import win32ui import win32con import win32api import commctrl import pythoncom from pywin.mfc import dialog class TLBrowserException(Exception): "TypeLib browser internal error" error = TLBrowserException FRAMEDLG_STD = win32con.WS_CAPTION | win32con.WS_SYSMENU SS_STD = win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE BS_STD = SS_STD | win32con.WS_TABSTOP ES_STD = BS_STD | win32con.WS_BORDER LBS_STD = ES_STD | win32con.LBS_NOTIFY | win32con.LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | win32con.WS_VSCROLL CBS_STD = ES_STD | win32con.CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT | win32con.WS_VSCROLL typekindmap = { pythoncom.TKIND_ENUM : 'Enumeration', pythoncom.TKIND_RECORD : 'Record', pythoncom.TKIND_MODULE : 'Module', pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE : 'Interface', pythoncom.TKIND_DISPATCH : 'Dispatch', pythoncom.TKIND_COCLASS : 'CoClass', pythoncom.TKIND_ALIAS : 'Alias', pythoncom.TKIND_UNION : 'Union' } TypeBrowseDialog_Parent=dialog.Dialog class TypeBrowseDialog(TypeBrowseDialog_Parent): "Browse a type library" IDC_TYPELIST = 1000 IDC_MEMBERLIST = 1001 IDC_PARAMLIST = 1002 IDC_LISTVIEW = 1003 def __init__(self, typefile = None): TypeBrowseDialog_Parent.__init__(self, self.GetTemplate()) try: if typefile: self.tlb = pythoncom.LoadTypeLib(typefile) else: self.tlb = None except pythoncom.ole_error: self.MessageBox("The file does not contain type information") self.tlb = None self.HookCommand(self.CmdTypeListbox, self.IDC_TYPELIST) self.HookCommand(self.CmdMemberListbox, self.IDC_MEMBERLIST) def OnAttachedObjectDeath(self): self.tlb = None self.typeinfo = None self.attr = None return TypeBrowseDialog_Parent.OnAttachedObjectDeath(self) def _SetupMenu(self): menu = win32ui.CreateMenu() flags=win32con.MF_STRING|win32con.MF_ENABLED menu.AppendMenu(flags, win32ui.ID_FILE_OPEN, "&Open...") menu.AppendMenu(flags, win32con.IDCANCEL, "&Close") mainMenu = win32ui.CreateMenu() mainMenu.AppendMenu(flags|win32con.MF_POPUP, menu.GetHandle(), "&File") self.SetMenu(mainMenu) self.HookCommand(self.OnFileOpen,win32ui.ID_FILE_OPEN) def OnFileOpen(self, id, code): openFlags = win32con.OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT | win32con.OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST fspec = "Type Libraries (*.tlb, *.olb)|*.tlb;*.olb|OCX Files (*.ocx)|*.ocx|DLL's (*.dll)|*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*||" dlg = win32ui.CreateFileDialog(1, None, None, openFlags, fspec) if dlg.DoModal() == win32con.IDOK: try: self.tlb = pythoncom.LoadTypeLib(dlg.GetPathName()) except pythoncom.ole_error: self.MessageBox("The file does not contain type information") self.tlb = None self._SetupTLB() def OnInitDialog(self): self._SetupMenu() self.typelb = self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_TYPELIST) self.memberlb = self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_MEMBERLIST) self.paramlb = self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_PARAMLIST) self.listview = self.GetDlgItem(self.IDC_LISTVIEW) # Setup the listview columns itemDetails = (commctrl.LVCFMT_LEFT, 100, "Item", 0) self.listview.InsertColumn(0, itemDetails) itemDetails = (commctrl.LVCFMT_LEFT, 1024, "Details", 0) self.listview.InsertColumn(1, itemDetails) if self.tlb is None: self.OnFileOpen(None,None) else: self._SetupTLB() return TypeBrowseDialog_Parent.OnInitDialog(self) def _SetupTLB(self): self.typelb.ResetContent() self.memberlb.ResetContent() self.paramlb.ResetContent() self.typeinfo = None self.attr = None if self.tlb is None: return n = self.tlb.GetTypeInfoCount() for i in range(n): self.typelb.AddString(self.tlb.GetDocumentation(i)[0]) def _SetListviewTextItems(self, items): self.listview.DeleteAllItems() index = -1 for item in items: index = self.listview.InsertItem(index+1,item[0]) data = item[1] if data is None: data = "" self.listview.SetItemText(index, 1, data) def SetupAllInfoTypes(self): infos = self._GetMainInfoTypes() + self._GetMethodInfoTypes() self._SetListviewTextItems(infos) def _GetMainInfoTypes(self): pos = self.typelb.GetCurSel() if pos<0: return [] docinfo = self.tlb.GetDocumentation(pos) infos = [('GUID', str(self.attr[0]))] infos.append(('Help File', docinfo[3])) infos.append(('Help Context', str(docinfo[2]))) try: infos.append(('Type Kind', typekindmap[self.tlb.GetTypeInfoType(pos)])) except: pass info = self.tlb.GetTypeInfo(pos) attr = info.GetTypeAttr() infos.append(('Attributes', str(attr))) for j in range(attr[8]): flags = info.GetImplTypeFlags(j) refInfo = info.GetRefTypeInfo(info.GetRefTypeOfImplType(j)) doc = refInfo.GetDocumentation(-1) attr = refInfo.GetTypeAttr() typeKind = attr[5] typeFlags = attr[11] desc = doc[0] desc = desc + ", Flags=0x%x, typeKind=0x%x, typeFlags=0x%x" % (flags, typeKind, typeFlags) if flags & pythoncom.IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE: desc = desc + "(Source)" infos.append( ('Implements', desc)) return infos def _GetMethodInfoTypes(self): pos = self.memberlb.GetCurSel() if pos<0: return [] realPos, isMethod = self._GetRealMemberPos(pos) ret = [] if isMethod: funcDesc = self.typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(realPos) id = funcDesc[0] ret.append(("Func Desc", str(funcDesc))) else: id = self.typeinfo.GetVarDesc(realPos)[0] docinfo = self.typeinfo.GetDocumentation(id) ret.append(('Help String', docinfo[1])) ret.append(('Help Context', str(docinfo[2]))) return ret def CmdTypeListbox(self, id, code): if code == win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE: pos = self.typelb.GetCurSel() if pos >= 0: self.memberlb.ResetContent() self.typeinfo = self.tlb.GetTypeInfo(pos) self.attr = self.typeinfo.GetTypeAttr() for i in range(self.attr[7]): id = self.typeinfo.GetVarDesc(i)[0] self.memberlb.AddString(self.typeinfo.GetNames(id)[0]) for i in range(self.attr[6]): id = self.typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(i)[0] self.memberlb.AddString(self.typeinfo.GetNames(id)[0]) self.SetupAllInfoTypes() return 1 def _GetRealMemberPos(self, pos): pos = self.memberlb.GetCurSel() if pos >= self.attr[7]: return pos - self.attr[7], 1 elif pos >= 0: return pos, 0 else: raise error("The position is not valid") def CmdMemberListbox(self, id, code): if code == win32con.LBN_SELCHANGE: self.paramlb.ResetContent() pos = self.memberlb.GetCurSel() realPos, isMethod = self._GetRealMemberPos(pos) if isMethod: id = self.typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(realPos)[0] names = self.typeinfo.GetNames(id) for i in range(len(names)): if i > 0: self.paramlb.AddString(names[i]) self.SetupAllInfoTypes() return 1 def GetTemplate(self): "Return the template used to create this dialog" w = 272 # Dialog width h = 192 # Dialog height style = FRAMEDLG_STD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.DS_SETFONT | win32con.WS_MINIMIZEBOX template = [['Type Library Browser', (0, 0, w, h), style, None, (8, 'Helv')], ] template.append([130, "&Type", -1, (10, 10, 62, 9), SS_STD | win32con.SS_LEFT]) template.append([131, None, self.IDC_TYPELIST, (10, 20, 80, 80), LBS_STD]) template.append([130, "&Members", -1, (100, 10, 62, 9), SS_STD | win32con.SS_LEFT]) template.append([131, None, self.IDC_MEMBERLIST, (100, 20, 80, 80), LBS_STD]) template.append([130, "&Parameters", -1, (190, 10, 62, 9), SS_STD | win32con.SS_LEFT]) template.append([131, None, self.IDC_PARAMLIST, (190, 20, 75, 80), LBS_STD]) lvStyle = SS_STD | commctrl.LVS_REPORT | commctrl.LVS_AUTOARRANGE | commctrl.LVS_ALIGNLEFT | win32con.WS_BORDER | win32con.WS_TABSTOP template.append(["SysListView32", "", self.IDC_LISTVIEW, (10, 110, 255, 65), lvStyle]) return template if __name__=='__main__': import sys fname = None try: fname = sys.argv[1] except: pass dlg = TypeBrowseDialog(fname) try: win32api.GetConsoleTitle() dlg.DoModal() except: dlg.CreateWindow(win32ui.GetMainFrame())