# Def to check inGSettings and update structure to the backward compatibility # !!! ATTENTION: Backward compatibility has been started from v1.1.13 !!! # So you can use config of the orchestrator 1.1.13 in new Orchestrator versions and all will be ok :) (hope it's true) def Update(inGSettings): lL = inGSettings["Logger"] # Alias for logger # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # v1.1.13 to v1.1.14 # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # if "Autocleaner" not in inGSettings: # Add "Autocleaner" structure inGSettings["Autocleaner"] = { # Some gurbage is collecting in g settings. So you can configure autocleaner to periodically clear gSettings "IntervalSecFloat": 600.0, # Sec float to periodically clear gsettings } if lL: lL.warning(f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.13 to v1.1.14): Add default 'Autocleaner' structure") # Log about compatibility if "Client" not in inGSettings: # Add "Client" structure inGSettings["Client"] = { # Settings about client web orchestrator "Session":{ # Settings about web session. Session algorythms works only for special requests (URL in ServerSettings) "LifetimeSecFloat": 600.0, # Client Session lifetime in seconds. after this time server will forget about this client session "LifetimeRequestSecFloat": 120.0, # 1 client request lifetime in server in seconds "ControlPanelRefreshIntervalSecFloat": 1.5, # Interval to refresh control panels for session, "TechnicalSessionGUIDCache": { # TEchnical cache. Fills when web browser is requesting #"SessionGUIDStr":{ # Session with some GUID str. On client session guid stored in cookie "SessionGUIDStr" # "InitDatetime": None, # Datetime when session GUID was created # "DatasetLast": { # "ControlPanel": { # "Data": None, # Struct to check with new iterations. None if starts # "ReturnBool": False # flag to return, close request and return data as json # } # }, # "ClientRequestHandler": None, # Last client request handler # "UserADStr": None, # User, who connect. None if user is not exists # "DomainADStr": None, # Domain of the user who connect. None if user is not exists #} } } } if lL: lL.warning( f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.13 to v1.1.14): Add default 'Client' structure") # Log about compatibility if "RequestTimeoutSecFloat" not in inGSettings["Server"]: # Add Server > "RequestTimeoutSecFloat" property inGSettings["Server"]["RequestTimeoutSecFloat"] = 300 # Time to handle request in seconds if lL: lL.warning( f"Backward compatibility (v1.1.13 to v1.1.14): Add default 'Server' > 'RequestTimeoutSecFloat' property") # Log about compatibility