# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """PEP8 tests for yapf.reformatter.""" import textwrap import unittest from yapf.yapflib import py3compat from yapf.yapflib import reformatter from yapf.yapflib import style from yapftests import yapf_test_helper class TestsForPEP8Style(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): # pylint: disable=g-missing-super-call style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) def testIndent4(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if a+b: pass """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if a + b: pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSingleLineIfStatements(self): code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if True: a = 42 elif False: b = 42 else: c = 42 """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code) self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testNoBlankBetweenClassAndDef(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class Foo: def joe(): pass """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class Foo: def joe(): pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testNoBlankBetweenDefsInClass(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\ class TestClass: def __init__(self): self.running = False def run(self): """Override in subclass""" def is_running(self): return self.running ''') expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent('''\ class TestClass: def __init__(self): self.running = False def run(self): """Override in subclass""" def is_running(self): return self.running ''') uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSingleWhiteBeforeTrailingComment(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if a+b: # comment pass """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if a + b: # comment pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSpaceBetweenEndingCommandAndClosingBracket(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a = ( 1, ) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a = (1, ) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testContinuedNonOutdentedLine(self): code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class eld(d): if str(geom.geom_type).upper( ) != self.geom_type and not self.geom_type == 'GEOMETRY': ror(code='om_type') """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code) self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testWrappingPercentExpressions(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def f(): if True: zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1) zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1) zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1) zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def f(): if True: zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1) zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.yyy + 1) zzzzz = '%s-%s' % (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1) zzzzz = '%s-%s'.ww(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx + 1) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testAlignClosingBracketWithVisualIndentation(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ TEST_LIST = ('foo', 'bar', # first comment 'baz' # second comment ) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ TEST_LIST = ( 'foo', 'bar', # first comment 'baz' # second comment ) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def f(): def g(): while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) == 'bbbbbbb' ): pass """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def f(): def g(): while (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx( yyyyyyyyyyyyy[zzzzz].aaaaaaaa[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'): pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testIndentSizeChanging(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if True: runtime_mins = (program_end_time - program_start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0 """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if True: runtime_mins = (program_end_time - program_start_time).total_seconds() / 60.0 """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testHangingIndentCollision(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb == ccccccccccccccccc and xxxxxxxxxxxxx or yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy): pass elif (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(aaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccc, dddddddddd=None)): pass def h(): if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'): pass for connection in itertools.chain(branch.contact, branch.address, morestuff.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore): dosomething(connection) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if (aaaaaaaaaaaaaa + bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb == ccccccccccccccccc and xxxxxxxxxxxxx or yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy): pass elif (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(aaaaaaaaaaa, bbbbbbbbbbbbbb, cccccccccccc, dddddddddd=None)): pass def h(): if (xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0]) == 'aaaaaaaaaaa' and xxxxxxxxxxxx.yyyyyyyy(zzzzzzzzzzzzz[0].mmmmmmmm[0]) == 'bbbbbbb'): pass for connection in itertools.chain( branch.contact, branch.address, morestuff.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore.andmore): dosomething(connection) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSplittingBeforeLogicalOperator(self): try: style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig( '{based_on_style: pep8, split_before_logical_operator: True}')) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def foo(): return bool(update.message.new_chat_member or update.message.left_chat_member or update.message.new_chat_title or update.message.new_chat_photo or update.message.delete_chat_photo or update.message.group_chat_created or update.message.supergroup_chat_created or update.message.channel_chat_created or update.message.migrate_to_chat_id or update.message.migrate_from_chat_id or update.message.pinned_message) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def foo(): return bool( update.message.new_chat_member or update.message.left_chat_member or update.message.new_chat_title or update.message.new_chat_photo or update.message.delete_chat_photo or update.message.group_chat_created or update.message.supergroup_chat_created or update.message.channel_chat_created or update.message.migrate_to_chat_id or update.message.migrate_from_chat_id or update.message.pinned_message) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) finally: style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) def testContiguousListEndingWithComment(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if True: if True: keys.append(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) # may be unassigned. """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if True: if True: keys.append( aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) # may be unassigned. """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSplittingBeforeFirstArgument(self): try: style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig( '{based_on_style: pep8, split_before_first_argument: True}')) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a_very_long_function_name(long_argument_name_1=1, long_argument_name_2=2, long_argument_name_3=3, long_argument_name_4=4) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a_very_long_function_name( long_argument_name_1=1, long_argument_name_2=2, long_argument_name_3=3, long_argument_name_4=4) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) finally: style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) def testSplittingExpressionsInsideSubscripts(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def foo(): df = df[(df['campaign_status'] == 'LIVE') & (df['action_status'] == 'LIVE')] """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def foo(): df = df[(df['campaign_status'] == 'LIVE') & (df['action_status'] == 'LIVE')] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSplitListsAndDictSetMakersIfCommaTerminated(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"context_processors": []} DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"context_processors": [],} x = ["context_processors"] x = ["context_processors",] """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = {"context_processors": []} DJANGO_TEMPLATES_OPTIONS = { "context_processors": [], } x = ["context_processors"] x = [ "context_processors", ] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSplitAroundNamedAssigns(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class a(): def a(): return a( aaaaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class a(): def a(): return a( aaaaaaaaaa=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testUnaryOperator(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if not -3 < x < 3: pass if -3 < x < 3: pass """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ if not -3 < x < 3: pass if -3 < x < 3: pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testNoSplitBeforeDictValue(self): try: style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{based_on_style: pep8, ' 'allow_split_before_dict_value: false, ' 'coalesce_brackets: true, ' 'dedent_closing_brackets: true, ' 'each_dict_entry_on_separate_line: true, ' 'split_before_logical_operator: true}')) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ some_dict = { 'title': _("I am example data"), 'description': _("Lorem ipsum dolor met sit amet elit, si vis pacem para bellum " "elites nihi very long string."), } """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ some_dict = { 'title': _("I am example data"), 'description': _( "Lorem ipsum dolor met sit amet elit, si vis pacem para bellum " "elites nihi very long string." ), } """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ X = {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'key': this_is_a_function_call_that_goes_over_the_column_limit_im_pretty_sure()} """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ X = { 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'key': this_is_a_function_call_that_goes_over_the_column_limit_im_pretty_sure() } """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ attrs = { 'category': category, 'role': forms.ModelChoiceField(label=_("Role"), required=False, queryset=category_roles, initial=selected_role, empty_label=_("No access"),), } """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ attrs = { 'category': category, 'role': forms.ModelChoiceField( label=_("Role"), required=False, queryset=category_roles, initial=selected_role, empty_label=_("No access"), ), } """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ css_class = forms.CharField( label=_("CSS class"), required=False, help_text=_("Optional CSS class used to customize this category appearance from templates."), ) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ css_class = forms.CharField( label=_("CSS class"), required=False, help_text=_( "Optional CSS class used to customize this category appearance from templates." ), ) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) finally: style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) def testBitwiseOperandSplitting(self): unformatted_code = """\ def _(): include_values = np.where( (cdffile['Quality_Flag'][:] >= 5) & ( cdffile['Day_Night_Flag'][:] == 1) & ( cdffile['Longitude'][:] >= select_lon - radius) & ( cdffile['Longitude'][:] <= select_lon + radius) & ( cdffile['Latitude'][:] >= select_lat - radius) & ( cdffile['Latitude'][:] <= select_lat + radius)) """ expected_code = """\ def _(): include_values = np.where( (cdffile['Quality_Flag'][:] >= 5) & (cdffile['Day_Night_Flag'][:] == 1) & (cdffile['Longitude'][:] >= select_lon - radius) & (cdffile['Longitude'][:] <= select_lon + radius) & (cdffile['Latitude'][:] >= select_lat - radius) & (cdffile['Latitude'][:] <= select_lat + radius)) """ uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testNoBlankLinesOnlyForFirstNestedObject(self): unformatted_code = '''\ class Demo: """ Demo docs """ def foo(self): """ foo docs """ def bar(self): """ bar docs """ ''' expected_code = '''\ class Demo: """ Demo docs """ def foo(self): """ foo docs """ def bar(self): """ bar docs """ ''' uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testSplitBeforeArithmeticOperators(self): try: style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig( '{based_on_style: pep8, split_before_arithmetic_operator: true}')) unformatted_code = """\ def _(): raise ValueError('This is a long message that ends with an argument: ' + str(42)) """ expected_formatted_code = """\ def _(): raise ValueError('This is a long message that ends with an argument: ' + str(42)) """ uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) finally: style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) def testListSplitting(self): unformatted_code = """\ foo([(1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,1), (1,10), (1,11), (1, 10), (1,11), (10,11)]) """ expected_code = """\ foo([(1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 1), (1, 10), (1, 11), (1, 10), (1, 11), (10, 11)]) """ uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testNoBlankLineBeforeNestedFuncOrClass(self): try: style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig( '{based_on_style: pep8, ' 'blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def: false}')) unformatted_code = '''\ def normal_function(): """Return the nested function.""" def nested_function(): """Do nothing just nest within.""" @nested(klass) class nested_class(): pass pass return nested_function ''' expected_formatted_code = '''\ def normal_function(): """Return the nested function.""" def nested_function(): """Do nothing just nest within.""" @nested(klass) class nested_class(): pass pass return nested_function ''' uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) finally: style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) def testParamListIndentationCollision1(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class _(): def __init__(self, title: Optional[str], diffs: Collection[BinaryDiff] = (), charset: Union[Type[AsciiCharset], Type[LineCharset]] = AsciiCharset, preprocess: Callable[[str], str] = identity, # TODO(somebody): Make this a Literal type. justify: str = 'rjust'): self._cs = charset self._preprocess = preprocess """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ class _(): def __init__( self, title: Optional[str], diffs: Collection[BinaryDiff] = (), charset: Union[Type[AsciiCharset], Type[LineCharset]] = AsciiCharset, preprocess: Callable[[str], str] = identity, # TODO(somebody): Make this a Literal type. justify: str = 'rjust'): self._cs = charset self._preprocess = preprocess """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testParamListIndentationCollision2(self): code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def simple_pass_function_with_an_extremely_long_name_and_some_arguments( argument0, argument1): pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code) self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testParamListIndentationCollision3(self): code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def func1( arg1, arg2, ) -> None: pass def func2( arg1, arg2, ): pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code) self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testTwoWordComparisonOperators(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ _ = (klsdfjdklsfjksdlfjdklsfjdslkfjsdkl is not ksldfjsdklfjdklsfjdklsfjdklsfjdsklfjdklsfj) _ = (klsdfjdklsfjksdlfjdklsfjdslkfjsdkl not in {ksldfjsdklfjdklsfjdklsfjdklsfjdsklfjdklsfj}) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ _ = (klsdfjdklsfjksdlfjdklsfjdslkfjsdkl is not ksldfjsdklfjdklsfjdklsfjdklsfjdsklfjdklsfj) _ = (klsdfjdklsfjksdlfjdklsfjdslkfjsdkl not in {ksldfjsdklfjdklsfjdklsfjdklsfjdsklfjdklsfj}) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) @unittest.skipUnless(not py3compat.PY3, 'Requires Python 2.7') def testAsyncAsNonKeyword(self): # In Python 2, async may be used as a non-keyword identifier. code = textwrap.dedent("""\ from util import async class A(object): def foo(self): async.run() def bar(self): pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(code) self.assertCodeEqual(code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines, verify=False)) def testStableInlinedDictionaryFormatting(self): unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def _(): url = "http://{0}/axis-cgi/admin/param.cgi?{1}".format( value, urllib.urlencode({'action': 'update', 'parameter': value})) """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ def _(): url = "http://{0}/axis-cgi/admin/param.cgi?{1}".format( value, urllib.urlencode({ 'action': 'update', 'parameter': value })) """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatted_code) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(reformatted_code) reformatted_code = reformatter.Reformat(uwlines) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatted_code) class TestsForSpacesInsideBrackets(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest): """Test the SPACE_INSIDE_BRACKETS style option.""" unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ foo() foo(1) foo(1,2) foo((1,)) foo((1, 2)) foo((1, 2,)) foo(bar['baz'][0]) set1 = {1, 2, 3} dict1 = {1: 1, foo: 2, 3: bar} dict2 = { 1: 1, foo: 2, 3: bar, } dict3[3][1][get_index(*args,**kwargs)] dict4[3][1][get_index(**kwargs)] x = dict5[4](foo(*args)) a = list1[:] b = list2[slice_start:] c = list3[slice_start:slice_end] d = list4[slice_start:slice_end:] e = list5[slice_start:slice_end:slice_step] # Print gets special handling print(set2) compound = ((10+3)/(5-2**(6+x))) string_idx = "mystring"[3] """) def testEnabled(self): style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{space_inside_brackets: True}')) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ foo() foo( 1 ) foo( 1, 2 ) foo( ( 1, ) ) foo( ( 1, 2 ) ) foo( ( 1, 2, ) ) foo( bar[ 'baz' ][ 0 ] ) set1 = { 1, 2, 3 } dict1 = { 1: 1, foo: 2, 3: bar } dict2 = { 1: 1, foo: 2, 3: bar, } dict3[ 3 ][ 1 ][ get_index( *args, **kwargs ) ] dict4[ 3 ][ 1 ][ get_index( **kwargs ) ] x = dict5[ 4 ]( foo( *args ) ) a = list1[ : ] b = list2[ slice_start: ] c = list3[ slice_start:slice_end ] d = list4[ slice_start:slice_end: ] e = list5[ slice_start:slice_end:slice_step ] # Print gets special handling print( set2 ) compound = ( ( 10 + 3 ) / ( 5 - 2**( 6 + x ) ) ) string_idx = "mystring"[ 3 ] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(self.unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testDefault(self): style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ foo() foo(1) foo(1, 2) foo((1, )) foo((1, 2)) foo(( 1, 2, )) foo(bar['baz'][0]) set1 = {1, 2, 3} dict1 = {1: 1, foo: 2, 3: bar} dict2 = { 1: 1, foo: 2, 3: bar, } dict3[3][1][get_index(*args, **kwargs)] dict4[3][1][get_index(**kwargs)] x = dict5[4](foo(*args)) a = list1[:] b = list2[slice_start:] c = list3[slice_start:slice_end] d = list4[slice_start:slice_end:] e = list5[slice_start:slice_end:slice_step] # Print gets special handling print(set2) compound = ((10 + 3) / (5 - 2**(6 + x))) string_idx = "mystring"[3] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(self.unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) @unittest.skipUnless(py3compat.PY36, 'Requires Python 3.6') def testAwait(self): style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{space_inside_brackets: True}')) unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ import asyncio import time @print_args async def slow_operation(): await asyncio.sleep(1) # print("Slow operation {} complete".format(n)) async def main(): start = time.time() if (await get_html()): pass """) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ import asyncio import time @print_args async def slow_operation(): await asyncio.sleep( 1 ) # print("Slow operation {} complete".format(n)) async def main(): start = time.time() if ( await get_html() ): pass """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) class TestsForSpacesAroundSubscriptColon(yapf_test_helper.YAPFTest): """Test the SPACES_AROUND_SUBSCRIPT_COLON style option.""" unformatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a = list1[ : ] b = list2[ slice_start: ] c = list3[ slice_start:slice_end ] d = list4[ slice_start:slice_end: ] e = list5[ slice_start:slice_end:slice_step ] a1 = list1[ : ] b1 = list2[ 1: ] c1 = list3[ 1:20 ] d1 = list4[ 1:20: ] e1 = list5[ 1:20:3 ] """) def testEnabled(self): style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{spaces_around_subscript_colon: True}')) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a = list1[:] b = list2[slice_start :] c = list3[slice_start : slice_end] d = list4[slice_start : slice_end :] e = list5[slice_start : slice_end : slice_step] a1 = list1[:] b1 = list2[1 :] c1 = list3[1 : 20] d1 = list4[1 : 20 :] e1 = list5[1 : 20 : 3] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(self.unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testWithSpaceInsideBrackets(self): style.SetGlobalStyle( style.CreateStyleFromConfig('{' 'spaces_around_subscript_colon: true, ' 'space_inside_brackets: true,' '}')) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a = list1[ : ] b = list2[ slice_start : ] c = list3[ slice_start : slice_end ] d = list4[ slice_start : slice_end : ] e = list5[ slice_start : slice_end : slice_step ] a1 = list1[ : ] b1 = list2[ 1 : ] c1 = list3[ 1 : 20 ] d1 = list4[ 1 : 20 : ] e1 = list5[ 1 : 20 : 3 ] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(self.unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) def testDefault(self): style.SetGlobalStyle(style.CreatePEP8Style()) expected_formatted_code = textwrap.dedent("""\ a = list1[:] b = list2[slice_start:] c = list3[slice_start:slice_end] d = list4[slice_start:slice_end:] e = list5[slice_start:slice_end:slice_step] a1 = list1[:] b1 = list2[1:] c1 = list3[1:20] d1 = list4[1:20:] e1 = list5[1:20:3] """) uwlines = yapf_test_helper.ParseAndUnwrap(self.unformatted_code) self.assertCodeEqual(expected_formatted_code, reformatter.Reformat(uwlines)) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()