# Copyright 2015 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Verify that the generated code is valid code. This takes a line of code and "normalizes" it. I.e., it transforms the snippet into something that has the potential to compile. VerifyCode(): the main function exported by this module. """ import ast import re import sys import textwrap class InternalError(Exception): """Internal error in verifying formatted code.""" pass def VerifyCode(code): """Verify that the reformatted code is syntactically correct. Arguments: code: (unicode) The reformatted code snippet. Raises: SyntaxError if the code was reformatted incorrectly. """ try: compile(textwrap.dedent(code).encode('UTF-8'), '', 'exec') except SyntaxError: try: ast.parse(textwrap.dedent(code.lstrip('\n')).lstrip(), '', 'exec') except SyntaxError: try: normalized_code = _NormalizeCode(code) compile(normalized_code.encode('UTF-8'), '', 'exec') except SyntaxError: raise InternalError(sys.exc_info()[1]) def _NormalizeCode(code): """Make sure that the code snippet is compilable.""" code = textwrap.dedent(code.lstrip('\n')).lstrip() # Split the code to lines and get rid of all leading full-comment lines as # they can mess up the normalization attempt. lines = code.split('\n') i = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.strip() if line and not line.startswith('#'): break code = '\n'.join(lines[i:]) + '\n' if re.match(r'(if|while|for|with|def|class|async|await)\b', code): code += '\n pass' elif re.match(r'(elif|else)\b', code): try: try_code = 'if True:\n pass\n' + code + '\n pass' ast.parse( textwrap.dedent(try_code.lstrip('\n')).lstrip(), '', 'exec') code = try_code except SyntaxError: # The assumption here is that the code is on a single line. code = 'if True: pass\n' + code elif code.startswith('@'): code += '\ndef _():\n pass' elif re.match(r'try\b', code): code += '\n pass\nexcept:\n pass' elif re.match(r'(except|finally)\b', code): code = 'try:\n pass\n' + code + '\n pass' elif re.match(r'(return|yield)\b', code): code = 'def _():\n ' + code elif re.match(r'(continue|break)\b', code): code = 'while True:\n ' + code elif re.match(r'print\b', code): code = 'from __future__ import print_function\n' + code return code + '\n'