""" A module for managing the AXDebug I*Contexts """ import gateways, axdebug import pythoncom, win32com.server.util # Utility function for wrapping object created by this module. from .util import _wrap, _wrap_remove, trace from . import adb class DebugCodeContext(gateways.DebugCodeContext, gateways.DebugDocumentContext): # NOTE: We also implement the IDebugDocumentContext interface for Simple Hosts. # Thus, debugDocument may be NULL when we have smart hosts - but in that case, we # wont be called upon to provide it. _public_methods_ = gateways.DebugCodeContext._public_methods_ + \ gateways.DebugDocumentContext._public_methods_ _com_interfaces_ = gateways.DebugCodeContext._com_interfaces_ + \ gateways.DebugDocumentContext._com_interfaces_ def __init__(self, lineNo, charPos, len, codeContainer, debugSite): self.debugSite = debugSite self.offset = charPos self.length = len self.breakPointState = 0 self.lineno = lineNo gateways.DebugCodeContext.__init__(self) self.codeContainer = codeContainer def _Close(self): self.debugSite = None def GetDocumentContext(self): if self.debugSite is not None: # We have a smart host - let him give it to us. return self.debugSite.GetDocumentContextFromPosition( self.codeContainer.sourceContext, self.offset, self.length) else: # Simple host - Fine - Ill do it myself! return _wrap(self, axdebug.IID_IDebugDocumentContext) def SetBreakPoint(self, bps): self.breakPointState = bps adb.OnSetBreakPoint(self, bps, self.lineno) # The DebugDocumentContext methods for simple hosts. def GetDocument(self): return self.codeContainer.debugDocument def EnumCodeContexts(self): return _wrap(EnumDebugCodeContexts([self]), axdebug.IID_IEnumDebugCodeContexts) class EnumDebugCodeContexts(gateways.EnumDebugCodeContexts): def _wrap(self, obj): return _wrap(obj, axdebug.IID_IDebugCodeContext)