# TestExchange = Exchange Server Dump # Note that this code uses "CDO", which is unlikely to get the best choice. # You should use the Outlook object model, or # the win32com.mapi examples for a low-level interface. from win32com.client import gencache, constants import pythoncom import os ammodule = None # was the generated module! def GetDefaultProfileName(): import win32api, win32con try: key = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles") try: return win32api.RegQueryValueEx(key, "DefaultProfile")[0] finally: key.Close() except win32api.error: return None # # Recursive dump of folders. # def DumpFolder(folder, indent = 0): print(" " * indent, folder.Name) folders = folder.Folders folder = folders.GetFirst() while folder: DumpFolder(folder, indent+1) folder = folders.GetNext() def DumpFolders(session): try: infostores = session.InfoStores except AttributeError: # later outlook? store = session.DefaultStore folder = store.GetRootFolder() DumpFolder(folder) return print(infostores) print("There are %d infostores" % infostores.Count) for i in range(infostores.Count): infostore = infostores[i+1] print("Infostore = ", infostore.Name) try: folder = infostore.RootFolder except pythoncom.com_error as details: hr, msg, exc, arg = details # -2147221219 == MAPI_E_FAILONEPROVIDER - a single provider temporarily not available. if exc and exc[-1]==-2147221219: print("This info store is currently not available") continue DumpFolder(folder) # Build a dictionary of property tags, so I can reverse look-up # PropTagsById={} if ammodule: for name, val in ammodule.constants.__dict__.items(): PropTagsById[val] = name def TestAddress(session): # entry = session.GetAddressEntry("Skip") # print entry pass def TestUser(session): ae = session.CurrentUser fields = getattr(ae, "Fields", []) print("User has %d fields" % len(fields)) for f in range(len(fields)): field = fields[f+1] try: id = PropTagsById[field.ID] except KeyError: id = field.ID print("%s/%s=%s" % (field.Name, id, field.Value)) def test(): import win32com.client oldcwd = os.getcwd() try: session = gencache.EnsureDispatch("MAPI.Session") try: session.Logon(GetDefaultProfileName()) except pythoncom.com_error as details: print("Could not log on to MAPI:", details) return except pythoncom.error: # no mapi.session - let's try outlook app = gencache.EnsureDispatch("Outlook.Application") session = app.Session try: TestUser(session) TestAddress(session) DumpFolders(session) finally: session.Logoff() # It appears Exchange will change the cwd on us :( os.chdir(oldcwd) if __name__=='__main__': from .util import CheckClean test() CheckClean()