len(infos): # Dont bother reporting this when directory is empty! print("Rebuilding cache of generated files for COM support...") for info in infos: iid, lcid, major, minor = info if verbose: print("Checking", GetGeneratedFileName(*info)) try: AddModuleToCache(iid, lcid, major, minor, verbose, 0) except: print("Could not add module %s - %s: %s" % (info, sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1])) if verbose and len(infos): # Dont bother reporting this when directory is empty! print("Done.") _SaveDicts() def _Dump(): print("Cache is in directory", win32com.__gen_path__) # Build a unique dir d = {} for clsid, (typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) in clsidToTypelib.items(): d[typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor] = None for typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor in d.keys(): mod = GetModuleForTypelib(typelibCLSID, lcid, major, minor) print("%s - %s" % (mod.__doc__, typelibCLSID)) # Boot up __init__() def usage(): usageString = """\ Usage: gencache [-q] [-d] [-r] -q - Quiet -d - Dump the cache (typelibrary description and filename). -r - Rebuild the cache dictionary from the existing .py files """ print(usageString) sys.exit(1) if __name__=='__main__': import getopt try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "qrd") except getopt.error as message: print(message) usage() # we only have options - complain about real args, or none at all! if len(sys.argv)==1 or args: print(usage()) verbose = 1 for opt, val in opts: if opt=='-d': # Dump _Dump() if opt=='-r': Rebuild(verbose) if opt=='-q': verbose = 0